Norman Jayden, FBI. I'd like to ask you what you're doing in the Heavy Rain thread

Norman Jayden, FBI. I'd like to ask you what you're doing in the Heavy Rain thread.

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I came to laugh at David Cage Mr. Jayden

Scott Shelby being the origami killer was fucking bullshit.


Mad is CUTE!

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I prefer Beyond: Two Souls over this.

unironically this

Norman was the best protagonist with all his drug trips and the fight with the big black guy who dissolved people in acid

Not gonna lie, though the game was pretty shit I quite enjoyed Nahman's autism, though it was perfected with Connor.
>the only happy end for him happens when you quit the quit the case

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How can you prefer Beyond over anything? It was complete shit.

Detroit is the only "game" Cage has ever made that I would consider good. Beyond was a garbage fire and Heavy Rain is okay if it weren't for the retarded twist.

Was there a way to play that game in chronological order instead of the non-linear Tarantino style they went with?

Yeah they patched that later in. Doesn't really make it better desu

Doesn't this story pretty much break all of the rules a good criminal story should follow?

I legitimately couldn't stop laughing when you find out he's the killer. What a stupid twist that tried way too hard

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I didn't except it to, I just wanted to see the story play out chronologically. I know that it would give away the ending in like the first 10 minutes if they did it that way, but for some reason non-linear storytelling tends to just annoy me and comes off as pretentious shit because of it.

Yeah that game would have been a lot better if they had managed to actually pull off the "anyone could be the killer" thing that they wanted to do initially. I don't know if the cut supernatural aspects would have helped or not though.

It was a retarded fucking decision. I don't know how anyone could think it was a good idea.
God Beyond is such a trainwreck. The only redeeming quality it has was the fact that it was so fucking bad that I had extremely low expections of Detroit but ended up being very positively surprised by how much better it was compared to everything else Cage has made before.

>mom walks in during THAT scene

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Fuck off, David
Your short hair fetish is SHIT

are her collar bones supposed to trick me into thinking she's a man?


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To be fair he's only made 5 games. 2 are unknown (never even heard of Farenheit or Nomad) 1 is shit (B2S) 1 is debatably shit (Heavy Rain) and one is actually decent (Detroit).

Granted that's not a good track record, but I'm not sure if 3 games is enough for everyone to hate on the guy, unless there's some other drama he's a part of.

Normally I'm not into girls with short hair but for her dick is diamonds.


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Women have collarbones as well, retard


No shit, captain obvious. Are you a fucking idiot or something? Next you're going to tell me you graduated the 2nd grade all by yourself.

You can't even actually "quit" the case, can you? You must fuck it up by accusing the other investigator

>never even heard of Farenheit or Nomad
sony plebs everyone

>never even heard of Farenheit
How do you get this far on Yea Forums without one mention of Indigo Prophecy?

>but I'm not sure if 3 games is enough for everyone to hate on the guy
Definitely is. Hating his guts is pretty much a meme since Heavy Rain was a thing and Let's Players shat on it.
You'll see tons of people who go "David Cage BAD" because SBFP like to criticize every single detail in Cage games for comedic value.

>unless there's some other drama he's a part of.
Well there's some lawsuits going on about Quantic Dream. Sexual harrassment, bullying, and unethical work practices. But people on Yea Forums don't really give a shit.
Also Cage is notorious for being weirdly full of himself. There's several tidbits of stories from people who worked with him that show that he's a pretty insufferable cunt. He has near impossible demands (reportedly got mad at actors for not knowing all their lines after a few days or something) and seems pretty damn conceited.
But even then, gotta seperate the art from the artist. Most people have severe trouble with understanding that concept.

I'm pretty sure you can quit if you take too long at the final search.

heavy rain had a really good OST

So guys, since the games comin to PC, you think itll get a good rip, maybe make some certain models available.

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i'm sure all the nude scenes will get much more interesting after the modding community gets their hands on them.

Heavy Rain is one of the worst games I've ever played. Usually I can see the appeal of something even if I don't personally enjoy it, but with HR it feels like an "emperor has no clothes" situation. Is everyone who likes this game just pretending?

You definitely need to fuck up yeah. There's a few things you can do I think. Either way, Nahman has pretty much no good endings. He either kills himself in one way or another, gets brain damage or gives up his entire career.

Cage seems to have a boner for bullying the brown haired autistic detective characters in his games. Kinda hot desu

Oh man, you should play Beyond. Also
>Is everyone who likes this game just pretending?

>wtf am I doing looking for the grave of some stupid child
Shelby thinks to himself, referring to the tomb of his brother. God that was bad.

The supernatural shit should've either been cut or implemented completely. As it stands right now, the reason Ethan loses Shaun aka the blackouts where he appears with an Origami Figure in his hands and standing in the street where the Killer's brother died goes unexplained

It has a bit of a "a product of its time" phenomenon going on. It was somewhat highly acclaimed for being a game with such a heavy focus on story telling since that used to be kind of novel and ground breaking.
However, it aged really poorly. Not just the graphics (it used to be unironically described as "jaw-droppingly realistic looking", can you believe that shit?) but the story is such giantic bullshit that you can only like it if you're denying to yourself how fucking dumb the plottwist is. I mean the game is literally LYING directly to you to make the twist possible.

Honestly I think it would potentially be a pretty okay game if it weren't for the twist. If they removed the more retarded and silly parts so you could take the game more seriously, it could've been pretty good. It has its moments (Ethan cutting off his finger for example is pure kino) but they lose all impact because of all the dumb shit that happens.

im nahmen jayden

>It has a bit of a "a product of its time" phenomenon going on.
This had a BIG hand in it I believe. I remember seeing this game being hyped for HYPERREALISTIC MOTION CAPTURE FACES, and the whole concept of playing the game using the Playstation Move and shit, but it all ended up being a big gimmick the actual game could never make up for.




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>Ethan cutting off his finger
>that fucking gauntlet he had to go through beforehand
Who thought of this shit?

A good game where the choices made actually matter.

Oh boy, wait till you try Detroit: Become Human

It becomes even more ridiculous when you consider the fact that Shelby came up with all that shit to prove that "no father loves their son so much that they'd go through that", but once he has been proven wrong he wants to shoot Ethan anyway.

God the whole plot is so retarded. They really should've kept that supernatural link thing they had going on.

I thought it was because he wanted to find a father that loved their son that much? And that he was going to kill him because he didn't want to get caught?

Yeah but what the fuck is the fucking point if he KILLS that father? Shouldn't he rather just find peace and just go to jail or some bullshit?
None of this makes any sense

I jerked off to her tits a lot. David Cage knows how to design attractive women.

He doesn't kill the father when no other character is alive to have a dumb fight with Shellby.

You're not wrong. He is a godsent in a time where North American devs refuse to include attractive women in their games. Based horny Frenchfags.

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That seems more like a design limitation than anything else

Shelby's behaviour changes based on factors outside of his knowledge. It's a story issue.

I liked his VR thing.
it was futuristic but not too over the top.

>not too over the top.
It's 2019 and we're still nowhere near close to technology like that, and the game takes place in 2012. It was pretty over the top if you think about it for a moment desu

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true but in most games that try to implement a futuristic flair you get Eyedroids in the 70's or Sahelanthropus in the 80's
or just an over emphasis on weapons.
where here it was roughly a tool to make sure every retard could finish the 'cinematic' detective experience disguised as the cutting edge next step in google glass and cloud database access.

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What are some other qts from cage's games?

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