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Oh yeah, Sekiro happened.
Yeah it was kind of a letdown
>playing with English dub
And it was fucking great
Fromsoft has ruined every RPG for me. All of them have terrible combat, AI and fluidity compared to their 6 games.
Sekiro made combat even more better and fluid than before and now only game I hope for nowadays is from them.
It's a good game but nothing spectacular, I'll be sure to return to it every now and then.
Combat is terrible though
git gud
It's subtitled.
Only the bossfights
Otherwise the combat is fair and the stealth is surprisingly good
You didn't play did you.
I have MADA MADA stuck in my head after getting raped by granny
What does he mean by this?
>stealth is surprisingly good
it sucks ass, it's way too easy because the non-combat AI is garbage
Me again. Can someone poop in my mouth?
just parry bro wtf how is this even real
Not even the best game featuring a protagonist with one arm, flashback missions, a katana, little boys, judgment cut and old men in March 2019.
Boss fights are the best part of the game, what the fuck are you on about
>being a weeb
Based DMChad
DLC when? I want to go on my magical loli westward adventure.
Man, I hope they make the DLC harder than the main game. I feel too comfortable with it and I want to see entitled journalists cry when FROM doubles down as a fuck you.
>Parry simulator
Boss fights are absolute fucking garbage in comparison to other souls games though
game takes place in japan........
Where do I farm good skill points?
The Janitor is absolute...but I'm sensing some insubordination here!
hahaha nice try but nobody is that stupid
>wtf this game about clashing swords has parrying!
yeah no shit you parry in a game with SWORD fighting, what the fuck did you expect? git gud you absolute shitter
>stuck on genichiro again
gee, thought I got gud at this game but oh no it's just a memorization of patterns
Gunfort shrine just before the mini-boss.
you're honestly fucking garbage if you're stuck on geni in NG+. that just means you're unable to quickly adapt and have to memorize shit
Did you play Witcher in Russian?
Sekiro has The best boss fights of any game The last 10 years.
I used this:
I like it as it's not completely boring like backstabbing the lone longswordsman in mibu.
gee my cheese isn't quite as effective now... better blame anything but my lack of skill
didn't play witcher at all
Polish, you fucking retard. And yes, you play it in Polish, just as you play STALKER in Ukrainian.
t.Soul cocksucker
Sekiro is easily the worst Fromsoft game after DaS2
Genichiro may as well be a miniboss after beating the game once. How have you not memorized his patterns? Are you doing a charmless run or something?
>This post
Holy shit, I didn't know people could have opinions this shit.
let's just use our common sense a bit and realize that struggling with a boss probably means you will have to improve a bit for a stronger version of the same boss. probably like 10% better at the most. don't be a pussy.
Hello, I know I'm late to the party but that's because I never buy brand new games since I'm a canadian cuck so they're like $91 CAD with taxes
I saw picrelated for sale for $45, should I get it? Is it fun? My only concern is game longevity and overall gameplay (enemies seem stupid as fuck and can't detect you even unless you're right in their face)
uh why are you using souls as an insult while also only comparing with other fromsoft games? are you for real?
Yup. You didn't play it.
>No build variety
>No replayability
>No good boss designs/movesets (besides Isshin)
>Very few and reused boss fights
It's shit Jimmy, let it go.
>build variety
It's incredible people are still bitching about this when From made it clear from the start that it's not a Souls game
The combat is incredibly exciting once you get the hang of it. Would certainly recommend, especially if you liked other souls games.
I mean, Souls games are the only good thing From makes. No wonder people didn't like it.
>build variety
it's an action game, why are you using RPG standards? jesus christ you're so retarded
eat shit and die
different combinations of prosthetics and combat arts are kinda like builds except you don't have to grind 2000 hours with 20 different save files. let's keep pretending that it's a negative though
>no wonder people didn't like it
it sold well and has great reviews. why do you lie? are you just pretending to be retarded?
It is longer than REmake 2, right?
Also is it me or the atmosphere seems pretty "badass", with great dreadful music
way longer than REmake 2 and it also has a good amount of optional content
and don't worry about the stealth. it doesn't need to be there if you don't want it, combat is where this game shines
Combat arts and prosthetics ain't that great though. Very situational and hyperarmor moves from enemies make them pretty useless. You might as well just slash with the kosabimaru.
It has less active users on steam than other souls games, it's a flop.
why do you pretend to be retarded? do you really not have anything better to do? go play some video games
>get BTFO
learning how to make things work; new tactics, potential synergies that you hadn't understood... isn't that what makes it interesting? or do you just want to do the same thing with different animations and only pretend that you actually did something new.
so you're actually being serious? user, the game doesn't have online, no shit it has less active players. it's an action game with less content. it's embarrassing like I have to explain it to you like you're a toddler
>it's a flop
It's decent. You'll get filtered until you learn the combat then it's pretty challenging but fun.
Took me 40 hours to beat at first, so I guess I'm shit, but I would get stuck on a boss then just explore everything I could and collect everything before going back. Typical playthrough if you just boss rush should be at least 20 hours. You need to run it at least twice to fight extra bosses, and if you enjoy the combat you can try challenge runs. Not sure how much replayability you want for $45 but there's plenty in my opinion just don't expect Dark Souls where you can always try out a different build and play again. 2-3 runs is about as much as you'll get.
No, it is quite spectacular. It's just too hard for your average Yea Forums mouthbreather.
Dmc 5 has better overall combat scenarios but boss fights in sekiro are way better. Dmc boss fights except for a few are usually meh
>got filtered cuz couldnt grind and summon mommy to help beat the chained ogre
lol... i mean if you're really desperate you could bruteforce it with shurikens by restocking at the nearby idol without resting
Yes DMC has a lot of shit fights
>Guardian Ape, Corrupted Monk (fake), Owl 2... Sword Saint
>Vergil, Cavalier Angelo, Urizen 3, Balrog, Artemis, King Cerberus, Urizen 2, Nidhogg
I wish we could fight elder geryon knight with people who aren't V so I can get a better perspective but I'm convinced the only bad boss in DMC5 is Gilgamesh. Mission 1 fight doesn't count.
>tfw from will never be able to top sekiro
Proof? I thought you needed to rest to restore spirit emblems.
Buckle my shoe
In general, i enjoy dmc combat a lot more and on harder difficulties, its absolutely more challenging than any fromsoft games, but dmc bosses have always been so meh. Was playing dmc3 and 4 the other week and all the boss fights just seemed shitty to me except for final vergil
I found him way harder than the Father version.
>I'm convinced the only bad boss in DMC5 is Gilgamesh
And Nidhogg
And Malphas
And the massive disappointment that is Vergil
DMC3 is particularly full of shit bosses like the leviathan core. I think you're confusing challenging difficulty for good boss design. DMC5 offers an abundance of both in DMD, way more than Sekiro.
Nidhogg did nothing wrong but you've got to be retarded to not think 5ergil is amazing.
The only embarrassing part is your inability to understand what a flop is as well as your nonexistent English skills, retarded eslnigger.
>you've got to be retarded to not think 5ergil is amazing.
What exactly is supposed to be amazing about 5ergil?
The Rathalos world tour?
Unable to be cheesed by killer bees like in DMC3 and DMC1.
If you can't beat Genichiro in the first fight after completing the game once you're fucking garbage
Flop is only determined by sales though. Dead is the term you're looking for.
I never said anything about flop lmao, I asked you for a source. holy shit, you can't comprehend English yourself. YOU talked about it being a flop, not me. prove it you retard
Dmc for me is at its best when you are fighting many enemies at once, using flawless combos and juggling back and forth from enemies and getting the SSS, but when fighting one boss enemy ,it doesnt feel as satisfying or fun. Whereas in something like sekiro or BB, fighting one well designed highly skilled enemy is where its at its best. Just my opinion on the matter. Feel free to disagree.
>Unable to be cheesed by killer bees
You can still cheese him with Buster, RG and SDT if you want, he's also pathetic when it comes to actual attack patterns and aggressive behaviour compared to DMC3, which is why the world tour is a thing.
>Dead is the term you're looking for
SP games can't be dead
why prove something that anyone can test in game with like 2 minutes of spare time
>No, it is quite spectacular.
I really disagree, I'm on NG+++ and I keep thinking for some reason the next NG or maybe even doing the specific things for an ending will make it worth it, but it doesn't. the game just gets even more easier and I've been struggling to find the motivation to play the game any more.
>tfw my first play through of any from games are always at least 70 hours
I-I just like backtracking a lot, okay? It's not like I'm bad or anything, haha.
Because I'm on my linux partition.
I would too. I have done sekiro twice and cant play it anymore. I cant imagine how soulfags play these games over n over.
ah well I'm on my phone so I'm probably not going out of my way to prove it at the moment but restocking that way is pretty convenient for clearing obstacles for a mi iboss while maintaining perfect condition
Have you tried charmless yet? Really the only thing to do after getting all the endings.
You're the kind of person who shits on Dirt for being a rally simulator.
I think you're full of shit, I don't believe you're on NG+++ at all. You wouldn't have stuck with it for three playthroughs if you hated it that much.
What a needy cunt.
>played through the game 4 times
why would you subject yourself to something you dislike 4 times in a row? maximum autism
The game doesn't truly get good until NG++++. Keep going user.
Compared to late-game Asahina Outskirt Stairway?
sinister charmless 5-7 are pretty good for reals. try to mix in at least 1 shura ending for variety!
>3 enemies that drop 1060xp vs 5 enemies that drop 662xp
Seems to be about the same or slightly better depending on long each run takes. Outskirts seems easier because you just get deathblows.
Sekiro is the Majora's Mask of Souls games
It will be appreciated more as soon as the hype train faggots go on to something else and all the remains were the original Demon's Souls and Dark Souls fans
>Sekiro is the Majora's Mask of Souls games
With the emphasis on the Moon and the creepy atmosphere, wouldn't BB fit more?
yes. the damage on imperfect deflects made for a couple fights a challenge that weren't before, but other than that it I still thought it was pretty easy.
well it's true.
I didn't say I disliked it, just didn't think it was spectacular. overall a good game, but some pretty mediocre things in it too. and like I said, I thought NG's would add more challenge than they did.
After reviewing some gameplay video, outskirts is definitely better. 5675xp/min vs 3600xp/min from the video I posted.
I doubt it. It will be looked on less favorably as time goes on and the hype wears off. Sekiro will be "that game that had a few good boss battles but mediocre everything else"
i disagree, i think its twist on the combat will be refined with a potential sequel, judging from the ending
sekiro is a good game but it should be what most games nowadays are like as standard. but so much mediocre garbage gets put out that it makes game like sekiro seem like masterpieces
never said it was a masterpiece. bloodborne old hunters is a masterpiece, sekiro is just a really fucking good game
>DMC kikes are still seething
>tfw NG+ hard mode and demon bell
>only Demon of Hatred and Isshin left
skip demon if you already beat it... it's just tedious and you can always use the mask if you're upset about lost attack power... unless you want to try something interesting like using divine induction to throw it off a cliff
I'm two bosses away from being able to say that I "beat" Sekiro. I'm not starting skipping or exploiting bosses NOW.
Back to the sewer with you, rat-faggot.
how would that possibly be an exploit? I'm embarrassed for you
You can call it a "clever use of mechanics" all day, but in the end you're making a boss fall down a cliff without really fighting it.
>one trophy away from platinum (grinding skills)
>fuck it i'm too close to give up that epeen increase now
>spend 2 hours in the Ashina outskirts grinding xp
>finally unlock all skills
>no trophy
>look up a guide
>Kuro gives you a new skill tree once you beat the Divine Dragon
>Kuro in my game is now lying on the floor waiting for me to choose ending and i can't unlock the last skill tree until the next new game cycle
fuck it i'm out
actually using the sword just exploits the strength and sharpness of the blade and i get that it's a little clever but honestly you're just exploiting their weak flesh. kill with praying strikes or exorcism or shut the fuck up
For the trophy, Ashina stairwell in late game. Boring as FUCK though
I died cause I didn't want to heal myself, tried to kill him fast but screwed up.
i bet he also exploits that immortality gimmick and doesn't start a new game when he dies
btw you can't even TRY this strategy without genuinely fighting unlike the actual exploit that has probably muddled your brain
I'm glad Owl decided to incorporate the firecrackers, it's really helpful of From to include a highly telegraphed chance to get six swings of vit damage in.
>Beaten Sekiro several times
>Gotten all the endigs
>Now I'm just loading savefiles and fighting Isshin and Owl over and over again
That DLC better come quick Miyazaki.
When is this game going on sale? Not paying full price for a single player souls
my dad who works for videogames says 'ask again later'
Most bosses in the game would be unbeatable if they just spammed R1 and deflected occasionally.
Coincidentally its the optimal strat for Wolf as well.
No they wouldn't, if all the bosses spammed R1 it would be super easy to break down their posture and kill them. If you take out perilous attacks and other nonblockable attacks you've removed 50% of the combat and all you're left with is timing.
Why don't you just pirate it
And you're the kind of person who shits on dirt, because you're a dirty shitskin.
I felt empty after finishing it, mostly because it has almost zero replay value. The fact it's a great game makes it hurt more.
human r1s have no hype. apeshit has no real r1 unless you count his cheapshot but that also turns him into the flash. longarm centipede already does that and i can kill that with my eyes closed. ETC
that skill tree will easily take you as long as the rest to complete since they all cost 5-9 points each. in either case, i dont understand why anyone would ever "grind" in this game. just rush NG+ cycles. if you're not a scrub you should be able to clear fresh games in less than 3 hours. bosses will generally grant 1 skill point at a time, at most you will just have to top yourself off once in a while.
>Combat arts are basically useless
Nice, glad I spent all that time unlocking spiral cloud passage.
Can someone tell me what the bosses drop?
Last soulsborne I played was DS3 and I thought bosses dropping essences (aka XP) was fucking shit. I wish they dropped random rings, items and whatnot
Bosses drop single use items that increase attack power.
in DS3 you can use the "essences" to craft unique weapons/equipment. did you even play the game?
try using that with yasha and bestowal and try saying that again
Yup. Back to Nioh.
Playing Sekiro just made me want another Tenchu.
Yes i played the game but I honestly wasnt good so I basically powerlevelled myself early on for several hours and then steamedrolled the rest of the game
empowered mortal draw. owl + bloodsmoke. excorcism. nightjar reversal. floating passage.
some of them are decent, especially in certain situations. mortal draw works great against the apes for example. but yeah its a shame that most combat arts are pretty pointless vs. simply spamming r1 outside of pure novelty.