E3 in 10 days

>e3 in 10 days
What are your hopes and expectations?

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Who's this faggot and why do I see him spammed everywhere?

I really hope someone teabags this guy’s face whilst raping his wife in front of him

Btw if you search for 'star wars soiboy' on youtube this is the 2nd result. Even the fucking algorithm knows hes a soiboy lol.

I want more immigrants to enter this country. My countrymen are too weak and need stiff competition to shape up.

not much in terms of expectations. I want to know more about the combat in FF7R. See gameplay from Death Stranding and maybe see what's going on with Cyberpunk.

Maybe they'll talk about next gen hardware but I doubt it. Not that hyped honestly.

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For all shitposting faggots like you to die painful deaths.

>raping his wife
It won't be rape. She yearns for the seed of a superior man

>if you search for 'star wars soiboy' on youtube this is the 2nd result. Even the fucking algorithm knows hes a soiboy

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its not a shitpost i just chose the first picture in my meme folder.

That reaction looks forced as shit, no wonder the algorithm has him classified as a soi chugger.

If you have a 'meme folder' for posting stupid memes on Yea Forums, you're a shitposting faggot and should die a painful death.
Fuck you.

Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your Windows/iOS/Android device. Microsoft will offer streaming from Microsoft Azure by end of year 2019.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, or Android device.
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid. Streaming to phones and tablets uses adaptive touch controls
>More Backwards Compatible games from Xbox 360 and OG Xbox announced
New games being shown off:
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>The Outer Worlds
>Ninja Theory’s Bleeding Edge
>More than 30 games shown off

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

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Got two warnings for posting this pic in E3 threads. Beware the janitor. I think he's way into nintendo.

>he doesnt have a meme folder for every board
hello tourist

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>he doesn't have a carefully curated meme folder
wow get a load of this retard. Probably kisses girls and uses voice chat in videogames, too.

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>Yea Forums folder is full of wojacks
Now we know which board is the worst.

Yea Forums is pretty much Yea Forums, and Yea Forums is pretty much Yea Forums. We've been trash for a decade.

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Nioh 2 stuff
Ghosts of Tsunami gameplay
CP2077 gameplay and stuff
death stranding gameplay
new fromsoftware title
RDR2 stuff (hopefully DLC)

I have a wojak folder for Yea Forums and /pol/, not just Yea Forums.

i wish i organised my shit like this but my meme folder is huge and messy
I need to start sorting by category

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Silksong release date is the only thing I want. Also maybe good games that release on 3 itself like EA did with unravel 2 last year.
>rdr2 stuff
Rockstar never come to e3 because they are too cool for it.

>10 days

>2018 was 5 years ago..

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Hopefully Konami making an announcement of PES 2020 using Unreal Engine.

Screw that, where's fucking contra?

Unfortunatley file management on a phone isn't very convenient.

Seriously why do americans wear shoes inside.

>tourist is also a phoneposter

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It's the first for me

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First of all: kys phoneposter
Second of all:
>he can't do file management on a phone

>posting wojak
you are no better

Are you new? Wojak is a mainstay of Yea Forums board culture.


That ill have a job before then

>they're a hierarchy on Yea Forums
>you're actually concerned about being at the top of a pecking order on an anonymous board
posting from my phone also i share Yea Forums memes with normies on discord

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My hopes
>The victory of CD-PROJECT-RED over EA, Ubisoft, Betsheda, Blizzard, Rockstar etc.
>Steve being ultimately debunked from smash so i can finally watch tsteveposters whining and crawling when their EGO bursts like giga bubble turning aganist them.
>Spyro reignited trilogy and CTR nitro fueled on PC.
>A new awesome action RPG game when i can play as superior sword and shield tank heavy plate warrior.

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i dont know how anyone can be an xbox fan after all these years of nothing

It was supposed to say that Chad doesn’t wear shoes inside, but I cropped it

>light theme
Shiggy diggy

Based pewds is second

>dark theme

something decent
nothing decent

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>bf 2143
>cod mw2 remake
>fallout 3 remake
>prototype 3
>new deus ex

I want really meaty showings for Final Fantasy VII and Halo Infinite. That's about it for me.

>this statement will be true someday
it already hurts


Literally anything could happen this year, as MS has a monopoly on all the biggest game trailers with Sony out of the picture.

Very hyped.


Will be more information on titles that we already know about. Maybe a new IP if we're lucky. Smash DLC will destroy the board, regardless.



The epitome of "boring japanese businessman". Really feels like an appeal to investors rather than fans. Maybe one cool announcement.

Not hyped.


Sports. Maybe one neat little game like A Way Out.

Not hyped.


Obligatorily opening with Just Dance. Ubisoft has actually had pretty good showings the past couple of years.

Modestly hyped.

>PC Gaming show

Absolutely pointless. Always end up putting it on as background noise while I play vidya every year.

Not hyped.

>Devolver Digital



"hehe yea our games flopped hehe anyways heres our next flop"


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>mw2 remake
For what? It looks decent for 2019

why do white people make this face when your eyes meet on the street

Im really expecting for them to do a fallout 3 remake. 3 doesn't even run on a modern OS.

tired of your shit

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>10 days
You mean 11? REAL e3 starts with Microsoft's conference and ends with treehouse.
Ea fucking sucks.

>he thinks bannerlord is coming out


I feel its like an attempt at a smile

babylon's fall gameplay

some faggot /pol/ and Yea Forums meme

best i can do when I have to interact with minorities

good gaem
bad gaem

>censorship, movie games and trannies

>cloud, halo, gears, forza. 4K 4K 4K

>ports and more ports. no news on bayo 3 and Prime 4.

EA, Bethesda SE
>sports, dlc, bugs, day 1 patches

This companies fucking suck balls. I'm still gonna watch it tough

t. seething Nintendolard.

Metal Gear Rising 2. Screencap this. It's gonna happen.

Maybe someone will present a new game that looks actually fun and isn't compromised
Maybe game streaming won't because the norm quite yet

More SJW shit
consoles and PC gaming dying by streaming
No games
Normalfag tranny pandering
Movie games



i play on pc so i guess your'e a retarded nigger user?

I just hope Fable 4 wont be shit, but I know it will be. Also, Dwarf Fort steam release announced during pc show.

things I want:
Ys, Witcher, Yakuza, Tales Of, Dragon Quest news

Now we know who the retarded nigger really is.

nice digits
That said. I'm hoping for Sakura Wars releasing on Steam, that and Cyberpunk footage are my dreams atm

E3 Predictions 2019:

>More pandering to SJW/LGBT and virtue signalling than ever before ("IF YOU DON'T LIKE OUR GAME YOU'RE A NAZI FUCK NAZIS")
>Cloud gaming/gaming as a service being pushed again
>More IPs moving to phones, "Don't you have a smartphone?"
>Reboot of an older IP that didn't need a reboot
>Bullshots, Bullshots, Bullshots
>Some small studio makes a genuinely interesting game, gets completely overshadowed by >AAA dev announcements
>A title under development that seemed kind of bad in a previous E3 is back and now it looks even worse

New Rayman
Wario land or world on switch
Shantae 5
Animal crossing switch
Luigis mansion 4
Its fucking nothing

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