The best of all the meme royales

>the best of all the meme royales

Attached: apex-legends-keyart.jpg (1920x1080, 543K)

good riddance
that game bored me to tears

updates too slow
basic quality of life stuff not implemented
got bored after winning twice

>>the best of all the meme royales
that's not PUBG

The only white man in the game can gas minorities.

unironically this
Pubg's janky as fuck, but that was part of the appeal

Attached: pubg.png (500x541, 137K)

>have hit battle royal game
>don't update/put more devs on the game
>game dies

My favorite battle royale game is totally dead, wish they would get the f2p update out even if it is too late. I miss this janky mess.

Attached: rabg.jpg (616x353, 92K)

>janky broken mechanics are now "appeal"
sure thing, retard

it worked for halo and cs for a over a decade, faggot

Attached: (You).png (640x360, 272K)