La la laaa~~
La la laaa~~
this board's finished
Serious question though: What's the best way to fight these creatures? It seems like I just have to chug sedatives and use blood vials afterwards but there has to be a better way.
>You Flavian Rat!
every insight you have reduces frenzy resistance. spend it on fire/bolt paper
equip frenzy resist runes, clothes
blue elixir to get really close to them because they only start frenzying when they see you
It's called getting the rifle spear, getting mnax bloodtinge gems and firing it into one of them hitting them for 2500 in one shot
Parry them and i-frame through the frenzy damage or stack frenzy resist by reducing insight and equipping the Frenzy RES runes
Break its poise with heavy weapons like Kirkhammer, Ludwig's Holy Sword, Cannon, and use Bolt Paper
Didn't they nerf the shit out of the Rifle Spear? I though you couldn't pull that bullshit anymore.
Shitposters all over the board, you'll be one of them, sooner or later
shoot em
plague-ridden rat, senpai
aaah /pol/ or some say /pol/tards
honestly it's just a matter of getting good at i-frame abuse and chugging. You an get right in their face, slap them a bit, then backstep their grab and continue beating on them. They'll be dead before you even need your quicky sippy.
>i have to do chalice dungeons if I want my favorite weapon to be useful
I fucking find chalice dungeons to be fucking boring
As you once did for the Baitposting user... Grant us (You)s, GRANT US (You)s
Just run in there with sedatives and vials.
Or parry them.
summer is here, and so are the tourists
you can see the quality of threads decline noticeably
Fish for a parry. If you visceral just before the frenzy fills you'll iframe through it
You run strait up to them and parry the grab, how am I only the second person to say this?