Reminder that no matter what ending you pick...

Reminder that no matter what ending you pick, these fucking little inbreeding shits turn the Mojave into a fucking uninhabitable wasteland til the end of time.

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Other urls found in this thread:

*backpedals while shooting*
nothing personnel, melee monsters

Looks like Mr. House wins again.

*stands in the sunlight*
hehh.. nothing personell


You are the caretaker of the most advanced scientific think tank in the world.

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Fun fact, the Deathclaw you see these guys 'kill' has like 90 hp. You could kill that Deathclaw at level one with boxing gloves.

But what if you skip The Lonesome Road? Wouldn't that leave those ass boglins stuck in the divide? Assuming no one sets off the nukes?

That's why it's a scripted event. You're not supposed to see the back end of this., just conclude that those little fuckers eat deathclaws for breakfast

I don't think so. Where did you read that?

Give every mojave resident a pet roboscorpion

>house makes special model Securitrons with floodlights where their rocketlauncher shoulders are and flamer arms
>install high beam lights all over the strip and Hoover Dam
>eventually discover chemical poison that literally melts them without oosing a threat to the local ecosystem and start air spraying it all over the mojave via boomer bomber.
Nothing personnel lizard people.

The tunnelers couldn’t kill Rawr
I could kill Rawr
Ergo I could kill the tunnelers

I dont recall that being the case, mind you all i remember about them is that were annoyingly sturdy and hit like a truck.

Anyonewanna explain the threat they posed to the mojave?

Not OP, but Avellone notably has an aversion to true post-post apocalyptic societies forming in Fallout. Tunnelers in LR (which he wrote mostly) are an example of how he wants everything to just collapse again.

Sawyer notably is generally more positive.

*blocks you're path*

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They breed insanely fast and can out-compete everything else in the mojave. They're an invasive species, basically.

Once they got a foothold in the mojave they'd be a constant pest and annoyance. Their quick reproduction and living underground makes it difficult to wipe them all out.

So basically on top of everything else people deal with in the Mojave, they now have to also deal with these deathclaw-killing motherfuckers bursting from underground whenever the sun isn't out. Most traditional defenses like walls or whatever are useless because these things just tunnel under the ground and pop up like molerats.

Why even put this in the game? Especially the Ulysses tape predicting the outcome. Just to take away from the ending? How is this canon?

I don't understand this, the Courier kills their queen. How exactly are they going to breed?

New vegas is great but its not perfect, Avellone and Sawyer are shitheads about a few things

>the sound I make when using this perk on anyone.

Think Tank could probably whip up a targeted virus that only kills tunnelers in a single weekend

He killed "a" queen.

Nice writing there, obsidiots

Do caravans even travel at night? Seems like perfect raider bait. They'd probably have to start packing flares at all times in case they end up taking too long to travel down a road and the sun starts to set.

I see no reason they shouldn't be spending all their fucking time killing and eating one another if they've formed competing hives.

>Use matter recombulators to build infinite roboscorpions with flashlights on them and send them underground, preferably equipped with projectors that create the literally invincible hard light combat holograms
These shits being a thread is silly when you consider the Star Trek tier bullshit that the Courier has access to

Do ants just spend all day eating other ants?

When they make colonies next to each other.

No they dont. Its impossible to sustain and grow your species on cannibalism alone

Pretty sure some ant species can have multiple queens per colony.

>literally invincible hard light combat holograms
oh yeah, just use those things

You can pretty much pin that all on Avellone. He's the type that wants the world to stay like Fo3/4.

isn't there an ant colony in the USA that spans multiple states?

No he doesn't

Does Avellone just hate life?

omg your rite bro isaw it on x and mlp

Don't know about that but anyways Queen is a human concept so it's silly to assume that animals would strictly adhere to the idea that there could only be one per population.

I think he just prefers the "society is rebuilding" phase to the "society has rebuilt" phase

he likes post-apoc not post-post apoc

maybe it's a fear that if things are rebuilt too much it won't feel like fallout anymore

Fuck off.
We killed the queen so they’re no longer a threat.

sorry bro i didn't kill the queen in my playthrough. i fucked us all. my bad.

user do you really believe that a species could exist with only one queen? There are undoubtedly multiple queens, multiple hives. In some species structured this way, the death of a queen prompts a worker to mutate into a queen.

pssht nothing personal kid

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Okay now you're just pulling your own shit out of your ass

In that case, he's right. The world being dead with the sparse amounts of life being mostly hostile is peak Fallout atmosphere.

This, there are two sides when it comes to the development of the Fallout games as a whole.

You have the people who like the post-apocalypse aspect of survival and the developers who want to talk about life AFTER that. You can consider New Vegas in general as a compromise between those two sides.

So why do Obsididrones hate F3 /F4 for still having ruins and shit quality of life when their lord and master Chris prefers the post-apocalypse to be shitty?

>Courier sides with House and then divulges the existence of Big MT to him
>Immortal House and Cyborg Courier spend decades preparing humanity to evacuate the Earth and spread into space
>leave Earth behind
>Tunnelers vs. Deathclaws battle for rule of the planet long after humans are extinct
>whoever wins eventually evolves to become intelligent and humanoid
earth as it should be
full of lizard people

You just want to fuck female deathclaws. They'll never be argonians.

One job!

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I actually don't, that's not my kink at all. I just think this is the logical outcome of the Fallout world. Humans won't make it in the long run and something else - likely deathclaws - will evolve to fill the gap.

they're skaven basically

Pretty sure people who like Obsidian don't like Avellone anymore after he burned every single bridge he could just after leaving

Could there be a Vault out there that's similar to the one from Fallout 4, but meant to stay sealed and frozen for much longer? Thousands of years even?

cute tummy ngl

These things are fucking pussies
They are so much easier to kill than deathclaws and they can't even stand sunlight
I don't know why did they make that one scripted scene where a tunneler kills a deathclaw when in reality a deathclaw would easily kill 5 of them

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Because he doesn't? That's just some bullshit an user spouted in this thread that you're suddenly taking as Gospel without any source?

Based unarmed bro

Everyone in this thread's making Avellone out to be some kind of edgelord, but with the exception of the intelligent Deathclaws he pretty much made all the positive outcomes in Fallout 1 & 2 canon instead of doubling down. The Wrights turned New Reno into a civilized town, Vault City joined the NCR, et cetera.

If there’s more than one hive I’d expect it to be way further into the divide given how aggressive the tunnelers are.
I’m more curious if the remaining marked will be overrun or band together.

>blanket bombing poison over the Mojave
>not a threat to the ecosystem
What did he mean by this

*headshots you with a holorifle*
Psssssh, nothing personnel kid

Nah, I like Chris. I don’t like Obsidian anymore

think tank makes a poison that only harms tunnelers
what you think they couldn't?

It gets named that BECAUSE there's only one per colony. We're not imposing laws on the ants

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A disease would make more sense, but its tricky to keep it from evolving or keep the tunnelers from gaining a resistance

It's a term used among a shit ton of different species. You honestly believe they'd all follow it to the letter and it's not just people slapping the term on a bunch of unrelated shit just because it looks similar at first glance.

God, Dead Money has such satisfying weapons.

There is nothing good about DM, lmao

Which game has the hardest-to-kill Deathclaws? In Fallout 1 & 2 Power Armor makes them a joke, especially if you can manage to hit their eyes. But without Power Armor you're pretty much fucked. In 3, the Dart Gun makes them a joke and they're not too hard to kill without it. In New Vegas they got buffed, and in 4 they do crazy shit like dodging bullets and throwing cars but I've never really struggled with them.

Good to see that no matter what we do, the Jews rise again

They'd probably make a disease that accidentally turns them into super mutant tunnelers that breathe fire. The think tank is actually pretty bad at making things that work as intended.

I guess New Vegas. You're right that in 4 they "seem" more dangerous but really aren't.

does that man all ants only have one queen?

Whichever has them working in packs.

I took out the first deathclaw in FO1 w/ metal armor and a shotgun, get good scrub

My Mom.
I’m telling her that you’re being stupid and she’s gonna send some ants to bite you.

Falmer, too.

get out of this thread you fucking bug or i'm getting the pesticide

Good. Fuck Nevada

>he doesnt like desert heat and rugged mountains

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>Humans won't make it in the long run
Humans already made it. How many Deathclaws are out there? How many Tunnelers? Multiply their numbers by 100 and there still be more of humans than those abominations.

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I took out a family of Deathclaws with metal armor and a Needler in Fallout 2. Except they were weakened by the caravan guards they murdered before they came for me and the squad. I honestly almost just got back in the car but I wasn't gonna give up the loot.

Ulysses is wrong about literally everything, so I wouldn't put much stock in his word. The divide has both (former) humans and deathclaws living around tunnelers and both of them firmly establish themselves as above the tunnelers in the pecking order.

my nigga


*Peak Fallout 3 atmosphere

Isn't Starfield supposed to be set in the far future of the Fallout setting? Maybe fucking off from Earth to avoid these things ended up being canon.

>if they've formed competing hives
But this isn't always the case.
hi species can sometimes be peaceful with closely related hives to the point of forming supercolonies of many hives.

>Isn't Starfield supposed to be set in the far future of the Fallout setting?
where did you get this idea?

Plot twist:
It let it kill them out of pity.

No. It’s in the far flung future of the WET setting.

Just like the final canon ending to Hellboy

Or they form supercolonies.

Um he just said the weapons are good

Fallout 1 and 2 on your first play through for sure. Bear in mind the game was designed or play tested for a player knowing everything about it and having multiple playthroughs under their belt.

In Fallout 1 and 2 if you try take on a deathclaw without at least a .223 caliber weapon and good armor you're fucked. And you better hope you get some eye hits before it closes in on you. If you try it with a melee build on first playthrough you're probably gonna end it right there and roll a ranged character

Then we kill them. Or the NCR beggars themselves containing the threat.

>where did you get this idea?
Some faggot acting as a Beth employee posted years ago that FO was the past of TES and Starfield would connect them both.

Ulysses tells you (i forgot what part in the dlc)

Very unverified rumor. Officially we know next to nothing about Starfield save it's still on the same shitty engine.

Ulysses is also a doomer, maybe don’t believe everything he says.

Fallout 4 is insanely hard for about the first 5 levels before you get your perks in order but the thing is if you get in to it and tailor your perks and get a few bobbleheads and magazines and companion perks there really is nothing that can harm you after a certain point other than falling damage.

As much as I enjoy it it's way too easy to make your character op

That's retarded

Does WET even have lore?

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I can't wait for WET 2.

A Wet Day In Hell?

Don't know why he hates it so much, Fallout 2 has dona a great job with post-post apocalypse game settling

I haven't exactly finished fallout 4 yet but seriously where the fuck are the creatures like this in the game? I think there was something in Far Harbour but literally everything else I remembered was super mutants, dogs, and flies. Theres lots of cool shit in NV but 4 seems to just have bandits and super mutants.

How many NV generals do you post per day?

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yeah but stronger, less intelligent, and uncowardly

Fallout 1 has that mother deathclaw locked in a basement that's fucking annoying to kill
I think it has around 600hp

Obsidiots hate 3/4 out of spite because they believe Bethesda "stole" the series from Obsidian who they also believe are the original developers despite nearly everyone at Obsidian having nothing to do with the original games.

guess godhand is objectively a 3/10 game

what if they start breeding with all the humans?


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I thought the Bishops controlled New Reno during New Vegas. Where does it say the Wrights takenover?

>paid reviewer's

It's amazing how much critics sucked FO3's cock. Even at the time I remember thinking the game world was mediocre and lifeless. I guess everyone fell for the "WHOA YOU CAN BLOW UP THE TOWN" and the "WHOA THEIR LIMBS EXPLODE IN SLOWMO XD" memes

Fallout 3 has the worst main quest-line of any RPG ever made


Simple really, raise Bears and Bulls to run them out.

I agree, but to be fair it was the first 3D Fallout so I can understand why everyone bought into the hype at first. I didn't play it until way after the dust settled, I enjoyed it but the postgame just felt lifeless.

>trusting the word of muh bears and bulls man

Think tank will mow these fuckers down 10 seconds flat.

I'm going to listen to you.
You're obviously a idiot.

Leave this place, idiot.

This is a funny post!

Dude, calm down.
You're upsetting everyone.

No he isn't.


Fallout 3 is gay...! There's no way around it.

I didn't even get past the part where you have to leave Vault 101, because it didn't make any sense to leave.
I already killed the stupid smelly nigger overseer, so why would I leave?


So if they ever made a sequel they could account for every ending variable by having all factions getting their shit wrecked by the tunnelers.

Yes. Yes, he is.

but you have to listen to that user, you said you would

What am I projecting?

imagine giving fallout 3 an award for WRITING of all fucking things.

i was reading though the post and felt frightened. you cant speak for everyone i hope you know that

You can't order me, you NIPPLE!

ammo is annoyingly hard to find in fallout 4

Fallout 3 has the best writing of any Fallout game. It's voiced by Liam Neeson for crying out loud!
It's just slightly best than Fallout 4 (or as I like to call it: "Fallout Poor" cause I got it for $3.78).

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Explain the fucking base ending then if it’s the best written of the lot, and why whoever came up with it shouldn’t be fed to the radscorpions

This, plus the way enemies zig and zag to avoid your bullets, makes Automatic weapons really awful in FO4

Only NIPPLES think about things.
You're... you're not a NIPPLE... are you?

being unable to comprehend social cues is one of the hallmarks of autism

Is this from mew vegas? I cimpletely forgot whatever the fuck these things are.

the ending might have been a frozen solid piss cherry but it sat pretty comfortably on top of the shit cake that was everything after you left the vault

You could just, you know, aim better, you shit.

t. consolefag

Go one further and use Fist of the North Rawr to kill those little shits.

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>food analogy
even so i think its a good description

Just leave, kid.

uh oh, is baby upset?

>is baby upset
My name's Keith, retard!

are you upset keith? i am a good listener. my name is Montag.

You sound more like a Richard to me

>my name is Montag
No it's not. It's Butt Nipple!

I don't even remember these guys

fuck off mindreaders

Do you lactate?

only whenever there is a worm moon

Do you eat sausages?

ya it was stupid as fuck.
>the most powerful faction comes out of no where with no hints ingame or in the lore....
>but they're totes genna dab on everyone and everything oh no.
I really just took it as them hyping it up, but even if they made a foot hold would find a niche in the Fallout world. So many shows do this...
>LOST: the Others were supposed to be the supreme boogiemen. NOPE just another faction
>Chronicles of Riddick: the Necromongers were supposed to end everything. NOPE just another faction
>Don't even get me started on Game of Thrones
Is there a name for this trope?

absolutely true. At what point after the nukes will the disaster just be a hiccup in history?

bait and switch, reverse deus ex machina or something along those lines

I know Avellone wrote it because of Avellone reasons, but the tunnelers always stank of “we gots to make the baddies biggerer and badderer to get kids to like it!” to me. Raising the stakes for no real reason in a story that had no need for it.

“...and here’s why”

It correctly predicted the name (Starfield), the development time (pre-pre-production starting around Fallout 3), and the other game BGS revealed during E3 2017 (Fallout 4 VR) as well as Skyrim VR. A lot of shit could change during development, too. Their lead writer is still taking classes in astronomy and their VA team is hiring an audio director

Reviewers aren’t going to do multiple, full playthroughs of giant Bethesda games in order to get a full picture. FO3 starts off with tons of quirkiness, action, tons of freedom and the ability to nuke a town within an hour of play. NV had a cool intro cinematic followed by lots of walking and getting your ass kicked if it’s in the wrong direction. Of course reviewers are going to like FO3 better and why NV is favored more over the long term.

Who said New GAYASS was any better?
In fact, it's shitter than Fallout PEE.