>one day until the trailer

Oh god the wait is LITERALLY killing me...

Attached: Hideo-Kojima-PSX-antenna-replica.jpg (1200x842, 214K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>one day until the trailer
it better be more than just a cinematic trailer or I think Kojima will see the biggest backlash in his career


its a countdown clock you dickhead

Before we get another 100+ thread of hurt, I walk take the time to laugh at Konamitards.



Calm down, shilly

>autismposting about a made-up enemy

Attached: 1528404262277.gif (300x225, 1.75M)

>May 29th
>Somnus Lucis Caelum's birthday is May 9th
>Versus XIII revealed May 9th
>20 days differential between the two
>7 (Remake) + (Versus) 13 = 20
>7 (Light) 13 (Darkness) = Kingdom Hearts
>13 years and 20 days since Versus XIII reveal
You understand nothing.
All will soon be revealed.

Attached: THE TRUE.jpg (5000x5000, 2.92M)

fuck bros
ludokino is finally approaching


The autism is strong with this one.

Would gladly shill the shit out of this like I do with Nvidia

Sony game BAD

i don’t even know where to begin

Attached: image.jpg (497x593, 291K)

post sounds so stupid, Kojima only could come up with this

Attached: kojipro.png (749x170, 8K)

Attached: 1554819583347.webm (852x480, 447K)

>source: some faggot

As interesting as the bottom portion is, Sony wouldn't dump that much money into a project, only to have it tied in with a known failure.

So, what (cutscene+immersive walking)/actual gameplay ratio do you expect?

Can't wait to see the power of the PS4


Attached: 0986532417.jpg (2000x2000, 315K)

so I know people always meme this image but that is A LOT of nearly identical imagery across the board, including and especially of the Kojima / XV shit...

Attached: Cd1jVwcUYAQChpa.jpg (982x1308, 123K)

XV was a financial success

Can't wait.

Attached: death stranding.png (540x441, 125K)


Here's a good fan made trailer.



bump it

Attached: igor-bogdanov-at-twin-peaks-gala-screening-at-the-70th-cannes-film-J7N9AT.jpg (865x1390, 137K)


Coming to PC
Get ready lads.

>Sony funded game

Yeah, no. It's the same conversation we had with Bayonetta 2.

it is possible that the game will come out on pc too, sony dosen't have that market

i hope so

hope the game is as optimized as MGSV was too


>Only on PlayStation
>Not a single mention of Death Stranding

Attached: 1557869580814.gif (487x274, 2.6M)

Just like Spider-Man, God of War and The Last of Us right?

Because it's not out yet. Kojima is funded by Sony, they're not going to share.

i said maybe, it is still money for them

ghosts of tsukima and tLOU 2 aren't out yet either

Oh i didn't realize The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima is also out already.

>still believing kojishit's game going to be something unique

all the hype is more about the mistery than the game itself, I bet that after the game is revealed half of the people interested will start not caring about it, I don't say this to diss the game or kojima, I really hope death stranding will be good.

>PC port begging before the game is out

I still can't believe that we're going to find out (not sure about that) what this game is about almost three years after the game was revealed at Sony's E3 conference three years ago.
I don't think something like this has ever happened before.



Waiting for Caramel to post is the only reason i come here