Before we fall back into the hype cycle that is a new Kojima trailer let's talk about how we've been let down before

Before we fall back into the hype cycle that is a new Kojima trailer let's talk about how we've been let down before

Look at how good this fucking trailer was for fuck's sake: and it ended up fucking wasted plot

And for those that don't know:

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I wasnt let down, MGSV was great


I really enjoyed playing MGSV

>fans complain MGS4 has too many cutscenes
>fans hype over MGS5 cutscene trailer
>game devs make best gameplay of any MGS yet
>waahhh!! ma trailer!! game sucks!!
I really don't get it.

The story was fucking shit and non-existent, there basically wasn't a single cutscene that wasn't in a trailer and there was no real conclusion to the story and the gameplay was incredibly disjointed by the mission system.

Gameplay itself is great but god damn it should've been a fucking linear game

All you just said is wrong

So the gameplay is shit?

No its literally 11/10 masterpiece

No one played MGS for the gameplay in the first place the story was always the main draw

So not everything I said is wrong

I enjoyed it at first, especially since I saw 0 trailers before playing (I learned my lesson with MGS4), but the game felt lacklusting after chapter 2, and "Big Boss" being mute 99% of the time outside of the tapes is kinda boring.

Everything he said was 100% spot on.

It is

Kojima spent half the time working on P.T. and that resulted in MGSV being unfinished.
Good riddance. P.T. was worth the tradeoff of another fanservice centered metal gear solid game that doesn't want to be a metal gear solid game.
MGS4 was good and all, but it really should have ended there. MGSV was simply unfinished. Still a great game I have over 100s of hours in.

>Be me
>bought MGSV on my PS4, it's my first metal gear game ever and it was on sale
>Start up the game expecting some Sam Fisher tier stealth military kino, something grounded and fun but mostly realistic
>Things go alright, soldiers start attacking the hospital and kill that doctor and the nurse with the fiber wire, I escape with the bandaged patient. It's OK to this point
>but the game suddenly goes to shit when a levitating teleporting girl and a fucking human torch ripoff with a goddamn fire unicorn assault the place and a tank runs the fire guy and I don't know what the fuck else
>turn off the game right there because I wasn't expecting any paranormal bullshit like that in my 'tactical espionage operations' or whatever the fuck it's called
>never open it again
Fuck Kojima and fuck metal gear.

I'm too lazy, give me youtube link or something


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its a man, your fault for being a retard and starting with 5

have sex

Name 5 things wrong with MGS4

i can even name 20 if you want

Fucking do it you coward

Fanservice is fine. The gameplay mechanics was the best the series had ever had. The overall production quality was SSS+ tier. The story attempted to tie up all loose ends and managed to do so fairly well, even if it was a bit incomprehensible at times. Nothing is more epic than the fistfight on top of outer haven.

>bland, ugly looking environments
>too many cutscenes
>shit villains/bosses except for liquid
>ruined Raiden's character
>the twist that the Patriots are actually your radio buddies from MGS3

Only one of those things is bad and one is completely untrue

And they are?

Runing Raiden is bad
Bland environments is untrue

Maybe you could have a game between the two extremes? As I recall there were three of them on the PS2.

what this guy is smoking? the environments are great and varied,the only problem is that the game is too short