Archer class skills
>shoots one large piercing arrow
>shoots a bunch of arrows in a fan pattern
>shoots arrows into the sky that rain down later
Archer class skills
>shoots one blue arrow that does magic damage
>increases firing speed for x time with x*5 cooldown
>autoattack with some cooldown with extra damage from talent
>autoattack that attacks 2-3 targets
>autoattack that makes next 3 autoattacks heal
sword skill tree:
>blade rush
>flame strike
>wind projectile
>lol spin and move like a shit eating aids infected faggot and somehow everything dies
Mage skills
>magic missile
>big magic missile
>mini magic missile barrage
>homing magic missile
rogue class skill
>literally open doors as a skill
>walk slowly and nobody bullies you like a virging
>put green farts effects on weapons and people
sword skills
>smash with sword horizontally
>smash with sword vertically
>smash with sword extra hard (2 minute cooldown)
>defend with sword
druid skill
>grow weed
>call pitbull
>become sonicfox
shooter class
>throw grenades
>air strike
monk class
>increase stat (WIS)
>increase stat (WIS)
>incraese stat (WIS)
>passive : everything rolls from WIS
healer skills
>heal one dude
>heal one dude over time
>heal multiple dudes
>heal multiple dudes over time