Name the best Naruto game or else Uchiha Sarada is going to punch your nuts really fucking hard.
Name the best Naruto game or else Uchiha Sarada is going to punch your nuts really fucking hard
Not entirely sure, but it probably has a 3 in the title.
I want to fuck Salad
Wait which Uchiha are we talking about?
I hope she punches me in the nuts
who /nsunsg/ here?
Who the fuck is this cunt? Is this some Nu-ruto bullshit?
There was a general?
this un here
villiage onahole, used for creating a new generation of superninjas
ADHD-riddled button mashers need not apply.
Sasuke's daughter from Boruto.
I'll block the punch with my hard as a diamond dong and counterattack.
Yeah, like 2 years ago, it was awful but at least it had some redeeming qualities
She cute
>make Naruto musou exclusive for underpowered handheld console
>it's actually good
The future Hokage.
The one nobody played.
Ultimate Ninja 3?
Was there a lot of waifuposting?
>It's a pedophile thread
Gekito Ninja Taisen 4
There was Rinfag who was ultimately harmless if a little creepy, 90% of the general were Hinatafags, and there was a seething sakurafag who got mad that her waifu kept getting called pinkshit
Gekito Ninja Taisen 4. Easily.
Any of the DS games good?
Joke's on you, I don't have nuts.
ninja council
Nope. Only the PSP had some decent ones.
Does anyone else just really like salad's cunny?
There is no good Naruto game. I'm not afraid of someone so retarded that thinks someone might be their parent because they both wear the same glasses. Daughter of a cuck.
An hour late but I'm here, fuck Tobiramafags and glory to the uchihaposter master race
daily reminder
Sarada just doesn't know how babies are made, it's not her fault she thought that you could mix up the mother as easily as the father.
After all, everyone knows ninjas are brought by the stork.
superb taste obitobro.
>some of the best fights
>best bro is one of the most powerful ninja and dopest dudes ever
>loves his waifu so much that he attempts to re-write reality for her, even though it's been YEARS since she croaked
>gets killed but doesn't die
>gets a sweet symbiote suit/friend
a true chad among plebs
Reminder that Naruto saying this and forgiving Obito was the only thing he could do without being a hypocrite and was the only way to end the cycle of hatred.