Are you ready to upgrade user?

Are you ready to upgrade user?

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No, I will wait for a Ryzen 9 16c/32t

no! i don't want to!

I've got a way more powerful intel+nvidia setup that runs smoothly and doesn't crash every other hour like every amd machine ever.

I'm good thanks.

Okay, retard.

I built a new pc 2 years ago so I dont really have any reason to.

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Good goy.

I'll buy threadripper 3 instead


What's a cheapskate to do?
>wait for R3 3300X with fewer cores/threads, but higher IPC and clock speeds and perhaps like $20 cheaper
>buy R5 1600 or 2600 with more cores/threads, but lower IPC and clock speeds and perhaps like $20 more expensive

God, yes, I'm still on Bulldozer.

No, my i7 4790k is fine so far and I don't want to change motherboards if I don't have to. I'll see what AMD brings with their next GPUs because my GTX 970 is barely cutting it any more.

Yeah I might buy a Ryzen 1year from now. Right now im still rocking a FX8350. Still going strong, but I need to upgrade my GPU really bad (r9 280x) and the next gen is right around the corner anyway. Its been a good run. So im going with amd again.



Higher IPC seems preferable as long as we're stuck in the shitty console port timeline.

I'll upgrade once we have some good non meme overpriced GPUs on the market

No. There is no reason to upgrade from my Ryzen 7 1800x.

Well we know AMD are going to talk about their new Navi GPUs at E3, hopefully we'll be seeing decent prices at some point this year between Navi and Turing

I have an OC'd R1600 right now, I'd go for the 3800X but I'm worried for my VRMs and power consumption. My mobo is already confirmed to work on Zen2 but still

I mean I'm all for AMD doing innovation but as it stands I have no reason personally to buy a new system.

>ryzen 5 is still 6c/12t
can't jew me Lisa

Your fault for believing that Scottish hack

You need to put things into perspective if you consider that jewish.

What is the most cpu intensive game out there? I have a 2600 and no game I played has ever demanded more than 40% cpu usage.

Name ONE (1) graphics-intensive PC game in 2019 that makes this a mandatory buy.

Protip: the game has to be worth playing.

Cyberpunk 2077

I already run a 1950x.
I'm good for 5-10 years.

yes, I don't want more than 30% of less performance over security hole fixes


Threadripper sucks for vidya tho.

you are going to pay 500 bucks for their navi with vega 64 performance.

Not enough to warrant a new buy.
Also I got it for a bargain.

I already run a 1600X, upgraded in 2017 from a 920 C0. I'm so happy with it, massive power for the next 6-8 years

>Also I got it for a bargain.
Those're always nice. Not sure about the 5-10 but for now it's still good stuff even for gaming, and great for its intended use cases.

Honestly I believe it will be enough.
I do use it for creativity but it ain't my job.
As for gaming, I really don't have anything to push it too far yet.
Maybe not 10 years, but 5 is doable.

How that 40% performance loss treating you fellow "rich"fag?

>for the next 6-8 years
You're already two gens behind the PS5

>crash every other hour like every amd
Seems like complete lies is the only way intlel shills can cope.

PS5 won't even run 144Hz@1440p maxed out so who cares.

Who >2500k here?

Gonna go from 2500K to one of these 3000's. About time, I'd say - have had it since '11.

I thought so but then I stopped being a lazy shit and just cleaned out my ol shitbox and put a new layer of thermal paste on and now I feel I can hold out a little longer

Reporting in. Will probably make a new build during black friday. It can still run all games at decent frames but the timings are pretty bad on more demanding stuff.

MHW completely chokes the poor ol' thing - not that I even particularly care about that game but I finally took it as sign of things to come. Plus being stuck with 8GB DDR3 blows.

Consoles mean shit to me and I am not an insecure beta democrat who needs to liken himself to others, I've got a great system that does everything I want it to amazingly well

I did this shit yesterday, because I had weird crashes for no fucking reason. Fixed all my crash related problems.

2500k and GTX 770 4GB here. Kind of want to upgrade but Intel is shitting the bed with all their downgrade patches. Guess I will get an AMD CPU and whatever the newest NVIDIA card for less than 400€ is. Can still play most games I am interested in so far though.

Anno 1800 likes a fast CPU

Was 2500k, upgraded to 2600 cause it was cheap and I wanted to get the MOBO/RAM ready for 3000 series. Gonna upgrade again to 3800x or 3900x, depending on how it performs in benchmarks, cause I have a suspicion that 3900x would be worse for gaming due to the fact that cores are divided between 2 chiplets on 3900x apparently

>wanna upgrade processor
>'uh nuthin personnell but your mobo doesnt support this chipset so you gotta buy a new one'
>buy new mobo
>'haha you think we the jewish hardware alliance were done? Nope. Your current ram is not supported either sweetie, so time to spend $200 more :)'
>Processor cost: $100
>Jew tricks cost: $350

Still rocking an i5 2500k from 2011
Still more than enough for most modern games

>mfw playing WoW Classic at 144hz with my Ryzen 3900x and Navi supported GPU
Chinks be damned you won't be spying on me.

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Uh ok intcel.

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I am getting this graphite pad in my next build, so I never have to worry about it anymore. Quite expensive and not much better but whatever. Even though I am using artic silver 5(oldschool I know) which kind of last forever, I had to redo it 2 times on my GPU, because it somehow went shitty after a year. Probably my fault.

DDR4 ram has been around for 5 years. If you have an older system, you're not upgrading, you're buying a fucking new one

I'll wait until Cyberpunk 2077 drops to upgrade. I hope my 1070 can do well in that game at 1080@60fps though.

>implying ryzen wont use ddr5
Also new mobos are expensive so its still gonna cost $150

non k because i was scared of overclocking

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This is why buying budget shit is never worth it, it just doesn't fucking last. Ever. Enthusiast grade hardware is not worth it either in most cases. There's a middle ground, but it's not around median cost: it's high-end parts.

Are you stupid? It was already confirmed to use DDR4.

is amd worth getting if my ram is 2400mhz? Vaguely remember reading that amd cpu's really benefit from faster ram.

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PS5's CPU will be clocked at 3ghz, so a 1000 series Ryzen clocked at 4ghz will be fine

>separated northbridge
Enjoy the stutterfest.

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What's the best CPU I can get that runs on Windows 7? You guys think you'll be able to hack 7 onto zen 2 like you could with zen and zen+?

Graphite pads are retarded and have shit performance. There's a reason no one uses them retard.

Stop using outdated garbage for no reason, if you actually cared about no botnet you would be using linux.

Tiananmen Square

Ryzen 1000 and 2000: no
Ryzen 3000: unknown

So now you should "update" or software despite the "updated" version having less features, being more buggy, and giving you less privacy? Every single thing I see about windows 10 is about how the new update killed someone's dog or they've announced they're adding some feature that was in every windows release before 10 since 98. The fact is that windows 10 is made by indians who can't code, as evidenced by the fact they though forced updates was a good idea. What happened to that? Another product by another company that was using forced updates had their update hijacked and malware sent out to users. Suddenly a few months later Microsoft announces they're adding the revolutionary feature of being able to choose when to update your software. All former employees are singing the same song as well. Modern Microsoft can't make a piece of software anymore.

W10 was an unstable piece of shit just after release it's perfectly stable now, it has been years since I've seen a blue screen and whatever, it also has many features and optimizations that matter for gayman and it's probably more stable than W7 by now, if you're going to fall for /g/ memes then you might as well just install gentoo.

Sorry but I see the articles, every time that piece of trash updates there are tons of people reporting it breaks their entire computer. FUCK mictoshit.

Then post source please. All I have seen was 1 degree Celsius difference with the advantage off not not having to mess around with paste. They are mostly not being used because they cost like 10 € a piece.

None of these mean anything to private users FYI.

They perform the same on average, but can't they can't handle temp spikes like thermal paste does because of their thickness, that's why they suck.

>it doesnt matter that chink ackers can steal your credit card info and theres nothing you can do about it!
absolute state of intcels

40% if you're dumb enough to turn off HT and you want to play games like BF1 or V

OS updates disable it automatically and even then you are still hit by other partial mitigations, you simply paid more for less performance in all use cases and less security.

If you're dumb enough to double click free_avengers_movie.mp4.exe you're too far gone already. ZL will either involve a program already running on your PC or a JS artack from your browser. Yea Forums is autistic and thinks anything will actually happen to private users who use their brain.

>OS updates
Only for Chromebooks and youre not forced to download any patch, even on 10 you can disable updates entirely. The impact aside HT won't be big anyway.

I will be ready.

>I have a processor that had 20% of it's performance cut due to a security flaw
What a baby.

This is the correct answer. Fucking $800 for gpu that is 3 years old.
Fucking crypto faggots.

>NEW *Security doesn't matter*

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If you are switching over amd you would be getting a mobo anyway, another 100 dollar for decent 16 gb 3200 rams isn't that much

Nah. This one is actually new

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>no porn of lisa su giving someone a prostate massage and hand job
>no porn of lisa su

>motherboard costs same as ryzen 3
If these mobo jews released a cheap af mobo I'd actually get it. My 3 year old intel processor+ mobo should sell for the same price.

>mfw no amd ceo milf gf

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She feels the same.

will go from a 3570K to a R3 3700X. what should I expect

INTcels on suicide watch.