What went wrong?
What went wrong?
This and gamergate.
2016 officially rendered it unsalvageable, not that there was any hope for recovery to begin with before that though
This and discord
Moderators and janitors.
people calling anyone with an opinion they disagree with reddit
>tfw leftists and trannies will never infest your right wing board
Yea Forums has never been better.
>blaming anything but /pol/
Fuck off back to
This and /pol/
>people calling anyone with an opinion they disagree with a discord tranny
Yea Forums seems to have only gotten noticeably worse by the year since 2010.
Jennifer Lawrence
Unironically everything
Janitors had a vacation this morning. Half of the entire board was shitposting. You do need heavy moderation in a board full of children and snoygros.
according to Yea Forums, literally everyone other than Yea Forums itself
also people who scream /pol/ at every comment kinda ruined this place
based and opilled
People not lurking is probably the biggest problem. Mobile posting just made it even easier to shit out something on the go with absolutely no consequences so nobody has to learn to just shut the fuck up.
Too much video game discussion
Based and redpilled
The elections/ /pol/
Yea Forums adopting SJW namecalling tactics (if you disagree with me you are x)
Yea Forums becoming Sonygaf from late 2016 to mid 2018
Yea Forums becoming Nintendogaf from mid 2018 to today
Console wars on the level of the Wii - PS3 - 360 era
Smash rosterfaggots
The fact that the majority of this board is too afraid to post anything that contradicts arbritrary, ephemeral board culture
at least it isn't as bad as Yea Forums or /jp/.
Reminder that Yea Forums is the highest quality large board on Yea Forums. Reminder that Yea Forums is better than most of the small boards on Yea Forums. Reminder that it is an utterly baseless reddit meme to hate on Yea Forums and is pushed by new fags on Yea Forums, /pol/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and every other shit hole on here. Reminder that despite Yea Forumss large size and arguably the worst most biased mods and janitors this board still it one of the best boards on Yea Forums and no amount of naysaying will change this indisputable fact.
>Calling [thing i don't like] /pol/ is bad
>Calling [thing i don't like] reddit is good
What am I looking at?
Stormfront ruined Yea Forums. Stop with the /pol/ shit.
This goes for the entire site.
almost every other board is a complete shithole
my mail account.
The elitism mentality of this board is hilarious considering it’s filled with nothing but losers that were constantly told by their mothers or fathers they were destined for great things while shunned by their school peers. Who believed being put in AP or Gifted classes put them above the rest of their class mates.
Imagine reaching a point in which browsing a particular site gives you a sense of superiority.
I crosspost on reddit but don't admit to it. I regularly call people who I disagree with reddit.
edit: holy shit 1k upvotes?
edit: thanks for the Yea Forums gold you glorious bastards
Sent from my iPhone.
I agree Yea Forums is one of the best boards right now
But that's the scary part
Yea Forums mods are WAY worse
Piss poor moderation, though I guess the alternative is reddit
Smash threads.
Drones defending anything Nintendo does.
all these newfags pretending Yea Forums hasn't always been Yea Forums but with video games. But the real issues started when moot began monetizing this website, it was an open secret that he allowed literal shilling and other such nonsense. You can use gamergate as a bench market for when things really went wrong but most people don't understand the real reasons why it was a problem for this site. Gamergate is when he went full jew and started massive self censoring of chan content to please his ((advertisers)) as well as the purging of the old staff members who still believed in the core chan culture of unabashed free speech and the support of user generated content.
top LEL
Yea Forums has the worst mods. Even the Yea Forumsutists admit to it.
Anybody love seeing dark skinned melnanin men take over their wife?