What's the most aesthetic gun in video games?

What's the most aesthetic gun in video games?

Attached: Dissidia-Revolver.png (468x533, 59K)

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not a gun




Attached: cbec104012dab6a5e6bcf27028426531.jpg (1100x675, 146K)

It is a gun it's called a gun blade

Yeah I'm gonna also say that this is not a gun. It doesn't shoot bullets and only vibrates the blade

it has barrel


so does a cooper but that doesn't make him aesthetic, or a gun.

It doesn't shoot anything though

Attached: Evelyn.jpg (408x407, 68K)

thats not a gun thats a vibro blade

it actually doesn't its just a solid blade, it works like a really janky high-frequency blade, the cartridges just make the thing vibrate so it cuts better, it sounds like a fucking ork designed it

this one

Attached: 1553620179332.jpg (1920x1080, 295K)

Step aside lads, I got this.

Attached: 81_9_1.jpg (1080x848, 130K)

i wish the gunblade worked like this, as in it was a actual firing gun
then again i just fucking love the gunlance

Attached: avast your ass.jpg (512x244, 19K)

Pretty good taste
Gold looks cleaner though

Attached: mp40.jpg (448x219, 9K)

Attached: Desert-Eagle-Gold-Tiger_2.jpg (1350x900, 122K)


Attached: mat-49.jpg (758x716, 47K)

That's pretty neat.

Thanks, Randy!

>it sounds like a fucking ork designed it

If we're talking fictional designs, Infinite's carbine has to be up there.

Attached: BioshockInfinite-M1Carb-1.jpg (1920x1080, 268K)

Have another one, on me.

Attached: ppsh-41.jpg (1280x471, 124K)

Attached: PPsh41.jpg (1600x1147, 123K)

no it doesn't.

Love this gun

Attached: we-samurai-edge-biohazard-black-7448.jpg (600x600, 29K)

Literal perfection.

>try to use the mat-49 in RS2
>the ironsights are utter dogshit compared to just about every other gun in the game

Attached: 1557590348938.jpg (540x540, 20K)

A revolver.

Attached: 1544690396888.gif (320x240, 3.82M)

Heck of a shotgun

what a terrible design.

it does if you press R1 when Squall attacked,its because he shot at the same time as the sword struck


I always found the Railguns in the newer halo games pretty aesthitic.

Attached: Railgun.png (1753x538, 924K)

not pic related that's for sure

It was a better cavalry pistol when compared the single action army.

Attached: 1541190979523.png (598x365, 244K)

Best revolver checking in.

Attached: 2qab34bq2523.jpg (785x451, 59K)

Simplicity is golden

Attached: 81527191a94ce517ddfc13391967b60b.jpg (1596x935, 84K)


Attached: webleyfosberyaction.gif (800x533, 2.81M)


Attached: q2railgun.jpg (480x360, 19K)


Attached: 1532621126479.jpg (1200x620, 56K)

Wow that shit looks like it will break apart just by shooting it.

Attached: Soldier_spinfusor.png (640x544, 243K)

He don't shoot anything retard, he's creating a detonation to make the blade vibrate but nothing is shot.

No, it doesn't

any vidya where I can use horse gun?

Attached: anime horse gun.webm (1280x720, 2.55M)

It's a misconception but it's understandable because Squall's weapon would make a lot more sense if that were true. It just makes the blade "vibrate".

Attached: Megido_Fire_SMT1.jpg (1280x778, 413K)

>america thread

dont go to school tomorrrrrow!

Compared to a red cylander weilded to a butstock? LOL if we're going off game quality and age the 60 pixels of Samus's Beam cannon in Super metroid is pretty great too.

How is that supposed to stab anything when it' shorter than the barrel? Looks retarded

Stab them with the barrel first

Thank god you didn't ask how the bullets go through the barrel. Welcome to Borderlands

that's amazing. is this illustration from an smt1 artbook or something?

The Single Action Army.

it is the greatest gun ever made.

Six bullets. More than enough to kill anything that moves

No idea. But that gun is the best gun you can use in game. I hope 5 lets me see the gun I have equipped at least.

What if there's more than 6 things that moves ?

make way for the REAL gunblade

Attached: gunblade.jpg (750x482, 46K)


Attached: 1480784065403.jpg (499x395, 71K)

Could've at least chosen the superior gunblade

Attached: RcYXtxc.png (780x310, 56K)

it looks like a log of shit

Best gun coming through

Attached: 1472044290036.jpg (640x427, 54K)

>muh blocky rifle with gape in the middle
zoom zoom

Attached: 1430298391270.jpg (776x1119, 183K)

Then you love to reload during a battle.

>no one has posted the Patriot yet



based and Garlemaldpilled

Attached: 1462243177494.jpg (1920x1080, 248K)

Looks kino

sorry but I don't care for the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet into a well-greased chamber

>Vibrate so it cuts better
Except it doesn't work that way and is fucking retarded like 100% of everything in weebshit.

Attached: karasawamkii.jpg (469x435, 36K)

Where do you hold it?

>pick related

Attached: Blazefire_Saber-ffxiii-weapon.png (640x449, 101K)

Attached: Sora_(Element_Form)_KHIII.png (734x767, 463K)