
What went wrong with this game Yea Forums?

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Terraria for Edgy Teens.

They made the game worse during/after the beta.

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There's like nothing edgy about it though. Terraria is MORE edgy of all things with shit like the Crimson.

They had no fucking clue how people were gonna play their game and constantly tried to patch their combat system by overhauling everything almost every week.

basically, they have no clue.

What the fuck am I looking at?

They had too much time and money so they ended up fucking everything up and dilating.

Let's just get this out of the way.

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thats a pretty edgy thing to say

"Story" mode was fucking garbage, yet they decided to lock content behind it.
Basically no reasons to ever build your base on a planet when you can do it on your ship.
Just like every other crafting-survival-sandbox game, it's only interesting as long as there's content left for you to discover, then it turns into yet another virtual lego simulator.
And the devs are also retards.

Too much ambition and not enough planning and motivation. They spent the better half of their development time making and scrapping system after system until we got a randomly generated tileset adventure with 6 clear defined stages and little to no substance after the story. When it didn't go well, it was promptly abandoned out of shame.

>no beakjobs
And that's where your wrong. Ever see a bird's tongue?

Furfag go away.

Don't fuck birds, user

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>crop is barely under the size limit

Damn, didn't even notice

yeah, are you a masochist?

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Geese aren't birds, they're spawns of satan

Birds dont have fur they have feathers.
I would never fuck a bird without consent

what about penguins?

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The story was fucking atrocious. My god how could they look at that shlock and think it's something passable? Anyone could have written a better story than Chucklefuck.

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can you recommend me a good minecraft mod pack

If feed the beast is still a thing I enjoyed that. I havent played minecraft in like 5 years.

No story probably would've been better

I disagree. It could have been in the backdrop, something you approach not in your face like the current shit story.


The combat is extremely shallow. Little weapon variety, no interesting abilities. Early on encounters tend to be frustrating because your weapons are shit. Later everything dies instantly. By comparison Terraria's combat slowly ramps up as you get better weapons, new abilities, etc that allow you to explore more dangerous areas. If you like fighting things, Starbound isn't for you.

The building mechanics are shit. There's a wide variety of materials to work with, which should be great in theory, but it's expensive as fuck to build anything worthwhile that isn't a stone hut. In Terraria, crafting recipes tend to give you more materials to work with and you're working at a smaller scale. If you like to build, Starbound isn't for you.

The one place the game shines is exploration. You've got essentially an infinite galaxy with many different types of planets to explore. Some are inhabited, some aren't, some have random dungeons. Terraria has a good variety of different areas to explore as it goes on, but this is the one place where Starbound beats it.

So if you want a walking simulator with cool environments Starbound is your game. And as it turns out, basically no one wants that.

Massive waste of potential. I regret falling for the hype and backing it.

How much more cliche can you get. A better story would have been going off with that already established premise of humans hating Apex for having better technology, but rapid expansionism causes both species to start muscling into eachothers territory causing some friction. Apex doing research see that Humans are incredibly violent but very well organized in the private and government sector, and their technology rapidly progresses through war so to avoid making the whole Galaxy go through some shit they send emissaries for territory talks which means just handing over untapped solar systems for appeasement. But a falseflag attack is set up to justify war decleration just like the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor and Tonka bay.

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Floran were the only good thing to come from this game.

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Kinda unbalanced that Floran is just all pros

/sbg/ was the greatest thing to ever happen to /vg/

That's why they're the best.

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fish girl

What about her?

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Lack of content with meaning

what about this one?

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Post more florans if you know what's good for ya.

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nah post that one weightgain mod lol

Floran want to eat.

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Ty happened.

>You don't know if girl, neither does Floran
>Implying that's an issue

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The devs are cunts. Any criticism put forth on their fora was dismissed, they constantly scrapped what made their game good, the lead dev literally wears a fedora. Fuck Chucklefish

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The original hype for the game was based on the exploration, but the underwhelming story and depth of the exploration left much to be desired. This was fine since it was early access.
Later, they forced a shitty albeit be it actual story. But they also somehow made the exploration more shallow and combat didn't really see the change it needed. Game is just shallow in short.

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the UI is shit, i don't know why they put timers on crafting fucking everything, and the combat is lacklustre and repetitive

lots to build and shit but that's all it's good for. I have so many fucking hours into this game because i'm desperate to like it but it's just frustration

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Just a massive fucking waste, hope the chucklefucks studio get nothing but fuckups in the future.

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its only good for porn now, be it mods or artwork

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It was the same shit that happened to Watch_Dogs, the devs promised shit and were over ambitious.
With this game they promised this:
Terraria but in space
An intricate crafting system
Infinite worlds to explore, each one unique with its own custom biome customly generated out of hundreds of pre existing biomes
Every creature would be randomly generated by fitting Legs, Torso, Arms, and Heads together to get truly alien creatures.
Combat would be robust and detailed
The game would promote exploring worlds, while making bases on different worlds
The game promised you could come across advanced civilizations and would be able to conquer them
The game said you'd be able to lead your own intergalactic space empire akin to mount and blade
The game said your actions would have a direct impact on the universe around you

we got none of these things

Are those teeth...?

Such criminal waste.

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It was a worse version of Terraria. We already had Terraria so it was obsolete before release.

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They killed GOOD mods with the nightly builds.

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Mods being better than the hack developers? Why does this trend keep popping up?


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Female florans are too cute for this world.

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Yeah, about that.....