I haven't played a Monster Hunter game since Freedom Unite and figured maybe Iceborne would be a good time to get back...

I haven't played a Monster Hunter game since Freedom Unite and figured maybe Iceborne would be a good time to get back into it since this is supposed to be the G rank

But is it just me or does it look kind of slow?

I haven't played in a while but I swear the monsters were all faster than this

Attached: Iceborne.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Nah, World is much faster than Freedom Unite. It goes into DMC territory at times even.

But DMC enemies just kinda stand around most of the time


>This, however, is acceptable. Hookshotting onto a monster before doing a leaping slash, and lunging counterattack iaijutsu are perfectly standard techniques used by hunters since the dawn of man.

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cope bing bing

>Worldfetus lacking arguments yet again

That's true for MHW as well.

MHW is very different from other MH games.
One could say they "westernized" it to acquire that mythical casual fanbase.

keep seething faggot, keep staying mad that MHW sold over 11 million copies, while your pile of garbage could barely reach 4 million.

>Here's your G rank armor and weapons, bro

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Viking moose armor looks cool.

Wait is that it?

Pretty sure those are just for the new monsters they've revealed and there will be more.
Still looks kinda boring visually.


Yes, that's literally it.
That's the DLC.

>STILL using the base iron Swaxe and Hammer model
>le realistic armor with fur and feathers

fuck World

I wouldn't be shocked with how much World had by default
The weapon and armor variety is laughable in the base game, I didn't have high hopes for the DLC

Armor variety? What are you talking about?

thanks bro

i hope 6th gen has better art direction but at this point i doubt it

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>33 options for Low Rank armor in general in MHW
>Over 90 options just for Low Rank blademaster armor in MHGU, this isn't even counting the Low Rank Gunner armor

It will when it turns out almost every other hammer is just that one with feathers or scales glued on.


>Only unique weapons are going to be the returning ones
For fuck's sake

To be fair those weapons are all literally the ore and bone tree

Yeah, because those games have more monsters, retard.
Saying stuff like World has less armor variety implies that every monster doesn't get it's own set.

Guaranteed these weapons are the start of their trees and not fully upgraded

>Yea Forums's mad as fuck
>Everyone else is hyped
>Japan's already making art
When will Yea Forums admit MHW was a success?

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don't set yourself up for this disappointment user

What makes you think they'll look all that different upgraded?

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Oh well, I guess the game having less monsters too makes it better

A game being a success doesn't mean its good
You act like I'm only pretending a good game is bad because I want to be right when it fails, but I'm saying its bad because I don't like it as much as the old games.

It has the most new monsters ever added in a generation though.

I miss the hip windows but the new Odo armor is pretty cool. It's like an edgier successor to Yukumo.

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>shitpost MHW
>shitpost RE2MAKE
>shitpost Sekiro
>shitpost DMC5
>now, shitpost MHW Iceborne
Is there a multiplat that is safe from shitposting by Nintenbabbies? All they have to do in order to play a multiplat is to get a PC but to them, no Switch ports means no buy and get ready to be shitposted to death. I really can't understand this kind of retarded mentality.

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>That hammer and Banboro armor.

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World's roster could be better but GU's isn't perfect either with all that gen1/2 trash.

The gen 1/2 stuff is the best part

>with all that gen 1/2 trash
Like what? Monsters that have defined the franchise at its core?

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Octopath might be safe still once it goes to PC

The only thing MH1 defined was the name of the series. 60% of the shit in that game isn't even in modern MH anymore.
And aside from Rathalos, everyone hates gen1 monsters.

If we're counting recolor monsters, then no. Radobaan, Jyuratodus, Pukei-Pukei, now Beotodus, etc. are just """""new"""" monsters to pad the roster. If we're talking about actually unique skeletons, 4th gen still has more unique bodies across the board.

so did the sns weapon video actually show any new move or was it all just crutch claw shit? and did the GS show off a new true charge variant? it was a bit hard to tell

>And aside from Rathalos, everyone hates gen1 monsters.
>Aside from Rathalos
People hate Rathalos too, stupid.

Who doesn't love fighting 5 recoloured raptos, 3 yian kut kus, 2 basarios and cephadrome. At least they spared us from monoblos.

I like him.

>60% of the shit in that game isn't even in modern MH anymore.
Literally 100% of first gen is in MHGU
>everyone hates gen1 monsters.
"Everyone" hates monsters from every gen you faggot, that doesn't mean a thing.

Most of gen1 is rathian clones whose distinctive trait is spinning their tail multiple times.

bing bing motherfucker

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There is no sns video yet. It´s a claw video.

I unironically love all of those things

Unfortunately the washed out colours are only a small part of the problem here

What exactly did Gravios and Khezu define?

Good for you then. Outside of Plesioth and Diablos I tend to prefer third Gen's equivalents.

These designs are so fucking flavorless jesus christ.

>Less visually interesting Brachydios Armor
>Moose Viking
>Awesome cloak to cover extremely generic WRPG armor
>Maccao armor, but with dramatically less flair
>All of the weapons are painfully generic except for the hammer, which honestly might wind up just being the base for every other weapon anyways

I love the Tobi-Kadachi skeleton and want more monsters that use it. A wolf-esque monster seemed like an easy fit.

What is the third gen equivalent of Congalala or the Hermitaurs?

play more monster hunter games

No. I'm not playing Frontier for its gay wolf monsters.

Banboro and Beotodus armor look good. I like the waist of the middle just for the swords. Right is just okay. So far my favorite design shown is the MR Odo armor.

Those are gen2 monsters, Tri redid gen1 archetypes.

>A twitter screencap of two literal whos arguing
A new low every day for you console warring tards

Nigga you said Gen 1/2 stuff

I didn't even realise that was Beotodus armour until you pointed it out.

Yes, referring to filler monsters like Giadrome and other stuff I don't enjoy fighting, like Chameleos.

even the armor looks like a knockoff of zamtrios'

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I miss colors

and gunner armor
jesus do I miss blademaster/gunner armor sets

Attached: MH4U-Zamtrios_Armor_(Blademaster)_Render_001.png (583x584, 388K)

It’s pretty obvious. Helmets got his sword head.


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Chameleos is fucking cool though

I've finally started playing World because all my friends are playing it and nobody wants to play GU. So far the weapons that I've been considering maining are:
>Great Sword, was a Brave GS main in GU and shoulder bashing is pretty fun
>Hammer: secondary in GS for blunt damage and its pretty fun in World too, especially that slide into a hammer spin jump trick
>Heavy bowgun because it feels fun as fuck but I'm not sure how good it'll be in the long run
>considering Hunting Horn, loved it in 4u but realized how unviable it was for single player and just went lance, but I'm not sure how good is it now in World.
What's the consensus on these weapons in World?

>Teostra in World
>Kushala in World
>No Chameleos
Why doesn't Capcom care about him?

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>tfw FUbab and think world a best

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HBG is OP as shit as usual in nearly every configuration, GS is braindead tackle into true charge spam, Hammer is breaindead slope spin spam, and HH is nerfed garbage all around coming from the X games


No, previous monsters will be getting new armor and weapons

The Longsword trailer had G Rank Odoragon armor for example

>No, previous monsters will be getting new armor and weapons
>And weapons
You're awfully optimistic

Too much work for a new skeleton

it uses the same elder skeleton as the other two

I went back to World, figured I’d start a new file and work my way back up. Holy shit are the first twenty or so hours a nightmare. You still can’t skip fucking cutscenes, so we have to watch shitty Handler shenanigans all over again? Plus the godawful Zorah setpieces? Fuck that, guess I’m loading up the old save anyway

>They STILL can't give us unique weapon models

Attached: 1504114451361.gif (389x294, 2.67M)

You can use anything you want in SP.
The games base story content is not hard.

Peronaly i enjoyed playing Switch Axe Gunlnace Hamer HBG and Charge blade the most.
But i do play all the other weapons too other than Longsword and Bow i just dont enjoy them.

The weapons will probably be mostly just be generic G rank versions of bone/iron weapons with feathers/scales taped on, but they will exist

That same trailer had the hunter using a g rank anjanath longsword

Attached: master rank longsword.png (1264x775, 2.27M)

HBG is broken.
Glutton spread build fucks everything and so does a cluster build.

Bow and Longsword i mean i do enjoy all tyhe other wepons its jsut that these are kinda boaring to me.

>That Anjanath G rank LS
It's amazing that they though that looked good enough to put in the trailer

What's wrong with it? Other than the fact that it's in World

You think that with the new longsword moves we'll get another dmc collab for Vergil's clothes?

The fact that I thought it was the generic Master Rank bone LS until somebody pointed out that it's actually the Master Rank Anjanath LS is a pretty big black mark against it.

When will they fire Fujioka as the art director?

World still looking as bland as ever. I honestly like MH more when it looks like a trashy mmo. Felt exciting to get something like the Akantor GS. The only weapons that have the old fun MH feeling are Nerg shit which is fitting since he's the only new thing in the game that feels like old MH.

never, he's been on the team too long and has that iron wall of japanese tenure

Should I play MH4U or MHGU?

do you want a good album or a greatest hits collection

a good album, so I assume 4U? honestly though I'm a bit worried of going from a PS4 controller to the 3DS for an action game like this

you can emulate it if you have a good computer

They could just give him a different position

he's too high up for that, but more importantly, he's buddies with Ryozo so he can basically do whatever he wants as long as the series continues with good sales