Samurai Shodown

Yoshitora trailer has arrived

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Other urls found in this thread:

This looks pretty cool.
Can't wait to play as this guy, Shiki and Haohmaru.

How long till pink haired people screech because of his designer?

Super sad the PC version is delayed

Never? You think most people even know what SNK is?

Fuck those people, they can die in a fire


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can't wait to see the jivers getting memed on by good kyoshiro and galford players

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Rent free

I liked his V voice better but looks cool nonetheless, definitely playing him and Kyoshiro

Dont even get me hype on the amount of pure rage this game is insure.

But on the plus side we got a Japanese demo coming out Friday.

No Jubey no Jubuy
No Kazuki no Buyzuki
No Gaoh no Buy-oh
No Rimururu is based

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Jubei is in

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porn please

sent ;)

Every No Character No Buy person in every single game is a total faggot who never is great at their character (especially Mai and Baiken fanboys) in the first place.
The sole exception was KOF12.

Or hasn't played at all in the case of Iroha

Irohafags are going to get upset when the ryona compilations pop up

I won't because it means she'll be in the game at all

Let me rephrase, I won't be happy that she is in the game. Fuck Iroha

The only upside is that every eventual Iroha player will be shit and shat on

So, a recap of the confirmed cast so far:
>Tam Tam

We have 16 characters so far, who else would you like to have in the game?

>no rimururu
>he doesn't know



Amakusa Shiro-Tokisawa


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If it had to be 4
- Mina
- Shizumaru
- Rimururu
- Kusaregedo or Gaira, I'm flexible

I like the Kazama Bros but they're a package deal.

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Why would Kyoshiro whine about that? And he has crimson hair, not pink.

I mean Yuga people

He still has the loli and the other girls following him?

Ukyo has the fangirls so I hope Yoshitora still has it

>Darli just wants to build ships in peace
She's gonna have the most wholesome stories.

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64 and V/Special were peak edginess so they are toning down a bit and adding more wholesome stories

What's wrong with edge in a series where characters can cut each other in half?

He actually looks good without the horrible face. Poppy also looks too wholesome in the game. No snarl, no growling, no howling when Galford loses. Not even looking at the opponent.

There's a fair difference between the classic samurai stories the two first games were inspired on and shit like the tranny mad god villain stitching thousands of people together and creating an artificial womb to create a giant monster

She has a crew of purely female carpenters. She wants to build ships so they can kidnap little boys.

>no howling when Galford loses. Not even looking at the opponent
I'm pretty sure she did it in the Haohmaru trailer

If he did, it isn't noticeable. I've seen him lower his head, but that's it. No wolf howling. Needs more detail. Galford's ship deck is empty as fuck. They're on UE4 now, ram the ship full of shipmates. Makes it feel more alive. See pic.

It looks good enough for me, but they can do better.

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Spectator comparison. inb4: it's a port, not a ship!

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>especially Mai fanboys
>The sole exception was KOF12
Doesn't that contradict?

That's a problem with 3D games, adding too many characters would make the frame rate drop, so we will never see things like the SFA street or the Matrimelee stages again unless they use tricks like billboarding


My main looks cool, will also play Shiki.
Hope to see Kazuki in the Season Pass.

With the absence of rolls his Nadeshiko just got even better as a mobility option


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>"Pls nerf this character, I died in 2 hits, it's bullshit"
Can't wait either

Considering the characters in the demo are Haohmaru, Nako and tengu boy that's exactly that what will happen.

Dear God, I hope people will still give it a chance, snk looked like they really put a lot of effort in it, plus it's samsho

There's the case that the upsets during the demo go viral too bringing more players. That match with unarmed Galford beating a Genjuro with a sliver of health is a good start


For me, it's Charlotte.

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Why did they have to cut off hops and rolls??

Basara is a lock for the season pass

Maybe to make the game slower paced, just go have a look at Earthquake walk speed

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I’m pretty decent and potentially would not buy SC7 if Cervantes isn’t in. But he’ll be in, so we won’t get to test this hypothetical.

But does he still have the seventh sword unlocking mechanic?

now you can buy your own nakoruru

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Shouldn't Yoshi be a youngster in this game, since it's a prequel?

No, it's after V, the only canon game he appeared



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Hops on 5SP are fucking aids.
>try to grab
I'm glad they removed.

Too perverse, Sony would never allow it.

You know that other games have hops that aren’t retarded option selects, right?

So have they said how the free season pass promotion works for physical copies? I'm seeing the game up for pre-order at a couple of retailers but no mention of the promotion. It's obviously not just an "in the case" code because then you can get a free season pass until the first prints are gone. There's also the "launch the game before June 30th" automated system route, but then anyone who borrows or rents the game can get a free season pass, so some clarification would be great.

I really hope this game doesn't suck like SFV, MK11, KOF14, SC6, T7, and DBZ :(

You know that hops were in SamSho 2 too, right?

KoF14 main problems are that it's ugly as sin and the netcode sucks but it's a solid game

I really like the effects on his moves, hope the final sword is less of a bitch to unlock this time

snk games are always great, their budget keeps them from looking as pretty as arcsys' games

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inb4 maxmode spam
I'll admit crouch kicks into max is cancer, but whiff punish with far poke into max is hype as fuck and makes the neutral game more threatening.

Tekken 7 and KoF 14 are good games though

Did we find out who she was?

The assumption has been Shiki, but it could be the final boss. Or even Nak

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it's the secret galford and nakoruru sex scene

The only bad game you listed is DBFZ

I have not once attempted to unlock that sword and just always played him as a footsies character.

I don't think it is really viable in an actual match. It would have to be 3 rounds at least even if you focused on only hitting those moves.

Samsho bros help me out, I'm having a hard time distinguishing playstyles of each character. What exactly does Yoshitora offer to the table that someone like Haohmaru, Kanjuro, Jubei, and Yashamaru doesn't? It might be because everyone sucks right now, but so far everyone seems to have mostly the same gameplan barring exceptions like Earthquake and Charlotte.

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Classically Jubei was a counter/strong anti-air character, dunno about the new game.

wtfff where's Genan!?

Yoshitora - Literal jack of all trades, has a move for every situation.
Jubei - Fireball zoner with counters
Genjuro - Aggressive shoto akin to Iori
Yashamaru isn an unknown since he is new but he does seem to have more of an aerial presence.

>Haohmaru, Kanjuro, Jubei, and Yashamaru
Haoh and Jubei are your more standard, shoto-esque characters so on the surface they can seem basic. Jubei has his counters though and his DP doesn't function like a normal one.

Yoshitora is also a mid range fighter, but he has a huge range of tools even if 90% of the game is using nandesko. He has some weird normals like his 5H being this 7 hitting ground eruption.

Genjuro is much more rushdown orientated, he has a rekka that side switch, grabs, his projectile can do weird stuff and is just generally more aggressive.

Hard to say about Birdboy, I'm assuming he will have more range and his trailer showed more aerial stuff.

Mai killed him.

RIP green boi

There's an artwork pic of Haohmaru searching a dude with beard and long hair, I'm sure it is the boss

Your lying but I can dig it.

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>shitty walk speeds
>dumbed down characters
>the meta being nothing but maxmode abuse
>all while looking and animating worse than PS2 games

kof xiv was great alright

Isn't that Gaoh's picture he holds up?

Is- is this a sex doll???

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You can thank XII/XIII for the gimped movesets

reminder that ukyo is ivan ooze tier in every samsho and the game will be dead within weeks because the balance is bad

Isn't Gaoh dead? Anyway, the boss looks like a demonic onmyoji by the painting

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Ukyo is the easy top tier. Kusaregedo was the best character in 5Sp and Shizumaru was not far behind him.

Read this

Not in SamSho 1, 3, 4, vanilla 5 and 6. Not that they matter though.

You never played with Ivan Ooze if you think Ukyo is near him. The only comparison in gaming with Ivan Ooze is Orlandu in FFTactics where you must WANT to lose to lose


It's gonna be Abe no Seimei given Samsho's record.

How do some people get so entitled? Every single one of those games are great in their own right, with SFV probably being the "worst" due to the fact that the DLC and fight money whoring is a mess. Everyone has a different opinion of what the "best" fighting game is but I own and play every single one of the games you listed and enjoy them for different reasons. Fuckin' a, if you people ran the industry games would be stale as fuck.


It's definitely a gimmick but if you're mindful of it it's not bad to pull it out every now and then. The problem is landing Yuugao and Asagao safely, but in some matchups it's very nice to have. It can punish shit like long range trislashes and it does so much chip that it can be a win condition sometimes

Dude the music and the editing on these videos are so fucking good. When's the soundtrack?

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I want to MOLEST Nakoruru!

t. Galford Dean Weller

Personal biases. I can play any fighting game and have fun with them, even ones I dislike such as DBFZ.

There is one exception: Skullgirls

Can't find the link but the track of the trailers is named Blood Moon Massacre

Mina and Iroha

Just the costume so you can dress your sex doll

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based fatass

God I wanna sniff those pits

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Yeah I wish they'd be more clear about this. If I can get the season pass deal without buying full price (which is nuts in Canada) then I'd rather do that.

Mina so I can play effectively the same character in both samsho and soulcalibur

Is there a public demo?

Fuck off retard.

SNK panders to me in a way no one else does

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Make me gayboi

Sweet. Online?

SamSho wasn't all about the extreme violence in the first few games (slicing people in half was the worst thing that happened, and even then they exploded into coins at the same time so it was funny more than gruesome). The edginess started creeping in around SS3 with Basara and shot up tremendously in SS4 and the later games when they added actual fatality moves to attract the Mortal Kombat crowd.
Personally I didn't care for the direction the series took with gore and fatalities but I'm sure others felt the opposite.

To be fair Baiken was garbage in Xrd when she came out

This, just go hear the SS4 soundtrack, the only upbeat track is Galford's theme and the stages are all darker

>implying anyone is going to play this

This. 2Dfags still haven't learned.

>dumbed down characters
yet people loved kofxiii despite this

how about ignore them

Unlike in Mortal Kombat where fatalities were just for sadism, zetsumei ougis in 5sp actually had a practical purpose as an Issen counter.

Really getting into tekken has unironically ruined all 2D fighters for me. They just feel so simple, barebones, and frankly predictable in comparison

I mean compare the average set of sfv, fighterz, or mk to tekken. Tekken is insanely less predictable. If you watch sonic fox play mk with a character for 3 matches you've seen everything he is ever going to do with that character. Watch 3 matches with any pro tekken player and you will have general idea of their playstyle and what you are supposed to do with their character but they can have such widely different actions and plans because of not only the incredibly long list of moves each character has, but just the nature of the physics and hixboxes (which are sometimes not the best ill admit) make for widely less predictable games

Samurai showdown will be more 2D shit but at least more enjoyable than the standard fare because showdown is more of a duel with incredibly powerful strikes instead of being all about combos, rushdown so it cant possibly be as bad as fighterz where you watch the same short film everytime a character does a combo

>it's not pasta
bro what the FUCK are you doing

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how fucking new are you

I kept reading the post because I thought it was the pasta too

It's gonna be weird having a Samsho game without SNKgrish

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It is probably one of the shitposter from fgg, they've been having a war in their heads with Tekken recently.

Is this pasta

They didn't know better.

Can't even fake it because it would be obvious it's not "real" engrish either.
SNKgrish had it's own charm but it's not the same when modern games try to ape old haphazard translations as it's being done knowingly instead of being created by clueless JP translators who don't know any better.

Galford will keep the spirit of the SNKgrish alive in his voiced lines

That reminds me, wonder how many characters have new VAs. It was jarring to have replacements for KoF characters since SNK tried their damndest to keep the same actors for years back in the Neo Geo days.

SNK tried to warn us

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3 was peak dark atmosphere. It doesn't matter though, because 3 is kusoge. 4 and 5 ironically has brighter, but duller stages.

well that goes without saying from them liking xiii

is this a wholesome adversary thread now?

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I think the only one that has the classic VA is Genjuro, Haohmaru is the CvS2 VA instead and most are new

Really, 13fags are the '09ers of KOF.

Speaking the truth

Fuck that game and fuck Hwa Jai

Andy and Takuma looked like absolute ass in XIII

I''m one of the extreme minority who thinks XIII's sprite overhaul was fucking hideous. Everybody's actually less detailed compared to their old art and the shading is too dark and unnatural.
and they made Athena chubbier and I hate her outfit

Don't forget Mai's 5head and how some characters look scrawny as shit, while others look like they're on roids. Plus, the jaggy look.

If nothing else Ash looked great

lots of characters did look awful, but some were pretty good (the entire K' team was basically a 1:1 recreation of their old sprites, look nice af). The jaggy look was inevitable due to what they had to work with from XII, the resolution just wasn't high enough

Basketball games seem to do it just fine

What they did to Ralf and Clark was a travesty.
Terry shouldn't be that goddamn gigantic either.

Ash and Iori had the best spriteset

I decided not to buy samsho. Gomenasai.

Those use super low quality models and billboarding for ones in the distance. Bystander characters in fighting game stages are most often right next to the action so they can't go cheap with the models or it will look like a PS1 game.

Fucking gaijin piggu

The characters that looked the best were the twinks

>and they made Athena chubbier
>This is somehow bad

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It'll sell because it'll be the only 2D game with footsies on the market since SF is shit and everything else is anime rushdown kusoge.

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Ghostwriter Music did the trailer music.

Wonder how fighting games would have evolved if the Darkstalker/Marvel rushdown dial-a-combo style never took hold on 2D games. Even MK did it starting with MK3.

Wish I could find the song in this video:
Don't know if it was SNK air Ghostwriter. Sounds similar to the trailer music imo.

Can someone give me the Shiki and Crowguy trailer?

Mortal Kombat came out recently and sold incredibly well.
The only thing this game has going for it is it's name and legacy.

you could've found them on youtube by the time you finished typing that

The irony in this post is tangible.

>The only thing this game has going for it is it's name and legacy
Nah, Samsho is really unique, it's absolutely not like any other fighting game on the market right now. Doubt it will be a success in term of sells, but I'm sure that people will enjoy to watch tournaments.

I've been hyped af for this game, but SNK doesnt want my money. Why can't I preorder on Amazon?

Game is already profitable anyway

I tired to find them, there is no official youtube channel with all of them, when you try to find one, it's always a shit ton of reaction videos and I fucking hate them.

Crowboy was on IGN, dunno about Shiki

Maybe this time I'll finally learn to use Yoshitora

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At this point I want them to add her just because im curious how the director would try to salvage that cumdumpster of a characters in the story.
Like holy shit, thats some fucking feat when you make somethings whole identity being just bigger cumdumpster than Shiki

Best boy Shizumaru, he's so fun to play.

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>those proportions

Shiki isn't a cumdumpster. She's just a female ninja doing her job.

Shiki is literally made to be a womb to host the antichrist

absolute unit

If they wanted the stupid otaku bux, wouldn't it be better to include Iroha directly into the base game?

Her job partially entailed fucking demons because her master told her too

What it is with japan and kunoichis being systematic fucktoys.

If its any consideration she absolutely hated all of it

Most do

>demo in 2 days
>japan psn+ only
>2 hour play limit
why even bother having a demo?

Because that's what kunoichis did most of the time.

I hoping for amazon too, but I'm fine with getting it from somewhere else if need be.Aside from shipping they got rid of the one decent incentive to reorder from them long ago.

Iroha has a lot of problems with her story and basis. They would need to rework a lot of her shit for her to not feel extremely off. Its very obvious they want SamSho to be taken somewhat seriously or appreciated for being different in a cohesive way going by the interviews that have come out since reveal. I can see them just saving her for later after figuring out how to tie her to some characters and not have it feel way off in tone.

That's pretty much what they were originally intended to do. Go in, infiltrate and if needed literally fuck the information they wanted out of whoever the party of interest was. The whole them being chick ninjas/female warriors is a meme.

Thats not what my chinese cartoons tell me user

Taimanin Asagi is literally Asagi and the others suffering and being hate fucked for the entire series, very rarely is the sex enjoyed by the females.

The 4th wall breaking shit will have to go if they want to fit her into the canon story

Taimanin Asagi isn't the endall source for female ninjas user

These high heels are glued or something?

It's stupid but if tenguman is somehow a legit tengu or something they could find a way to have her be the yin to his yang(beautiful crane to edgy crow). I highly doubt they'd do this though since Iroha is such a garbage character she's best off being forgotten about. There is magic in the setting so it's not too far fetched to pull this off. It would probably just be excessive to do so for a single pandering character.

with demon cum

What are your hopes in terms of playerbase in the west?

stronger than gorilla glue

God what a lazy fucking theme lmao. I expect that kind of shit from random companies just uploading in the hopes of getting a couple dollars but to have the actual developer put out something like that is a fucking joke. It's also not dynamic at all, there's no moving parts to the theme.

How many character trailers have been released so far?

Literally the only time Xbox wins out in the demo department. Still need a JPN account, but at least it's not locked behind a paywall.

True, but the whole "falling in love with your rapist" thing is a broader hentai trope and Taimanin Asagi is without a doubt pretty significant as far as porn goes.

That people pull UNIST's dick out of their mouths and give this game a fair shake.

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None. West can't into SNK. For them, what the company does are always relegated to sidegames that people play now and then. Fuck my scene.

Nakoruru is not for lewds

Nakoruru is for bisecting

She's one of the most popular characters, garbage or not. If she's DLC, does she even need a story? Just throw her in there without disrupting any canon.

>90% of the Nakoruru doujins are scat, guro and tentacle rape

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To be fair I'd love to support SNK but their games are notoriously overpriced. I managed to get XIV for a good price, but it still costs $40.00 if I want to download the DLC characters. I remember back when XII came out on PS3 it cost like $70 and most retailers around here barely got any copies, and then XIII came out A YEAR LATER as basically a fully featured, unfucked XII with more characters. They're fucking Jews.

I think 9 at this point?

She's absolutely going to be DLC. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional. The game is obviously giving players the gore and sex fanservice this time around, so not including Iroha or Mina would make zero sense.

It honestly depends if SNK are going to try and have DLC be actual add-on story-based content instead of "Here take your pandering" shit with SamSho. The first pass being included with preorder/purchase after they already confirmed preorder was well above their expectations tells me they might care more about some integrity to their model for this game.
You can make DLC characters that fit into the plot, there's no real reason to not even attempt it since they're going to be reworking her from the ground up anyway.

I'd like to know this too. Seems everyone's pretty quiet about it.

When does a fighting game ever give DLC characters a presence in the story unless they were already part of it to begin with? They're always just tacked on, or given some bullshit arcade ending that obviously isn't canon.

Mina is a bad choice for gameplay purposes. Unless they completely change her out of being a ranged character.
They can be non-lazy and still not add a story for her. For example, release Iroha along with a stage and music. Not lazy at all. No story.

SFV did

Yeah they'd definitely have to make some changes, but I do think she's plausible. Maybe an ammo bar so she needs to pick up her arrows, and her actual shots have a delay. They could also easily give her some kind of ceremonial melee weapon, like a dagger or something.

In Soulcalibur VI, Amy unironically has the best story mode. Also I think it's the longest one. I guess she was technically already in Libra of Souls and Raphael's story mode, but her story was completely new.

As far as Iroha is concerned, she could have a self-contained story that wouldn't affect much.

Not really. Story mode came after the release of the game, with the release of the season 1 characters. None of the season 2 characters are playable. They have their own arcade stories, but that's it, which is exactly what we were talking about and exactly what you can expect with SamSho.

Mina is an actual character unlike Iroha. Her problem is her gameplay, not her design. She needs to strike a balance between busted and garbage amd with walkspeeds being slower she hss the potential to be a lot stronger since her main problems are how wildly unsafe she is coupled with her fragility

>game releases in 3 weeks
>still barely any footage of my based nigga Tam Tam

This is some high caliber bullshit right here

What do you expect? Japs love that shit and so do most people tbqh

My point is still being that everything we've seen so far points to them trying to not be lazy with anything(Music debatable in the latest trailer). They really want this new SamSho to break out and cut its way into the mainstream against SF, Tekken, MK and the like. Its unrealistic for sure, but whoever bankrolled this really has hope and the team behind it are really passionate in seeing it be the best it could be. I wouldn't expect the DLC to be Capcom or Bandai-tier at this point after hearing all we have.

Iroha also has a lot of shit that breaks SamSho conventions that she got away with it because VI was a party game and will need to be removed or toned down like airdashing and her combo focus

What I've witnessed in my scene is that there are some local players in the main KOF discord, but when I go to the venue to organize a small tournament, they'd rather keep playing their usual airdashers (with optional KOF13 dicksucking, but they'd STILL stay with the airdashers.)

Only faggots want Iroha, Mina, Rimururu, and Cham-Cham. You faggots don't play the game anyway.

Gen-an and Basara are the only veterans really worthy of coming back. I'm more excited for what new characters we may get.

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>implying gedo isn't worthy of coming back

She needs more wholesome fanart

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>Gen-an and Basara are the only veterans really worthy of coming back
>not BAAAH

I think Kusaregedo may be worth bringingback if there's a season 2.

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>leak had a new character in the DLC pack
he is in

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>No Basara

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Gedo is cool but in a game with Earthquake already in it's harder to justify him.

I really love the idea of youkai being playable, my dream would be to have a new dlc character be some obscure youkai.

hate this faggot and his infinity trillion active frames on heavy slash

get frogged cunt

>Not liking Rimuru's mix of zoning, okizeme, and jump shenanigans
>Not like playing on razor's edge with Mina as you play hit and run mixup while trying to not get one-shotted
>Not liking Kazuki, Sogetsu, Shizumaru, Gaoh, Amakusa, and Rera.
Whatever you boring motherfucker.

Yoshitora's 5A+B is one of the worst normals in 5sp

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Looks really smooth and cool.
Only complaint is that the super animation lasts 9 seconds.

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Try the official site (newest trailer comes 1 day after Youtube)

Oh yeah, how could I forget Gaira

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Good luck landing one super.

So to marry and sleep with a girl like Nakoruru you just need to be a dog whispering ninja. I can do that.

At least that super is just once per match

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I hope you can have a better luck than our friend Galford

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>cock tower

Pick Jubei and lose a fight with him

thanks now I can't unhear it

I wonder if they'll be any possible 1-hit kill situations.

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Nakoruru gave me an Ainu fetish.

How many other video games even have Ainu in them?

Way too few to be honest.

Only if there's a character that's made of tissue paper like Basara

why does ever game like the new sfs and even this have that ugly looking 'ink' style to them? even the fucking slash/cut effects looking disgusting. why the fuck do they do this cheap ass jew bull shit?

twitch tv/videos/431742300
Wu and Darli gameplay

Wu/Darli matches
twitch tv/videos/431742300

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I have a fetish for cute small girls getting violently murdered. Will this game cater to my fetish?


>Wu can lay traps and use Magaki style projectiles

the spirit of mina lives

cool, where is this from?

Don't let the thread die, anons! I'm pretty new to Samurai Shodown, only really played V Special on PS4 to completion, and this game looks dope. I want fanart, lore, lewds.

Darli is going to be the shitters go-to pick with all her versatility, god damn. I expected her to be slower with her oversided shit.

I have a feeling characters are going to play a bit differently in this game. People seem to think that landing supers is going to be a rare occurrence, but I feel like there's some under the hood changes that we'll see with the demo that show that everyone's a lot more versatile now.

nah, that's going to be yashamaru. Literally his entire kit is cheap online strats

Wu is cute!

That blue alt on Darli looks hella good