
Take some time with your kot

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My kots demand attention.

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kurwa jego mać

Thanks op

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>tfw my roommate threw his girlfriends kitten against a wall and it started meowing uncontrollably for like 2 hours while shitting and pissing itself before dying
What the fuck is wrong with Chinese people?

Will do OP.

Why didn't you beat the slant out of his eyes you pussy?

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because I'm not going to jail over a fucking cat, you underage retard. I was already moving out and haven't spoken to him in like 3 years.

My cat is dead, OP.

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I dont have any cats. Or any pets at all. Animals are fucking disgusting.

Didn’t even call the cops on him baka

Coward, you let a cat suffer in vain for your own sorry ass.

I really doubt you would be charged. My neighbor beat the fuck out of some dude who shot his friends dog with a .22 and he wasn't charged. What story is he going to tell the cops that wont catch him animal abuse charges?

Either way you're a pussy faggot.

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You didn’t do shit to help that cat in 2 hours you heartless bastard

Sorry I only have a dog

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>I am too lazy to properly take care of an animal

At least you admit it and don't make an innocent animal suffer.

Not my problem, liberal pussies.

I live in Texas. Pets are classified as property so all I would be doing is beating up some tiny Chink because he destroyed his own property. I would be charged.

I have a cat that's really skittish and hates being picked up. How do I make it like me?

Wtf? I would have stabbed this cunt even in his tomb.
How did that happen?

My King of Town? Why?

kots are kunts

I didn't kill a cat but one cat kept meowing outside my apartment so I lured it inside, put it inside a pillow case and kicked it a bunch of times before throwing it back outside. It was like a fucking rocket once it got out of that pillow case lmao

>being so pathetic that you have to larp in a cat thread on Yea Forums

I hate liberals more than you user but you should feel guilt

>King of Town

I wish I had a kibs my life is such a mess

you as well.

What a shitty thread.

people do that and there's no reason they wouldn't post here

>some fat faggot actually managing to catch an outdoor cat in a pillowcase of all things
yeah no. take your larping shit to the shitty mmo threads.

>animal abuse isn't real
I wish you were right, user.

The kat actually fell for the trap kek