Decide to use mic for once

>decide to use mic for once

>your voice is annoying
>I'd rather get punched in the dick than listen to you talk

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this thread is annoying
I'd rather get punched in the dick than read your posts

Prove it

probably because youre not confident. insecurity bleeds through everything you say and people don't like losers. figure it out yourself or just shut up

post a vocaroo RIGHT fucking now.

i bet you sound like a girl

Let us hear.

Post moar rabbits please

>girl joins server
>starts singing
>it's actually pretty good
>everyone votekicks her

Attached: ccwaep.webm (854x480, 2.44M)

I wanna play video games not hear some bitch sing

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Why the fuck is she singing over voice?

Attached: 1557334923592.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

for attention

>used to talk on mic with no issues growing up
>almost 30 and now too insecure to use it
what the fuck happened

You became gay.

>Guy joins static who has an annoying Voice like gravel
>is also a shit player
>everyone dislikes him for one reason or another
>kick him shortly after
>goes and posts on social media playing victim stating he got kicked solely for his voice being grating as shit

Don't be that kind of faggot user.

Attached: Rabbit.jpg (2736x2052, 505K)

vocaroo is trash i couldnt get it to work despite updating flash

I'm out. There's some shit I just don't want to learn about myself. Enjoy the thread guys.

>stalked his social media
yer weird

It's normal.

Because video games are full of high school qliques and being accepted into a societal norm. Retard. The internet is naturally full of faggots. Like yourself.

you sound like you have annoying hobbies and you will talk about undertale on a moments notice. Perhaps saying something like, "absolute unit." Basically you come off as slime on the floor that someone has to clean up eventually. I'm not sure if you can do anything about it other then just staying a mute bitch forever.

Around average for voice chat randoms. It wouldn't stand out as annoying I don't think.

Nah, it was a public post on the server's FB page which I was already a part of.

fuckin nerd go play some vidya

Sounds pretty normal to me, I've heard alot worse

Go play some single player games maybe..

>join guild in any mmo
>talk in guild chat
>become officer within 2 weeks
>people ask me for help nonstop
>just want to play game
>stop joining guilds
>soul crushing loneliness returns

I don't understand why I can't just be a part of something, everywhere I go I get reluctantly thrust into leadership positions and I don't want any of that responsibility.

>use mic for once

>wow your voice is deep
>nice voice changer
>jesus how many packs a day do you smoke?

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Learn to say no dingus.

I think my voice is a lot more annoying than yours m8

You're fine.

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>mfw I have a nice deep radio voice thanks to years of smoking
>usually a beta IRL but often take the leader role in a squad just because my voice is the most commanding

It's almost worth the cancer.

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both of your voices are fine

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I feel you man. I get compliments on my voice at work and often get placed in positions where I'm a face of the company. It's draining to be dealing with clients distributors etc though. Thanks, smoking.


Have sex.

Yeah I'm a pizza boy and I always wonder what customers think when I'm on the phone with my generic chad voice and then I roll up to their place and they see a dumpy bald neckbeard in cargo shorts.

have sex

have sex

>nasally monotonic deep voice
>can't help but show no emotions with it
>sound like a sarcastic asshole all the time
>as soon as I get drunk my intonations changes somehow and people commend how cool my voice is
>get crowned as the king of the team while using voice chat
It pisses me off that I don't understand what the fuck changes and how do I catch this.
Tried recording it drunk - no use. What the fuck do I do?

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What kind of games are you playing where people insult your voice? In my experience it is really rare for people to get shit on for their voice other than literal kids and people with accents so deep you can barely understand them.

You probably just act in a more personable or confident way when you are drunk.

Literally me

This happens with me too, it's because getting drunk makes you more sociable and when you're having fun with a group of people you get more comfortable and expressive with your voice. Just getting drunk and recording your voice doesn't have the same effect, I've tried it many times.

Neither of you sound like the typical high as a kite caliretard sound so you're not bottom of the barrel.

>nobody posted the cunny vocaro


>too quiet
I like to listen so having to talk is daunting since i consider myself boring and often dont know how to lead or sustain conversation making it dreadfully boring or very unnatural and thereby awkward.

Then change your voice idiot

That was a weird way to say "I'm neurotic and uninteresting" user.

>tfw beaner voice

it's called voice training you fucking faggot. Get started, half an hour, every single day of your shit life

Maybe it’s the mic quality ? You sound like a typical teenager, If you say meme shit I understand their frustration

i mean if you have no one else you end up being neurotic and the uninteresting is partly because i never talk about what interests me when i get the chance to. wont say im anything good but i never liked being self absorbed and depressing and i genuinely feel bad for the people that i talk to since it shows way too much