Take X

>take X
>make it anime
>haha it's relevant because vidya

regardless of the fact I would empty my ballsack into pic related 27 times daily, the Chinese have caught on to the fact this tactic preys on low-test individuals and are now invading steam with this weeb shit. Thanks retards.

Attached: intro5-1.png (900x900, 200K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based China.

maybe you should go back to facebook then

fuck off cheng

What game this is famiglia?

Banner of the Maid] hope you can read mandarin or else you can't play.


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>brainwashed into preferring my own people's features in my native land
Fucking Amerimutts

I mean technically she's right since it seems men get their fetish toward their teenage years based on their experiences.

>I mean technically she's right
I wonder who's behind this post.

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Sweet jesus

Attached: 867568761.jpg (800x1280, 55K)

>regardless of the fact I would empty my ballsack into pic related 27 times daily
I know I would

Attached: 1558810934520.jpg (567x523, 38K)

Never realized how easy is to bypass the steam protection on single player games.


At least it's not a shitty gacha phone game.

>Chinks finally learned how to make video games
wtf I love china now

Attached: botm.jpg (1849x3095, 490K)



Is weeb the term that is losing value every year?

So what game is this and is it in English?

Normal baseline attraction isn't a fetish you blithering retard.

Attached: 1558124382439.png (500x334, 393K)

I mean I am European so that's what I find attractive, basketball American weeb niggers were brainwashed though.

>only source I've found for art of the game is a sketchy russian website

> is it in English?
no only HNK4

It's fucking bullshit since it assume the concept of rejection doesn't exist.

Play Helix Waltz, it has cute chinese baroque anime girls

Attached: 1.jpg (750x1334, 219K)


Claiming my bannerfu

Attached: 1.png (1600x2773, 3.22M)

Develop a personality you underaged faggot.

How is it to learn simplified chinese?

I welcome our Chinese overlords, please destroy the western game industry thankyou.

Retarded /pol/ nigger

- Chinese can't browse Yea Forums
- The ones that do use a VPN and are thus safe anyway
- The twitter post you got this meem from only works on forms sent directly to the Chinese through avenues through which they can already legally reach us (IE, responding to one of their messages)

Smart buisness move really.

Nothing about the game just your run of the mill generic anime girl ripoff Jap artstyle #32137417416
>muh dick
Look like shit literally


Attached: __seijo_senki_drawn_by_quuni__00ddf355699033c669879c2a3d3e647e.jpg (2048x2839, 976K)

They should be bigger but damn this is great design.

wtf I love China now
ni hao lan fu

Hey this actually looks like a nice game. And its cheap as well. I will grab it during some bigger sale and when they release english version.

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The irony from the jap dick sucker here who doesn't know Japs literally copy and pasted China's culture.

holy fuck bros

China wins


God I really want to fuck Prussian

*how hard

So chink isn't only ripoff Jap art style they're also ripff FF tactics and Jap SRPG games, thank for letting me know. Bet the generic run of the mill anime girl #32137417416 in this game are all generic anime tsundere kawai uggu too

That hairdo is awful

wish i had her bewbs tho

who ever would have thought she would be even MORE of a slut in real life than in the movie she hated making because she had to be a slut in it

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>generic run of the mill anime tsundere kawai uggu
Do you even know any of those terms from Yea Forums and not runoff insults you got from Twitch and child roasting ecelebs?

kys tranny

As long as they keep dubbing their games in Japanese and eventually branch into actual gameplay, I can't care anymore. Just let them take over the world. Who gives a shit.

t.ranny faggot

I scoured the internet and there's only about 10 cute girl jpgs of this game? Seriuosly what's the endgame?

Attached: 006Rnmkily1fho4olb0efj30rs0rsqca.jpg (440x440, 32K)

No u

Attached: feelsboi.gif (300x300, 2.14M)

Why are there no lewds of stuff like the OP? They put all this cockteasing into their gatchas, but no one even does edits of them

>Seriuosly what's the endgame?
Just cheap shovelware indie from some no name chink company. What the fuck do you expect? FF chinktics?

>ever dating a single mother
Hard pass. Doesn't matter how hot they are

Yeah, every artists in the world must give a shit about every obscured lewd anime boobies chinkchong shitting out

More than 10 cute girl jpgs

Attached: 933bbeaa06ec45249ff1b862084f0b6b.jpg (892x941, 71K)

Well they do with AL

Their budgets are all gone for that 10 anime girl jpgs lol

Attached: stay toasty.png (607x448, 20K)

AL got popular japanese voice actor, weeb love Japanese voice actor, dumbfuck.

Holy shit there's actually 11 cute girl jpgs. Based

Attached: Image 466.jpg (1198x601, 606K)

You really like spamming these threads, don't you?

>complaining about lewdness
>appeals to majority opinion, shows no individual opinion of ones own unless it aligns
>a egregious lack of abstract reasoning, arguments are only made in the form of character attacks and shaming tactics

It has lost most of its original meaning years ago, just like how waifu is now used to describe "attractive girl in anime aesthetic"

Look even worse than that SRPG hentai game about famous people transform into anime girl

>waifu is now used to describe "attractive girl in anime aesthetic"
Get with the times gramps
Waifu means "the girl i like" right now

Appreciate the fact that you're honest on how many times you'd empty your balls on her.

zoomers truly are cancer

I swear I saw an English trailer for this but it's only in chink on steam. Will buy it when it gets a TL.

Why are you buying a shit game?

Idk, there's been a lack of good tactics games lately (just look at druidstone, they even got into shit for stealing music) so I'll buy this on sale to tide myself over until something good comes along.

>weeb love Japanese voice actor, dumbfuck.
So then this one would do the same then

Why are queens/princesses so hot?

Attached: 140844766656332.jpg (1215x908, 360K)

anything above M is too big

>I would empty my ballsack into pic related 27 times daily

Glad you joined our club.

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Have you played it?

>you were brainwashed into finding attractive women attractive
What the fuck am i reading. This dumb cunt cannot comprehend that all races have people with "european features" because all people of one race don't look the same.

Attached: 1529045079702.png (702x338, 536K)


>people evolve being attracted to features from their geo-ethnic area
>basic human psychology is suddenly something evil and malicious; "brainwashing"
>live in the west with european majority population and get mad when people tend toward attraction to healthy european features
>mad at people for having biological tastes and preferences

>Artist is female
>Posts her own (non nude) tits in between drawing nude tits with inverted nipples
Really makes me think

>these kinds of women
>attracting low test men


You forgot this one has no marketing, cheap, and pig shitty compare to other games in the same genre, not ecchi gachashit and no kancolle counterpart to meme about. Do you really think this shitty chink indie company can afford professional Jap VA you dumbass piece of shit? And artist would rather drawn jap game fanart than some shitty chinkshit, shithead.

whoa, technology is getting crazy

artist is quuni on gelbooru

Reminds me of this:
>Swift even directly addressed the subject of aging. “I’ve learned that society is constantly sending very loud messages to women that exhibiting the physical signs of aging is the worst thing that can happen to us,” wrote Swift. “These messages tell women that we aren’t allowed to age. It’s an impossible standard to meet.”

Attached: 1558963576694.jpg (749x946, 162K)

Why are you so mad over cheap chinkshit anyway

>Good news, another single mother!

Is she dumb?
Getting older as a woman means all sorts of issues if you want to get preggers, its not a beauty thing but a health thing.

Exactly. Everything is a social construct for these people, there's no biological reason for this phenomenon or feeling in women, so it's the big bad meany whitey patriarchy brutally oppressing me.

fuck you gweilo

War on Terror 9/11 Larry Silverstein Mikhail Gorbachev The Westington House Scandal Latin American Puppet Dictators Operation Condor Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein CIA Agents The Clinton Chronicles Waco Siege Kinder Egg Surprise The Clinton Blowjob Scandal Nixon Watergate Scandal The Fake Tibetan Protest of 2008 Staged Coup of Colombia Kandahar massacre War on Terror Patriot Act PRISM Edward Snowden The Guantanamo Bay Illegal Occupation CIA black sites Human Rights NSA mass surveillance Warrantless Wiretapping 4th Amendment violations Julian Assange whistle-blower manhunt Ecuadorian embassy refuge Corporate interests worker's rights healthcare rights free education Police militarization incarceration rate fake weapons of mass destruction Petrodollar warfare Israel "special" relationship ban on boycott Free Palestine USS Liberty attack by IDF Mossad cover up false anti-semitism accusations depleted uranium mutinions war crime ignoring the Geneva Convention Agent Orange My Lai Massacre Contras 1973 Chile coup CIA backing puppet dictators Illegal Occupation 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état United Fruit Company Cuban Missile Crisis and the Turkish Missile Crisis Bay of Pigs Iran Contra Operation Northwoods Area51 Saudi lobby American Cover-Up of Trials of Unit 731 Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse MKUltra Tuskegee syphilis experiment Suspension of Habeas Corpus Sedition Acts civil rights Martin Luther King murder Cointelpro Bombing of Libya Bombing of Yemen Bombing of Syria Intervention in Yugoslavia Philippine Genocide of 1900 Choctaw Trail of Tears Andrew Jackson illegal Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii the Illegal Colonialism of American Samoa Guam and other Pacific Islands the Economic Embargo on Mexico haole invasion the rape of Okinawa Jarhead rapists migrant caravan ICE children in cages Russian puppet president Kinder surprise

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yeah I'm mad 24/7 because of perpetual retarded shithead monkey nigger like you

Yeah, managed to found him afterward.
Thanks anyway.

You really need to stop being a bitch man.

suck my dick with your cheapass chinkshit nigger

remember waco

Keep crying dude

3d or 2d
Man cannot truly be free till he wrest his loins from the chastity of sexual conquest. Be free, my brothers.

Crying what? Learn about human emotion you imbecile shithead robot monkey, you're dumber than horseshite

Don't bother, they are always like that.

Is this game like Fire Emblem or Advance Wars?

Advance wars with isometric maps

You mean they do with FGO? LMAO AL is just a tiny small fry compare to FGO and hundreds of gachacrap out there

Why are you posting like a 12 year old?

That what they said about the other Advance wars ripoff and it shit

FGO's japanese though, isn't it?
I thought it still does decently, but that market's saturated and stuff.

To suit this shitty thread
>muh dick boobie animes XD

The fuck are you even talking about?

Chinese run stuff getting art, right?

What the fuck is wrong with this retarded faggot?

>Chinese run stuff getting art
What? No, are you high or some shit?

>What? No, are you high or some shit?
Then what are you talking about then

FFS, learn to stop taking the bait, he wants to derail the thread so mods nuke it because they get triggered by ANYTHING of chink origin.
They are not going to argue in good faith so don't bother.

>Chinese run stuff getting art
>idolmaster and bunch of idols shit
>and thousands of other manga, anime whatever fan art
COmpare to them AL and chink stuff are fucking nothing, even chink prefer to drawn 2hu and fgo shit

That's some top quality tiddy meat right there.

>AL is just a tiny small fry compare to FGO and hundreds of gachacrap out there
Wut the fuck did you think i was talking about?

And I responded to you in regards to that. But whatever, I also got as a response and I get the situation now.

99% chinkshit are unpopular as fuck and no one give a shit about them, AL is the only exception because it got Jap VAs from the get go, big Jap marketing and Kancolle is shit

I dont even play AL because Im so sick of Kancolle clones but it gets a shit ton of doujins and figures

Listen here user, no boob could be exposed that much in that dress without areola being shown somewhere. Look at the surface area it's covering on the lower boob. It's unnatural!

And the other gets even more shit ton of doujins and figures, what are you on about? AL is the only got doujin and figures?

>shit ton of doujins
Oh nononononono

Attached: IMG_4381.jpg (976x638, 76K)

Finally, figures.
What's the ones in 2nd and 3rd

im@s and kancolle

Surprised people keep making them

Between this and western devs, I'll take the chinkshit

she's cute