This has been confirmed by an official Rockstar employee.

Looks like we will be getting 3 Cities boys!

Attached: gta6leak.jpg (690x816, 202K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Does anyone honestly care about GTA anymore? The satire has gotten stale and the rockstar mission design is really getting annoying.

Come back and ask that when they make a billion on day one.

After GTA V I no longer give a fuck about the franchise

all leaks are real, and obviously this employee is not joking

Attached: 1507035047508.jpg (1170x742, 70K)

Are they really releasing another gta right before this console gen dies?
They're going to ruin so much potential again


Attached: no sources.png (331x132, 40K)

awesome! i cant wait to give rockstar THOUSANDS of my hard earned money to buy content with SHARK CARD(tm)!

anyone can leave a review on glassdoors

and a few hundred extra sites. Just google GTA6 glassdoor

Nope, you have to be a confirmed employee

t. living under a rock

this is 1 month old news
>This Pasterbin leak

GTA 6 is going to feature multiple big cities which players can travel across.
In the title which will make you a kind of a drug lord. You will start as a small time guy in Liberty City doing odd chores and small-time thefts and eventually work your way to Vice City where you will join a famous gang. You will be tasked to look after business in liberty city until you are brought back to Vice City and soon become the drug lord.
Rockstar Games has an idea about when they want to release the game but the corporates want to analyze the sales of PS5 and the Xbox 2. This game cant come [out] for ps4 because of memory restrictions. We have 2 major cities along with a vast stretch of highways and Blaine County like countrysides in the middle of it all. There will also be some kind of timed era between the missions with flashbacks.
Certain shops will sell different types of items in different eras. RDR2 type stranger dialogues will be implemented.
There are big plans in online and with major content like newer towns. They are working closely with Microsoft and Sony on cloud gaming which will help them enable online to be a continuous process.

thats pretty cool

im officially hyped

What does LSVCLC mean?

Los Santos
Vice City
Liberty City

what are you even doing on Yea Forums ?

Why would anyone want Los Santos again? Or Liberty's City for that matter. Wouldn't mind an HD Vice City, but give us Las Venturas dammit

San Fierro again would be nice too. GTA V was disappointing.

I just want a comfy vice city with a fantastic radio. Not 3 fucking cities and a desert full of nothing to do.

Those 80s music rights are going to be expensive after all

Fuck the cities, fuck the music.
I need endless hours of talk radio

GTA stopped being fun after SA.

I want heavenly radio back

>three cities
please don't do this
just focus on one, preferably VC

They need to do London or Sydney. They've done America to death

Los santos again?

>believing gta leaks

>Sell the same game twice
They know what they're doing. Their main market is casuals.

That's what LS would mean. I don't know why they'd do that unless it's essentially a direct port from V just to add another city at little cost to them.

>los santos again


I'll sooner play fucking Persona than this trash.
VC was alright though.

then we get that boring shit that was GTA4 and GTA5 again with a anti-fun map

so basicly you want a GTA where you got no use for


just cars and bikes then? Sounds boring as fuck. We need bigger maps

>wanting Vice City again
Miami is worthless without the 80s setting.

Just make a bigger Vice City. It's not 2002 anymore. Bigger City plus GTA version of the Everglades.

>not SF-UR

gta V was pretty shit and boring, just like RDR2

Rockstar is the epitomy of style over substance. They've not changed up their gameplay in a decade, their missions all play out the exact same no matter which game.


>muh vice city!!

nobody cares about the 80s anymore

No point in Vice City without the 80s music. And before you say plenty of modern music is 80s-inspired, the peak was in 2013 and Rockstar still released a shit soundtrack for GTAV. Vice City with a modern ost would be garbage.

Inb4 "set it in the 80s!" No. That whole synthwave/retrowave angle is overdone and played out. It's cheesy now.

You faggots have been saying that literally since Vice City was still new. You were wrong then and you're wrong now, the mainstream would eat it up and you'd be sitting here calling it a flop because it only made 3 billion dollars.

No we're all just pretending that Rockstar games blow everyone else's out the fucking water whenever they're released and all those devs desperately copying their latest entry are just pretending too.

>Stop making us guilty for not working
What a spineless faggot. This is coming from someone who works in an indie studio. Why the fuck are you there if you don’t want to work? You should feel guilty, you should also just leave. Industry doesn’t need fags like you.

b-but GTA6

6 is VI in roman

they could make like

GTA VIce City

get it?????

Attached: gta6leaked.jpg (1032x788, 844K)

holy shit this can be right man

i mean it would make sense

Did anyone else notice "Bullys" is weirdly capitalised, and not spelt the plural way which would be "bullies"

Does this mean there's another Bully game too?

wow dont you think?

Attached: brainlet.png (645x729, 69K)

Thats just brainless normies buying the shit on every release. No different than Madden or Fifa.