Is There Anything Worse Than "Torrent Guys"?

>But I forgot about the fact that I was on the internet and the internet is full of insufferable people who complain about anything. I forgot about the “torrent guys.” Yo I mean it when I say this, there’s NOTHING worse than Torrent people. I feel like every crew of friends has one. There’s the guy who has a medical need to fuck every time you go out, the fat guy, the funny guy, the guy no one really likes anymore but he’s been around so long it’s easier to just keep it going, and the guy who thinks he’s the first to discover that there are bootlegs on the internet.
>Torrent guy thinks of himself as like a private hookup and every time you buy anything, it’s a personal affront to him. He always has the same reaction as your mechanic when you got your oil changed elsewhere and tries to make it seem like you definitely got ripped off by paying money for a product. “Bro you paid for music on iTunes!? You bought a movie OnDemand?! What the hell you swiped your card to buy a bagel this morning?!?” Yeah dude, I did. I did it because I’d prefer to watch this movie on my tv while I fuck around on my computer rather than watching it on my computer while I fuck around on my phone. I did it because I don’t feel like dealing with some versions not working, having subtitles, or being shitty quality. But most of all I did it because I’m an adult and it’s easier for me to just pay $3.99 than it is to waste my time looking for this “incredible deal” of free shit on the internet.
>Shut the fuck up, Torrent guys. You want to watch bootleg shit? Totally fine by me, just be quiet about it like no one’s ever heard of the concept. You’re like the fucking vegans of entertainment, gotta tell everyone how great and revolutionary your insufferable concept is.

I feel this way about Yea Forums when they tell me to pirate Epic Store games.

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>he guy no one really likes anymore but he’s been around so long it’s easier to just keep it going
So we can all tell that he's literally referring to himself but is so up his own ass that he doesn't realize it right?

Me too man. Even inspires me to do some free advertising for Epic Store just like this thread, because I'm a gigantic fucking faggot cocksucker

>I'm retarded and get offended when people call me out on it
What did he mean by this?

>I always pirate games to steal from the developers

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>I’d prefer to watch this movie on my tv while I fuck around on my computer rather than watching it on my computer while I fuck around on my phone
Why would you pay money for something when you aren't going to pay attention to it?

>I did it because I’d prefer to watch this movie on my tv while I fuck around on my computer rather than watching it on my computer while I fuck around on my phone.
I'd call this completely retarded but then I remembered Yea Forums thinks PC gaming is requires sitting on a desk with a mouse and keyboard.

>download movie on computer
>plug hdmi cable in TV

People who rent videos and have the nerve to act superior over it are definitely worse than friends that go out of their way to try and save their friends money.
If you're still having quality problems with pirated copies you're either a dumbass or the kind of idiot that dumbasses look at and feel grateful they aren't as stupid as.
I understand the convenience of just paying for the fucking thing, but don't pretend it's even the slightest bit difficult to torrent in the current year.

seeth harder
pirating hurts no one on your meme industry

Came here to post this. Glad another user did it first.

My exact thought
Also this. OP didn't even direct link to the fag's article for free clicks. Great thread everyone.

why would you ever pay money for something that you could get for free instead

>I'm living in the past and think everything pirated is worse than retail!
Biggest faggot article I've read in awhile. It's so incredibly easy these days to get perfect copies of almost anything you can think of and for some media it's the only god damn way
Also how retarded do you have to be to not understand the concept of pirating something on your computer and watching it on your TV. How far gone up your own asshole do you have to be to seriously believe this is an impossible feat and not something most people do without thinking.
Pay for shit you like sure but fucking yourself over and screaming CONVENIENCE HURR does not make you look like a better person

This reminds me of some young coworkers who looked legit puzzled when I said that I don't pay for Spotify and like to keep mp3 files on my PC.

>muh feeling
out you go faggot.

I generally pay for things if I can because regardless of what you piratefags say it is more convenient and I'm not poor. $5 is meaningless to me.

This person comes off as the biggest bitch in the world. What's especially funny about this? They're very clearly talking about someone they know personally, but instead of telling them, they write an aggressive blog post about it. Someone who is trying to help them save money, they can't even fucking address in person, because it's too much fucking work.

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give me $5 then

I forgot to add, that even though I'm usually not for piracy, this person very clearly doesn't actually have any problems with it morally; it's just "annoying." So fuck them and fuck you OP for bringing this Kinja using fuck to my attention.

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>Jesus dude you're wasting a ton of money on this shit. You're not even watching it either what are you doing. Here let me show you this it's called a HDMI cable


Sent :^)

Sure, as long as you give me what I'm paying for

Is there any reason to buy completely single player games on PC anymore?

What a pussy

Im to busy masturbating to my collection of asian porn thats longer than the average persons lifespan to care op

thanks user :^)

Okay, bend over!

No one cares what your consumer whore ass thinks. Just keep eating shit and shut up.

Supporting the developers.

>I'm consciously allowing corporation to scam me just because I got mad when someone pointed out that I'm being scammed and offered a better alternative

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>I understand the convenience of just paying for the fucking thing
I think he chose an extra shit example too. It's not JUST about convenience, it's this bit:
>I don’t feel like dealing with some versions not working, having subtitles, or being shitty quality
I feel like that was true in the 90s, and early 00s maybe, but these days it's usually the opposite: the pirated versions are the ones with BETTER quality. They're the ones where some autist painstakenly encoded the video ideally, having experimented with tweaking settings 200 times. They don't have any fucking bullshit where if something comes up and I can't watch the video/play the game in some arbitrary time frame I get fucked. They don't mysteriously only work on 1 or 2 out of all my devices because of some corporate bitch fight going on that means they stop supporting the other guys. Subtitles are always better, nice softsubs, often well styled. Everything is more convenient and superior once I actually get it.

If it was always "pay money, get the best thing, get respected, very convenient" then I'd buy a lot more. I don't hesitate to plonk down money at GOG if they have something I like for example, yeah I'm sure I could get it for free but it's easy and it'll still be mine. But usually it's the fucking reverse!
>user you evil pirate please pay us money for the privilege of us giving you something worse and fucking you in the ass
>also jump through all these hoops to register and everything
>you wanted to be on our marketing forever with that email right?

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lol you all are seething

it's best to leave people alone and let them get things how they want

you probably offer people free tech support too lmaooooooo

I'll pay for shit if it's inconvenient to get, like a really obscure rip of something nobody has but is easily available on some On Demand service. Thing is it's almost never like that. 99 times out of 100 I can easily find whatever I want from multiple sources.

Supporting games you really enjoy (after having played the pirated version), additional content from online access and having it in your library for reinstalls.
That's about it really

convenience, peoples paid for bottled water even though its literally free.

Imagine feeling proud of being ripped off, be ignorant and technogically illiterate, this is some american shit I guess.

I do. Went from traineeship in something completely unrelated into a carefree tech job by doing it.

Except torrenting TV and movies is actually just better. Typically higher quality, it isn't streamed so you can never worry about a quality drop, it's free (unless you also buy a copy when you torrent it, which I have no qualms with), will never not work, has no need to be played on a separate device or needing to set up a roku or some bullshit you just click the file and play, and more.

These people are so fucking stupid it hurts me on a physical level

What does giving free tech support have to do with piracy?

You're right pirated versions being crap was a 90s and back thing. Nowadays the quality is only shit if you're trying to get a movie with no digital release early. Otherwise it's pretty much strictly better to pirate.

i pirate my shit, but hes not entirely wrong. look at the niggas on Yea Forums, if its streamed they gotta cram a million reasons down your throat why you MUST watch it their way.
its one thing to argue subs vs dubs, its a whole new level of autism to argue torrent vs stream to someone who doesnt give a fuck

why do people bother others like this.

>it's free (unless you also buy a copy when you torrent it, which I have no qualms with),
i will literally donate money to pirate providers. i PAY and will endure extra inconvenience to pirate because the official channels are such fucking horseshit 99% of the time
>video not supported on your platform lol :^)
well then my wallet shall not be supporting your store dipshits

I haven't purchased a single album or movie ever since the RIAA/MPAA started suing people back in 2003. The closest I have ever got to supporting the industry is having an Amazone Prime subscription that I only use for free 2 day shipping.

Meanwhile, I have over 1500 Steam games in 13 years time. I'm perfectly fine with pirating everything that Epic offers, even if they stop with their bullshit someday. It's all about making forever enemies

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I don't really give a fuck about torrenting and I'll torrent stuff I can't obtain any more.
But holy shit, as a kid, I had a bud who had torrent parents. All they did was torrent and seed movies, like it was their hobby.
They knew other torrenting parents and they would make stealth trips to eachothers houses to trade their torrented movies like they were swinging or something.
What pissed me off about his parents, is them constantly torrenting and seeding everything they torrent, my buds internet would shit the bed constantly when we were playing online games together.
He never had a stable connection and when ever he'd sneak into their room to stop their seeding, his parents would go insane and ground him.
We could never have good fluent online matches in anything we played as a kid because of his torrent parents.

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t.torrent guy

Friendly reminder that corporations' bitches actively support death of your hobbies.

>Im an ADULT that means I must be fucked in the ass by corporations!

This haves to be netflix propaganda you cant be so stupid

Yeah but man you're talking about Yea Forums - the original autists. Pay no mind to them and save yourself the sanity

Movies are so behind the times they literally do not offer DRM free digital access at all thanks to bullshit decades old laws. So even if you pay you're getting an objectively inferior product tied down to some service/device, instead of a literal .avi file that exists forever and can be played on anything. The fact that people prefer the former to the latter to the point of antagonizing people that do the latter is actually infuriating.

>Nowadays the quality is only shit if you're trying to get a movie with no digital release early
Right, but while I don't watch camrips myself if it's literally impossible to buy it officially at that time point anyway I don't think it can be said to have "worse quality", it's more like "infinitely better quality" since the alternative is nothing (unless you live in a city with some boutique cinema where even niche stuff is screened, but for a lot of us there isn't a screening within a few hundred miles outside of big hollywood flicks).

2L of milk costs 4$ in Cucknada, i'm sure as fuck not going to spend money on movies that make 200m$ profit in a week

read the OP seething cuck

Informal/opinion articles go directly in the trash

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if you pirate okay, but don't be one of those guys who just learned what pirating is and has to tell everyone about it

I've bought a bunch of vidya and anime OSTs. Particularly some newer indy ones I really liked that were on bandcamp and even had FLAC or whatever other format you could dream of, and directly instantly give you access to any new songs added to the album down the road. I love the dead cells ost most recently.

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>all torrents are shit quality
what a fucking retard.

>paying to watch something you don't even know you'll like
>getting angry at people trying to save you money
I only ever buy shit that I've torrented before and know I'll want to rewatch in the future or I know will be hard to track down later. The companies that deserve my money will get it, if you produce garbage don't expect anything.

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>Buying games causes the studio that made them to go out of business

what shithole does this cunt live in where the majority of people DON'T pirate shit?

You should buy from Shoppers Drug Mart and use your optimum points that you get from there to get free milk.

When did you get wokepilled and stop paying for shit you can get for free?

Its propaganda to make people think torrents are low quality when in fact is the opposite

They're not wrong, though, costs aside. Anime streaming services are super shitty both in terms of business practices and their actual output.

Funny enough when I became an adult wagecuck. I make a decent living but even so I appreciate every last cent. I ain't wasting that on shit I don't even know I'll like

supporting the developers

Ah, another /vtv/ thread.

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I'm perfectly aware of all the major downsides of streaming, but my connection is shit and if I wanna just try out a show casually I don't want to download some huge fucking flac files for 5 hours when I can just watch it now

I can't believe people actually buy video games, or stuff like music or movies

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It causes to turn your soulful game into a souless cash grab

Profit corrupts everything

>>I feel this way about Yea Forums when they tell me to pirate Epic Store games.
You're not fooling anyone, cuntbag.


support the games that you like and don't support the ones you dont

I am also a retard, gomenasai

Imagine being so butthurt about pirates that you write a whole article and make a whole thread about them.

That’s what it’s like being a buyfag. Yikes. Guys, how much do you think buyfags pay in healthcare premiums?

I wonder how much is propaganda and how much is just ignorants recirculating stuff from 20 years ago. I mean, there absolutely was a long period where piracy equated to bad quality, particularly for normies like with DVDs being shrunk to fit on CD-Rs with mpeg1 and sold for a buck at street stalls, or even farther back VHS copy #4 (having gotten worse each time). Early digital video was awful because of bandwidth and space limits and primitive codecs, I think I still have a version of Lodoss War and Eva in real media format postage stamp I've kept around to remind me that this was once something that I worked hard to get and blew me away but it was so bad.

But things were always more convenient, and following Xvid professional'd the fuck up in the 00s and blew right past what the slow fat corps were doing. Vidya too, CD keys and "must be in drive" and they didn't want you to image it and similar shit always were irritating and modern equivs are often even more so.

But news media is always a mix of modern and forever ago when it comes to tech, stuff just keeps recirculating.

Imagine buying or pirating anything
I don't consume any media, I just go on Yea Forums to say it's shit


Even watching hollywood capeshit in movie theaters is too inconvenient.
>quality still isn't as good as bdrip
>can't pause to go take a leak
>can't take screenshot or rewatch some scene
>screening schedule might not fit you
>even if you have a cinema nearby you'd have to spend more time getting there than downloading a movie from torrents
>can get fucked over by shitty dub depending on your country
>can't watch alone and naked
I only bother to watch films that I'm seriously hyped about.

Thing is, torrenting is actually easier than purchasing a lot of movies, because of all the proprietary garbage services you need to juggle because of exclusivity contracts/moneyhatting. This goes for gaming, and always has in the form of console exclusives, but at least they had the excuse of being far more capable of optimization on a singular platform in gen 5 or 6 than when they were multiplat. Look at fucking megaman legends, it's a god damned joke on n64.

Anyway, movies, they're retarded. I'm not going to have to deal with having accounts on amazon prime, netflix, hulu, vudu, sling, hbo go, cbs all access, shotime, starz, disney, espn, and whatever else new place fucking makes their own app. I was all down for, and was subscribed to netflix for years when it was a dvd rental service (when it was still qwikster) and well into it's early streaming life, but as more options popped up, and netflix started losing the shows I watched, I saw no reason to continue using it. They went to hulu or stopped being online all together, so I got hulu, then THEY started losing shows, and these fucking companies started spiraling and fracturing out of control, and it would cost me as much as it used to cost me to get direcTV every month, to have digital streaming. And that shit uses bandwidth too.
They can eat a dick, solve the problem of 80 billion services that cost me money to maintain with updates and having to use my fucking bandwidth on them, and I'll start buying movies again, until then I mostly just won't watch shit at all and I'm playing more vidya/watching youtube.

I genuinely forget that people who don't know how to work a torrent exist. I can't even comprehend going through life as a complete moron.

>How do you do, fellow attractive 20-45 year olds with disposable income? Now, I know some of you are tech savvy, but pirating stuff? Cmon, that's just not cool. You don't want to be "that guy" who pirates stuff, it's so uncool! See? Check out this article that I wro-I mean found about it. You should definitely just buy whatever we put in front of you, no questions asked. Huh? Yeah of course you have to put sign up for an always online DRM scheme that requires your name, phone number, address, credit card information, social security number, DNA sample, and signed certificate indicating that we own your soul, but that's a small price to pay to just plug and play! Cmon, you don't want to be "that guy" do you?

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>torrents are hard
>torrents are shit quality
Here's a simple guide for you:
Has it been released on DVD yet?
Yes -> it's good quality
No -> it's shit quality, but you can't fucking buy or rent it yet anyway. Keep waiting.

If clicking the magnet link and waiting 20 minutes is hard then you've got brain problems.

Also you forgot the disgusting fatso sitting next to you crunching popcorn loudly and stating the obvious out loud every few seconds

Though that might be an american thing



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thats fucking retarded you can literally look up xxx 2002 online free in the internet and find a working stream
why are normalfags so god damn annoying

Piracy offers a much better experience than paying for a product does. There simply isn't anything of value offered by paying for your entertainment when you can get the same entertainment free with better quality by pirating it. Especially with movies and music where what you can download often has a better bitrate than whatever is on streaming services or TV. Normalfags are fucking retarded.

>going to a mechanic to change your oil
I'd change it for my friends if I had friends

That's beyond redpilled. That's fucking infraredpilled.

Eh, depends on the film somewhat but I feel like big screen experience in a good theater at least is just plain different then what I've got at home. Granted my home setup is pretty basic.

Also a lot of us in burgerland have long been/continue to be stuck on garbage connections, up until like a month ago I was still on the same 6/1.5 ADSL I'd had for the last 15+ years. And I only got my upgrade in part because of knowing the guys at the local ISP (who are at least pretty chill granted) and putting in the sweat to run like a half mile of single mode myself. So downloading a decent movie rip is like an overnight deal, not a big deal if you are fine just having stuff queued up but a lot longer then a 20-30 minute drive to a theater not that that is convenient either.

Course with a connection like that you won't be streaming in anything but shit quality also so if you're committed to download anyway pirate makes even more sense given most places these days demand streaming, because hollywood mogul faggots think of course everyone on the planet has 100 Mbps+.

That's not even considering
>if you want to eat something while watching your movie you either have to smuggle something or be ripped off
>other people in the theater being annoying
>wasting time with shitty ads for shit you don't care about that you can't skip
>people talking loudly or on their phones

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Honestly, this.
Everything that comes out these days is unironically trash anyway.

Imagine paying money for digital media

>>Yeah of course you have to put sign up for an always online DRM scheme that requires your name, phone number, address, credit card information, social security number, DNA sample, and signed certificate indicating that we own your soul
>*Editor's Note*: Two days later CoolFriendCorp(TM)'s database was breached and all this data was distributed to every government and criminal operation on the planet
>CoolFriendCorp has agreed to settle for the generous amount of 71 cents in Identify Theft Protection Plus Ultimate
>Identify Theft Protection Plus Ultimate requires submitting name, phone number, address, credit card information, social security number, and DNA sample

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>your mechanic when you got your oil changed elsewhere
First, fuck this guy for not even considering the possibility that someone would change their own oil.
>your mechanic
Who the fuck has a personal mechanic?

>think everyone has 100mbps
they know they don't. And they know 99% of america can't support 1080p60 streams, much less 4k. But retards pay for the 4k versions of netflix and hulu and youtube subscriptions anyway just to watch in 720p or lower. They're literally scalping people for 2-3x the amount of money for almost ZERO difference, except maybe the occasional person who actually uses that 4k stream.
chainsawman is a good manga, I hope you're not just some reaction image faggot and read it. Go read fire punch too, if you haven't. equally as fucked.

The ultimate redpill
Only a few anons can achieve this plain of enlightened existance

I myself cannot, at least for the time being, i must admit with shame.

Stop fucking shilling your own articles here for fuck's sake, you're not fooling anyone.

op is a fag and this is bait

>rents movies through a cable box hes already over paying to rent and pay for cable
Why is Feits so stupid? Paying three fees to rent a movie.

buylets when will they learn

I bend the knee

>article from 2016
Yea Forums is so up to date on the news and memes
Epic based redpill kek!

Yes it's great and I'm excited for the wild ride that is now starting, I'm hyped for fight with sword devil.I haven't read fire punch yet but with how fun chainsawman is I'll probably check it out, I hope its main dude is half as cool as Denji.

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Pirating is just an overall superior experience a lot of the time. Why should I deal with bullshit drm and launchers when I can just get it without that and for free. What about my nintendo switch? I got banned for having legal homebrew on that before ever even attempting piracy so now I can't even buy games legally. Just keep getting cucked brainlet while these companies get away with bad business practices and things will never get better.

>longer than the average persons lifespan to care op

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He's just as good, and there's just as many typical shonen subversions. If you think what's happening now is a wild ride, this is just the end of the prologue. Just you wait and see.

>I’d prefer to watch this movie on my tv while I fuck around on my computer rather than watching it on my computer while I fuck around on my phone.

Never mind that the author's too retarded to connect a HDMI cable from a PC to a TV. Imagine being such a kike-cucked corporate-cock guzzling buyfag that you pay to rent a movie that you literally don't even watch. Imagine feeling the need to pay money to not watch a movie. Imagine paying money to rent different films as background noise instead of buying a single CD. Imagine being this guy.

>don't waste time with predictive programming and social cue indoctriment that is TV and movies
>don't waste time on videogames because once you pull the plug is gone
>just live life getting a kick out of people and making them mad
unironically this is the way to live

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Remember when Sony lost the billing information of something like 500 million customers because some script kiddies were dicking around with SQL injections on their databases and found that this sensitive information was stored entirely as plain text? I remember.

yeah but the article is probably real, it looks like it was from kotaku so you can assume the op is a bigger fag than you know as well as the "journalist" that wrote the "article"

>mp3 instead of a better format like wav or flac
id stare at you puzzled too

>I did it because I’d prefer to watch this movie on my tv while I fuck around on my computer rather than watching it on my computer while I fuck around on my phone.
Or you could just set up a plex server and stream it all to your TV, never have your rentals expire, substitute a bit of money for a bit of time, and give your friends all the TV they want too
He might hate pirates but he's still an idiot

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Only evil pirates remember such things about our generous corporate friends who are convenient and generous and also cool you don't want to be That Guy like ugh. Did you hear that the modern hip thing is actually to subscribe to our games? Just one convenient monthly fee* for access to all** your favorite hits!!

Why would you pay for spotify at all, you can just use the web client + an ad blocker. They make their money from corporations/unis who buy licenses by the thousands to distribute to workers, like MS with windows.

This post is a little close to home, one of my friends keeps buying full price games off of steam, not even new releases, instead of picking them up much cheaper on any decent key selling website. He complains everynow and then that he doesnt have much money, but seems completely unresponsive to me suggesting him to buy games during sales, buy keys or pirate them if hes in a bad financial state.

Like in i just want to save him money since hes a good friend that complains about money issues. Should i keep pestering him? Or give up like this article seems to suggest?

Don't be like this. LAME 320k MP3 is transparent. So is 256 AAC. FLAC obviously is fine too and these days with endless storage there is no real point in going to lossy anymore (or if going to some small device can just transcode on the fly) but you're not going to hear any real difference between any of them.

>friend asks me if I want to watch an anime with him because hes interested
>dont give a shit and say sure thing man
>he opens cruncyroll on a console and we sit through several minutes of ads in between 5 minutes of low resolution streaming that also gets interrupted by buffering

I just dont get it

Sometimes I wonder why I go to Yea Forums, and posts like these remind me that I am among fellow men of honor and integrity. This based man would be shunned anywhere else on the internet.

In all seriousness give up, nicely. Like, "know you can come to me if you ever change your mind, but your call man", don't be a bitch about it and proverbially stomp off in a huff, but it's also not your problem to mother him. You're a good friend by offering to help, that's more then enough. Just don't be an enabler either, like don't spot him money for a game just because he blew it all on full price stuff earlier in the month.

he wanted to suck your dick

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>Paying money to RENT movies online
Imagine being this cucked.

Not going to shit on you too hard user do what you want. But fansubs are often objectively better. Sometimes even more so with broadcast because there have been plenty of times where somebody goes to the trouble to record if off of some late night jap tv channel where it's not as censored as the general and streamed versions.

we have been friends for over a decade so he must be the worlds slowest gay dude if that was his endgame

lol i know someone like this in real life

slow and steady wins the race

Paypig cope.

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Projection is a hell of a drug. Also hilarious, some people do it so much it practically turns into honesty, you can tell exactly what they're insecure about and how they act by how they bitch about others.

You know I would pirate less shit if it were available for a reasonable price more often. I don't even torrent movies, it's mostly music that's literally unavailable for purchase on any medium besides from resellers who jack the price up. I don't mind online movie rentals; I watch stuff from time to time when it's offered at a reduced price that I otherwise wouldn't have watched to begin with. However, when something is available on Youtube but gets copyright struck despite not being made available for sale anywhere, you're damn right I'm torrenting it.

>Shut the fuck up, Torrent guys. You want to watch bootleg shit? Totally fine by me, just be quiet about it like no one’s ever heard of the concept. You’re like the fucking vegans of entertainment, gotta tell everyone how great and revolutionary your insufferable concept is.

This part's actually dead fucking on. I don't care if someone pirates but I do care when they're an insufferably holier than thou prick about it.

>Not being a public library golden god

The only games I buy on Steam besides multiplayer games are single player ones that have been patches to hell and back but nobody ever bothered uploading/cracking the patches.

>he needs browse on his computer to enjoy a movie
I swear this must be a zoomer thing because my nephews are like this as well. They can't just sit down and watch a movie they need to have their phones out and always ask what happened when they weren't paying attention to the movie. Watch the goddamn movie or get the fuck out

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Don't get triggered by Feits blogging about something his dumbass knows nothing about. He's just a miserable fuck who hit the lottery.


Yep. For a pretty popular example, see Evangelion's best official release vs a widely seeded version of the same thing. The uploader cleaned up the picture quality and did a lot of work that Gainax couldn't be fucked to do, and there's no reason to spend money on the official release so long as that torrent exists. It's ridiculous. Sell me an nice boxed set and actually put in the goddamned work that some dude at his PC could apparently do solo.

>feel like watching Cowboy Bebop
>series is on sale on PSN
>pick it up
>English only
>what the fuck
>no dual audio
>that's a different version that you have to buy separately
>immediately torrent the full series plus movie in high quality with dual audio and subtitles in a much more readable font than the offical's would have been
>I'm the bad guy

t.ignorant and technogically illiterate


seeth harder faggot

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the outlaw star BD was amazing though and is worth the money

Actually a good point. Depends on your area, but some libraries are surprisingly nice now, and have pretty sizeable media collections along with books. Granted still a loan, but totally free too. I've heard a lot of city libraries have problems nowadays due to shitty funding and faggot politicians allowing bums to use them for housing basically, but I was living in a rural area and went to a library for the first time in a while and it was quiet, comfy, decent internet, and a lot of good stuff even just released movies.

>friend spent like $120 on singleplayer games
>got yelled at by his gf because they don't have any money
Paypigs deserve it honestly.

Attached: gigachad pirate.png (1673x2160, 1.26M)

Fucking this.
>give us money
>in exchange we will do a worse job then literally what some basement dweller will for free
Yeah sure thing guys.

Every once in a blue moon there is a genuinely good high effort disc release but fuck if they seem hard to find, I've just given up. Is there some site that actually rates bluray releases or something for quality? But it pisses me off that I'd even have to think about it when I'm the one expected to shell out my hard earned dosh.

The library near me has a decent supply of actually really good last gen console games on every platform. Yeah there's a lot of "Iron Man 1: The Movie: The Game" But then there's also Bioshock, Halo, Gears of War, Fable, etc etc. Real games. If you're broke and don't want to risk hacking your console, check out your local library. I live in the middle of nowhere too so you never know what they might have.

Barstool sure has fallen. It was over the day they sold out and moved to New York but man they fell fucking hard.

>The uploader cleaned up the picture quality and did a lot of work that Gainax couldn't be fucked to do

The fact that so many weebs pay for garbage like crunchyroll is legitimately baffling. In terms of technical stuff the animu piracy scene has always been fucking years ahead of the scene for western stuff, being the first adopter for lots of encoding techniques. Then you've got (had) glorious autists like RX playing about with different encodes and filters to make the best possible video, often fighting against the work done official BDs that look bad because they were over DNRed to fuck like the early Gundam BDs or the fucked colours on the Eva BDs.

Why would you pay money for garbage when that shit's free?

I love a good disc release when it's actually good. I wish they'd put in more effort with their releases in general, though. I'm especially tired of the flimsy, shit blu-ray cases with nothing inside but the discs. Give me a fucking nice, thick case with some goodies inside. Some themed packaging, with little art-cards or an art-book, maybe a note from the creator, some stupid trading cards with the characters on them, anything but a folded up poster. It's stupid, little shit like that which drives home the idea that this is a product which will sit on your shelf. You own it; you gave the creators money for a physical object, so package it in such a way it looks like you care about your work and understand that fans like things. Not what's essentially a plastic envelope with some shitty clips housing a disc with files that you would have been better off just downloading in a few minutes.

I remember when I was a kid, my Dad would get me the original Mobile Suit Gundam dvd's from Best Buy. They each came with a high-quality portrait sticker of a frame from the show, and I thought those were the coolest shit. They were large, detailed, and I enjoyed just looking at them for a minute when I popped the case open. It made the experience of bringing home the DVD better.

At this point, not only are the files on the disc lower quality than some torrents, but it's just this sad, plastic piece of garbage that you don't even want to put on a shelf. Sometimes when you open the case the fucking paper insert with the title will just slide on out. This goes for games too.

>But most of all I did it because I’m an adult and it’s easier for me to just pay $3.99 than it is to waste my time looking for this “incredible deal” of free shit on the internet.
he's a tech illiterate boomer.
probably got viruses when he tried to pirate and went full never again

>probably got viruses when he tried to pirate
You mean when he googled "[game] full game download free no virus" then ran download_client.exe?

it's still pretty easy to get a virus if you click the giant "DOWNLOAD NOW" button above the "download slow" button or something, if you're a complete fucking retard and don't use adblock.

i know 60 year olds than can navigate putlockers, and 30 year olds that buy netflix and cable.

He's 30-31 but yeah, blogs/works for the college frat bro equivalent of Buzzfeed.


Have fun supporting corporations tomorrow hypocrites.

>I live in the middle of nowhere too so you never know what they might have.
I think middle of nowhere libraries can sometimes be the best really, more freedom to be quirkier and do whatever and middle of nowhere often has shit internet options so they're even more useful.

I'm sure there are plenty of mediocre ones around, but plenty have been trying to modernize too and some librarians are amazingly serious about the whole "freedom of content, anything patrons want is fine" thing. One of my favorite surprise vidya experiences in forever was going into a rural public library, being really surprised to see good movies, asking if they happened to have any games, and having this like 70-something old lady shuffle on over to a back aisle, say "sonny you seem like you might like this one" and hand me a copy of Serious Sam. Glorious.

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>paying for a digital good or service that you don't even own

>implying I work
Tick tock wagie. Better be up early tomorrow! Boss wants another yacht, and you're gonna give it to him.

How about if corps just bothered to, you know, actually compete on quality? Like imagine that, some sort of "market" where the higher priced item actually got you a BETTER experience? Crazy I know but I think there might be something there.


I deserve a version of what I'm buying that's better than what I can get for free.

>liberal garbage

Corporate bootlickers get the rope too.

How the fuck can he watch shit on the tv if he has to download the fucking shit to the fucking TV as he'd do on the fucking computer.

Literally nobody buys physicals these days. This argument is shit.

>Implying your opinion on value has any value at all.
People like you have no idea what a dollar is worth.
You complain about everyone trying to steal your money while trampling over the labor people have suffered to give you a product you wanted bad enough to pirate.
You're nothing more than a parasite and anything you have to say is less than the PC you're typing it on you mongoloid fuck, I hope life caves your skull in

People pay for bottled water because they don't want microplastics and other poison in their water supply, just like how people buy games because they can't risk having any viruses in their PC.

Anyone got that greentext where user has to inject needle into his veins when he wants to play video games as a DRM mechanism?

>complain about corporations
>support them anyway
Your fault nigger. Dont like it, move to the woods


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Why yes, I have my torrent client setup to automatically download latest eps of anime/cartoons I like, I also download shows off of IRC, and I have shared access to my parents' Netflix account to boot.

Attached: Handsomeface_original[1].jpg (834x563, 35K)

I pirate everything snd corporations genuinely fucked up this time.

>DUDE why spend 10 minutes pirating something when I can spend 10 minutes signing up for a service, inputting my credit card and then not really owning it whatsoever? Fucking hell, now if you'll excuse me there's a game I want to play but it's too expensive so I'll wait half a year for it to be a better price instead of just pirating it now
I will say for the first time in a while piracy has sort of fucked me over, there's a new EGS exclusive called Observation and the only torrent available may have malware in it but at the same time I don't care enough to involve myself with EGS so I'll just go without for now.

The only power a consumer should have is the power of his wallet. Don't like the quality? Fuck off. Don't like how it's marketed? Fuck off. Again, you're not entitled to anything, including the demo. It's not the developer's or publisher's fault you're too retarded to gather information about the product from online videos made by other people, who bought it legitimately.

Reviews are too easily abused so there's no reason for them to exist. There is no moral high ground to review, and there is no excuse for piracy. In fact, pirates are exceptional pieces of shit not because they pirate, but because they always try to use retarded, bullshit excuses to justify their piracy. You're scum, no discussion.

OP is a genuine faggot.

>if you don't want to owe your life to megacorporations then stop participating in society

Wow, what a faggot. Not that that's the worst idea in actuality; in ten years it's going to be some goddamned corporate equivalent of China's social welfare system here in the states that there's no opting-out of unless you want to barred from employment, utilities, healthcare, and a place to live.

Your computer can stream to your TV

Computers auto download subtitles and can get you them in any language

Why would you fuck around on your phone? What does that have to do with anything? What is this garbage.

>I did it because I’d prefer to watch this movie on my tv while I fuck around on my computer rather than watching it on my computer while I fuck around on my phone.

Absolutely disgusting. Just watch the movie, you fucking piece of shit.

What's the chance of getting malware while torrenting shit?

>The only power a consumer should have is the power of his wallet. Don't like the quality? Fuck off.
And fuck off we do, right to the torrents :^)

>Again, you're not entitled to anything
As an American I literally am entitled actually. Copyright is a bargain with the public that exists for the public good. When corps abuse it they deserve nothing.

Complain about corps all you want, you support them too hypocrite. So does your government. ;)

Best part is there is nothing you can ever do about it because youre a dumb fat fuck who sits on his ass playing games all day. Tootles!

Whatever you say, Epic Store representative

based seething corp licker

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Have fun supporting another corporation tomorrow my man

for media literally zero. as long as you don't see hot_sweet_tiffany_xxx.mpg.avi.exe and decide to run it you fucking mong.

for games emulated also zero, same caveat as above.

for pc vidya should be close to zero anywhere but the shittiest sites, doesn't seem to be a thing.

for regular software yes there is plenty of malware, you'll have to be somewhat less lazy there. can always run it in a vm though.

>it’s easier for me to just pay $3.99 than it is to waste my time looking for this “incredible deal” of free shit on the internet.
So he's lazy

>did it because I don’t feel like dealing with some versions not working, having subtitles, or being shitty quality
and incompetent.

>it's ok for me to steal because DA JOOS



But we're not opposed to supporting corporations retard, so long as they actually earn it. You're the one shitting on the Free Market and demanding every support bad corps rather then good ones.

If it takes a normalfag 10 minutes to pirate a movie to save $4 then that is the equivalent of $24 an hour. The average american wage is $27 an hour. Therefore piracy is more work for less money saved than actually working.

Attached: noggin joggin.png (225x225, 4K)

>don't have any money because he spent 120 dollars

Or they could just offer a product that outclasses what people manage to put together at their PC's. alone. Shocking idea. They don't play fair, neither should the consumer. When the law becomes untenable, people become bandits. Entertainment is just an inconsequential microcosm of that. Look at insulin and epipens. Their prices were artificially inflated to make a massive profit off of a captive market. People should be stealing that shit, and they'd be right to do so.

Corporations are not benevolent givers, and they are not in charge unless you let them be. It's a communication of money. When people get swindled hard enough, they start becoming bandits. At no point do you just sit and let yourself starve because you aren't entitled to food that you can't afford, for an extreme example. You steal, plain and simple. Most people don't want to, but if push comes to shove, they will.

if you don't even know what a virtual machine is stay away from pirating regular software without learning a lot more about computers.

Poor people aren't good with money.

>all these people saying pirating is fine and that everyone who disagrees is retarded
how did you miss the point THAT much, like did you only read the headline and immediately think "AH MAW GAWD TEY ATAKIN MUH EBIN PIRATE STATHUS" , the idea isn't that pirating is bad and no one should do it, it's that there are people who think pirating stuff is a viable personality trait and that they are the only ones who can do it. If you want to pirate fine go ahead nobody really cares, but some pirates nowadays fail to realize the whole point of pirating in the first place was to get others hands out of your pocket by deciding that you can get things without paying, only to now jam your hands in others pockets the second they try to buy something because you get triggered at the thought of someone doing something without your express consent. All you are doing is cementing the fact that Torrent guys are annoying pricks, and I am going to reiterate for a second time so that no IDIOTS misread this.
Pirating is fine
Acting like a fag because someone doesn't want to pirate isn't

>>I’m an adult and it’s easier for me to just pay $3.99 than it is to waste my time looking for this “incredible deal” of free shit on the internet.
>Go to torrent site
>Type in movie name
>Hit magnet link next to one with most seeders
Why is it always the brainlets getting pissy about torrents

Eh, the way I see it is, if I can buy something legally at a reasonable price, that's the way to do it. But if it's not available legally or the legal copy is full of BS, I have no qualms about pirating entertainment.

Climate Change.

10 years.

This thread is about an article from 2016. What is wrong with Yea Forums?

Only if the time isn't amortized. In reality there is an upfront bit of work to figure shit out and find good sources and such, and then from there on out it's trivial for years/decades (sources don't necessarily last forever but some have been around a long ass time now).

Also you're assuming equivalent quality. Normally though the pirate version is superior, so it's naturally worth a small premium anyway. That's the market at work.

Duh. Corporations provide things to people with money. You pay, you get thing. However, when the terms of that simple exchange become heinous and they're taking more from you than they reasonably should, you do the same. There's nothing sacrosanct about being on the seller side of a market; if you're getting ripped off, you can get ripped off.

That must be some tasty fucking boot he's licking.

Duuuude the corporations are like bad and stuff maaaaaan. Down with like, corporations bro. You feel me dude? Brb gotta get some Mcdonalds

>it's ok for me to steal because wypepo

People who rent movies or play for on demand don't feel superior, I think it's the contrary, they know they are tech illiterates that prefer to pay than wasting time learning how to torrent.

Peak Oil

20 years

>If you want to pirate fine go ahead nobody really cares
Articles like this prove the exact opposite.

Let me guess, every time you open a browser on your phone it vibrates and you get 10 popups announcing you just won a new iPhone?
You probably think your friend that unfucked your phone last time "put a virus on it" too.

Fuck this faggot and fuck you for defending the chink store, you dumb nigger.

Yesss.... yessss.... good goyim

If you have to ask you're probably already swimming in malware

>being a russian communist on Yea Forums
that's gonna be a yikes here

I'm trying to think of the kind of person that would write this and seriously think "This is acceptable for a working professional"

I can attest to this. I grew up without money to really throw around. There was little excess. Learning to manage my money is a difficult and slow process because I didn't acquire money sense growing up. Like learning a language vs language acquisition. It's easy to land yourself in a hole, panic, and do something stupid like fall into credit card debt which only deepens the hole.

The knowledge of how to manage your money is free and accessible. Making that knowledge action, and the action into habit, however, is a learning experience where your actions have real consequences. Biggest thing so far is keeping track of just how badly your little expenses can drain you. A sandwich here, a coffee there, a game on sale. It's important though to rewarded yourself WITHIN REASON with something that you couldn't have gotten if you'd been blowing all your money on useless trash in a death-by-a-thousand-cuts fashion.

Learning that your income is a resource that you can manipulate and manage instead of treating it like an oxygen tank that gets refilled every pay period is key. The poor think of their money as what they have until they get paid again, and they'll run it into the ground at a dead sprint.

They mad because they never learned how to computer.


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Pirates are the niggers of the industry

Rich people can afford to make poor decisions with their money and don't have to worry about it. Poor people can't

Scared of viruses but most don't even have a fucking adblocker or any decent freeware anti-virus software. Scared of getting a stern letter for pirating rather than just spending a few minutes learning about VPN's and going with a popular one that costs a couple bucks a month at most.

That's why "torrent guys" aren't bad at all, they can teach you about this sort of thing and save you thousands of dollars. Lazy normalfags should listen to them, even if they are being pricks ultimately they're just trying to save you money. Or just keep being a paypig, that's fine because paypigs are necessary to keep things going.

They don't think about anything, they just write whatever pops in their head and think it's amazing because it's their job.
I'll let you in on a little secret. Almost every online "news" outlet knowing hires arrogant retards to write articles because they know stupid articles generate traffic from people coming in to point and laugh or get angry. That's why most articles are titled with an inflammatory statement or opinion, they catch your attention. The writers themselves usually don't realize they're only around to be mocked, they actually think they're respectable "journalists".

>>Go to torrent site
You can bypass this step if you take the ten seconds to add that torrent site to your client's search function.

I know. But the mindset that I should do as I like because some other asshole can do as he likes consequence-free is death. I must defeat myself to win.

where does he say in the article that pirating is bad and nobody should do it?

user please, if they can't handle regular torrenting I think their heads would explode trying to configure that.

Don't like it don't buy it.
>No I'll still buy it lel fuck you xdDDd
Don't agree with corporations? Stop supporting them.
>Bing bing wahoo!
Exercise you free fucking will already!
>Abloo bloo bloo
>Oh fuck muh lootboxes!
>They're LITERALLY stealing my money!
>Fucking bootlickers!

Insufferable fucking maggots, pieces of human excrement with legs, the lot of you.

>ES fanboy uses the copypasta from a braindead mongrel to try to get his incorrect point across
And just when I think it's impossible for you to get any lower, you just keep digging.

and once again if you hate capitalism and the free market so much you're in the wrong place commie

The last movie I rented was Mad Max Fury road, the scene during the sandstorm LITERALLY had it's music cut off, really. Then I complained about it, got my money back, pirated it and watched the damn thing.

Attached: absolutely disgusting 2.gif (375x209, 1.96M)

He desperately needs to be separated from his money for frivolous shit like renting 15+ year old movies. It's one thing to want to purchase physical media as a collector or purchase a digital copy to own, but RENTING old movies is literally retarded and something to be shamed for.

Probably send him to or something.
You get to help him by helping him save money, and he won't be mad at you since he thinks he's finding all these sweet deals himself.

In theory anyways.

Yea your right, theres not much more i can do in that situation. I guess my inner miser just hates seeing him ignore my advice and lose money for no reason. Cheers for the advice user.

Or when psn got shutdown for months because their entire system got hacked

Or when their emails got hacked and how low sony higher ups think of their customers?


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If nobody cared about pirates then you wouldn't see article constantly whining about them

Or when epic store sent someone's sensitive information to the wrong person and then promised they made sure the person deleted from their computer? Oh wait that was last week lol.

merely a coincidence, goy

pirates ain't violent and don't TAKE property

The difference is Epic ALREADY PAY the game for you using zoomers money. So you don't steal anything.

it's not whining about pirates it's whining about people who think that pirating is the only logical and ethical way to get something and use downloading hacked stuff online as a substitute for a personality, it says in the thing pirating is fine but there are people who act like they are the only person in the world who know about bootleg websites and how spending money is an insult to them.

>The difference is Epic ALREADY PAY the game for you using stolen data from your computer that they sell to ad companies. So you don't steal anything.


Every fucking time

>it's whining about people who think that pirating is the only logical and ethical way to get something

so whining about pirates

>Bottled water
>free of microplastics and other poison

Somebody tell him.

> I’d prefer to watch this movie on my tv while I fuck around on my computer rather than watching it on my computer while I fuck around on my phone. I did it because I don’t feel like dealing with some versions not working, having subtitles, or being shitty quality. But most of all I did it because I’m an adult and it’s easier for me to just pay $3.99 than it is to waste my time looking for this “incredible deal” of free shit on the internet.

You have at least a couple of generations of people that have grown up around the internet. There are so many ways to watch what you want ,when you want, how you want; and you're pretty much guaranteed to own everything you need to get it done. On top of that, it's easier than ever to find the shit you want. Yet, you still have this exact same bullshit being thrown around.

It's fucking amazing.

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If the author can point to where I can buy Star Wars 4-6’s theatrical cuts, I’ll follow his lead

Pirates illegally coerce intellectual property owners and take their property. It's stealing

Explain to me how preventing seizure of private property owned by individuals eliminates the freedom of individuals and how destroying the basis of free market capitalism is pro-capitalism.
I'll wait

Here's a wild idea: if you don't like it, go without

I said it before and I'll say it again dowloading stuff for free online is 100% fine. Acting like a fag about it isn't. It's like this, imagine you have 2 friends, one who is vegetarian due to health reasons, and one who is a full vegan who tells you eating meat is murder and how great they are for being such a good person not eating meat and that everyone else is below the. It's like that, pirates are fine, people who think everyone has to know that they pirate things and that everyone who doesn't is some form of low IQ idiot are just arrogant idiots. you don't have to join a circlejerk to download things online for free.

0/10 made me reply

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torrenting is so fucking baby. Maybe he'd have a point if he's talking about IRC. I'm sure pirating would be down like 90% if people still had to deal with IRC or whatever to share files. At least with fucking piratebay you can literally get 99% of what you want the first time.

>watching it on his computer
>not knowing how to cast to tv or a device attatched to the tv
>not having a cheap laptop or pc attached to the tv to transfer your movies and tv shows to

I seriously hope this guy doesn't write for a tech magazine.

The funniest thing about this bitch fit is that you can probably fucking buy a DVD copy of triple ecks for the same price

Attached: 1554143878692.gif (334x251, 3.2M)

It's funny because for movies it's unironically a better deal to download a 4k Blu-ray rip then it is to pay 20 bucks for it. No DRM nor need for some expensive player.
He's assmad that he's a paycuck and/or doesn't know how to torrent stuff.

This. Pirated content is almost always superior to paid shit. The only times I've bought a game that I've pirated is when it's cheap as fuck or the crack is shit.

Have fun paying 5 bucks to rent a movie when I can have it for free forever at a higher quality on any device I want.

You don't.

I thought I was clever when i used limewire to pirate limewire pro

The only case in which somebody could give a microscopic shit about whether you pirate or buy digital goods is if you're too computer illiterate to install a torrent client, in which case they will seethe and eventually resort to the sour grapes fallacy.
I torrent all my movies, games and software and calling people names over it just shows how upset you are that there are people who don't feel like paying for shit.

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In other words it's a convenient excuse to whine about pirates

>my connection is shit
That's like the main reason I DO torrent instead of streaming. If my connection has a 50% chance of fucking up and going slow at any time of the day, then 50% of the time when I want to stream something I'm going to get constant skips or have to watch it at 240p. If I torrent it then it'll just download overnight.
I also mostly just watch older anime though, so I'm downloading 50 episodes at a time instead of 12.

This, "shit connection" is such a weird reason to want to stream that I think it has to be some faggot trolling. Normally it's the opposite, the worse the connection the more attractive piracy is because even if it takes 12 hours and starts and stops to download something once it's down it's done and you can watch it full quality with zero bullshit.


But most of all I did it because I’m an adult and it’s easier for me to just pay $3.99 than it is to waste my time looking for this “incredible deal” of free shit on the internet.

Ahh yes being an adult means wasting $3.99 instead of saving

to whine about pirates that act like fags yes. Nothing wrong with the act, just with the turbo autists who take it too seriously.

The turbo autists are the ones who whine about them in the first place.

Well would you look at that

Attached: I wonder whos behind this article.jpg (1290x356, 51K)

>buying games
>buying movies
>paying for cable
>streaming anything
>supporting the retarded decisions of executives who would abandon entire markets to jump on trends
>wasting money
>using credit cards
>being retarded

Who are these "Torrent Guys", are they the a l337 h4ck3r5?

Of course its gonna be some german fuck. Always those nazi cucks trying to control things.

I pirate everything because I want the industry to crash and burn and take all these basedfags with them

>jew tries to create sensationalism where there is none
imagine my shock

>so uhhhhh here's some non-reasons why I don't want to pirate
Seething retards getting ripped off as usual.