For me it was gtav when it came to PC. Had so much fun breaking the fuck out of online I had to get it on PC aswell.
Be honest, have you ever double dipped on a video game?
bought a physical copy of stalker shadow of chernobyl in 2009, then bought it digitally 2 years ago. still spent less money than if I had bought it when it was brand new though, so it barely counts
>tfw preordered brink cause my friend hyped it up for weeks
>tfw that same friend didnt even buy brink and later apologized to me for the shitshow it brought
I’ve bought Skyrim three times. Once on 360; one on PC for mods and grafix; and once on Switch for portability.
I liked it each time. But I’m finally done with it.
tekken 7
I bought Steins;Gate 3 times being I'm a fucking whore for the series.
I bought Fallout 76 on PS4 and then on PC, and then again for my brother's PC copy
I don't regret a thing as I love the game
>not refunding
Good job supporting the jews
I bought RE4 and REmake on switch
And I'm planning to get the DMC port as well
But make it 12 times instead of 3
I've bought Resident Evil 4 five times, and I'm gonna end up buying it again on the Switch eventually.
All I remember about the game is that it had a free weekend and when I went to play it I couldn't find a lobby with more than one player.
Disgaea, Far a Potato and Best GTA
I've bought diablo 2 like four times and war3 twice
If you're serious what would possess you to buy it again after the eleventh time?
No, but i double dipped in your mom
Battlefield 4 on PS3, PS4, PC and I played it on Xbox one at some point.
I can't beat my brother though. He's bought Sonic Adventure 2 like five times.
i don't remember where i preordered from but it wasn't steam. got the physical copy for PC.
among numerous gpu related problems that many users had playing the game, brink pretty much died after 1 or 2 weeks after it launched.
>But I’m finally done with it.
Todd Howard
Scholar of the First Sin
I am still bitter I payed for a patch. Fucking fromsoft jews.
Black Ops 1&2
First on the 360, then eventually got them on PS3.
Skyrim on 360
Skyrim on PC
Skyrim SE
Skyrim VR
Fallout 4
Fallout 4 VR
Dragon Age 360
Dragon Age PC
Dragon Age 2 360
Dragon Age 2 PC
Dragon Age Inq ps4
Dragon Age Inq PC
Mass Effect 360
Mass Effect 2 360
Mass Effect 1
Mass Effect 2 PC
GTA4 360
GTA5 360
Probably double and tripple dipped 50 times if im honest, those are just the ones that i can think of without access to my steam/origin
I have probably pirated 400 PC games over the years too and then bought half/three quarters of them on steam and never played/installed them because ive already finished them. Bought family and friends games too that i already personally own.
Shit, ive even pirated games on PC because i couldnt find disks for console or be bothered installing steam/orgin and other shit on a particular pc, or i've had no internet access on the pc ive wanted to play on and couldnt be bothered setting it all up, I've done it with with music too, by the time ive ripped the CD to mp3 ive just done some googlefu and found mp3s of the same album.
I've got fuckin issues.
Shit, im pretty fucking retarded see..
but even i didnt buy FO76 it looked like hot fucking garbage.
What comes to my mind
Dragon's Dogma and Dark Arisen both for PS3, DA was red greatest hits box
Kirby Superstar for SNES and the 3DS remake
Diablo 1 for PC and PSX
Diablo 3 for PC and PS3
MGS for PSX and then the Collection had the voucher for the PSN one
Also this
i have Hollow Knight on both pc and switch
I forget how long ago that game came out
Not going to lie, I had it as well, it honestly wasn't that bad, thankfully I got it in some bargain bin for $5 like 6 years after it came out.
Why not give it another go? It's in VR now y'know
Shit yeah, i had diablo 1 on ps1 and pirated it on PC years later.
No longer have the PS1 disc but i have a cracked pc version and ps1 rom.
I double dipped on the MGS and Silent hill collection on 360 for sure, years after owning the PS2 versions.
Dragons Dogma, bought it on 360 twice, once on PS4 and once on PC. Dont even think I played it on PS4. Ive given up on the dream, they have no interest in a sequel.
ive bought re4 more times than id like to admit
friendly reminder that brett was the reason for the downfall of both the creatures and cowchop
Todd you fuck, you better put DOOM ETERNAL on steam or i aint buying it or installing no gay ass bethesda launcher/store you slimey snarky fucksleeve.
I have Twilight princess,Wind Waker,BOTW twice, only happens with zelda games i guess
yeah Brink came out in 2011. i believe i had it preordered from amazon and it was way before the debut of steam's refund feature. here it is standing on my toilet
I blame the cute twink intern
Skyrim 2x on PC and 1x on PS4
Diablo 3 on PC and PS4
Mega man 2 on NES and PS4 Majoras Mask on N64 and 3DS
Wind Waker on GC and Wii U
Command and Conquer-series 2x on PC
Christ, i forgot about that, i probably bought RE4 and REmake at least 3 or 4 times each.
Honestly almost every RE game.
RE0: GC,X1,Wii(Pirate)
RE5:360 twice,PC,X1
Those light gun games:Wii(Pirate),PS3
>Let friend borrow my RE5 for Brink
>He goes full nigger and say he's keeping my RE5
>OK faggot, went to GS and traded in his Brink for RE5 and another game because Brink was still new
>He said he was just joking about keeping my RE5, said he can keep it because I already did it
And was how I got my second copy of RE5, but got it 2 more times since.
I bought age of mythology four times. it was the only RTS I liked.
Then maybe you should consider buying SkyrimVR? It'd be in your best interest
GTAV on PS3, PS4, and PC
Dark Souls on PS3, twice on PC (original and remastered), and PS4. Had it pre-ordered on Switch, but I canceled after it got delayed and I got banned for piracy
I don't see what the problem is here. The launcher is free.
I remember when I first heard about Brink on an episode of X-Play.
deadly premonition for 360 on release and pc port later
same deal with dead rising
Technically I bought Bayonetta 3 times, first on 360 then again on Wii U when it came with 2 and finally on PC when it came to it on sale. I have a Switch now so I might end up getting 2 again.
I had FEAR + Expansions, Dragon's Dogma, Vanquish, Dark Souls 1-2, EDF 4, Left 4 Dead and Sonic Generations on 360 and then again on PC.
pretty much every Souls game
>friend jews you on a game trade with brink
>have to double dip and buy back your game
this thread was made for you
I accidentally bought ZOE 2 for PS2 a couple times. I have been in a situation at least twice where I was finding a copy randomly at either a Yard Sale or Flea Market, and not remembering that I bought a copy previously at another yard sale or flea market,
Sanic Racing Transformed x3
and several RE games despite not being a big fan
Kirby Air ride, That game was my childhood cocaine and even to this day I can play City Trials and have a blast. I sucked at keeping my disks clean as a kid though and ended up buying another copy used. Eventually that copy also broke and I bought Kirby a third time.
And if that copy ever fails, I'm buying another one.
Got Orange Box on the 360, then later on PC once I got my own.
Also got Fallout 3&NV on pc then later got them as a gift on 360 for my Dad.
Got Star Wars Battlefront 2 on PS2 and then picked it up a few years ago in a steam sale.
Last one that comes to mind is I have the original AoE II disk with Conquerors, but I got the HD edition about a year or two ago, but I don't really think that counts because 1) New content came out for the HD version and 2)It runs much better on newer systems.
I've bought Guild Wars at least 4 or 5 times because I take breaks from it and forget my information and Anet customer service is absolute dogshit.
Rocket League twice (got it free with PS+ the month it came out, bought it for XBone and PC later)
Fallout 4 twice
That’s about it
I have had up to 10 copies of Too Human. I gave a lot away to house guests as a joke. A few played them and actually thought it was an okay game.
Mostly bought them because I myself really enjoyed the game and thought they'd rise in price when the lawsuit happened. They did not but I always thought it was a cool thing to have so many.
Yes, let it die. I bought like $10 of those 99 cent 10 death metal packs on PS4, and on PC i've spent about $20 on it on those same packs and some other events. I've put easily 400-500 hours into the game so I feel like it's justified. I just wish the game would have crossplay but gungho is too retarded to implement it even though everyone already plays on the same servers and updates.
I bought SNK Heroines for both Switch and PC. I bought Disgaea 5 for both Switch and PC. I'll likely rebuy Travis Strikes Again and Octopath Traveler once they launch for PC. I've rebought a lot of Wii U games for Switch (Bayo 2, Tropical Freeze, Pokken, Mario Kart, NSMBU). I plan on getting Super Bomberman R on PC, but I keep putting off (mostly just waiting on a sale). I got Sonic Lost World on both Wii U and PC. I got Rayman Legends on both Wii U and PC. I've considered rebuying ZombiU on PC. In addition to my Switch and Wii U copies of Bayo 1, I also have it on PC (also, I pirated on PS3 back when the 360 and PS3 were the only two versions). I have Vanquish on both PS3 and PC. I have Valkyria Chronicles 1 on both PS3 and PC. I have Resonance of Fate on both PS3 and PC. Star Ocean 4 on both PS4 and PC. Street Fighter 4. Arkham Asylum & Arkham City. Unreal Tournament 3. Fallout 3 & New Vegas. Oblivion. Probably even more than that.
I rebuy a shitload of games. I don't mind rebuying shit for PC, to get the definitive version (I only built a PC about a year and a half ago). I don't mind rebuying Wii U exclusives for Switch. I don't mind rebuying Switch timed exclusives for PC.
Have skullgirls on ps3 and on pc. Left ps3 at my parents house and couldnt go back to get it for a while, but I wanted to play skullgirls so I got it on pc.
Dont regret it cause pc is a more active playerbase for the game. Do wish the money could’ve gone to labzero and not autumn though.
octopath traveler is going to be a disaster on pc user, please, I beg of you to wait 1 week before you buy it. Please do that for me. You don't have to believe me about it being shit, but one week is not very long at all. Just 1 week. That'll be as long as it takes.
Dark Souls II and SOTFS (what a goddamn mistake)
Assassin's Creed IV on WiiU and PC
Bayo 1/2 on WiiU and Switch
If the Chrono Trigger port was anything to go by, yeah, it'll probably be a disaster at launch, but Squeenix was actively doing what they could to patch it to make it better.
That's why I'm saying to wait a week. There's a really bad fuckup in the beta that they haven't fixed and won't let us talk about because of NDA that will damage hardware. They'll fix it really quickly I'm sure but I beg of you not to put yourself at risk.
I have purchased Persona 4 PS2 twice, Persona 4 The Golden Limited Edition twice, P4G standard edition twice.
I have never played it.
Skyrim VR is so fucking bad.
I have Catherine on PS3 two times, a digital copy and a physical one.
Max Payne 3 for PS3 and PC.
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3... never played the PS2 version in original discs (ex-poorfag) but when I did eventually buy it on PS3 I bought them digitally. I ended up buying the Disc version of MGS Legacy Collection after that just because buying it would give me Peace Walker cheaper than if I bought it on PSN, so that's two copies of MGS2/3 AND two copies of MGS4 which I also already had when the game first launched.
So I basically double dipped on almost all of the mainline MGS games by accident just to get Peace Walker.
Thanks for the heads up. I hardly buy games on launch anyway. I just wait for sales, or see if legit key resellers like Humble,, or Fanatical have them for cheap.
Broke 2 copies of L4D on xbox, then got a 3rd one. Then bought it on PC.
Fucking when is L4D3?
You dropped the "se" after the a. Common mistake. I'll accept an apology in writing.
GtaV from ps4 to pc
Same with R6S
I have DOOM 2016 on Xbone and PC. GTAV on 360 and PC. Skyrim on 360 and Switch. Battlefield 4 on PS4 and PC. Dragons Dogma on PS3 and PC.
Final fantasy 7 (3 times)
Dark souls 2
bought pc releases of console games after they came out on pc, for a better experience
also bought a handful of co-op games on ps3 even though I already had them on pc e.g. portal 2
also bought multiple copies of some games on pc just because they were $1 and I want to gift them later e.g. skullgirls, stalker
Deus Ex Human Revolution on PS3, Steam, and again on Steam for Director's Cut. But the DC was on sale for like 1 dollar.
RE4, first on Wii then Xbox One, same with RE1 remake and 0
I did something very similar
>Hype the shit out of the Wii U before release
>Tell wagie friend to get one so when i get one we can play online
>She bought one
>I never did
And now she has that thing covered in layers and layers of dust
I've gotten RE4 an embarrassing amount of times and I've bought Dragon's Dogma three times now.
darksouls for ps3 then pc was a legit sane choice
i also rebought some games like bayo or vanquish on steam since my ps3 is dead now
Literally only on games that were perfect on release but won't run anymore on a console that I own that still works, or the disk/cartridge is fucked beyond recognition. Then I find it reasonable to buy a remaster of a game and double dip that way, I suppose.
I refunded Brink the second steam refunds came out. I explained to support my situation with the game and how much they changed it and how it was basically unplayable and they said since I rarely refund games they'd let me get away with it. Got my full $60 back.
I do sometimes for indie games that I enjoy so much I want to support the dev more.
I rebought Steamworld Heist and Iconoclasts on Switch.
>tfw bought RE4 on every single device imaginable
>even have the chainsaw controller
I think I had it on my Droid too at one point.
I bought chrono trigger twice. That's probably it.
Has anyone else ever wanted to collect as many copies of a game as possible?
There's an old, somewhat obscure Xbox 360 game I love that I've thought about collecting. The servers for it shut down almost 10 years ago so it's largely forgotten. Copies of the game are only like $2-$5 on ebay.
If I were a millionaire I'd totally buy up every copy in existence.
Did u fug
Banjo Kazooie nuts & bolts.
I bought it twice for the 360
>bought Monster Hunter Generations when it came out
>imported MHXX because Capcom didn't say shit about it's localization
>bought MHGU because I could play with my friends and not have to deal with moonrunes
DMC HD collection
>Buys Xbox One in 2017 because of the 360 BC
>Get a copy of DMC HD for cheap in case the games becomes BC
>Capcom announces DMC HD for Xbox One & PS4
I hope you plan on covering your kitchen walls with them like OP
How did Brink end up so shit
I've bought Hollow Knight around 6 times, kinda lost track
I pirate it, i like it so i bought on steam to have the latest version. Them buy it on android/amazon store, 3ds, wiiu, ps4, xbox one , ios and vita. Im also waiting for the switch release to complete the collection
Quite few Sony or console exclusives that later got ports on PC, like Valkyria Chronicles, Yakuza 0 and Bayonetta.
how did you know?
i guess it's not really obscure but nowadays i never see it talked about. i loved that game so much.
>diferent games
Kek dumb fuck
poor girl :( i haven't talked with this friend for about four years now since he disappeared one day, but i would often joke to him over the years and ask if he's going to buy brink to play a game with me. his responses were always filled of guilt, and other times he would joke back and tell me not to buy brink.
good save. i would have done the same if i were you too. i don't think it would have been possible for me because i got my key from amazon via the physical copy. i don't remember if steam honored 3rd party refunds when the refund system came out.
I own 4793 copies of super mario bros duck hunt, not counting my 5 screw copies of which I have 13. I want to hit 5000, then I'll be happy. I don't actively seek them out or anything though, if I spot one at a flea market I'll give them a quarter and they're usually plenty happy to take it.
She doesn't talk to me anymore
Not him but I had a feeling it was Chromehounds too. Whenever I see it mentioned I always hear mention of how the servers shut down very prematurely.
I bought Oblivion on both 360 and PC
Same with Skyrim
I bought Dark Souls 1 and then the remaster just for populated online
Bought Morrowind on the original Xbox and years and years later got it on PC
will probably cave and buy Dragon's Dogma for switch again
>i haven't talked with this friend for about four years now since he disappeared one day
I always wonder what happened to them
I bought AC7 on Xbox then later PC, because maybe we'll get a AC8. Maybe
Ace Combat 7
Star Fox 64, 1 time on the N64, second time on the virtual console and 3rd time on the 3DS
But I am tempted to triple dip on bayo with the switch and pc versions.
Sorry mate. Shoulda bought that Wii U.
Doom eternal is coming to steam, Bethesda confirmed it
Yakuza 0
Superstar Ultra had some extra stuff going for it.
I've purchased Street Fighter 2 in some form like 6 times
Can we see them?
me too. I hope they're all doing alright and it's always strange to be talking with a friend and not hear from them for an indefinite amount of time. another friend had disappeared for about a year before he randomly popped back online and all of us that were friends of his were happy to see him back. we never asked what happened to him out of respect, i guess. there might have been someone that asked but never got an answer. i suspected he went to jail. that was about 7 years ago.
I bought Dark Souls for both PS3 and PC, and Fallout 3 and New Vegas for both PS3 and PC
I bought Mirror's Edge twice, SotC three times, Oblivion three times... usually if there's a game I liked on consoles in the past I'll buy the PC version.
Only ever from console to pc I’ll double dip. The benefit of playing on pc instead of a console I fucking despise will always be worth it. Of course I have to be a fan of the game already and just want to enjoy it in a better way is all. Should go without saying though
Ninja Gaiden 1
Truly a master of brinkmanship
Dark Souls (PS3, PC and Switch)
God Hand (physical and digital)
Bayonetta (PS3 and Switch)
Rayman Legends (PS3 and Switch)
Shovel Knight (PC and Switch)
Hollow Knight (PC and Switch)
Morrowind (Xbox, physical PC and must have gotten a steam copy in a bundle or something)
Resident Evil 4 (PS2, Wii, and I almost just bought it again for the Switch until I realized it didn't have gyro aiming. Absolute dogs.)
Think that's it. Funny that I'm actually finding handheld mode justification enough to rebuy shit on the Switch, I just really like it.
I play subscription based MMO.
>double dipped
I bought dmc4 like 3 times.
What is that even supposed to mean Carlos you stupid cunt
Bought it on 5 systems on played them to completion, mercenaries and all. Will likely do the same on Switch. I've always known James was going to make his exit from the lifestyle, eventually. Glad he's still streaming, though.
I've bought Skyrim 3 different times. Once on 360 once on PC then again for VR.
damn, i could have sworn it came out in 2010
I bought Minecraft on Switch, PS4 and PC
DMC 1-2 ps2, hd and ps4 hd
DMC 4 360 and PS3 and PC/PS4 SE
RE4 on everything
Blood Money on PC, PS2, Xbox, 360, and PS3 HD collection
Dark Souls on everything even a import copy because I liked the ps3 cover
MK9 on PC, 360 and PS3
Bayo 1-2 on everything
Battlefield 4 on xbox 360 then pc
Resident evil 4 ps2 then pc
MGS 3 ps2, xbox 360 and 3ds
Resident evil 1 ps1 and ds
I bought Duck Game and Towerfall Ascension on Switch after PC so I have a party game on deck
I bought Tricky Towers on Switch because I got it on PC for a dollar in a Humble Bundle and I thought they deserved actual money. I have it whenever I renew my PS+ too.
Only once, City of Heroes i bought twice because at the time you had to buy the EU or NA copy if you wanted to play on the other servers.
Never going to double dip to play on a different platform, just wait for the pc release, always.
I haven't, but a friend of mine bought Borderlands 1 I think 4 different times. Same guy also downloaded the free trial for WoW about 20 times.
Dragon's crown.
Got it on ps vita for a massive plane trip.
Got it again on ps4 to co op with my mates.
Pissed off that the couch co op camera is way too zoomed in and zooms more at inconvenient times.
Same, but triple. Bought GTA V on 360, PS4, then PC as they released. I also bought REmake 2 twice, once on PC and again on PS4.
I bought the sly cooper series
Each disk for ps2, sold 1 and 3 with my ps2, 2 broke
Bought a ps3, got the trilogy
Bought a ps2 again, bought the 3 disks at five below about 5 years ago
Bought the trilogy again for the vita when it came out.
No regrets, I was playing it on my flight to and from Wyoming last week. Still replay the second game every year or two on the ps2
Those feels.
I own every version of GTA San Andreas except for I think just the PS3 version, and I've been buying a ton of 360 shit I already own on PC just because I'm a physicalfag and they're cheap as shit these days
I use to do this with games i thought would only be playstation exclusives and for whatever reason i couldn't get into them until they came to pc. Mostly weeb games.
Yeah, but I love the game and have a very slight obsession.
Fuck you Kootra, and everything you did. The secrets you kept from everyone, and destroying your friend group and job, for what? For pussy that dumped you like 3 months later?
Fuck you you cunt.
About as bad as Dex, fuck you Dex you british drama queen faggot
Not exactly related, but this reminded me of a friend I have. Back in February she got the flu. Her heart stopped because of it, and she's been on life support ever since. Last I heard they took her legs to help bring circulation back. Ironically, her name is Phoenix, and she won't be regrowing those. When she wakes up, I wonder what she'll think, 3 months have gone by and she lost her legs, maybe to her no time went by. That's what I think when I see all those days offline, they could be struggling with something major, or changing completely. One day they may come back online and you might not recognize them, when you're gone for that long no one gets to experience subtle changes, they just see that you're two years older and lost your legs
Bought a few backward compatible Xbox / Xbox 360 games on my bone. I had them on disc ages ago but sold them then bought them digital again. They were cheap but I didn't play them much (as expected). Other than that (if remasters count) I bought the Shenmue 1-2 remaster. I'm not really a fan of replaying old games no matter how much I liked them.
Have bought skyrim three times now
I have digital copies of a lot of old games that I have physical copies of because I don't have cd or floppy drives anymore.
Dark Souls 1 (triple dip if counting remaster)
Dark Souls 2 (triple dip, X360, PC, PC remaster)
Dark Souls 3 (bought it on my Japanese PS4 account to get a week early access)
Final Fantasy IX (PS1 and PS4)
I prolly bought a 5th of that amount of Brinks, to trade in to a local Best Buy-like place
They were only $5 a piece but traded for $30 each, I bought my gamer PC thanks to this
I bought the same game twice on 2 different steam accounts to support the devs.
i should really get back into it. i don't remember why i stopped or where i stopped, but my cheeves said i cleared up to at least chapter 1 and i do remember enjoying it.
I have with Persona 3, Dragon's Dogma, Star Ocean 2, and Deception 4. In each case it was at least a new edition/version of the game with some new content.
All the time, mainly with Resident Evil
>Director's Cut
>PS1 original
>PS1 original
Code Veronica
>Heavily considering Switch
Rev 1
Rev 2
REmake 2
>Probably rebuy if they ever port it to a handheld that can handle it
Yeah, Mass Effect on the 360 and later PC.
I've probably replayed that game a dozen times. Shame about the rest of the franchise.
I lost my physical copy of splinter cell chaos theory sometime in the decade so I was a good goy and bought it again during a ubisoft sale not long ago.
Collectorfag here so yeah, constantly. Got Disgaea PAL PS2 + NTSC/US PS2 because EU didn't have original voices. Also on DS & PSP. New version once price goes down.
Burnout Paradise, Modern Warfare 2, and Portal 2.
Says the drama queen user.
Metal Gear Solid V (PS4/PC)
MegaMan Legacy Collection (PS4/PC/3DS)
Sonic Mania (PC/Switch)
Metal Gear Rising (PS3/PC)
Sonic Forces (PS4/PC)
Grand Theft Auto V (PS4/PC)
Yakuza 0 (PS4/PC)
Quite a few double/tripple-dippings.