Nioh 2 Alpha

Are you enjoying the demo, Yea Forums?

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How do I play video games?

it's shit sage


Kinda done with it already, it was pretty short and I got all the smithing text for the armors already so I'll call it quits there. Still it got me at least little excited for Nioh 2 so at least theres that

oh no no no nooo


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I hope they flesh out hatchets more. Ideally, every weapon should have the same amount of inputs, but in the demo hatchets didn't have any special inputs with Square.

Odachi got buffed hard, I can't see myself not maining Odachi and heavy armor.

I've been using Odachi and light armor here. I should probably give heavy a try though. Also pretty disappointed by the hatchets.

Who /axeandhatchet/ here

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Yeah they're awesome but need more skills.


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Phantom form is great.

Why? They're great. They just need more skill slots in the final game.

>I've been using Odachi and light armor here. I should probably give heavy a try though.
Rule of thumb is that you should avoid using light armor unless you're running a min/max ninjutsu build. People make the mistake of using light armor because they avoid leveling up Stamina and want that A rank agility, despite B rank being more than fine. High toughness with Odachi lets you spam the fuck out of Moonlight Snow and tank hits.

Low stance hatchets are dog shit.


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You dont

Go back

Yo, what that thing ruining the cover?
Not talking about your hand

some distributors or retailers like to put that sticker on the front to ruin the cover
its about which distributor the game came from and then adresses

NO, this shit can just be a DLC for Nioh 1.

also its probably some Sony regulation in EU
none of my physical PC games ever had shit like that, only my PS3 and PS4 games

It's not just new weapons, they separated core skills shared by all weapon types into their own samurai category that applies to all weapons, and they replaced living weapons with oni forms. You can now use Demon skills, too. There are a lot of things different, it isn't just a weapons pack DLC.

No they're not.

release date when

2020 first half

I rate this post 3.6/5
Not great, not terrible

NOOOOO I want it now

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A tip for Enenra: you can hit him out of his tornado with something with range. Chain hurl on hatchets is perfect for this. Demon undercut is also strong as fuck for ki damage against him. The ninja water feather are great too once you his ki low enough.

i'm playing nioh 1

Giv deer gf

/k/ pls go, this game is for katanachads, not gun autists.

Snek boss is the one getting me.

When he summon the snakes, immediately fire tornado and wedge yourself between them. You should be able to kill one small snake and also do some damage in general.

Thanks user. I was having a great time trying to keep track of him and the little ones before trying that.

Did they keep the shitty loot system from 1?

yes its main purpose is to filter soulsshitters since diabloloot requires minimum IQ of 100

Yeah I enjoyed it but I went back to nioh 1 for the meantime.

anyone get the kodama soul core yet? is it from the purple guys or from make an offering?

You're delusional user, go to the infirmary

There goes any interest i had in this game.

Can you see what each yokai skill does? Some description or something

This is probably what Muslims see when they fuck goats.

If that's the only thing stopping you then you should know it's always been incredibly easy to work around.

Welsh_Vision.webm you mean

From what I've seen since I don't have a code (after all I'd actually look for stuff like this), there's a video demonstration like all other skills, but I haven't seen anyone find an actual description. But it seems possible there is one and they just aren't bothering to look for it, what with how they ignore things.

I tried looking everywhere and didn't find one, and I'm not a retard I swear, so it's probably one of those "just experiment for 20 hours to figure it out bro" cases

Not a retard hmmmmmmmmm? In that case I'm not sure, I would assume it's on the Item, Equipment or Guardian Spirit menu and you hit R2 like how you change from equipment info to description, but if not then it's an odd ommission. I'm all for learning how skills work best through experimentation but even the combat skills have a basic writeup that don't miss out the important stuff.