Hey guys, ProJared here

Hey guys, ProJared here

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Other urls found in this thread:



Nobody cares that he cheated on his wife in a open-relationship.

>Has been a terribly unfunny faggot (and is also a literal cuck) since 2007
>Allowed to have Yea Forums threads uncontested by jannies that reach bump limit

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Hey guys, a thread that's getting deleted and me banned here...

Timestamp please

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>wife asks for an open relationship
>Immediate reaction isn't to fucking strangle her and dissolve her body in acid

lol cringe

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>gf convinces him to open the relashionship
>he starts getting laid
>she gets angry about it
Fucking women

Thats what makes it so funny

anyone got the reddit post thats literally this

post his dick

>in a open-relationship
>wife proposes the idea of a polyamorous relationship
>begrudgingly agree
>she starts fucking other men
>is goaded on by wife to fuck another girl
>eventually do it
>wife all of a sudden wants to go back
>wants to stay in a monogamous relationship with new girl instead
>wife defames you both in real life and to all your friends

>career and personal life ruined
Don't stick your dick in crazy and do not ever entertain the idea of polygamy.

An open relationship is where you're allowed to bang other people, not date them.

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>sexted consenting at the time 16 year olds
>which is perfectly legal in every civilised western country
>got abused by a shitty girlfriend who lied and manipulated people
explain to me again what he did wrong

It's a shame most girls with those eyebags tend to be drug addicts, I find them adorable.

>and is also a literal cuck
Sounds like his wife was the cuck

His /tg/ and Yea Forums mix was supreme. You can shit on the man but not his tastes.

The sad part is basically this, she was the piece of shit but Jared's fucking tumblr blog pedo shit basically drove his reputation into beyond repair territory.

Wow so it really is ProJared who made this thread

Based as fuck

e-celebs are not video games

I'd argue it's both their fault and their both fucking crazy. Don't know just take the side of the man because you have a bias about women.

>have a decent 7/10 wife
>cheat on her with a damn 4/10

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They're all shitty people except maybe Ross

She's a 9/10.

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Doesn't matter, i'm not defending him and he deserved everything it came on him.

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>it's another episode of out of touch americans thinking 18 should be the age of consent even though the rest of the western world has 16 as the standard

No. Jared's actions are still fucked. But the moment she proposed they should try polygamy, his career was already fucked.
Which is way different from initial angle of Jared being the sole villain in this story, which is how the story first spread.

Everyone messed up in that situation. What I don't understand is how people go on these ego trips from making internet videos about games once a month, or why people give a fuck about their personal lives.

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thats heavily photoshopped with makeup. without makeup shes honestly a 4.5/10 find a picture of her without makeup

His wife had MULTIPLE long term partners, m8.

The problem for me is Knabenbauer always said he was into social justice, referred to himself as a "feminist" multiple times on Twitter, etc. He helped cultivate a culture that believes 'she' is always right in a he-said-vs.-she-said scenario. You reap what you sow if people still decide to side with your vindictive former wife just because she said it and she's a woman and "believe women."

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what about the pedophilia stuff?

So are we gonna forget that Jared is a pedo?

people enjoy variety more than repeating the same task, you would know this if you ever had a good looking gf/bf
good looks grow old if the couple doesn't work at their intimacy

This turned out to be pure slander

Stay mad. She's stunning.

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I certainly don't

Before this thread gets 404'd, why do mods hate this guy but not other e-celebs?

It's just California, most states have it at 16

>no new episode in months
>Mega Man Legends Let’s Play will now go unfinished
H-Hold me bros...

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Is this a reverse Anthony Burch situation

I never realized until now, but the whole "I'm a feminist" thing really died down after the Harvey Weinstein crap, didn't it?

16 is not pedophilia, and since Jared lives in a state where 16 is legal, it's completely irrelevant.

what is up with e celebs and cuckoldry

No fucking way.

you keep posting these cosplay photos taken by professionals i mean ill try and find a picture but you should already know better

>heidi gets cheated on by Jared
>tries to ruin his entire life in response
Even though Jared fucking other women was apparently Heidi's idea in the first place.

>ross gets cheated on by holly
>cuts all contact with holly, but does not try to ruin her life in the slightest and moves on while simply trying to forget about the past

The only reason you think the age of consent everywhere in the US is 18 is because that's what it is in California, that's where all the media is created.

She's like a 6/10 you fucking incel holy shit, stop giving women who put on tons of makeup higher praise.

Also the fact that she's also a piece of shit just less so than Jared isn't attractive.

bumping this

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projared is a pedo and his wife his a professional #metoo victim

I hope he's able to sue this woman into the ground, she literally ruined his career and is owed millions for it.

I was all onto the ProJared hate train until Heidi admitted to starting the polyamorous relationship. The entire foundation of her supposed victimhood crackled with that revelation.

>I wish that I was one of the REALLY popular gaming YouTube channels!
>Granted, but...

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They friends with them in rl, Dunkey is an example.

This is why I say both of them are just shitty people.

Apparently Ross was in a weird semi-open relationship with Holly as well where they could both sleep around but she thought she was asexual? It's fucking weird and all of these people need fucking help.

>Yea Forums defending projared


Him, Holly, and his wife are all fucking insane and beyond delusional.

>unironically caring that some shit eating e-celeb got ruined
You faggots need a long walk off a short pier.

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Only reason why I unsubbed is not because of what he did but because he didn't release a good video in over a year and this whole blowout reminded me to go unsub.

Women deserve nothing but a good slap.

Didnt he send pics of his dick to underage girls?

But even positive threads get deleted.

Slander means it wasn't true

Be the one that gets them addicted to drugs, and your problem suddenly becomes a huge advantage.

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They were 16. Over the age of consent.

The fact that they delete all negative threads about him means they got his back.

same 2bh famasheep. I unsubbed from him back in December because the fucker puts out 4 videos a year from January-November and then shits out a DnD video that I give zero fucks about every other day, which is really fucking bullshit. If I want to see his actual content it usually pops up in my recommended feed anyway.

Yeah, fuck him. I love seeing these hypocrites being devoured by the monster they fed.

Only in blue states.

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I have only seen him in thumnail where he recommends non square snes rpgs. but I never click it because of weird expression.
also is it purposeful that in all the pics of him that are posted here, his eyes look a lot like cockmongler

have sex

This makes me wonder. Either one of the jannies is a real big fan or they know him personally, or were they paid to shut it down here.

>that feeling when I was enjoying jared's streams and never cared in the slightest about their relationships and relationship drama
>now there'll never be another stream or video
>because of relationship drama

I guess it's true that you get dumber when you get more popular.

>Anna implies Jared and Holly have been kicked off their D&D show.
>Holly makes twitter posts saying that she's trash.
>Makes a plea for compassion over hate.
>Says she's going to go out to the desert.
10 bucks says she kills herself.

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How's Ross doing anyways?

They were probably only married for the green card in the first place.

I'm like 90% sure he lives in Seattle.

Bend over boi

>Only in blue states
what a shocker

Are your standards really that high? She looks perfectly attractive. Even without makeup. Maybe this is why you're a virgin.

That Republicans are pedos?

It wasn't

not video games
get your e-"""celeb""" cancer out of here

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>You can shit on the man but not his tastes
> but not his tastes

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Do you think "Ms. Editor" quit on Jared after all this? That's what I want to know.

Yeah I used to genuinely enjoy his content once upon a time, but hos obnoxious sjw bullshit started affecting his twitter, which I stopped following, and then leaking into his regular content so I dumped his shit.
And then the day before this whole thing exploded I decided to check out his stream of Danganronpa, it was the most insufferable feminist ally shit ever, culminating with the bullshit that always pops up at the end of chapter 2. I hoped Karma would kick in and it didn't let me down.

It was the same with the neogaf top mod who ruined his website. The mods here have a pretty large network.

Literally avoiding it all like the plague. He got over holly and has asked people to not come to him asking for opinions and shit. It's very possible he may have knew and it was what led to the "Its because of the birds" thing for public discussion sake.

>she's gonna be out in the desert
I hope she steps on a burning candle

How come switch owners are such soi bois? How come nintendofanboys have been trying to push the false narrative sonychads are soi?


Evilore turned out to be pretty based ever since the cucks left and formed resetera.

I think he was talking about AVGN's tastes.

Good on him. At the very least he isn't instigating things or getting involved in it.

He has a Switch, a gaming PC, a PS4 Pro and an Xbone, wannabe console warrior.

Daily reminder fags.

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Yep, after the 2016 election, he started retweeting a bunch of anti-Trump shit. Also his videos started having a bunch of noticeable SJW tones in them, like the Chip 'n' Dale NES one where he quickly corrects himself after saying so-and-so was attractive to guys, and said "and ladies too" or something, or how he got all offended by some anti-gay letter in the 'Gynophobia' game.


She quit