What went wrong?
What went wrong?
too boring too fast
2 month content drought
Only 1 properly scaling offensive white
All the defensive items don't scale at all
Lunar coins are a terrible system
huntress dosen't show feet
It was Plebbit
early access to get dosh but not enough content to hold a lot of players for very long
I'll still play a game or two on occasion but otherwise waiting for content
Game seems to be just like its first one. Its going to be a year or two before it floods with content and has a proper ending. I would like to see more bosses and enemy types as the game progresses in development.
No final boss
Some items are irredeamable dogshit
Elite monsters have too much HP
That's about it
Looks like I'll wait a bit longer to purchase this game, looks fun though
2 month of content drought to start with
afterwards the game will have a quarterly update schedule, even worse
why do retards buy EA games and complain about lack of content when every piece of information you need is on the store page? are you guys retarded?
it isn't out for a fucking year
Good fucking game but slow fucking content, you can get the Huntress, The Engineer and the Bot in a day and get bored afterwards having to put up with people that genuinely don't know how to play it properly and or host closing the entire game after a good run in "HAHAHA" difficulty only giving you blue balls.
TL;DR Play it with friends that you're able to communicate with.
>Fewer characters
>Fewer enemy types
>Fewer boss types
>Fewer elite types
>Fewer stages
>No final stage or boss
>Way fewer lunars than artifacts, and missing most of the good artifacts
>Locking artifact-like modifiers behind items and a rare currency is mind-bogglingly stupid
>Enemies are smaller
>There are less enemies on the screen
>Levels aren't vertical as the first one
>Less projectiles on the screen
Bland ass character designs, generic third person shooter, stupid, weak, boring enemies. It was far superior when it was a shitty pixel trash game.
Literally nothing, considering it has 1/10 of RoR1's content yet made me play it x4 as long already.
I'll be waiting for a content update to return to it.
Lack of content, but I have to say infinite is actually fun as fuck now. Having 20+ glacial imp lords spawn at once is intense
Are you guys trolling or do you genuinely don't know that it isn't out? Nothing has "went wrong", because it hasn't went yet.
artifacts aren't out yet you goof
I’m saying that lunars serve a similar purpose but there are way fewer lunars than there were artifacts in 1
Artifacts being released 6 months after launch won’t save this game
to be fair theres nothing wrong with being critical of a game while its in EA, or the approach taken with content updates. It took far too long to fix enemy spawns past the 2 hour mark
It can be pretty fun when you get shit going 15-20 minutes in with a lot of items on monsoon.
Problem is, it only lasts for about 10-20 minutes as well, which if you don't die during then you'll have enough items that you pretty much can't die anymore.
they serve a similar purpose, but they won't replace them. also, you can get lunar coins by sacrificing yourself, so you can just do that whenever you get tired for a run. I have around 70 lunar coins and I've spent plenty
of course not, but they're complaining about something the devs literally warned about. the content won't be done for a year and they knew it before they bought the game
i played the game for 90 minutes and already felt that the gameplay was getting old.
Risk of Rain was never good.
>do you genuinely don't know that it isn't out?
you can buy it on steam. of course its out.
you know what I mean. it's out in early access, meaning it isn't complete. let's not argue semantics
No one is hosting yet
>knowingly buy an incomplete game
>finish it quickly
>complain the game is incomplete
i know what you mean and its a retarded argument. either the devs think a product is ready to be sold or they dont. there's no in between.
they said don't buy it if you expect it to have a lot of content. it's a foundation, not a full game. the roadmap is out, and nothing has "went" yet
Holy fuck this is my best run yet. I'm shredding bisons in 4 hits.
>20 Minutes
>still on rallypoint
They should've finished the game before they released it. Selling unfinished products doesn't sit well with me at all. That said I was gifted the game and I've been having fun with it. Looking forward to content updates.
Fuck I died
True. I guess it cant be helped given where we are
>finish it
The only way to finish it is to crash the game at this point and I dont even know how long youd have to play to do this legitimately. I usually obliterate at 4 hours on good runs because I get tired of deleting hordes of bosses while trying to play in single digit frames
Anyone got a link to the mods?
Too many random boxes, making runs too chance-based.
Item variety is too narrow, making every successful run feel the same.
>RNG based game has RNG
kek I can't tell if you're being serious
It's incredibly fun and incredibly successful. There just isn't that much content as of right now. They shouldn't have gone with early access or released it a little later.
Nothing? It's not done yet
Someone help. I literally cant stop playing commando
Early access. As it stands its an incomplete product, without enough stages, characters, enemies, or items.
It's boring after 1 hour and has no soul like the first one
not much, I already have 90+ hours in it
Getting all the chests before moving proved to be more efficient than rushing teleporter. But also more boring and exhausting because if you do it every time it gets annoying.
You don't have friends
how much time should you spend on each level?
3 minutes including tele
give me the link you shits, i know you've got it
~5 is good enough, you may want to stay longer on hell level for golden chests.
why so fast? to get green items from tele faster?
When an indie dev gets a huge cash injection from an early access release they need to fucking hire more people not tell everyone "wow I don't know what to do with all this success!?!?!"
respawn did the same mistake on a larger scale with apex legends, huge influx of cash followed by "OH WOW SO MUCH MONEY WHAT DO WE DO"
hire people
fucking hire more programmers you dumb fucks
I have my best Monsoon runs when I grab 3-4 items per level (prioritizing large chests, green multiterminals, white multiterminals with good items, then finally small chests) and move on while in Loop 1. You don't need as many items to do well if you don't let the enemies scale out of control. Either way, whether you get all the chests or rush tele it shouldn't take anymore 4-5 minutes per stage or you start falling behind. If you're playing on Rainstorm you can relax a bit more but it generally doesn't hurt to be efficient. If you're still on Rallypoint at 17 minutes without the tele popped and few items to show for it, well that's not good
I don't see any reason to play this game. I greatly enjoy Risk of Rain 1, all of its systems by default work fine. There's a lot that can be done for balancing it further, and that would be greatly appreciated. So would more content end-of.
A 3D sequel doesn't add anything. It's a fairly innocuous case of "pointless rehash with gimmick that at most is a distraction and otherwise makes no difference".
overbudgeting and bringing in a lot of people they don't have chemistry with has ruined tons of games too. anyways, how do you know what's going on at hopoo?
what now
I'm playing monsoon only and I always take my time exploring and getting everything. I'm playing extremely inefficient time wise and still have no problems doing broken runs. Farming everything gives you a higher chance of getting random red item (and stuff like clover is pretty much an insta win), gives you more white/green shit for potential sticky/wisp printer. I always have a much tougher time when I rush teleporter. Guess it's more about your preferred playstyle than meta.
That would be terrible unless it was executed 100% perfectly.
That's exactly what it is. It's not the 90s/very early 00s anymore dude, translating a 2D title into 3D is not breaking ground.
Big facts
when did I ever say it was? you claimed it was a gimmick, which is bullshit
>A 3D sequel doesn't add anything
It adds an actually enjoyable gameplay loop.
>3D is a gimmick
Does it pain your mother to know that you're so stupid?
Hopoo i know you're fucking lurking
give us bandit now already intsead of making us wait 2 fucking months asshole
they released an actually good sequel to a mediocre game and then drip fed content too slow to keep people interested
How do I get through Monsoon on MUL-T? He can't hit broad side of the barn with nailgun, almost feel like melee character, switching and firing rebar is incredibly slow. Health pool is cool but seem to do jack shit on Monsoon. I also can't shake off the feeling that despite having 7m/s in profile, he is slower that others.
I can go through first levels at about 7/12/20/30 minutes pace on Commando, Engi and Merc quite reliably, still struggle on Huntress to random damage and Artificer still confuses me. MUL-T seems basic, but I cannot crack his style.
>three dimensional electronic video gaming
what did you expect?
give me the fuckin thicc mods you faggots
Name 1(one(uno(eins(un(jeden))))) AAA games that aren't in 3d.
Theres no content, I would play it again if there were more maps and characters, but looking at the roadmap it is going to be way too slow to care about.
The risk of rain turned out to be genuine.
here you go user. just for (You).
nothing, its better than the original
So you played one character and thought it was trash. Okay.
Does that work with the current version?
I hear you. That particularly strategy has rarely worked for me so I started moving a bit faster. I'd say my personal playstyle is somewhere in the middle of "Rush the teleporter" and "farm everything". I often find it's just not worth it to go off too far to find every chest. If it's not on the path to the teleporter (speaking strictly of loop 1) and not a huge find I don't even bother with it. I'd rather miss out on a couple of small chests per stage than lose 2-3 extra minutes only to end up with a couple monster teeth and a personal shield generator. I try not to be too dogmatic about META as I've found whether to farm or whether to leave to be really situational, but my best runs have been when I left rallypoint right around 15 minutes give or take a minute or two. After loop 1, I'm grabbing everything since I can do it in roughly 3 minutes incl the boss fight if all goes well.
I've wanted to see if this game had RCE in it; you can change a shitload of client behavior.
Additionally, most of the posts I just read were people saying "you" when they meant "I." Stop playing word games to validate your personal experience. Your perspective is different, so your view is different. You're afraid to say, "I didn't like it," because you know that's fucking irrelevant.
just checked. i guess it doesn't. there hasn't been a risky thread in a while so hopefully lewdmod user updates it.
Continue to flail in uncertainty as to why RoR2 failed, knuckle-draggers.
You're not even the target audience of the original.
Yeah I dunno, kinda seems like he just fucking died
>Continue to flail in uncertainty as to why RoR2 failed
It didn't fail at all though. It's actually a raving success especially for a small indie company. It's okay to like more than one game user. Everything in life doesn't have to be an us vs them tribal fight. RoR1 is good but RoR2 has its own charm and the extra dimension does add something to it. If you don't like it just move on. RoR is still there for you to play
There is a risk of meteors raining down
do you have schizophrenia?
Where. Is. The. Content.
What's the deal with sticky bombs. Why are they more wanted than other damage itens
If you say so pal. It'd be interesting to here you explain why threads like these crop up in light of RoR2's "success".
>Everything in life doesn't have to be an us vs them tribal fight
Who said it did? The way you're defending RoR2 comes of as tribal to be honest. All I did is provide the reason why the game doesn't hold my interest, and you jumped on my dick.
Because they scale harder than any other white item, like to a broken level
5% (+2.5% per stack) chance on hit to attach a bomb to an enemy, detonating for 250% damage (+125% per stack)
If you find a sticky bomb printer and have the whites to trade, it's a run winner. They would actually be fully justified in nerfing them but I hope they don't just because they'll be naturally nerfed when they fill out the items and you're less likely to get them
>early access indie game sells a million copies in a month
making it 3D to appeal to zoomers
what do you think early access means you stupid nigger
not enough content for are Early Access game. Content will trickly now and kill most ppeople motivation to play. Seen it time and time again.
Do you have any metric to justify that claim as a success? Ie comparisons to Risk of Rain 1, Undertale, Papers Please, Cuphead, Braid etc. etc.?
Made my game lock up and use 12gb of ram when I tried to open it, thanks
you said it was a gimmick, that's not the same as simply not liking it
it took 5 years for RoR1 to achieve the same
blazing enemies
otherwise it's a pretty good fucking game.
>massive financial gain
>extremely positive reviews across the board
that's a success
been a while since you played? they're fine now, they got nerfed hard
shills gave up when the mods kept moving it to /vg/ instead of letting them spam their shitty general
Oh thats awesome. So why do most items stack 'incorrectly' for balance issues while this does not
i know, but holy moly were they annoying, even with this many teddies.
it's nothing compared to massive autism stacking, let's say, fungus, or shaped glass (damage stacks exponentially)
Now that I've gotten gud I wish they would bring back the old broken behavior somehow. Maybe make a next level of blazing enemies that only spawn once you've looped like 5 times. Superblazing or something. Would be more of a reminder than the overloaded worms desu
It kinda feels like that sticky bombs are incorrect ones. Other damage items either increase proc chance, like tri-tipped dagger, or damage, like rings. Strangely, stickies do both.
my bad, but didn't you the other replies?
blame hotpoo for fucking up lewd mods with bug fixes and localization files.
>he wants no fun allowed blazing faggots back
maybe as an artifact?
I meant items like tougher times are obviously not correct with how it doesn't even provide 15% dodge chance on the first stack, nevertheless 105% with 7 stacks. Stickybomb stack seems like a true stack.
I'm enjoying this game before they ruin it with artifacts like they did the first one
>I hate this game I've played it for 100 hours and it's not fun anymore shit devs :(
i hate everyone who plays video games
Miner WHEN
>overbudgeting and bringing in a lot of people they don't have chemistry with has ruined tons of games too. anyways, how do you know what's going on at hopoo?
I don't know what's going on at hopoo
I know what's not going on though
fucking updates
I never said I didn't like it, so get that illusion of your head.
>the only changes to this sequel are gimmicks that add nothing
is literally one of the three textbook-tier principles of why a sequel may not be as good/successful (different questions admittedly) as the precursor.
Its early Access and I've already got around 150 hours of playtime out of it so I don't think I can even complain about anything, that said the game really needs an update if it wants to stay relevant
Alright, that's interesting. When people have actual comparisons that goes a lot further. Let's see it next to other titles to get a better picture.
Whereas this is just puerile. The other user has validated the previous claim, whereas if you had responded and not him it would look completely fucking vacuous. Shape up.
I wasn't around when RoR was new. How did artifacts ruin it? Those are the items you can choose to play with or without right, like match settings? What happened?
They added an artifact "Glass" that made it so you deal 500% damage but have 10% health. However, through gaining levels you quickly reach an acceptable level of health, since the damage you take isn't subject to a multiplier. In practice it just ends up being an early-game nerf that wears off very quickly as you are speedily killing enemies and amassing levels. So it's like an optional easy mode that people like to pretend makes the game harder.
Now consider how that impacted multiplayer. Pretty much everyone just wanted to play with Glass, every single game. What was playing Glass like, you ask? If there is at least one Engi in the game, you sit around while it spams missiles that kill everything as soon as it spawns. And that's pretty much it. The levels are over in like 10 seconds and you get stupid powerful really fast.
>talks about validating claims after saying it failed without proof
do you have ANY self awareness?
They didnt ruin anything, user is just mad people have preferences
I never said that. You're insecure and fighting your own projections of failure. Get over it.
>runs too chance-based
That's the entire point of both games though. The possibility that your luck can be shit and you'll fail inevitably is literally where the games get their name.
The thing is Glass made the game easier in a way that was undoubtedly good. The game is far too drawn out and tedious without Glass on, and many classes don't have the edge to get ahead.
Artifact balance was all over the shop and kind of undermined certain aspects of the game. It wasn't terrible but some artifacts saw massive use and some saw none.
Frankly rebalancing the artifacts is just one among the many things I'd have rather seen Hopoo do than make a sequel.
you said that here >inb4 not me
it is
>The thing is Glass made the game easier in a way that was undoubtedly good. The game is far too drawn out and tedious without Glass on, and many classes don't have the edge to get ahead.
It made some classes (like Sniper) completely useless.
Not fixing a gameplay bug that made it impossible to play at all for weeks and going
Sniper is the best character in the game tho
now imagine Sniper in a world where everything dies in one hit no matter what class you are
You mean he's even better? Yeah I know
I actually didn't, I knew you would link to that post and let you anyway just to let you solidify your position. You can't tell that post is pointing out your own defensiveness of something that's under attack, so you read it as me saying "it's a failure" and not "what's your explanation for the assertion in the OP?". Step back and think.
Sniper is still really good in Glass.
That's an exaggeration.
you literally said it failed. you used the word "failed". you're super gay
The damage values on every character are shit because the game relies on you collecting a million proc items to kill everything.
10 minutes; explore everything thoroughly
Big risks big rain
>tfw no command
stop with the rose bucklers reeeeeee