Are there any games on this thing that are actually great and not just okay?

Are there any games on this thing that are actually great and not just okay?

I watched AC Odyssey which looks beautiful but the gameplay (and combat) look TERRIBLE. Then you have Ni-Oh which looks atrocious but has good gameplay. God of War is brainlet tier gameplay. Not sure about Horizon, it could be cool I guess.

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its a fancy desktop monitor stand and nothing else

no. sell your ps4 and buy a switch
play some real games instead of movie shit

Switch has 1 game worth playing and that's BotW, which can easily be emulated on PC with better graphics so whats the point

>$300 gaming tablet that you can play ON-THE-GO
>$2000 gaymen PC that lacks portability
gee, i wonder which is the better option.

Hahah holy shit, who the fuck plays games outside their home? How pathetic are you?

Why would you even use that when you have a PC?

do people really play games outside of the comfort of their own home?

Fist of the North Star if you like yakuza
Gt sport if you like racing especially online racing
Wipeout omega is also good
I just started uc4 and it’s pretty good so far.
Dragons crown pro is decent

What about Horizon?

And the exclusives? TLG? SotC?

>Are there any games on this thing that are actually great and not just okay?
If you're talking about hard on exclusives, no.
Some games do play better on PS4 though

>reading comprehension of a 2 year old

Spiderman and horizon

Horizon looks interesting I didn’t care for Nioh it was very repetitive and I wasn’t a fan of the loot system I haven’t played the rest.

You know being a cunt isn’t the same thing as wit.

Bloodborne and that's pretty much it
Mine is literally just a Bloodborne machine.

That's so sad. I had a better time with my PS3, and here I thought the PS4 was where the games would be at.

Bloodborne, Sekiro, RDR2, Doom, Persona 5. God of War is better than Horizon, so if you don't like GoW I'm not sure if you would enjoy Horizon. It's a fun game tho. Not particularly great, but fun.

But GoW is a button masher, is it not? I loathed the first three.

Gameplay is different than the first ones. A bit heavier and more polished. Nothing too complex or deep, but still to give you some fun. I liked it far better than the original ones.

I'll check it out then.

Now I'll just wait until PS5 is announced so the Pro gets a price drop.

>playing multiplats on a console

Hope you get some fun out of it, user. Try to enjoy it.


>looks beautiful
>plays terrible
You just described every western game

Yeah this gen sucks dick
Not my personal taste but you should also check out The Witcher 3, considered a masterpiece by a lot of people.

Oh, I have played through it and the expansions (on PC). I fucking loved it. It's my favorite game of the 2010s, even above Human Revolution and Metro 2033.

Hence why the console games have looked so lackluster to me...