What is the hardest video game you ever played?

What is the hardest video game you ever played?

Attached: wet cat.webm (640x360, 2.36M)

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what a dumb faggot

metal gear rising is pretty far up there

what the fuck is that dog's problem?

I genuinely don’t think a single person in the world has taken the time to beat this game. The puzzles are fucking insane.

Fuck forgot the picture.

Attached: EFCBB107-D181-49B2-A801-BD7B0F72FE73.png (250x247, 136K)

>meanwhile in rain world

Attached: hiding from the sharks.webm (634x344, 2.24M)

what the hell is the cat doing? playing?

Attached: killing the spider.webm (720x404, 1.39M)

Laser pen

All cats should be executed

I applaud that cat for still trying even though it's failed so many times and is being punished for it each time.

That's how I feel playing Dark Souls.

What is the cat trying to accomplish here?

Looks like he's determined to reach his favorite ledge.


Are you blind? There isn't any laser. He's just trying to escape invain

Attached: spider silk.webm (900x506, 2.95M)


Attached: stick insect.webm (1024x576, 810K)

So that's how my dorfs get spider silk?

a porn game called SHRIFT
fuck the rng

is it wrong if i get a chub from this?

why the fuck are you dumping random webms?


Attached: breeds like muslims.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

God I wish that was me

It's sort of like sounding. Imagine pulling silk from your urethra.

this felt so weird to watch at first then I remembered that we do this type of stuff to animals that resembles us much more like cows, chickens, etc

Fuck off racist

Games that are genuinely challenging, or just fucking obnoxious to the point of unplayability?

Dumb nonwhite poster.

Islam is a religion not a race.

Attached: turtles.webm (1280x720, 1.92M)

>the chunks falling from the roof

Attached: 1554137652935.png (328x351, 114K)

Cats are African so Nords like Varg hate thrm

kill yourself fucker


Attached: animal trap.webm (1280x720, 1.67M)

Attached: 1555965248872.webm (404x720, 1.92M)


Attached: 1558955281261.webm (720x720, 1.88M)

What the fuck was his problem?

I hope they all get cooked

Nice try nigger. Truth always hurts for you falseflagging dark skinned cunts.

Attached: Leopard vs cat.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)


thats a real homie

Attached: virgin pussy vs chad thundercock.webm (720x404, 1.6M)


Attached: 1557280967688.jpg (274x396, 67K)

Did he died?

I hope this does not hurt the spider :(


Attached: Owl run.webm (1280x720, 2.65M)

Horses are retarded and don't like things they aren't familiar with
It was probably too dumb to recognize a bird when it's on the ground, and since it didn't know what it was, but it was moving and close to it the only two things a horse can do in response to that are panic and run away like a retard, or stomp on the thing.

stop posting here dumb nigger

Damn they jolted instantly. Mirin' piggy reflexes.

Kill the goddamn cameraman, show us what the cat was jumping for.

>Thunder cock
>It's a hen
t. chicken farmer