Games where the good guys win against all odds?

Games where the good guys win against all odds?

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US 2016 Elections.


Now mentally ill trannies won't get the help they need, so they'll hang themselves even more. 45% was rookie numbers.

Lol this.


So, it happened, huh? Guess it's time to say goodbye to the West. We aren't recovering at this point.

Pretty much this

This. By making it inherently non legaly binding as a desiease, doctors can just refuse to help, pump em full of vicodin and other shit like every other patient and just ignore them and the medical expense while they continue in their efforts.

solid digits

>Doomed timeline is actually best timeline

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If it's not a mental disorder they dont need the mental/medical benefits they receive

body dysmorphia is declared a mental illness
Transgenderism is declared body dysmorphia

The WHO contradicts itself and ahow how subversive garbage it has become (or perhaps always has been)

What are some games where I can shove politics down Yea Forums's throat while complaining about having politics shoved down my throat?

Just got approved for neetbux on the basis of my gamer mental disorder. Time to get comfy. Whose with me?

>taxpayers wont be forced to pay for unnecessary cosmetic surgery.


snip snip is now the only 'solution' now

Have dilate.

Wait, didn't studies say that people who are transgender tend to be more depressed because of the hatred they get and mistreatment, with crossdressing or surgeries really being the one and only effective way of making them happy or less likely to commit suicide?

I mean, shouldn't them no longer being treated as mentally ill make them happier and less likely to kill themselves...i'm sorry, i just don't understand your comment because it goes against literally everything that everyone involved in the mental health field that didn't come from a third world country that is really anti-lgbt says.

Surprisingly, this.

Everyone involved in every (((field))) is jewish.

>I will now get neetbucks for playing vidya and being a loser
>Trannies won't get free hrt anymore
Best timeline, based WHO

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Not really. I don't remember a SINGLE study that effectively demonstrates the reason why they kill themselves, and the surgeries don't change the rates either. All in all one could argue that they kill themselves because they don't pass.

that would make you a jew if you have a job


>addicts getting free anything
kek. addition is different anons, you'll get free treatment, after your wagie hours.

>just let lunatics run around untreated
I don't give a shit how they feel; sexual degenerates need help or a bullet.

>gamers were actually the most oppressed minority after all

Now this is Epic(Tm)

well duh.
only gender dysphoria is a mental disorder. transitioning when it does not literally hurt you to live in your current gender is plain stupidity, nothing more nothing less.

I remember that evening. I don't think we'll ever see another upset like that.

>Wait, didn't studies say that people who are transgender tend to be more depressed because of the hatred they get and mistreatment, with crossdressing or surgeries really being the one and only effective way of making them happy or less likely to commit suicide?
No. Studies said that every one of those claims is a lie.

The mentally ill should be killed in general anyway.

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Nice trannyspalining, tranny freak. But your post isn't going to remove your suicidal tendencies.

You know (((who))).

Wait a minute, that does pose a pressing question: if transgenderism isn't considered a legitimate disorder, are healthcare providers under any obligation to service their needs, and are insurance companies under any obligation to cover it? You can't just walk into a plastic surgeon and demand an elective procedure like rhinoplasty, most insurance companies will only cover what's considered medically necessary through specialists and the preapproval process. If there's a medical need like a deviated septum they'll cover that portion and the aenesthesia, but you're still on the hook for the elective portion.

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Crossdressing or getting the surgery doesn't change anything in the suicide numbers. I'm not sure where you're getting the hatred and mistreatment part. The problem is depression and self-loathing.

>didn't studies say that people who are transgender tend to be more depressed because of the hatred they get and mistreatment
If you believe that, u have a bridge to sell you. Mentally unstable people will naturally kill themselves more often than those not living under crippling delusion.

>need help or a bullet
>help or
Implying bullets aren't helpful.

Bravo WHO, bravo.

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