>he owns apparel of his favorite game
He owns apparel of his favorite game
Me and my bro getting ready for Touhou night.
>caught you 'mirin
I do.
>wife keeps gifting me Nintendo merchandise
I really appreciate it, but I would like something else.
I wear a Mishima Zaibatsu shirt regularly, but i'm ripped, so it doesn't matter.
Why do women get mad when men focus on something other than pussy?
wow, what an epic and unique post. i can't even imagine the replies, that's how exciting and creative this board is, haha.
Literally just saw a hypebeast wearing a Ryu sf5 Shirt and it looked pretty sick.
Only Asian kids can pull it off
>video game clothing
have sex
I have some custom touhou ties, since I can’t wear tshirts at work. It’s surprising to me how few vidya related ties there are - Ninty didn’t even have an official DK tie last few times I’d looked.
I'm sorry you don't have a delicious brown wife that cooks for you and gifts you things she thinks you'll like.
My favorite game is too obscure to have apparel.
I do have some Alan Wake stuff though.
I have sex
you seething thirsty virgin
Yes, women are like kids who crave for attention.
>Hit on her
>Get mad
>Avoid them
>Get mad
Not that user but: your reddit is showing, tripfag.
Imagine consciously molding your personality around what thots think of you
They don't get mad if you hit on them as long as you're attractive.
>not that user
>no new IP
>why can't women like me
Post the updated version with the Switch having 35 million sales by now in 2 years and probably life time sales of 80 million units?
Back to plebbit, retard.
wtf i love rugarell now
I have a let it die hat and shades, and people compliment me on them whenever I actually leave my house.
I wouldn't get a shirt or anything like that though.
You must be fucking ugly, then
Jokes on you the only video game thing I got is a tattoo of the triforce of power on the base of my dick.
Who said women didn't like me?
>Not always loving me
wtf happened?
There's is different kind of attentions other than hit on them. Like social media for example, praising her looks.
Yes I do. My wife, Bayonetta.
hes not wrong though