I have a bad feeling about this.
I have a bad feeling about this
Other urls found in this thread:
I want a jew to come to my house and just fucking stab me to death.
They cast Bastila
you can go to bong land and have a muslim do the same.
Without even having to ask too!
Why aren't they making a movie adaptation of Kinect Star Wars?
Fucking idiots, it's a sure hit.
Or just stay in the states and get shot.
>Revan is now genderfluid pansexual to encompass all bioware options
Seems like overkill, they already raped the fuck out of Star Wars.
Here's your Revan
>[When Atton has a bad feeling, it usually means danger. You should probably save your game]
You cannot save at this time
>Disney decanonizes the series
>now they plan to shit on its lore
you should cause it's more than likely the creators of Game of Thrones are running it
Who cares anymore? Star Wars is dead. Disney killed it.
Would absolutely fugg to death
It's being written by the altered carbon guy so maybe it'll be good?
Anyone who doesn't already know it's gonna be shit are retards
disney won't be happy until it kills the entire expanded universe
disney won't be happy until they've milked and killed the entire franchise.
but altered carbon is dogshit?
richard k morgan? if thats the case then the story would be great. but i believe you're mistaken
laeta kalogridis a woman not a guy
Thats perfect. Femrevan is the only correct choice anyway.
uhhh sweatie they're not binary
Her nose is too wide and her lips are big, ugly and cracked. Bitch looks like she constantly need chapstick.
KotOR was never decanonized, mostly because it takes place 4000 years before Star Wars.
I think George beat them to the punch by like 15 years, familia.
you know Altered Carbon is a book, right? One that netflix bastardized into a mediocre scifi show
>writer's most recent non-adaptation work was Terminator Genisys
If it's directed by D&D (GOT showrunners)
KOTOR fans are fucked
They're going to do some StarWars shit
What George did was nothing compared to what Disney did in their 3 episodes. Literally turned skywalker into a limp dick faggot. Even the actor said it was bullshit and hates the new series.
i know that read the linked posts
Except it was, as it was part of the extended universe, you donut
How does this person get another job writing after that
>What George did was nothing compared to what Disney did
What George did was a crime to cinema as a whole. What Disney did was mediocrity at best.
Stop parroting the bullshit you read in here, you stupid fuck.
All of the EU was relabelled "Legends" after the buyout, but KotOR saw re-releases afterwards and didn't get that label. The novels and comics did, but not the games. So it was never really decanonized per se. Same with TOR, which is supposed to be in the same universe.
look at kathleen kennedy
right, and this post
>It's being written by the altered carbon guy so maybe it'll be good?
Which would imply a reference to the book's writer, Richard K Morgan.
>Kathleen Kennedy
>Rian Johnson
>the GoT guys
>now this writer chick
Disney's Star Wars division is a hotbed of SJW nepotism and I can't wait for it to burn to the ground.
Not while you still have a penny left to your name.
John Wick 3 was absolute dogshit, but her acting was great.
Whatever I'm pretty much done with SW at this point I'll just watch it and laugh on Yea Forums like the last few
>"Ah, but at what point does the power the Force exerts submerge any attempt at choice, or free will?"
Aren't all of those jews?
Seriously though, she also wrote Shutter Island and co-wrote Alita Battle Angel so maybe it'll be decent? I've got absolutely zero faith in nu-Star Wars but I'd love to be proven wrong.
You say that like video game movies aren't dogshit 99.9% of the time.
But dad...aren't some of those banks?
Yes it was dumdum. Everything pre-2014 was decanonized except the Clone Wars
The new Canon even already has contradictions with it
Yikes ain't enough for how shitty that post was.
That pic is shopped.
Jesus fuck I hate autists.
>disney star wars
>everything that you could possibly think of as "new star wars bad" is made/produced by a single woman
>she is still a "consultant" for Star Wars
>she is responsible for overseeing every Star Wars related story since Disney era
>hoping that anything new Start Wars will be good
I thought it was okay
The story's retarded, yeah, but it's NEVER been about a believable story
bit too much not Keanu action though
>It turns out to be Pixar shit
Only if you're in a city with high nigger saturation.
Does she look hot in Leather? Can she pull off a fake british accent? Only two real requirements, Bastila is for fugg and for FUCK. THAT. CUNT.
Aight lad, buckle up cause I'm gonna make a shocking revelation, there's "realistic" and then there's "authentic", the former means "relating to our reality", the latter means "concise with it's internal rules", "believable" varies depending on how much a person is able to suspend their disbelief. John Wick was always unrealistic, but within it's rules, it was authentic. The story was always simple and it served a purpose, this ENTIRE fucking movie was a filler. The only difference between the world state at the beginning and the end was that he cut his finger. On top of that the action scenes had garbage choreography/editing, specially compared with the first two movies because why yes, do show me the dogs biting a guy's crotch for another 30 minutes thank you, no I don't want any gunfu. Also the soundtrack was subpar with the previous two movies as well.
It was the first time in 5 years that I went to watch a movie in the theaters and I wish I had watched The Last Jedi instead because at least I wouldn't be so disappointed.
Gotta love the memespouter mouthbreathers trying to hold a conversation about anything.
It's funny because the school shootings happen in the exact opposite scenario. Really makes you think.
>spends the whole movie going around begging for help and accomplishes nothing while racking up serious debts and/or animosity
I thought he was supposed to be smart and calculating, or at the very least goal-oriented. He let that dumb cunt drag him into a firefight because some dickhead shot her body-armored CGI dog.
Honestly, I can't really be bothered to care. The Kotor games are easily my favorite story in the Star Wars franchise, but I don't really see why it should matter whether or not some third party corporate suits decided to label things canon or not over a decade later.
FemRevan works for me.
Just make the Exile Space Jesus who dicks everything that moves.
Also, I bet they'll cut out jailbait Mission Vao because it would please the sexist original fans
I'm sure KOTOR2 will be heavily modified. Just think about it
>NuStar Wars pushes the "The Force is Female"
>KOTOR2 presents a theme in which one of the characters criticizes the force asking "What if the force is an entity which only brings war and pain?"
I've lost count of how many video game movie adaptions I've seen "confirmed."
Mass Effect, Shadow of the Colossus, Bioshock, etc. The few that actually do get made are either universally hated or almost instantly forgotten.
They already ruined Revan years ago so at this point I don't really give that much of a shit
There would probably be people calling Kotor pro-facist simply because it acknowledged that a lot of low ranking sith grunts are just beleaguered Average Joes trying to make ends meet while hating the 9 to 5.
Shutter Island was decent but Alita was kinda crap outside of Alita herself and Waltz character.
>Take the greatest Jedi Knight, strip away the Force, and what remains? They rely on it, depend on it, more than they know. Watch as one tries to hold a blaster, as they try to hold a lightsaber, and you will see nothing more than a woman – or a man. A child.
I really like this quote because it explains why Rey is a bland character:
Strip her of her OP Force powers and she's not much of a character.
Strip Luke of his force and... well you're just watching Episode IV & V
You're just constantly begging to be fursecuted, aren't you, you retarded attention whore?
Did you even play KotOR? Fucking emasculated tub of lard, stop crying about girls 24/7.
>caring about disney era wars
Cringe and bluepilled
They must cast Hayden Christensen as Revan
Why was Bastila still a padawan?
And why would they send a padawan to take on Revan?
she was needed to use battle meditation to let the rest of the jedi board revans ship
you should. This movie is gonna have Riven be a lesbian. just you watch.
Han Solo isn't a jedi, you stupid zoomer cocksucker. Get the fuck out of my internet.
luke says it in the 'that's no moon' scene BEFORE han does in the trash compactor, you alzheimer'd boomer twat
what was the difference between the Exile cutting themself off from the force, and the council doing it?
I'm glad I finished up kotor last week before this meme started
is kotor 2 better or worse compared to the first one?
also how janky it is because the first game was janky as fuck
Never tell me the odds!
it sucks because with disney's production budget they could really do it justice but we all know what kind of self-aggrandizing bastardization we are all in for.
Why the fuck do you idiots still like or care about Star Wars? It's fucking rancid garbage and the shitty new movies killed it off and retroactively ruined the entire franchise.
No one except kreia knew what had happened to meetra, which made it impossible for the council to undo but the exile didnt know this for most of the game
Fuck you and Star Wars, I care about KotOR.
No one on this thread is excited literally its all of us tripping over each other trying to be the first to say something snarky. You arent special for thinking star wars is shit now.
>and retroactively ruined the entire franchise.
There is no such thing.
>claiming people are parroting
>but parrots reddit anyway
oh no no no no no
>shitty new movies killed it
nah Jedi did that, not that they were that great before that, but at least the first two were more 'grimy b-movie space opera + love of classic cinema' than the childish wankery that was return of the jedi
Don't care much about star wars anymore. If the main character is a dude I might check it out if not I don't care
I'm pretty sure all this "le ironic" love for the prequels came from there. But idiots like you took it to heart and just continued regurgitating the same shit, as it often happens.
>Kotor is only canon because at the time of the buyout EA was still harvesting browser's organs
>EA still has the license for at least another decade if Disney doesn't give it to them again.
>Disney will probably give them the licence again.
when you finally accept and love the Jew, then he will finally, finally kill you
Even fucking EA-ified Bioware knew what was up on Revan and the Exile.
It's was always male and then female. Though they did fuck up on how they designed their appearance in ToR, which while based on their "canon" portrait choice, both looked fine originally, but then "aged liked shit". Though at least Revan still sometimes had his mask. Can't say the same for the Exile.
If a franchise has more shit media than good, that means it's shit and has been retroactively ruined. I can't enjoy any star wars shit now, not anymore. Not even jedi academy. Why play it when it'll just remind me of Rey?
>But idiots like you took it to heart and just continued regurgitating the same shit
Speak for yourself, friend. I never needed anyone to tell me what kind of opinion I should have on the prequels (or anything for that matter)
But since we're on Yea Forums, I can plainly state that regardless of anyone's opinions on the prequels, at least they had a much better release of video games (and general merchandise, for those who were into it) over their life period than what the Disney trilogy films have had.
Which is ironic, seeing as how for decades and decades, Disney were kings at making merchandise. And yet both the quality and quantity vastly pales in comparisons to what Lucas's gang were able to produce and shit out with the prequels going on.
I can understand where your coming from, and why you feel as you do.
But understand that thinking like
>Not even jedi academy. Why play it when it'll just remind me of Rey?
is solely on you. And nothing else is truly preventing you from feeling otherwise.
If anything, there's probably been a greater spark of interest in older material now that there are many who feel a lack of interest in the newer stuff.
Disney most likely realizes this, and could very well be the reason why they're attempting what was shown in the OP.
You have a better chance of being struck by lighting than dying in a mass shooting in the united states
its dead on arrival.
game is too good, and movie will have a lot of changes to gain wokepoints, destroying what made great the story of the game in the process.
>Speak for yourself, friend. I never needed anyone to tell me what kind of opinion I should have on the prequels (or anything for that matter)
Yeah, it sounds like you just take whatever is correct and say the opposite, so you can get attention. It's a behavioural pattern in 4 year olds.
I don't care about Star Wars, but I will care about Bastilla until my dying breath
Forget Revan.
Who is gonna play arguable one of the best character's to come out of the entire franchise?
>at least they had a much better release of video games
This is really the biggest puzzlement. All these years of new SW movies, and we've had fuck all vidya to show for it. EA and their fucking monopoly
Yes and I could keep spouting "reddit!" at you as well. That's sure to give me plenty of attention to what I say as I continue to type this under "Anonymous". I'm glad you ignored the rest of what I typed as well, since it was more pertaining to the topic at hand.
I'm sorry the prequels evidently hurt you the way it did for you to create a mindset of "what is correct and what is not" for yourself when concerning films of all things.
>is kotor 2 better or worse compared to the first one?
Depends on what you want to compare and how your tastes are.
Story wise, the first is classic Light vs. Dark / Jedi vs. Sith Star Wars feel. The second has a much more nuanced story with an underlying message that may or may not be 2deep4u. The second is kind of hit or miss with its story, but if all you care about is being a Jedi or Sith it's a fun romp.
Gameplay wise, while the second is still janky it's a lot more fun.
kill yourself tranny
>muh mass shootings
youre just as likely to die in a terrorist attack in europe, the chances of dying in either are astronomically high
>Yes and I could keep spouting "reddit!" at you as well
Funny because you're the dumb cunt who brought up that site to begin with. You have such a short attention span you can't follow your own posts.
>I have a bad feeling about this.
Not if based Filoni is involved
Your reading interpretation needs work, friend.
Kristoffer Tabori is still alive, and occasionally voices HK droids for the MMO.
I see nothing wrong with him continuing the role for the movie.
>not being nice to all potential school shooters in the possibility that they snap
What, did you think the "don't come to school tomorrow" was a meme? It's practically a direct quote.
See that would be perfect.
But would they actually bother to reach out to him though?
Wow what a stupid fucking way to live your life, but then again you say "Not even jedi academy" as if it's better than jedi outcast so you're a stupid gay ass cunt nigger anyways.
Altered Carbon was a flashy garbage fire.
I don't know, I get the feeling that even if the EA deal had not been sign, with the way modern disney handles videos games, shit wouldn't be much different than it is now.
Mission and Jolee are already black. One of the white chracters will be black/mexican most likely Revan.
Revan will be female and the Exile a male
I love her so much
to see what modern Lucasfilm will do to her will take me to the edge
someone made a UE4 Bastila ,
"fookin legen"
-karl tanner of gin alley
That's Fringorilla Nigro from Netflix's The Witcher.
DESU gender was never really relevant to revan as a character even aside from the game being designed so you could pick either.
she'll be a Mary sue.
She already was, genius.
>she got her ass kicked multiple times in the game
>Mary sue
I don't think you know what that means.
Clone Wars had Yoda conversing with Darth Bane.
Oh yea, forgot the "unreal 4 remaster" was a thing. Hows that coming?
damn nice, now do you next
>Special power that no one else has
>Everyone wants her
>Super powerful yet vulnerable so she can be saved
>Everyone wants her
everyone wants her BECAUSE of her power and nothing else
>Super powerful yet vulnerable so she can be saved
I'm not sure that would make her a mary sue tho. besides she's shown making mistakes all the time and overall I think her character arc is ok
>written by the guys that just ruined GoT
fucking lmao industry execs truly have no clue cant wait for star wars to finally die for good
How far did they get?
despite the best attempts of nu-star wars to shit all over the eu, material like the kotor series and eu will never cease to be of greater importance and value than any bullshit shat out and repackaged as the new star wars.
This is statistically not true. Stop getting your data from compromised stormlards, you redneck idiot.
"Character without flaws," dipshits. Not "roastie I don't like reeee."
>written by the guys that just ruined GoT
Wrong, that's a different project. This is from the writer of Avatar.
DId they retcon the Darth Bane era as Swords and Samurai and low tech shit?
KotOR was set thousands of years before that, so how are they going to do it? Low tech or high tech like in the games.
the first Kotor retconned the Old Republic era style
not sure really, I remember they've had some Taris footage and it looked really good, shame about it tho
Did they dump the assets anywhere?
i don't think they have, tho i haven't really looked