It wasn't even that bad, it is one of the worst Final Fantasies. However, after 15 and considering all other JRPGs...

It wasn't even that bad, it is one of the worst Final Fantasies. However, after 15 and considering all other JRPGs, it is actually a pretty decent game.

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XIII-2 and Lightning Returns are pretty good but everyone who gave up on XIII didn't play them.

FFXIII was always a good game. The people that called it too linear were bandwagoning idiots that probably never even played FF to begin with. The combat is great, the story isn't bad, the world is incredible.

It was really fucking linear though, same as FFX.

I think if it had a little more dev time, it could have been the best FF game. It needed to be as big and open as 12, but with a better battle system (though don't get me wrong 12's battle system is pretty good). To me it kind of feels like everything before cocoon was a tutorial and then the game just ends

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It actually managed to be worse than FFX

XIII-2 is really underrated. How is LR though?

Dunno if it's the translation making it worse, but it's got to be one of the cringiest FF ever.

My main problem is the shitty gameplay, the Crystarium is simply a poor man's sphere grid and by the time you unlock more than each character's starting 3 roles you have little incentive to play catchup.

The Majora's Mask of FF, but you've probably heard that already. Lightning is practically a divine being by this point and Bhunivelze (the actual God of FFXIII) intends to flood the world in 13 days and He has tasked Lightning to save souls. You tie loose ends with all the characters, for example Sahz never moved on from the death (crystalization) of his boy, Fang became a desert bandit, Hope looks like a child again but with prophetic abilities, Noel spends his days fighting a cult that sacrifices innocents, Snow became the patron of a party casino world and is being haunted by a demon who looks like Sarah.

It has a bit of a sad tone, but that might just be me. Lightning has been around for thousands of years and she is weary. The visuals are about as eye-catching as the previous two. The gameplay is not such as departure as one might thing seeing as you control only Lightning this time (but Fang will join you for a short while). Your outfit changes with your job/class. All in all, I found it really fun. Not as lengthy as XIII but still longer than XIII-2 on my first playthrough. The ending might not be too satisfying if you're expecting it to be mindblowing as I did. The music is worthy of the trilogy.

>However, after 15-
Nope. Don't do this, man.
No matter how shit XV is, at least it wasn't XIII.

as one might think *

the only thing i like with this game is lightnings belly button ring gets me diamonds

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The problem with the game is that more than half of it is a fucking tutorial.

10/10 presentation
Decent combat when it actually gets good.
Everything else ranges from mediocre to bad.
I don't regret my time playing it but it's clear it has a ton of flaws.
XIII-2 is almost a straight upgrade, the difficulty is just a bit less tight because the game doesn't have story-based level caps and hands you all the roles right away.

I liked it.
I didn’t hate it because I didn’t expect it to be something it wasn’t, Anyone who played FFX would have known exactly what expect. Gameplay wise it’s very similar to FFX. Square sold retarded amounts of FFX, why wouldn’t they be tempted to repeat the same ‘follow the path’ rpg style again?
Linear? yep, what were you expecting?

It’s alright, looked damn amazing at the time, and holds up fairly well in that regard.

It just needed some towns and people to interact with. That's what killed it for me. X was linear but spiced it up with towns along the way with shops and people to talk to and feel like you were a part of the world.
I talk to npcs in a jrpg. Not walk by and overhear stuff.

Yeah they chose the whole ‘You’re on the run, enemy of the state’ angle for much of the narrative, which is ok, but you miss out on the comfy ‘just checkin shit out’ moments.

It's bad even for a FF game, although still better than trash like II, IV, or VIII, and that alone makes it one of the worst JRPGs out there.

Sounds pretty cool. I also saw that the customization is pretty extensive so I'll give it a shot

Holy fuck

>tape down forward in the overworld
>fight starts
>mash confirm
>enemy gets staggered
>press two buttons to switch to damage stance
>your health gets low
>press two buttons to defend/heal
Great """game"""

>it is one of the worst Final Fantasies.
Nah, I'd easily rank it above a handful of other entries in the series.
The sequels however were great.

was my literal GOTY of 2014.
Had a very Majora's Mask -esque atmosphere.

MM is fun because it's Zelda. LR is a shore to play because it's FFXIII. Don't fucking compare these two games

Nah, XV was even shittier

FFX had an actually good combat system, mini games, a much more interesting world to get lead through, much more interesting boss fights and while the story is kind of stupid, it's also weirdly interesting.
Meanwhile FFXIII has absolutely nothing to do but killing monsters, the combat solves itself, the world is pretty boring and half the game is in a grass field and the story is so fucking retarded, I can't even put it into words.
Beating Sin by singing at him is stupid. At least you had a bunch of aeons available you collected throughout the game so your journey wasn't 300% useless.
Going to fight and kill a guy whose whole plan is to die fighting you - which he has told you - and then winning anyways in the cutscene after for no reason, but simply because the characters are mary sues, is just the height of retardation.

No, it's not?

X was pretty shit. All of the minigames are horrid, the story isn't interesting, Yuna is the most boring character in the game, and the whole thing was a fucking slog

Nah. It was aggressively mediocre.
XIII was aggressively bad, just with a pretty coat of paint.

XV's story, world, sidequests, and combat system were aggressively shitty.

It was fucking terrible

It is and always was better than X.

Lightning Returns is kino

The story started fine, but took a nosedive
The world was fun to explore
The characters were pretty cool, too
The combat system was pretty shitty, though. I'll give you that.
It's a strong 5 or a weak 6. But XIII was a straight up 3 or 4.

The story was even shittier in the beggining, the world was empty and boring, sidequests were worthless repititive shit, Noctis has very little actual character due to PCD in important scenes (is he stoic or vulnerable? Flippant or serious about his duty, etc.? You decide! How nice), the other three were fine, and the combat system is hands down the worst in the series.

I'd give it a 3. XIII gets a 4-5