Games Yea Forums tried to trick you into buying

Games Yea Forums tried to trick you into buying
>this tranny pedoshit bing bing wahoo odyssey clone

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>people upset about trannies when we knew from the start it’d be woke

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Is there a _____ mod for this game yet?

games Yea Forums tricked you into buying
>this "strong weman" anime tier poolish diarrhea

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Steam shows that most of the people complaining have 0.0 hrs in-game

Have sex

Have sax

Yea Forums bitching about any kind of political statement whatsoever is equally as obnoxious as Reset Era bitching about any kind of "problematic" behavior whatsoever
You both play games to look for shit to piss you off and it's fucking annoying

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I just want to have fun, not have some dev try to push their political views onto me

I pirated it.
It was ok. Plarforming was too easy because you didn't have to really commit into your jumps because of how much air control you have.

>implying you are unethical for buying the game
Silly gommies

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>Shoves politics down your throat
>Stop looking for things to be mad about
Time 2 dilate

>I just want to have fun, not have problematic patriarchal misogyny pushed on me
Shut the fuck up holy fucking shit

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What did he mean by this

Is it just me or is /pol/ seriously losing influence? Seems like the rest of Yea Forums has turned against them.

Is that why you spend time shoving your own political views down Yea Forums's throat instead of playing video games?

I could understand if the faggots that are complaining actually had game-time before the political bullshit but they don't. It's like with the Bloodborne Netflix series that doesn't exist and anons literally making up shit about it just to cry about blacks

Because 90% of people don't like people who dedicate their lives to whining, it's the same reason 90% of people hate ResetEra and BlueChecks
Whining isn't accomplishing anything, it's just whining

That sjws and feminazis say the same shit

Yea Forums is just resetera on the opposite political spectrum but they're too prideful to admit it. Now I can't even talk about a game I enjoy without triggered Yea Forumsirgins derailing the thread to talk about how much they want trannies to kill themselves because of a decal.

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Shhhhhuuuuuuuttttrr the fuck up now. You have been warned.

So a flag is shoving a opinion in your face and telling you to like it?

Yea Forums bitched about the LGBT flag in the Spider-Man game while also bitching that ResetEra bitched about friendly police in the Spider-Man game. Neither side realized the irony.

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But I don't incel


>But I don't

>Friendly police

Tfw the head proportions on this are so disgustingly off that it kills any boner I could potentially ever have.

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You're obsessed, seek help.

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The blubber on that land whale wasn't enough?

Regardless of which political tribe you are in, mass, unrestricted surveillance of citizens is a big danger.

>le ebin horseshoe theory
Ummmm I'm thinking you need to go back.

Am I the only one who thinks this was a really poorly designed protag? It's really obvious they edited over Toon Link's design from Wind Waker.

>low effort cringe """meme"""
>the ones complaining are just as bad as...
Jesus man. I know your from resetera, but try to at least look like you know what your doing.

>le ebin horseshoe theory
He's right and you know it user

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You've made this post like 5 different times now, rephrase your wording or fuck off.

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Yeah okay but is the gameplay good?
This reminds me of the time they got mad Mario could wear a sombrero in Odyssey and claimed it was cultural appropriation or since shit.

>Don't call me out for being just as annoying at the people I whine about

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>the ones complaining are just as bad as the ones complaining
finished your sentence for you

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Yea Forums will deny it but people here bitched about the sombrero at reveal because they thought it was "age of Trump" forced inclusiveness

But the dev literally hate loli stuff and call it "cp". Not to mention panties shots are all censored.

>Yeah okay but is the gameplay good?
Pretty mediocre, it's the thing people talk about the least when it comes to the game for good reason.

>Game makes epic ftw capitalism is bad meme
>Is distributed on Steam

Where is the pedoshit in that game?

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You realize people on ResetEra who complain about the nonstop whining are met with the exact same argument, right?
>You're obviously just a butthurt incel trying to fit in! Go back to 4channel!!

>one side plays video games and doesn't want that hobby to be infected with shitty poolitics
>the other doesn't play video games but wants vidya developers to conform to and insert their political views into games they aren't going to play
Woah so similar

I feel like people post this image to be Ironic now considering it's 100% true. now Nioh threads are filled with faggots complaining about sjws since you can make your own Samurai and they have non-white options when a former slave is in the First game

Nowhere. OP is a retard. The game's dev is a retard who think loli is CP and even went as far as censor any potential panties shots from his shitty game.

>A game made a nod to a political ideology the community doesn't like.
>They proceeded to wine and derail every discussion because of it for two weeks straight
>Now we're not allowed to talk about it anymore, because the community will get mad and derail it
>Maybe I should just go to [other site] but they hate each other, so maybe it would just be worse there.
Which site am I talking about anons?

I really don't understand what the issue here is.

Attached: Mods, please don't ban me again for posting what is an obviously fake article to point out how (691x1281, 495K)

>one side plays video games and doesn't want that hobby to be infected with shitty politics
Literally false, MK11 and A Hat in Time proved most political fags don't even play the vidya they're complaining about and most of the faggots on Yea Forums pirate the games they play anyway.

Truly the greatest tragedy of all.

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I honestly have no idea which is which.

Stop samefagging its obvious each time

I havent payed much attention to the game overall but I have noticed any time I see a thread about it that it's just cunnyfags wanting to fuck Hat Girl or /pol/fags getting mad about the flag in the sewers. Reminds me of cyberpunk where most of the arguing is over what people consider makes something cyberpunk, how the default for the customizable character is ugly or saying that supposedly you're forced to be homo and not the fact the gameplay looks shit.

this is one of the most obviously shilled games in Yea Forums history. there were multiple identical threads up every day leading up to release and attempted forced memes like "heckin cute." to top it off you had retards jump on this game's cock because of eceleb drama surrounding yooka-yaylee. what a shitshow. anyone that bought this is an idiot.

I'm glad I didn't buy or back the game. Not only is it filled with SJW-shit but the dev is a cunt with shitty stances.

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>I really don't understand what the issue here is.

People from /pol/ are over here, kiddos are upset that trans woman are woman and are unable to deal with facts, but oh well im sure that they grow up sooner or later

That means you belong to the other side. Please start playing video games and having sex

glad I pirated it instead.

I played through it then deleted it after it was obvious that the game was completely rushed and very obviously unfinished

This doesn't make sense when Yea Forums is full of waifufags.

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>hidden flag that is not addressed in any way, shape or form during the gameplay is "pushing agenda"
And then he plays something like GTA.

Way to miss the point you smoothbrain.
If it is included, it is included for a reason.

Nice bait

Creamy logs

would you say the same if it was a MAGA hat? don't lie.

The fact this "person" is implying Skyrim is a "sprawling epic" says all I need to know about them.
>My wife and her boyfriend
Okay I need a sauce because that sounds too much to be real.

40% lmao.
Have to remove hairballs from an open wound called a hole lmao.

The place you find this is in some incredibly secluded cavern. It was written by a literal basement dweller. Also it's a joke so who gives a shit.
The fantastic first two games tricked me into buying open world bullshit.

I do not see how peasant abusing that society rules? Besides developer always can publish game for free to download.


>trans women are women

Except they're not and never will be.

Yes, because I don't care.

Guy poking out of well is right. Fuck hypocrites.

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did you know that living in a capitalist society is not free and that money is a thing everybody needs

>Google Translate

Literally yes you dumb faggot

Christ you pol-tards are so easily triggered. There's literally a smear of fucking paint that triggers you because you know that particular design of blue and pink means something to trannies, so therefore its EVIL. Come the fuck on.

Its a fucking smear of paint in a sewer of all things. I'm surprised that you lizard brains aren't raising the developer aloft as one of your own for implying that trannies belong in the sewer or some other shit.

Anyone having an aneurysm over MUH POLITIX especially in this game are worse than those yelling about "problematic" nonsense.


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have sex

Responding to someone who says "We should change the rules of society" by saying "But you're playing by the current rules of society to survive" is basically a non-argument.


0 self awareness, literally NPCs

>>Shoves politics down your throat
A random book in a random level in a random indie game is "shoving politics down your throat"

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Now post hatgirl panties

>Shill trying desperately to make people buy his shitty SJW game

i said don't lie

Go outside


There's a difference between supporting a political party/individual and supporting a culture, so that's a false equivalence fallacy right there. Even so, I wouldn't care because I'd find the inclusion of a MAGA hat to be funny.

>*Footsteps getting closer*
>*Shitpostbots launch their insults but CD-PROJECT-RED only start smiling because it doesent work on him*
>*Footsteps are getting even closer*

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>he doesn't harpoon whales

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yes, putting political statements in a light hearted kid's platformer is exactly that.


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wow you literally proved his point, congrats you autistic retards

Not everyone is obsessed with politics, some people are not even burgers. I am dropping big thinks here for you.

>to survive
most of the people who complain about capitalism aren't simply participating to pay the bills, the criticism is actually that they're rampant consumerists which is what the comic is a response too.
Basically anti-capitalists want a utopia where not only is wealth distributed evenly but also they get to keep living a lavish consumerist lifestyle.

Being trans isn't political. Being trans is what you were born with.

Yea Forums is just era for conservatives. actually that's not entirely true, era still talks about video games sometimes


I get that this is bait but it's funny that there are people that unironically think like this. It's "just paint" sure, but would you say the same if it was a flag that you disagreed with like a swastika or kek?

I know you are but what am I?

Protip: Don't ever take what Yea Forums tells you to buy seriously since most people pirate or are shills and fanboys, thus are overly lenient or have a stake in making you buy.

Of course you should also not care when Yea Forums tells you not to buy shit because they blow things out of proportion when they want to be mad, basically make your own judgement on the information you can find and take both people praising and people dissing a game with a grain of salt.


Why are you accusing someone of lying when you have no proof if they did or not?

It's funny that if it was Yea Forums would call it based and redpilled and wouldn't complain about shit right?

Seething tranny

Prove that I should, then.

There was no point proven.

>wouldn't complain about shit

Not all forms of anti-capitalism want to attain high stage communism with 'to each according to his needs'.
It is correct in that most people who claim to be anti-capitalist are massive consumerists though, hence why so many brands have popped up around shit like that. It extends into other shit as well, like how buying from whole foods does absolutely nothing for the environment and the people there are just paying for the sense of smug superiority they get while contributing to environmental damage just as much as people who don't.

>goes from whataboutism to "Y-You're lying, disagree with me so I can get mad!"
Fuck off seething nigger.

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>Cringe and Bluepilled

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the problem is trannies are disgusting, mentally deranged freaks and the game supports trannies.

So what you're saying is that people want to live in a community where people get to enjoy some luxuries, and also nobody is fighting just to avoid starvation? What a cutting and incisive critique. You've really owned the socialists now.

Fuck off tranny, you aren't me. And this conversation isn't about your favorite meme.
You don't give a fuck that it's a political statement, you care that it disagrees with what you believe. If it said "It's a large heavy book, titled 'Successful applications of Communism'. The pages are all blank." You wouldn't be anally angered. You'd post kek, with either a pepe or a based god reaction image and go on with your day.

>Christine Poole

The devs are gigantic faggots (one literally it seems) and Jonas can't produce competent code to save his life (or the frames of his game), but the game itself is fun regardless.


Gameplay still looks like shit
>calling others NPCs for not sucking a companies dick
>not trusting a company after a blatant downgrade they tried to lie about and push under the rug is bad

Look at the authors name, retard. You're being baited

Fug I should have picked up on that.

Then it's not about politics being shoved down anyone's throats it's about someone thinking differently

As a Trump supporter I would not want to see anything related go him or his movement in any videogame. Whether it's positive or negative I believe that politics and entertainment should be completely separate. It's inclusion does nothing more attempt to make an empty statement that either elates or angers its audience. Now if a game was made to be political from the get go that is a different story.


Imagine feeling threatened because a game starring a little girl has five colored lines on the far wall of a dead end of a sub-area of a DLC level.

>he says while hoarding money he's not even using

no one cares, your game is shit and I pirated the DRM-free version.

And? I'm "hoarding money" at about the poverty line, while there are people that hoard literal billions. What are you even trying to prove?

Man anti-anti sjws are so annoying, they're just as bad as anti sjws that complain about sjws.

Okay, what's so bad about it?
Yea Forums Must Die mode: no buzzwords, fallacies, or lies.

No one is born trans. It is the product of years of sexual abuse at the hands of a close family member.

Fuck off facist incel. You're not welcome anywhere.

>b-but the 1% of people who are rich are the problem!
>I-I'm not rich! I need to hoard money! Just because I can pay my bills, buy luxuries and still have extra saving doesn't make me part of the problem!

It's almost as if it's just a joke.


welcome to the post-gamergate world, where games are political too, and their importance as a political statement supercedes their quality as a video game. it's entertainment, after all, and we all know that you can only enjoy entertainment that agrees with your political ideology

The problem is that you say they're all "rampant consumerists", but all I've ever seen this in response to is "oh, but you have a smartphone lmao".

What's wrong with wanting people to be provided with the basic necessities but also be able to buy luxuries through hard work? The problem at the moment is people are denied basic necessities so that people can live rampant consumerist lifestyles and also encouraging those lifestyles.

Having some luxuries isn't "rampant consumerism".

Okay this is really bad bait. Here's your (you). Clearly I hit a nerve since you won't bother to refute my statement.


No, It doesn't. Seriously, are you saying a NEET with more debt than assets is somehow the problem with capitalism, because they keep money around to pay rent and not starve? What are you trying to prove?

Other gaming related sites aren't complaining about the tranny flag because it's their ideology being shoved down player throats. If the devs put /pol/ politics in their games, Yea Forums (read /pol/) wouldn't complain but polygon, resetera, etc. would. You see where I'm coming from? No matter what wing the politics come from, it's going to cause people to complain. I want 0 politics in games from eithers side and no one to complain about politics in vidya ever. I don't know why this isn't the goal most of you fags don't want to strive for.

Triggered NPC making buzzwords and calling them a statement. You're just like the NZ shooter. Go and die.
Triggered incel

i love video games. I played megaman power battle on a cabinet yesterday with a friend of mine and we had a blast. you anons play any good vidya lately?

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Good job restating your initial statement, user :)
Now can you back it up?

Imagine crying about dumb political bullshit on a mongolian finger puppet board instead of just playing video games. No one is retarded enough to do that, right?

I can't find this article, nor can I find that author on PinkNews.

>. I don't know why this isn't the goal most of you fags don't want to strive for.
That is literally what I fucking want you ninny

In a strange turn of events, I've been getting back into The Sims 2 lately.
Someone send my a physical copy of The Sims 2 FreeTime please.

Honestly, I have not a fucking clue anymore.
Not a clue who might be trolling, who might be baiting, who might be biting.
I've no fucking idea what's going on.



It's okay user, grab a bag of popcorn with me and enjoy the chaos

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Except you don't. We've already established that you are on the side that would be mad if it were a swastika in that sewer but is completely fine with the tranny flag.

its because public discourse has been infected with communist rhetoric, so people think that one-upping each other with shitty motte and baileys is how you argue and win arguments. there's an entire generation of people who has grown up in social media, reddit, and watching Good Morning America where legitimate arguments don't work in favor of retarded appeals to emotion and populism

its not actually an effective methodology because it takes far more effort to constantly fight off emotional appeals to an emotional idea rather than just saying something rational and letting it speak for itself, but the depth and breadth of the social engineering campaign speaks for itself.

if bioshock came out now instead of in 2007 people would be up in arms because it isn't made clear if andrew ryan is supposed to be the good guy or the bad guy even though that is kind of the whole point of the game is it not

>One of these flags is associated with the holocaust
>The other is associated with a small group of freaks I don't like
But fuck it. They're basically the same thing.

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Thanks Mr Skeltal

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>What's wrong with wanting people to be provided with the basic necessities but also be able to buy luxuries through hard work? The problem at the moment is people are denied basic necessities so that people can live rampant consumerist lifestyles and also encouraging those lifestyles.
I think the fallacy that they're engaging in is actually believing that if the wealth was more fairly distributed, ordinary people would somehow have to give up having nice clothes and phones so that everybody could eat. They're laughably out of touch with where the actual wealth is clustered, and they're basically acting as if people with almost nothing will have to give up basic comforts for the people who have nothing.
user, this graph might be illuminating to you. Tell me again how the people in the 25th percentile who are "hoarding" $10,000 dollars so they can maybe retire someday are the problem, and not the multi-billionaires controlling the bulk of the wealth and goods in the system.

Oh well, I'll be pirating it since capitalism is so evil :^)

>buying games
Your loss

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The graph

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He meant listen and believe.

Pol is really holding v back. Even co is better than this.


sims has always been really dumb fun. the perfect game to just piss away your summer after work. good choice user.

It's just an example. You'd be pissed if it were the gadsen flag even though that just represent a small group of freaks you don't like. You only care because they are on the other side of the political spectrum.

What is the definition of insanity? Doing the exact same thing over and over again expecting different results. I didn't even hear about this transgender "problem" in gaming until Yea Forums started screaming about it 24/7. Why would I listen to these faggots when they're just as mentally ill as the trannys they complain about?

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Trans people and enbys never complain about Yea Forums too.

Thanks for the (you). I'm still waiting for a well reasoned rebuttal. I know it's much easier to throw out ad hominem and false equivalencies but you can at least try. I'm not sure if you're actually serious or if you just glow in the dark.

reminder this is response to pointing out commies with iphones eating at maccas as though those things are necessary for participating in society

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I can assure you that 100% of the people complaining about random political shit have never played a videogame in their lives.

There is nothing good about co.

>if bioshock came out now instead of in 2007 people would be up in arms because it isn't made clear if andrew ryan is supposed to be the good guy or the bad guy even though that is kind of the whole point of the game is it not

they would look through the game's storyline and try to find pieces of evidence that point to one or the other rather than looking at the whole story of the game through a literary context, because they aren't capable of understanding a piece of fiction that wasn't written to get everybody to explicitly agree with the same conclusion on the same points of evidence. bioshock is pretty explicitly anti-objectivist yet i have legitimately seen people get mad that the game isn't critical of andrew ryan enough and paints him too positively.

Been playing vidya since 1991. It must hurt to be so condescending.

And that response keeps being easily refuted nonsense.
>You want to enjoy the fruits of somebody else's labor? Well that means you think the bulk of the reward for that labor should go to the capitalists at the top! Checkmate, people who want a society where nobody starves!

We're in a cartoon renaissance while anime is dying. Yea Forums is great!

>"dude this game has fanservice and is really good too!"
atleast SK2 was kinda cool despite its problems

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Sigh, incels are making trash games like this, and getting no sales, and still think they're the main demographic for games. Games are for everyone, undertale and life is strange are proof and point.
Incels are ruining gaming

Except it's better than Odyssey.

Go was your beard you faggot cuck.

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But Loli is nothing but chinese cartoon CP, you nigger.

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you're still here? I told you to go back to resetera

Go die in a fire pol.

they really aren't though. i'm not trying to argue for being a luddite but both sides of the argument aren't being realistic when it comes to how much you really need to engage with the technocracy that is increasingly controlling society

yeah its hard to not buy shit off amazon once and a while. yeah you need a smartphone for how useful it is. but social media? paying attention to the media gatekeepers? listening to corporate marketing as if it actually matters? those things are completely unnecessary and yet people wrap them up all in one package

yeah, you almost need to have a smartphone these days. that doesn't mean you should ever post on social media or listen to what corporate shills say no matter how hard they insist that you're going to be left behind or seen as out of date. hey've been telling me that for the last decade and when it comes down to brass tax, i'm beating them at their game because i get all of the benefits and they don't get any of my money or time

Is that why you had to go find a modded outfit for your OP image? Quit ragebaiting for (You)s and go back to /pol/

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>drawings have rights


Sigh, trannies are making trash games like this, and getting no sales, and still think they're the main demographic for games. Games are for everyone, Sekiro and Smash ultimate are proof and point.
Trannies are ruining gaming

To be fair for AHIT it's like two wall decals in a DLC, that player color at least is subtle without context. Although the former raises the question of why they're even there, the game doesn't have anything LGBT otherwise. Nothing a texture mod couldn't solve, though.

Apart from that the game is good.

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>he wants to rape a drawing

This isn't modded though

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Fuck off facist


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Nobody would give a shit about the no steppy snek being in a game, faggot

Sometimes I wonder if talking about tranny shit and the like should be taboo to discuss on Yea Forums anymore. Not because I CAN'T HANDLE THING BEING DISCUSSED SO DELET THIS. But more-so because every time it's ever discussed, all it ever does is kill discussion, and causes every side to become full-on unga bunga caveman tier over it. I know the inevitable response will be somewhere along the lines of muh free speech on a Mongolian Tapestry Camp, but considering Yea Forums tends to be predictable with how the board ends up trying to turn into Yea Forums 2.0 to the point where everyoe acts like it's the fucking Red Scare over Ledditors/Trannies/Tumblrtards/[insert console here]fags and the like, maybe at least some more self-control or so on would be a good thing so we can actually discuss VIDEO GAMES instead of what some autist is screeching about because of one thing in his gaem he played becoming the only thing that matters up until even discussing X game is impossible over said one thing.

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>trans rights
>not trans reichs
The day of the rope will come for transphobes.

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Listen i know what CD-PROJECT-RED did but compared to shit what other companies DID (Especially EA with killing loved franchises and studios) is basically nothing.
Deal with it EA drone. Your masters will lose after release of cyberpunk.

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Well, that's a better example at least, but I still wouldn't really be upset by that. Maybe if it were something that hit a bit closer to home, but even so, as long as it doesn't support something that's actively a danger to society, or is a part of a specific political group I don't really care. A kek/antifa flag is a part of a political group, and a hypothetical anti-vaxx flag would be supporting something that actively harms the people, but it's not like trannies are trying to invent laws that I would need to care about, and I haven't seen any trannies on my street trying to chop people's dicks off, so I don't see why I should be anything more than apathetic about a tranny flag. If it were something else, maybe, but I don't see the big deal with this one.

Frogge doin the woodchucks chuck

It's like they want you to pirate their game.

>having the latest 1000 dollar iphone
>some luxuries
My andriod cost me 100 and i paid upfront.

Shut up incel

But without capitalism the game wouldn't be made, or go for sale. It was crowdfunded right? And it's selling for cash money right

...isn't that hypocritical?

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This book has no print.

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this. Politics are shit, fuck any dev that tries to turn his game into a soapbox for his personal political stance.

kill yourself you fucking faggot.

>Hat kid not wearing the blue and pink paint
Whatever it's not like Hat Kid has it's own opinions anyways so I can make her bleh at tranny flags

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Turn off the decals. Or consider that this screenshot has nothing to do with the level itself, and is never addressed either. Or just keep baiting for replies instead of playing vidya

Attached: 1525965764566.gif (271x223, 659K)

the argument against pedophilia has nothing to do with rights, it has to do with the fact that children are not capable of making reasoned decisions when it comes to their reproductive or emotional capacity so looking at them sexually is very very weird and questionable at best and straight up unethical at worst

the fact that you have equivocated that argument with "rights" makes me seriously question if that entire school of semantics exists to get people to start arguing for things through a postmodern framework rather than one that actually fits the reality of the situation - presumably for the auspices of getting you to do their dirty work without even realizing the semantic framework you have been taught to use makes arguing for pedophilia an inevitability

I thought Hat in Time was really fucking fun for what it was. Sure, it's no Mario Odyssey, but it's a pretty damn solid 3D collectathon platformer with some extremely catchy music.

If it has nothing to do with the level then why is it included?

it's no directly the smartphone it's the fact it's an iphone which is a phone were 60% maybe more of the price is pure profit

>expecting Sans Francisco to use their AIDS-riddled heroin-addled brains

>implying implications that imply this piece of shit is worth playing
Why do you have such shit taste?

Games are a medium that would absolutely survive in a system that doesn't rely on the threat of poverty to drive labor. People already make some games for shits and giggles, with no expectation of financial gain. People would likely keep doing that if they knew they had money coming in whether they made games or not.

Ah sorry let me fix that

>Drawings of CHILDREN having rights


Because the environment is littered with wall decals and graffiti. What's painted on the wall has no significance to the level in terms of plot or gameplay. Do you think billboards in GTA affect the game too or somrthing?


It's a drawing, it isn't cp at all.

Ave ceasar

I’m going to watch Prisma Illya and no amount of raised eyebrows will stop me.

>dismisses everything with "D-Drone"
What does 2077 have to do with EA?
>They cucked me less then X, so that's why I'll blindly trust Y

>against harmless (but still shitty) drawings
>pro mentally ill self mutilating freaks


Do what you must user

Attached: 1558464447522.png (626x885, 369K)

The thing is that the original basis for the whole 'lack of ability to consent' was based on regency and then victorian era ideas of children being innocent beings (rather than the older idea of them being miniature adults).
Of course, using more modern knowledge for the basis of consent is desirable but also complicated. One may be tempted to simply base it on piagetian development, with formal operational thought being required, but that leads to only 25% of the 18 year old population being able to give consent.
The closest equivalent in other fields is the ability to give medical consent, which has been analysed. Based upon research into medical consent, as defined by the ability for someone to remember months after the fact what they agreed to, the dangers involved with such and so on there was a correlation between piagetian ability and ability to consent, but obviously other factors came into play. The memory portion of IQ being an obvious one, while the largest determining variable was that of mental stress at the time. The ability of an unstressed but otherwise average 12 year old to consent surpassed that of a stressed but otherwise average 25 year old.
However, then you open the whole can of worms in regards to 'can you litigate on something as variable and difficult to determine as someone's mental stress at the time', which also has far reaching impacts into rape cases. Whether the requirements in such cases is multiple instances of enthusiastic verbal consent (As some claim it should), singular enthusiastic verbal consent, simple verbal consent, body language consent, or even less being required.
You very quickly reach into areas which still aren't solved for legal cases in modern jurisprudence and run into many other issues as well.

the gadsden flag does not symbolize and signify a movement that is entirely based around promoting people to change an aspect of themselves under the auspices of a superior authority

i would have beef with a swastika or an israeli flag in a game under the exact same reasoning. I dont care if you're right wing or left wing, a flag that symbolizes an implicit need for me to change is kind of rude. i actually have a thought out reason for why i oppose things beyond just a knee jerk emotional reaction, butterball

you're either a kid that doesn't have the frontal lobe development to really understand why there is a legal age of consent or a literal for real pedophile and you shouldn't be left alone with children

Yea Forums thought the devs were secretly redpilled because they didn't remove JonTron like Yooka-Laylee did.
Turns out it was only because they were too lazy.

>devs openly appealing to freaks like pic related
You know, I actually was pretty conflicted about pirating this game. Last time I had so much fun with an indie was with Hollow Knight which I decided to buy. I was about to buy it when I saw threads about this tranny shit being in the game.

Glad I pirated. Also mobile poster.

Attached: Screenshot_20190528-171331.jpg (1080x1920, 526K)

no, it's not, this is a stupid post

The holohoax

Speaking of Jon, did he pussy out to the sjws and say he no longer holds right wing values like that other fag RWhitegoose who succumbed to social media pressure from literal trannies, or he stood by what he said?

Any way to completely removed this texture from my FitGirl repacked version of the game?

The person telling me to fuck of and calling me a fascist isn't a fascist by trying to quell my freedom to post. Wew you sure are projecting.