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Other urls found in this thread:



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I unironically empathize with that image.

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I want to be mario number one too
What game is that??

And that's how people get addicted.

I think Smash for the 64

>Drawing in the middle of class
>straight up hitting a clock with a hammer

Typical case of the 'tism

>he never tried to break down electronics
>he never draw during boring stuff like math

>when you get over a certain score in singleplayer and the annoncer changes from "congratulations" to "INCREDIBLE"
none of the announcers after 64 did it with as much gusto

maybe he's secretly a genius?

Attached: riri.jpg (2500x1286, 2.46M)

Not him, I broke my toys a couple timws, my dad explained dismantling vs. destroying, and after that I never destroyed anything again. Putting the flip clock radio back together was probably the most difficult thing, as I'd fully disassembled it, flippers included. Maybe not hardest, but most time consuming.

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I don't think you fix electronics with a hammer user, i fixed a digital clock when i was six and i finished my mathbook half a year early
There's no excuse for being retarded and thats why the author became a cartoonist

maybe his teacher and his mom could motivate him through other 'means'.

What a fucking bitch

What? I always got a congratulations.

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I bet you fun at parties, no fun allowed nazi. Children do all kinds of stupid shit without having autism.

Can't imagine being so deep inside my butt like you.

Deep autism

>people who are around youngsters at a pivotal age and who don't know how to nurture them properly shit all over the kids when they're not doing things "their way" or the "right way" then the kids find vidya


What the actual fuck going on inside heads of writers?

WE WUZ iron mans shit, did it get canned yet?

>>Drawing in the middle of class
Everyone does that when the class is boring

>that moment when teacher takes away your shitty drawings to show everyone in the class

mr gay

Honestly it's great that she is not gonna be a nurse, she would be incompetent at her job. Black nurses are always awful.

> not drawing dicks, so that everyone laughs

he becomes this

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They are laughing at you, not with you. Also everyone will know that you're gay.

boys won't laugh at you if you dress up like their favorite anime chick and suck their dicks

hey, we got a dumb girl with princess syndrome in the thread.

i think you need over a million points
go for higher difficulty and no deaths for the no miss bonus points at the end
the way he says it is really satisfying

a child with real autism wouldn't have the cognitive awareness to understand what a hammer is or how it could be used to smash a clock
you're definitely one of those dumb faggots that says "lol autism" at the drop of a hat which perpetuates a culture of pearl-clutching faggots to say their kid is different because he has autism when he's really just a narrow-minded jerkoff like yourself

Shaming someone's self expression because it doesn't line up with the way the school/teacher does things is fucking disgusting.

You are Ugleh

Attached: 28d.gif (265x353, 1.8M)

We don't promote faggotry here.


Ok Bugs

I prefer the edit.


>literally makes a comic about wanting positive feedback only

no wonder the world is so fucking full of sjw snowflakes

i do too but i forgot where i saved it
you dont have it on you do you?
you're talking about the edit with the big ass titties yeah?

I actually came across a youtube channel with very few views about a guy who tells you what's worth salvaging before you throw away anything. Found it interesting

Not that user but it's nothing to do with a "self expression" it's just funny to show off a child's shitty drawing to the class.

>a child with real autism wouldn't have the cognitive awareness to understand what a hammer is or how it could be used to smash a clock
This definitely isn’t true, depending where they fall on the spectrum. Sounds like you’re projecting your own autistic childhood memories

That's some weird lunatic self awareness. I can't tell if it's actually kind of endearing or terrifying.

>except for that weird facial hair
You have been trying to be Tony Stark for 6 seconds and you already fucked it up, congrats.

I just want to be loved.

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This is glorious, writers have their heads so solidly lodged in their asshole that we're getting the anti religious University professor pasta in comics but unironically

Because of awful adults?

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>be a dumbass
>be useless annoyance
>but at least I can play Mario!
Is this how nintenbabies are made?

Attached: a67.png (541x469, 95K)

You'r a fucking idiot. The autism spectrum is a recent development which has many many new diagnosis that fall under its umbrella term. Kids with ADHD for instance or social anxiety all fall under the autism spectrum. This is why everyone under the sun says they have autism all of a sudden.

You do not know what the fuck you're talking about.

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I have two boys and one girl, I humiliate them all the time.

>Interested in electronics
>But thinks math is boring
Never gonna make it.

I mean, he's not wrong.

Video games and hentai will not give you that satisfaction. You might as well just kill yourself already. Make sure to stream it when you do.

he cute

estrogen overload from all the onions

Wind-up clocks aren't electronic, retard.

brb telling Chris-chan he isn’t REAL autistic, this should turn his life around

>Current future is full of violent parasites perpetuating mass murder
>New future will be sexism, racism and mass basement dwelling

I cannot fucking wait.

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Do we need another strawpoll on who is the dumbest and most annoying fangroup here is?

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Since 2006 it's consistently been sonyfags.
There literally isn't a single fanbase on Yea Forums as autistic


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That's pretty pathetic

muh safe space lol kys


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Going from last place to first through the power of normalfags and nogames gives them some bizarro god complex so they've only gotten worse as of recent. Literally every other group is "I don't think about you at all tier" in comparison

You must have missed the smash fans since 2007

Wh*te people holding back doctors and engineers - pottery.

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Looks like things worked out!

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this is kinda cute actually

It's funny watching them giving me that angry crying look all the time when it happens. It's all in good fun.

This, it's cute that this niglet thinks she is a human being cable of sentience.


What part of "since 2006" did you miss newfag?smash fanboys sperg out for like, a week at a time and then go back to their containment subreddits
Sonyfags are always either butthurt or spastically shitposting, they're the only fanbase that's consistently invested in console wars


It will be funny when your kids grow up to hate you and dont support you in old age, haha

why is that child wearing whore make-up to school?

It's Bendis, he's weird like that
>starts writing for DC
>makes new black teenage girl character
>her thing is wondering why she's the only black girl in town, wait no, they're all aliens

C'mon, user, we all know you are just acting like a cunt in order to fit in appearing as a "badass". You are fooling nobody but yourself by acting like you had tourette syndrome.


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this but unironically

based but not quite redpilled
you need to make the other 5 panels wojak as well


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Didn't see this edit yet.

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If she thinks at all, that means she's clearly sentient, you absolute retard.

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only the top image is true.

>Thot status : DENIED

One of the greatest edits I've ever seen.

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>Batman's mother

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>D*sney cringe fanfiction

That's a yikes from me senpai

My daughter is already older now. She loves and respects me. My sons will do the same.

Couldn't they at least have made it his grandmother?

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why does boomer art look so fucking awful? It's always ugly and just straight up disgusting looking
I can only remember Calvin and Hobbes and maybe garfield looking kind of cute but that's it


Why are black people so unlikeable, bros?

because boomers refuse to be tethered down by the cancer known as the cal arts style

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So where's the punchline?

Sure thing boomer

>So where's the punchline?
"Her" life.

>Harry Potter and the Climate Change Deniers

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Based and Boomerpilled.

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>a kid's guide to propaganda

Its kind of pathetic how they make a comic making fun of something without knowing any of the source material.
They probably only know he goes to some big light in the sky.

>the bed


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imagine actually believing this shit

>brown loli
Any rape porn of her yet?

You better post the whole thing before this shit thread gets 404'd.

Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual -- the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection of their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.

Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenseless victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm -- their own mothers, and medical doctors who've sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.

These ritual murders which society misnames abortions are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness, and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of vaginal pleasure above the value of a human lifetime's worth of a living, breathing human being's consciousness.

In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of vaginal contractions mean more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.

So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the steps of some state capitol, look into her empty eyes and know that you're seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you're seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite's satanic karma.

Some retarded people can't even dress themselves, others can even express themselves, like you.

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All of this is true.

Delicious brown and nigger are two completely different things.

shit pasta for shit beliefs

Why are black females with afro hair so smart?

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this looks like an episode of ren and stimpy

its unironically the truth

user please, I don't have time to dump 50+ pages.


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Doesn't matter, she's a loli so I want to see porn of her. She needs to be raped though, because she's a little bitch.


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Yeah but do we get to kill nigger babies?

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seething autist

>I could save thousands of lives but THOSE MEN CAT CALLING ME MEANS I WONT, OH WELL :3c

I bet you believe everything you read in conspiracy infographics but need an encyclopedia of citations to even entertain the idea that the Earth might be round.

>within the occultic elite to cury Satan's favor while gaining his protection
So how do I get in on this? I could use a little of both frankly.

>teleport behind fetus
>*unsheathe your Cold Steel katana*
>heh.. nothin personnel kid...

lol autism

Why do leftist look down on manual labor workers so much?

spanish retards need to die

Where is proofs?

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I understand that this is capeshit but does anybody actually fall for this shit?



>My youth and unshakable optimism is the only aspect of my childhood I actually miss.

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>literally dressed up in unsexy teacher clothes
>yes construction workers will obviously hit on a black nerd


The earth is spherical and fetuses don't magically become humans when the mother feels like it

This is actually funny.

I don't even know what comic this is but I'm sure it was written by a basedboy. A scrawny black girl wearing that kind of outfit would never be catcalled

>unsexy teacher clothes
subjective opinion

God I wish that were me

Attached: 1496044244836.jpg (500x280, 35K)

Leftists are well off sheltered types that has never done any sort of manual labor in their life.

>fetuses don't magically become humans when the mother feels like it
good thing we have scientists and doctors to figure that out then.

Found it while I was looking for magnet tutorials for 40k


i just read this and i dont get it

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>play JRPGs as a child and teenager to hide away from depression and solitude
>always seem to play DEPRESSING games that involve a lot of party members dying
Playing Phantasy Star 2 at the age of 9, and watching that intro used to trigger a level of saddness that has never been replicated.

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based scientists and their slippery slopes
science can't dictate morals and ethics brainlet

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No, they're always human, but so is a braindead body on life support to preserve it's organs. What is human is far less important than what is a person. A person is a sentient, self-aware being capable of complex thought.

>hey lets reference Yea Forums and infinitychan with 12chan for our villain without googling what that is

Based and saberpilled

i did dismatle stuff all the time but i usualy used a screwdriver not a focking hammer

>get told what you want to hear
>still sperg out

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hihi :3

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Last panel needs her taking some BBC

holy shit, the amount of irony in your post is making me have seizures.

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underrated post


Only cucks like shit dicks

>my ancestor...

>implying modern leftists are anything like the blue collar laborers of the past.

sounds like you'd be fine with postnatal abortion with that logic

For some reason i fucking love this comic

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you want something modern frogboy?
Here you go:

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that explains why most gamers have above average IQs, yet they are underachievers

>fetuses don't magically become humans when the mother feels like it
Stawman, nigga.You were talking about satanic rituals and how thots are demons and shit.

>implying we aren't.
When was the last time you had to get ready for your job at the factory NEET?

Attached: Me few years ago.jpg (720x960, 66K)

>Not wanting to become a hot succubus that can control men like mere toys.
Retarded, enjoy working 8 hours a day like everybody else

>unsexy teacher clothes

Don't bring your shit taste on this board, the nigger is indeed unattractive though.

Nah, only first trimester.

I don't understand, they go into the screen, which is supposed to be the bad world she got sucked into, but bigwheel dyke is there already and gives them blockers?
It looks like a happier place than where they originally were.
And why did she only throw one pair?
I'm betting a man wrote this.

so another strawpoll then? we can do these as often as you want

I didn't say teachers can't be sexy, just that this girl just looks like a non-sexy one.

>sinfest still exists and regularly updates

Attached: 2019-05-25.gif (740x250, 143K)

based ugleh poster

holy shit

>cucked since 2011 and still going

Attached: iu.jpg (740x1358, 1.55M)

have sex

>If you're a white man, you're not allowed to complain about any aspect of your life whatsoever

Fuck you and your case mod, Ahmed.

Attached: Clockboy.jpg (286x176, 7K)

way to ruin your semi-funny "kids these days" boomerstrip by cramming it full of 'humorous' book titles

this image is giving me very conflicting emotions

>sinfest still exists and regularly updates

I refuse to believe this but I really don't want to visit his website.

>poor family
>shithole third world country
>tfw father going apeshit after he caught me opening the recently bought cheap-ass VCR apart after he saved for like 2 months
>mfw I actually fixed it after some shitty worn out tape he rented blocked the whole thing
should have bought more expensive shit, also go to proper video rental stores

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Don't these people understand that you don't get to choose your gender?
Hell, when you're a fetus, your testicles form BEFORE your brain does.

nice costume faggot

it specifically mentioned rich white man. Also let me explain what white privilege means. It means that no matter how shitty your poverty stricken life as a white person is, and it can be super shitty, thanks to sociological historical shit your life would be even worse if you weren't white. It's not your personal fault, but you gotta be aware of that.

Yes I'm sure everything that guy has just fell in his lap without him having to make any sacrifices.

No reason for this edit.

Attached: ShitComicEdit.png (1041x1600, 1.41M)

what construction worker is going to hit on jaden smith
i mean come the fuck on

and yet you're still posting on Yea Forums. lol

Know what else still exists?

15 years.

Attached: 20180420.jpg (825x1075, 385K)

thanks, fucked your ugly ass dad while wearing it, couldn't even cum.


good effort, the nigress' face still needs work but this is on the right track.

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Go to bed Ishida, being Asian doesn't make you much different

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>some spic thing

I'm slavic

With his penis

This tool reminds me of Foamy. Its sad those two still make the same shit even today.

>fucking another man
thanks for proving my point faggot

Attached: smug.png (666x886, 882K)

>moving the goalposts

>couldn't even break out gimp

does anyone else see delicious cunny and sexy 2d titty?

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>you gotta be aware of that
Why? So people can guilt trip me just for existing?

I had sex with your female family members too, but I wasn't wearing my work outfit.

You cannot seriously tell me Foamy still exists.

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>cold steel

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so you can show empathy towards others and maybe they will return the favor.

Last episode was less then a week ago.


>Horton steps on a Lorax
Thank fuck

his life is a joke


whatever you say tankie go suck another cock


This queer is literally stuck in the year 2007. This is fucking embarrassing.

where is the big tits goth girl
that was the only reason to watch this shit

see that actually stung a bit as opposed to when people just call me an onion tranny or some shit. Fuck tankies.


The new Nancy comics are solid gold

a delicatessen

at least he is honest, not discrediting the others, sometimes you just add something because you like it like nomura and zippers, belts or plaids not sure why people find that problematic

They made her not thicc anymore.

>wanting positive feedback only
That's not what it says?


I feel this, mind if I fucking moralfag real quick?
My parents never pointed out my qualities. When I’d do well they’d ignore me or point out some other flaw. At least in vidya, when I win, I know I really did.

Vader: Dark Visions #3.

>Gender camps

they are tsunderes about manual labor workers, they fantasize with being fucked by one

Wut a slut


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why does marvel enjoy shitting on it's fans so much?


that's a damn good surgeon

>tfw you will never spread those buttcheeks and lick her like a dog

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i will never understand why liberals have a hateboner for manual labor. they are the reason why they live in a comfortable (yet expensive) loft studio

This is the stupidest origin story ever... but it kinda works. the original Tony Stark probably would be this much of an asshole if he were in her shoes. Kindred spirits.

>defending female niglets

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Considering the guy who makes this is the brother of Markiplier, he has an army of 12 year olds in addition to the furries to keep him afloat forever

careful boys this is the hard shit

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reminder that liberals are just progressive capitalists and most other leftists hate them and consider them traitors of the cause.

Democrats are the middle class party. Are you retarded?

They like to hop from foot to foot and play around the fact that the terms sex and gender are fairly interchangeable in the english language, but in an argument they'll always insist they're talking about whichever one YOU didn't name.

The only winning move is disregard them.

>wants used goods
But why?


"""""""her"""""" bloated ego and narcisim

I'm at a loss for words.

>tfw was the only artsy kid in class
>tfw my shitty drawing was actually 2kool4school and everyone was like "whoa that's so cool"

Eat shit teach.

>most other leftists hate them and consider them traitors of the cause

This is the epitome of Gen Z humor.

>show empathy and MAYBE they'll not shit on you for petty reasons
How about no

My parents actively told me I was a mistake and video games were the only positive thing in my life growing up, really it's no wonder I'm such a loser now

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I thought the right wing was against entitlement? If you act like shit, you'll get shit.

a tinge of every cheese and meat above room temperature for over 3 days. mmmmmmm yes~

but do you take it in the butt

Your post is really gay. Sorry about that.

Neither of the parties care about the middle class you dumb nigger. They're both Zionist puppets.

>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee oppress me
Is this the most accurate depiction of blacks ever?

No I would if I was cuter but I'm pretty ugly and finding a bf is hard

Just go. You two are idiots.

there is none

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what part of progressive capitalist confuses you? It's the capitalist part we have problem with.

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>so you can show empathy towards others and maybe they will return the favor
Because that worked so well for Sweden, Britain, France, and Germany.

Not reacting is as neutral as you can get and you still get shat on just for being white.


It must suck having to wear a corset every season except summer

How do I get a handsome Sam Lake face ?

I believe that's the fault of the teacher,user. Sometimes teachers just dont know how to make something interesting enough to get kids interested in learning.

Some kids are okay with teachers writing a problem and saying "solve it" others need a little more motivation

no :)

Not that user but blacks and muzzies will treat you like shit no matter what you do. You gotta remove them or put them in line.

what the fuck even does half of this say?

>tfw no manual labor workers near where i live to take to my place and suck his dick

Attached: truthas.png (639x913, 705K)


Well your parents weren't wrong.

It literally does not matter. It's all "ironic" humor made by some young retards between the ages of 15-19.

Hey man, just cause the class laughed at your shitty drawing dont mean you can just call my shit gay.

i dont live in first world country where my priorities lies on who has wrong opinions on the internet

Then stop being a fucking bitch, you bring shame to us total fucking faggot. Our name is root of word 'slave', remember that, when someone tells you that you owe something to victims of colonialism. I feel for people who live in shit countries, but I'm not going to feel like shit because someone somewhere put a nigger in the bag and sent him to New York.

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This user speaks the truth.

Sorry, you are a nancy boy now. Submit to your "hidden" faggotry.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 25K)

Abortion is definitely bad. But it is a bad that prevents a much greater cruelty. A cruelty fuckers like you are perfectly okay with because you don't have to deal with it yourself. You just want to feel like good people and force your will upon the unwilling. You spread more suffering with this thinking of yours than abortion ever will. Soulless.

Nice Men In Black cosplay.

>i dont live in first world country
You could have just stopped there.

we live in a global society now faggot, everything matters and everything is related. I don't owe them nothing but empathy, especially since I have next to nothing else to give, everything else I do for them is my own choice. But both you and I know for a fact there are tons of anons who feel like they 100% deserved and earned all the luxuries they got and everyone else just didn't work hard enough.

>Abortion is definitely bad
Depends on the race.

ok, I live in Serbia, so now what?

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So is this comic telling us that they're self aware that they have a mental problem and freak out over the dumbest shit?

Insincerity is not a virtue

I didn't know Marvel was a Spaniard company, faggot.

good for you, i guess?

It did
just because Ben Shapiro doesnt believe it doesn't make it untrue


>2 years later
>The kid got a copy of Melee
>He finishes the Classic Mode
>The ending screen is this
How is he supposed to interpret it now?

Attached: MarioClassic.png (561x385, 293K)

He should spin around in air

Attached: dio this thread jap style.jpg (797x1215, 940K)


I unironically enjoyed some of the arcs in Jack. Games we play in hell was legitimately horrifying to my 12 year old self.

Never happened desu. Even if I got busted a few times.

did something distract you? ofc its loss

unironically based

>tfw got into trouble in school for always drawing shit instead of doing my work
>never did homework
>got grounded for painting one of my lamps green
>always passed every test because i always knew how to listen in class and ask the right questions before going back into my world
>spent more time chasing skirts in school than doing assignments in class
>sucked at projects
>never did a book report
>finished my standardized testing for 10th grade even thought i failed 9th because of credits
>dropped out with a 9th grade education at 17
>passed my GED at 18
>still shit on anyone with a diploma in math, science, reading comprehension
>play videogames because life is shit and everyone is a faggot

all they had to do was identify what kind of person i was and nurture my growth in that aspect

It's Bendis. Long story short he has black kids and so he basically made it his life's mission to constantly create quirky black characters, also because that's simply how he writes, he got famous for his "hip" style of writing back when he was decent so he still clings to that image and gimmicks like the repeated panels. He thinks it's hilarious

So yeah, Miles Morales, Riri (the girl in question), a recent OC Superman fangirl, it's all part of his obsession with representing what he basically considers his family and to appear "down with it" to modern audiences, and of course every company gives him free reign because it's fucking Bendis, his name is supposed to print money. Before this his passion was Jewish characters like Kitty Pryde because he's jewish himself

On the other hand some argue the characters also exist simply to claim royalties. When you for example bought Spiderman PS4 or a ticket for Spider-verse you gave money to this genius

>trannies' "oppression" is just mostly a product of overactive imagination and anxiety

seems to check out

Manual laborers get to bang the girls that they orbit. One of my buddies is dating a generic college girl and the amount of classmates that orbit her frothing at the mouth at that fact is hilarious.

I take back what I said - you are cool guy, user.

its not at all

Forgot the pic of our master

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I don't know about you guys, but I'd paint that negress white.

I wonder if sinfests bullshit is his own or he literally just draws what his batshit crazy girlfriend tells him to draw.


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As someone who browses reddit at work, this image comes directly from there.
Fuck reddit and fuck the people who bring trash from there to here.

Retard alert

uh huh it totally is

I mean if you accept it this easily you are only doing it for the social credit anyway and you don't feel love of any kind.

Who made this? It can't be specifically Warner, Disney, Nick, etc.

ITT: I'm better loser than the rest of you, losers.
Why the fuck I still return to this cesspit.

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Riri legit has autism tho.

every time

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A lovely classic.

Based and fucking redpilled

>conductor's nose strangling her
>one of the passengers is snape
this strip just keeps giving

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its not

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hes obviously referring to the richfag who make comics like those

Idk why but this pisses me off irrationally.

did he enter her ass

Other leftists are also retards.

I thought it was Death from The Seventh Seal

Why are trannies so afraid of saying they're trans, while also demanding everyone respect them for being trans? I can't respect your life choices if you don't respect yourself first.

I'm going to say this without shame. I am a straight, white man. I am proud to be what I am. If someone asks me if the faggot name I received from my parents is a girl's name, I'll clock them and tell them to suck my dick. I am secure in my sexuality, and not mentally weak like the mentally diseased "transsexuals" of current_year. Yeah, I said it. I'm proud to be a white male. That doesn't make me a racist, fascist, nazi or a bad person. When trannies learn to stand up for themselves, I'll start to respect them. Until then, they're just freaks that make my pp go hard when they do porn. Literally subhuman lowlives with no value to society.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ _______

that poor guy sitting next to her

Is sinfest a TERF?

"It's not my fault i'm a failure, i'm smart and awesome, but they didn't nurture me enough".

Get a grip, retard.

>didnt include le ebin image that along with your post

Even though you're posting this on an anonymous imageboard?

i cry evry tim

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Autism isn't down syndrome, it doesn't affect intelligence in many cases.

If he wants to be called great then why won't he just put more effort into studying and behaving?

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I thought only she could see the unicorn, like Hobbes.

I'm 97% sure this was in a nick magazine. I'd sauce you but I'm pretty sure that stuff is in storage

I like how all tranny comics about being oppressed are just takedowns of working class schlubs. It's just a way for rich woke whites to complain about the proles.

because basically every aspect of it is wrong
>Trainer from Emerald having Charizard
>His gloves change color
>his hair is white when it should just be a white hat
>Charizard isn't a dragon type
>Charizard isn't a Poke'mon
>Charizard gains a finger after being beheaded
>Dragonborn yells "Fus Ro Dah" but isn't using unrelenting force he's just slashing with his sword
It's just a shittily made comic made by someone who has no knowledge on either subjects

public schools are shit and my parents were too poor to put me in a specialized school for the gifted

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>Autism isn't down syndrome
Because they can breed and spread their malady, unlike downies.

I don't get it


I thought that was a rat wearing a hijab from the thumbnail


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>Getting this mad over a drawing
NEETs are funny


As someone who actually has autism, fuck you I know what a hammer is for. I just go from 0 to 100 on the pissed off scale when the shit I'm hammering doesn't line up right.

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This is why whenever I see people on this site talk about raising kids a specific way, I hope they never have children.

What a soulless edit


>64: loud godlike voice booming down from the heavens
>Melee: announcer sounds similar but much more grounded in reality, like a sports announcer. Still good but not as.
>Brawl: announcer sounds like a complete faggot, I literally cannot figure out what they were even going for
>”well they had a different voice for all the games, maybe Sm4sh will have a better on than last ti-“
>same faggot
>same faggot again in Ultimate

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oh god fuckin right hehehe

Why would Vader kill her?
Hes surrounded by annoying twats, he seem pretty well composed, but wont be pushed around.
Definitively not something "there is good in you father" Vader would do.

Good one

Charizard's nails aren't black and his horns curve down, not upwards. Also his pose for getting decapitated in the second panel either makes absolutely no sense or is physically impossible, he should be facing the other way.

are astronauts really that special or just really lucky?

Only idiots reply to obvious bait

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Every time

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Before you're sent to space you go through some of the most rigorous screening in the world, including your fitness, education, experience and mental health.

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Smash 4 has a different announcer

once you get the joke it becomes an all time classic

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I get it

I hate the concept of original sin and there is zero reason to accept white guilt.

>I had to explain what happened he doesn't understand

Its more funny when you know touhou just enough, but not too much, to figure it in 5 seconds, but not less.

Holy piss I loved old AIM.

Envy is a helluva drug, Never overdose on it.

True. Like we need more sissy boy whites who'll even end up becoming NEETs or attention whores.

you don't have to feel any guilt because you didn't choose to be born privileged, but be aware of your situation and be empathetic.

>But both you and I know for a fact there are tons of anons who feel like they 100% deserved and earned all the luxuries they got and everyone else just didn't work hard enough.
Who are you to say that they don't deserve it? That's right, you don't.
The seething envy is eating you alive user, seek help.

What always bugs me about this is that Bendis straight up reuses the panel from the first page on the second page even though there has been movement in between. Holy fucking lazy.

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Who was in the wrong here?

Only if they agree to not hate me for being privileged.

JJ for making L O S T

before walking into the room she was dumpster diving into the trash compacter and even dunked her face into the juices so she probably smelled like shit when she walked into Vader's room uninvited

most don't, the alt right poltard faggots disproportionately put attention on hysterical and irrational lefties while trying to convince you all of left wing is like that.

Why would rabid consumers look down upon the proletariat? Classism


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The authoritarian ones are exactly like that, and guess who seek put poitstions in the media and government?

To anyone interested, I studied a bit of education and videogames relation to it and and it is theorised that videogames are actually the best methods for teaching ANYBODY a skill because of a couple of factors.

>Methods of motivation through extrinsic motivation where players are rewarded for succeeding (even if it as simple as something as more levels or story cutscenes)
>The use of fantasy and storylines to keep people engaged with the challenges they need to overcome
>Simulated challenges that are usually designed to be exactly "Hard enough" to each people certain skills/control mechanisms, never meant to be too hard that it is off putting or too easy that completing the tasks is monotonous
>Adaptable difficulty available from machines where if people are struggling it can personally scale the difficulty back a bit to be appropriate for the user
>Full use of sensory functions where problems to solve make use of Audio, Visual and a phantom feeling people feel when controlling a videogame that make imprinting the learning process easier in a game.

>while trying to convince you all of left wing is like that.
They're making it very hard to show the difference, I can make the distinction between real liberal and a leftist.
All leftist are garbage people with garbage ideas.

salty as fuck

he went off to the deepend
this doesnt even make sense

Did they fuck and suck?

Kill yourself, snowflake.

i dont get it

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fuck tankies I guess, but even authoritarian lefties are not all hysterical. The first association I get when I think of the authoritarian left is Zizek. I'd say he's pretty far removed from the sjw stereotypes.

>hating Xander Mobus

>that fucking framed spiderman photo

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>doesn't understand the difference between sentience and sapience
Remember kids, a little racism may save you from a mugging, but too much will make you look like a retard on the internet.
All things in moderation.

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>but even authoritarian lefties are not all hysterical.
Yes they are.

Is this low key hating jews?

I find the concept of a teenage girl calling a fwb to get sex incredibly fucking hot


Fuckin jews, amirite

No, the Unicorn is real but it has a spell that makes it so people think that's normal and not anything out of the ordinary except for the girl.

Fuck Yea Forumsmmies.

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it's in a series of comics where a magic collar turns the mom into a dog

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They are, I was specifically referring to SocJus types.

they're so close to realising the hijab

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This isn't "Its too late for me, my son." Vader, this is absolute monster, hunted Jedi like dogs, didn't feel a thing when Alderaan exploded, used a torture device on his own daughter (Although he didn't know it was his own daughter) Vader.
She's also a stand-in for Fan Girl characters who project traits on to villain characters and expect them to be canon.
The amount of ass-mad that this comic produced was hilarious, though.

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>he doesn't get it

Both, even though its really hard to meet the standards, there's more people qualified to be astronauts than there's a need for.

He would not strike against someone who he does not know unless they are a treat to him or are directly an obstacle. Its show in the movies that first most hes very composed and fallows chain of command to the letter. Hes show to not even take personal insult but hes still a dangerous enemy and would strike you down if provoked.
He would first ask who she is, then order her be captured and then decide what to do with her or dump her onto someone above him.

I really hate how post movie fanwork or even official movie stuff tries to make im seem like an edgy mad and angry villain, when he didnt even rise his voice unless really pissed.

I'll go out on a limb here and claim everyone believes in a version of social justice they want to see.


>10 gigs per second throughput

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>The amount of ass-mad that this comic produced was hilarious, though.
Its part of some comic?
I thought it was just a one page joke.

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>friends tell me they love me
>am completely unable to believe them because im so fucking depressed
im at the end of my rope. its the main reason why i dont think i can handle being in a relationship. im all for sex though because that doesn't take any commitment or emotion for me at least

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>please please PLEASE let me be a victim!!!!
Who the fuck wrote this?

it's pretty interesting that america seems to be Gods great example of a democracy and yet it is also Gods great example of race issues. All of the world is tuned into the struggle of the american blacks.

not when it comes to be cat called by construction workers.

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that's not a girl.

you first tranny

No they used "TAIJUTSU"

only americans believe america to be a great example of democracy

Bart deserves better.


too fucking comfy


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christ i remember getting this issue in the mail


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that is also your subjective opinion. It's also objectively false.

We've come a far way

>everyone's a faggot, except for me
>also I can't do a book report sorry that's way out of my comfort zone

t. autist in denial making shit up to delude himself into thinking he's not autistic

There's nothing wrong with being autistic per se, what people hate is you being so butthurt and salty all the time

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>in the comic the mom becomes like a dog due to the collar
>people see her as a dog(?) as well
>random people try and have sex with another persons dog in public

This is dumb even for Shad

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>it specifically mentioned rich white man.
So? They're not impervious to hardship.
And it doesn't matter if they have it easier in some ways, That's not really something that's up to you to punish them for.
Equality is a lie, not two persons on this planet has the same experience. And people shouldn't be reprimanded for it.


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better start to believe in magic

no, but I'm not having this argument

they reuse the panel of the black girl standing and staring forwards THREE TIMES

Wondering when the dog is gonna fuck the mom

Decades later and the Wonder Twins are still lame.

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yo delet that racis shit


Does anyone have the comic about the woman saying to a child her library card could get her tons of movies and books

>doesn't believe in empathy

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Fairly certain it is? I don't think that's the guy going down the trap route

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well then dont make posts talking about it

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What video did he make a joke about trannies?


imagine the smell

This is my favorite one.

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>thinks empathy is something that should trickle down and be demanded.
That's not how empathy works either.



good to see someone so redpilled

>putting words in my mouth

T. jobless snoybeard whose only contact with the working class is the starbucks barista that fucks his wife.

Papers please. He has of course been immediately bullied into removing it.


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>"It's the teacher's fault i'm not into something."
Er I had some mediocre math teachers along with a few other subjects that I was interested in but it didn't stop me. Math isn't boring, you're just not into it. My cousin is the same way and that's why she doesn't play RPGs.

Dark Visions #3. The entire comic is about a worker that goes fan girl crazy for Darth Vader.

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empathy is a myth, it's the thing people use to make you obey them without logical arguments.

This takes me back.

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That he needs to take a shower.

>hey lady how come your id has a male name and photo
>well that id really is mine, see I'm trains sexual
>oh I'm not used to this kind of thing but okay I guess, have a nice day
whoa so hard

based and truthpilled

Most people don't like the idea of abortion even if they are pro-choice, they view it as something that will decrease unnecessary suffering.

Attached: I Shall Destroy All Civilized Planets!-091.jpg (2361x3056, 3.81M)

How it feels to go from Liberal and Crosbell to Erebonia



>I am skeleton jelly

how could I pay for the ring if I'm jobless?

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>cause the feeling of the absurd
the meaning of what this guy is trying to say has to be lost in time or something. I've read a fair bit of his stuff and I do not get what the point is. I think he's just a cope for another type of nigga, a lesser type of nigga.

Which cruelty? Are you implying the child's quality of life?
Don't you think that they should have a say in it as well, It seems cruel to silence them too.


Attached: I Shall Destroy All Civilized Planets!-093.jpg (2361x3056, 3.55M)

>columbo sandnigger giving shit away for free let alone to a white woman
>female good will hunting bc bash le patriarchy
>''is that a 6 gorillian teraflip fluxcompensator? I'm such a nerd xD''
To think that someone sat down with a straight face and thought that'll do is funnier than the comic itself.



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