He pays for games with less than 100 hours of gameplay

>he pays for games with less than 100 hours of gameplay

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>he pays for games

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>he plays games at all

repent to God now and thank him for this bountiful harvest NOW

I actually see more gameplay as bad. I would rather have 10 amazing totally different 10 hour experiences. than a single 100 hour one. multiplayer focused games are different ofc. But no game can go 100 hours without any lulz. tedium or unnecessary fluff. some games like Persona are worth it. But they do not benefit from it. I so not get this meme of value Being attached to playtime. no other medium has this.
People don't check runtime to see if a movie is worth $12 to see.

>he pays

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>he play games with a learning curve lower than 1k hours

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Today's trend of open world exploration with a scaling enemies and endless quest hubs of ever repeating stuff is not worth it.
It's like the game is speaking without having anything to say.
It's not as memorable as the 3 hours of portal.

>he pays for games just like JRPGs thinking they're better than a nice 12 hour single player experience because he gets more value grinding for hours like a sheep

as a poorfag this is a rule i always follow. its served me well so far

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>advocate against piracy because I believe devs deserve to get paid for their work
>devs reward me by giving me DRM-laden games, forcing launcher exclusive wars, making DLC and microtransactions the norm, forcing skinner boxes and gacha everywhere, and appealing to casuals who hate any semblance of challenge

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it's true but i also don't buy games for more than $10.

Am I the only one who just never buys DLC, lootboxes or microtransactions and yet still feels like he is not missing anything? I buy the odd expansion pack every few years, but that is it. I mean people always complain but I really don't think I am missing anything. it is almost always garbage filler/padding. Last time I feel like an actual part of the game was DLC was Mass Effect 3. dont care about launchers either.

>he plays anything other than MMORPGs
>he doesn't spend thousands of hours to get the highest ilvl while skipping every lore text
>he's not turning the "offline" option as not to embarrass himself to other people

>he continues to live and doesn't just fucking die instantly

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>he thinks gook grinding treadmills qualify as "gameplay"

yoikey snoikey

I've never played a non-mobile game with lootboxes but zu-Yea Forums has been up in arms about outlawing them. how hard is it to just not buy/play shitty lootbox games?

>he plays games
I can’t play for more than 20 minutes now without getting bored.


the problem is that you're playing games for the story.

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded. Gameplay above all.

Just don't buy games with any of that.

Those 100 hour copy paste open world games are the ones that really deserve peoples money right?

not necessarily. I play tonnes of games for tonnes of different reasons. I don't play soulsborne games for the lore for instance i completely ignore it. But yeah I would say The story is a major part of why I enjoy Deadly premonition, and something like MGS is a balance of all of them. But in all three cases unecesary padding is bad. adding a boss to dark souls just to make it longer or just doubling the path for instance would be a waste of my time as a player and I would rather not have it. the higher the percentage of the game that is entertaining the better. the longer the game the less likely this is to be true. even some of the best gameplay loops get tiring. There is only so much enemy variety you can do in the scope of one game.
based simpleton.

i mean I play siege and it has them. I just don't really care. I don't feel like I am missing something if I don't spend a bunch of money to get more spins at random junk skins. My experience would be about the same whether they existed or not. something like BF2 takes it to far I am sure. but who the fuck is playing that game and why?

I'm not sure where you're coming from on this. A game with good gameplay won't feel like it's wasting your time it will be fun and more gameplay will be more fun. maybe you just play shitty games.

The last game I paid for was Call of Pripyat, one of the last physical pc games shipped with no online activation.

Most indie games have >30 hours worth of content, pretty sure their developers need my money more than some triple AAA company

Im retarded, obviously meant

ever played a JRPG? the same fight is not as fun the second time you do it that day. even less the third. Then there is no reason why every fight will be just as good as the best one. some will be boring or uninspired. It's like would I rather grind or fight pallet e swaps than watch paint dry? yeah. would I rather do it then try something completely different and fresh? no. I have never played a 70 hour plus game that didn't have a single lul or slow part. whether it was an overly grindy section or completely unnecessary story exposition or menial tasks or boring bosses or rehashed fights. Take a good short game like ZoE for instance. Gameplay was tight, but man would it have gotten old if they just tripled the number of fights. Or Catherine, I absolutely loved the unique puzzle platform thing. But I probably would get bored after like 50 hours of it in one playthrough. It is the same as NG+. I have never completed a 7p hour game, even some of my favourites and gone "gee fuck my backlog of interesting looking games, lets do all that shit all over again.
multiplayer is obviously different do to player interaction and competitiveness.