The 90s. Home.
The 90s. Home
Thumbnail made me think it was a screenshot from waking life
The japanese understood seduction then. New developers don't have sex at all and end up making really bad and cheap fanservice that in return creates more weak men that don't have sex.
They should Join Islam and then develop video games. a new golden era would be entered.
>implying Kojima ever had sex
Islam stunts creativity and brain development in general
I’m just hearing about this game for the first time.
Where dan I play it?
90s Kojima was based as fuck
>Home during the 90s.
I don't miss the 90s at all.
All your SJW shit started in the 90s. Vidya was good, though.
She needs to show off her feet
>All your SJW shit started in the 90s.
maybe it wasn't such a bad decade after all then.
Translated PS1 version
I'm so fucking erect.
user please, that's just ripped straight out of Basic Instinct.
She didn't deserve it......
Aside the boob bounce
>X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
>Lego Island and Racer
>Dungeon Keeper
Absolutely miss this feeling. Had lcd monitor in 2008 did same shit, in the end i dont know why this was a feature overall.
I spend an unreasonable amount of time plowing through the content of old J pc games and have really grown to love the style. Possibly over exposure induced stockholm syndrome but either way, I cant get enough of this shit.
degaussing? it fixes the colors that get all wonky cause of magnetism.
magnets totally fuck the image up, if you put a fridge magnet on an old CRT the whole image will warp towards it, and stay like that untill you degauss. Great way to fuck with people who don't know about it.
I recently played Policenauts for the first time and it was mediocre. I wish I hadn't even bothered, that way I could at least fantasize about the game being actually good.
Nope, play the Translated Saturn version. It's uncensored and has more content.
Shit taste
God Policenauts was too pervy even for its time. The Mel Gibson protagonist even goes as far as hitting on the daughter in front of his best friend. Really classy stuff. I prefer the funny perv jokes in Snatcher
How many people actually played Redguard?