Post leaks
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New MCH weapon for Bio Blaster, Drill, Air Anchor and Auto Crossbow.
FUCK gooks
that's all, thank you
>Complete an outfit.
>Let it sit in the game's files for over half a fucking year.
>Put it up on the mogstation for $20
Fuck OFF.
Is there a collection of all the DNC moves out there? I've only got the one that has the cooldowns but not any of the basic abilities
I went to sleep early. Any new leaks?
Play Elezen
leaker was executed
Title screen
>female pov
Looks nice? I guess? I'm not crazy about it but at least its not stormbloods
What's the problem?
I really hope the first song in the Job Action trailer is the final MSQ dungeon theme while the last one is the dungeon boss theme for Shadowbringers. It's so fucking tight.
I'm so fucking tired of Triumph now. Heavensward at least gave us a second boss theme later in the expansion, Revenge Twofold was pretty sick.
Why is this game still using a launcher from the 2010-2012 MMO era? Even F2P games have better ones with saved credentials. I don't want to keep opening my phone to put in my authenticator every time I want to play. Why can't they spend like $500 or use one of their interns to create a modernized launcher?
already do, not for much longer though, wish they looked closer to how pretty they are in concept art, in-game their faces are pretty odd looking, bun life
holy FUCK what have you done
i will not be able to unsee this
Fuck off, did you even play FF4?
The point of DRK is to KYS and protect a little girl, not heal.
Go play WoW if you want an immortal Blood DK tank.
>Doesn't say shadowniggers
Disappointed in you user
I want a futazen mommy not be one..
I wish this was the MCH main weapon and not those weak looking guns
For a second I thought that was a new stupid-looking bow.
I will if you post more.
>He doesn't know how DRK actually is
I seen this meme posted lately, but what does this skill mean in relation to a exploding head?
>The point of DRK is to KYS
No, that's the actual screen, not an edit.
I assumed first theme was just the field battle theme.
Imagine not having a fairy.
After they make Alphinaud sized alts
It's their ultimate skill like holmgang and hallowed ground.
But it put you immediately at 1HP and you are invulnerable.
It's GNB's HG, it drops their HP to 1 when they use it
its the GNB immunity ability, makes you immune for 10 (?) seconds, but sets your hp to 1
it combos well with a few GNB abilities that deal more damage the lower your hp is
Is that from Rising Storm 2?
The part where they sit on content for a sub game for half a fucking year just to sell it. If you're gonna sell the damn thing, at least put it up when it's done instead of waiting for the perfect marketing opportunity for maximum jew potential.
>Healer sees you do it
>Immediately oGCD heals you to full
I impregnate Eos every day before a fight
Is it true Xeno was behind the leaks if indirectly and was murdered by Yoshida and Mr Happy for betraying them or was that user talking out of his ass?
>WAR shield is just 8% of their HP unbuffed by sacrificing their CD
>Meanwhile GNB get a better passage of arm on a lower CD and they can move while using it
So, who's in the cuckshed?
The split is a V for ver 5.0.
It's cute.
>it combos well with a few GNB abilities that deal more damage the lower your hp is
There are no abilities that do this. Stop saying this.
WHM got sacred soil as their level 80 ability.
I get the feeling you'd still be mad if it was put up for sale six months ago, it seems like you're mad it costs money.
>tfw you intentionally use it just before a tankbuster to give your healer a fucking heart attack
>Not being fast or calculating enough to dump out your hp based hits while surviving a TB.
You're not thinking CUHRAZY enough.
>it combos well with a few GNB abilities that deal more damage the lower your hp is
Stop this.
Waiting 6 months is perfect fine with me.
Plus I bet there were mentally ill people who downloaded Chinese version of the game just to buy this outfit and play around with it. And they bought it again now.
Take the hrothpill.
You wish they looked like that gaylord.
were those just fake leaks then? thats fucking lame i was excited for that particular interaction
Probably the same reason why FFXI still uses PlayOnline: eldhrith spaghetti coding.
Imagine being a girl in a series where you and every other weird girl you know basically begs this motherfucker to give you the dick and right as you're ready he always backs off.
use a custom launcher
This is your mommy tonight.
Sorry WHM maybe next expansion.
>shields and provides 312783 mitigation
>idiot tank uses invuln anyway
Not really, no. I've accepted that they're gonna jew people to keep the game afloat. I just don't like that they sit on content if they're gonna sell it.
Calling it fake gives it too much credit.
>Mained DRG and PLD since 1.0
>Mained MCH in HW, before it got ruined in SB
>was planing on leveling PLD or DRG to 80 first when Shadowniggers drops
>See MCH gameplay
Uh... I never thought MCH would be the job I would main again. It looks so fucking FUN
Literally what difference does it make?
flex healer main here. if you play healer in this xpac youre a fucking idiot
That gaping hole is where all the healer dps skills used to be
to be fair, theres no easy way to tell how much shielded hp you've got at the moment
someone said they're changing that with ShB to show an overlay over your hp bar represnting shielding though, is that true? because if so, neat
How seething is Mr Happy at these leaks?
With how straightforward they are making everything, the absolute last fucking thing they want to do is encourage the tank to constantly be riding the line of death and spending the whole fight at low HP.
Even stuff like Convert is having its miniscule HP cost removed, it's just free MP on cooldown now.
leaking lala cunny
MCH was always a disaster.
Nothing will change that as long wildfire exist.
At least overheat looks alright now.
What’s up with all the bloated potencies and percentages?
They showcased it in the liveletter by showing a yellow bar for shields.
Stormblood's screen flame is scattered all over the place and has the strongest motion on the far edges, distracting the viewer, plus the ripple on the logo makes it look like shit. For comparison,
>eye is naturally drawn down the center towards the menu options
>the trees stop it from being drawn too far down so it ends at the menu options instead of the bottom of the screen, but the trees themselves are just dark and colorless so they don't draw the eye
>deepest purple parts of the icon, the sword, are in the center directly between the purple parts, and fade back to black/pale blue on either side
>the "upward" motion of the light doesn't affect the logo so it remains clear and stoic, which makes sense considering it's not meant to be a cheery image
The ultimate effect depends on where you start looking at it. One possible perspective is that you're looking along a massive wall of Light that has been cleaved in two like Moses parting the Red Sea and you're looking at a straight line slice going off into the distance, like the WoD does in the trailer when it opens up to show the Crystal Tower - this perspective is slightly reinforced by the angle of the waves of darkness on the edges of the Light. The other is that it's an effect similar to the earliest ShB trailer where it has a "wings" effect cutting through the Light, and the "source" of the wings is beyond the treeline, which potentially has a greater sense of scale because then said cleave of darkness is miles high and you're staring at a towering wall that has been sliced in half - this perspective is slightly reinforced by the way the darkness bends as you get closer to the middle.
tl;dr this login screen is unspeakably kino and has more depth, creativity, visual flair, and overall style than all of 4.0.
But i do
and i dom cats with my futa cock when i get horny
Oh no, you've got one less DoT to keep up, how will you ever manage?
Wildfire is better, it's guaranteed 750-900 potency and then higher if you can weave in however many OCD Weaponskills there are.
They've made wildfire easyfire now
it deals damage according to how many weaponskills you hit instead of overall damage, so you wont have to base your entire life journey around wildfire timings quite as severely
So is the GBR job teacher a Hrothgar, or is it going to be based Gaius?
Well potencies make sense, since they're removing resistance debuffs and need to compensate.
damage potencies are going up since slash/pierce/blunt res downs are getting axed
>obsessive compulsory disorder weaponskills
i hope bosses shit out aoes that can actually kill dps and healers without proper mitigation
Kono taishou wa watashi no taishou
they've said its a hrothgar thing
gaius uses a garlean gunblade, which is a completely different thing to what we use
Garlean gunblades are a different breed so we'll be going to the incel lions.
it can't be gaius because that removes the ability for them to kill him off
I hope you're only pretending to be retarded
The difference is that people get excited seeing new stuff in the game files, soon realize it must be cash shop garbage, and then have to wait half a fucking year for the "privilege" of forking over $20 for it, all for the sake of waiting for optimal advertising opportunities. Just give the addicts their fucking dress up toys you scumbags.
>is it going to be based Gaius?
Are you the shadowhunter retard?
Why would anyone still humor this possibility?
Gaius is a gunblader not a gunbreaker.
All of them are "mad" because "muh ruined content", but that is just fake drama to make their current supporters give them more views and patron money. In the end, everyone wins.
How is that even related to damage reduction's %?
Sounds like its entirely your fault for making assumptions about datamined content. Try not spreading leaks and see how much more you enjoy the game. :)
did they make a tataru asmr yet
>traditional japanese outfit
>fucking random ass hiking boots
I dont get it
You can unlock GNB and DNC as soon as you hit 60, so no, since Gaius being alive would spoil SB.
There's also the fact that Garlean Gunblades have fuck all to do and work entirely different from the ones we are getting.
>more raidwide/normal damage that actually needs it
>lmao casualifying for the retards
the boots are the best part of the whole outfit ironically enough
Flashbacks son
Whats changed with overheat? I saw in the showcase flamethrower gave little heat gain. Most heated moves could be done before 50 heat, with Cooldown (now heated blast?) seemingly unchanged. The loss of rapidfire and keeping oGCDs for wildfire rotation seems like a good change though.
My only gripe is that the light wall doesn't look flat like the rest, so the perspective feels weird.
based kinobringer
That just means mobs before bosses are going to be hard and the boss itself is going to be piss easy, so more of the exact same nothing new at all.
What's wrong with it? PLD still has more overall because they have both Veil and Passage of Arms.
>But it's stronger than WAR/DRK
Yes, that's the idea. WAR and DRK are Main Tanks, they have better personal mitigation. PLD and GNB are Off Tanks with better party mitigation.
still doesn't matter because GNB Gunblades are a Hrothgar invention.
>He thinks they're doing offtank/main tank still
Lol every tank MUST play the same now, just like how every healer is now just a reskin.
is there ANYTHING more cucked than the idea of an "off tank" based job
Is Dancer cucked?
nah nigger they go fantastically well with robes and cloth shit and only the laces are dyed which is kickass
They're removing bosses' resistance against piercing, slashing and blunting damage, but that has nothing to do with all the crazy mitigation potencies we're getting, such as
>"I dislike knowing that the team sits on assets just to sell them half a year later."
>"Why is that a problem."
>"Because it's a cunt thing to do."
>"Just don't look at leaks. :^)"
It's contempt at the practice, not the content, jackass. It doesn't matter if I see them do it again or not, I know they do it now.
That's literally how they described it in the live letter. All tanks can do both but MTs have higher personal mitigation, OTs have higher party mitigation.
*hits pipe*
hey that's my viera
Guess machinist is an offtank then
>random ass hiking boots
They are military style boots and what people actually wore as part of their school uniforms back then.
How long until key resellers get ahold of the new shit?
>this set grants a stats bonus for jobs and classes under a certain level
They sit on assets because they work on all content months to even years in advance.
Do you really think they finish an outfit and then ship it a week later?
i cant make a good looking one to save my life
What the fuck kind of hiking boots have heels?
It's a 30% exp buff for classes under level 30. Several mogstation sets have it.
Can you tell the three faggot factions to fuck off and join the empire in this game yet?
I'm just saying, sitting on content you're just gonna sell anyway, especially for that long, is garbage.
Do you seriously think yoshi has a plan anymore? Do you seriously think he gives a fuck about this game anymore? He hates it and wants to leave he's said it multiple times that he wants to pass the reins off to someone else.
Don't reply to me.
>That's literally how they described it in the live letter. All tanks can do both but MTs have higher personal mitigation, OTs have higher party mitigation.
They didn't fucking describe shit.
>I assumed I'd get this thing for free
>I don't
>This is Squeenix's fault that my assumption was wrong!
Don't count on it. It's not hyperbole to say they have little idea how to code from scratch; they live or die by the canned tools available to them. The launcher, for example? It's a heavily reskinned and stripped-down version of Internet Explorer peddled as an account manager. SE had no hand in creating it, outside of gluing the bits to the template to make it look the way it does.
In some better games (read: not XIV) some healers are better at say single target healing and mitigation vs aoe/raid healing, and some tanks have better AOE threat tools or greatly benefit from being hit by a lot of enemies at once in quick succession vs fighting one big dumb fuck who hits really hard infrequently
In XIV off tank is just a stupid way of saying blue dps or whoever non optimal idiot gets to be in the shed for the expansion
XIV tanks and healers are way way way way too homogenized to have the sort of role variety and niche that other games allow
Sometimes, yeah.
Either illterate or hearing impaired?
No one can.
It's a holdover from the KR version, mainly for novelty. All the mogstation gear is level 1 so using it will cause you to fold like paper if you're hit.
DNC will be the one NTRing people.
>DNC chooses someone as their partner
>party wipe
>DNC picks another partner and ignore the first one for the rest of the fight
>that benchmark intro
>If I change what user said I win the argument!
Congrats, champ.
I don't want the outfit. I'm bitching that they hold out on the dresses for obsessive autists for maximum jew timing. Give the addicts their shit when it's done if you're gonna sell it.
Who's going to enjoy this late motive in Shadowbringers?
will any fight in shadowbringers top this?
I fucking adore that song
I used to just let the opening cutscene of the DS version of FF3 play purely to listen to it
I unironically and literally got chills when I heard it in the shadowbringers trailer
FUCK i can't wait for the full version to drop
You can get banned for that user.
WHM here already getting bored of this job
What's all this about DPS skills getting removed?
No, no one must feel inadequate so now everything must be piss easy to complete no exceptions.
Yeah, that's right, continuously shitposting at the fairly reasonable opinion that being scummy is annoying is autism. Maybe your therapist can get you something to approach normalcy.
>He doesn't know
>lets keep Phoenix a secret from the world no one can know its exists
>queue for raid roulette
>Get painting boss
>2 dark Knight tanks
>Both completely ignore mechanics until they instantly die from an aoe at 9 stacks of vuln
The future generations of tanking in 5.0
>Dia as a spell is revealed
>zoomers think its from SMT
When did zoomers get a hold of smt?
I've been leveling bard as an alt-job so I guess I'll just switch to that if they make WHM shit.
BRD is gonna be alright though, right?
WHM DPS isn't going to change. You're still going to have a direct nuke, a dot that you also use to weave on the move if you have to, an AOE and you also gain a big nuke at cap that compensates for GCD healing you had to do for the past 90 seconds. They say Assize is losing its damage component but no tooltips have been shown yet so I don't believe it.
Good thing you're going to another world!
Every dps is fine, only tanks and healers are cucked.
Why is it called Dia?
Should be called Dica since we have Medica already.
>People are going to report DNCfags because they refuse to partner up with them because of their low DPS
Persona 5
You forgot the part where they removed aero 3
DNC slut only pairs with her tank bf
>implying DRG aren't the cuck kings
And Assize damage
it just gets replaced with dia
>tanks cucked
>all getting better defensive and offensive skills while aggro is becoming basically automatic
Dia replaces aero 2
This is actually what's going to happen constantly in dungeons, even when it's a fucking paladin and not something justifiable like fell cleaving warrior on short bursty pulls
keep seething over virtual clothing buddy
Still do, and still will, just because im probably the last elezen in my server
aero 3 is the aoe that got removed. dia is the aero 2 upgrade
they said in the live letter that assize lost its damage
>tanks cucked
>literally being given stronger, better rotations, automatic aggro, tons of party utility
fucking idiot stupid bitch
Cam't wait to shoah all over bosses
Dia from FF11
With Seraph becoming a thing outside of LB3, is Last Resort Zeta the best SCH book available now?
but it's the same, an aoe dot
every healer now has 1 dot 1 nuke and 1 aoe
Duskwight not-drow are the only characters I make
>DNC slut
>tank bf
More like stacy DNC sidechick, jealous and suspecting WHM becky gf.
Stop giving the tranny attention.
the best book is the ucob book already
Anabasis or Pyros book to fit the overwhelming fairy theme
user WHMs currently have aero 2 and aero 3 as different dots
WHM is the clueless fuckbuddy convinced he's going to marry her despite not even knowing where he lives or works
Only if you buy from stolen credit card chinks instead of steam discount russians
>warrior main in my FC already bitching about GNB leaks
SCH weapon is one of the worst UCOB weapons, fuck off, even Omnilex Ultima is better. Waste of a totem.
>Book with obnoxious piss color and no real details
No thanks.
Keep defending the moral downfall of society as trannies overrun the game and Square Enix embraces it for more cash.
who here /literally no idea what they're playing through 5.0 MSQ with/
Aero III is maybe-removed. Dia and Glare(Banish) seem to be Aero IV/Stone V. Dia is both a 60 potency DoT and a 120 potency on-hit damage chunk, instant-cast. Holy losing stun. Ass-Size supposedly losing damage. Gets a big-dick AoE nuke to use every 90 seconds, about three times the strength of Holy.
But Last Resort is angel themed!
but user you don't understand they aren't the strongest
>t. FC grey parser guy
and sch has bio2 and miasma, but only 1 dot in shb?
It actually goes all the way back to FFI but yes FFXI was the next to use it heavily in its spell repertoire and its effect in FFXIV directly references FFXIs effect.
>glorified padjal glowstick weapons
>best anything
Yeah they're all good
except for Hydatos one what the actual fuck jesus christ kill me
>seething ucoblets
>"I can't clear ucob, the post"
What are the chances of ShB's intro being more kino than this?
>best at anything
Sch loses both mismas. Their dps spell list is:
Art of war
Ruin 2
Biolyze supposedly upgrades from bio 2 and is aoe but i haven’t heard any confirmation of its aoe component.
yup. miasma is gone and miasma II lost its dot
I actually like how big and chunky the Hydatos book look, it goes well with my armored healer glam.
I just downloaded ACT yesterday and holy fuck it is an eye opener how god awful the average player is.
Lvl 78 trait is still unknow until tomorrow at 6AM
Really fucking hoping it turn Biolyze aoe...
Oh no no no no.
It wasn't even that good. Tsuko and Rav are still my favorite.
>he took the redpill
There's no turning back user. For the sake of your mental sanity I suggest you to not use it during anything that is not Savage raiding
Biolyze isn't an AoE. It's just upgraded Bio II.
It's a curse, not a blessing.
Remember, ignorance is bliss.
Impossible. Shinryu and Omega are the two flat out strongest monsters in FF, no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
all new healer dots are aoe, same tick potency and duration
the tooltips update when theyre affected by some trait and biolyze had 0 radius, so its very likely single target
>Weight 225
They already used every FF strongest megaboss. No other boss will give us hype like these ones again.
>inb4 fucking Sin
Someone should inform Yoshi that he's putting his trust in a sexual predator.
FF14 thread on Futaba
are you saying that mrhappy is a sex offender
Only thing I can imagine is something like this:
>Due to the overabundance of light in the world
>The planet's automated defense systems kick in
>Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald and Ruby weapon wake up
>Start fucking wreaking the world
>WoL has to jump dimension
>Sets up the raid series against them at level 80
Dunno what else could top Omega/Shinryu
m-maybe we can start going into kingdom hearts bosses? it's ff technically
>Critizing weapons means they didn't clear
Try better next time.
this is bullshit but i believe it
Nah, we will get Nier bosses instead.
>2chan glam
how are they so much better at us than this bros
>don't normally play female characters
>viera look really appealing
do i take the plunge bros
>Hello everyone Mr happy here and today I will be showing you how to rape a bitch
I'm bored of AST, but learning to play another job to a high level sounds like a lot of effort.
Generally I think the idea of playing this game is a lot more fun than actually doing it.
Phoenix was already a legend before Carteneau. Louisoix took that form because he was thinking of that legend at the time. There's zero reason for anyone to see WoL summoning Phoenix and think 'Wow that must be Louisoix and also a primal! I should summon it!'
Every healer that DPSs actually does heal, exactly the amount that is need to keep everyone topped off and alive. Healers who DPS do so because the game has incredibly long gaps in-between spikes of damage, during which you'd be doing absolutely nothing if you weren't DPSing, on top of having ridiculously powerful tools that offer massive HPS with a single skill use. An instance of partywide damage often requires the press of a single button in order to heal everyone back to full HP, and you're then just sitting around waiting for more damage to happen, which usually doesn't happen for 30 seconds or more. So, even as it is right now, the playstyle is already pretty boring, it doesn't need any more offensive skill pruning.
Removing Protect is meaningless cause it only granted around 3 to 8% damage mitigation, depending on which job it was applied to, since it used each character's innate MDEF and DEF as a base. Assuming they didn't tweak each person's native DEF and MDEF to compensate for Protect's loss, things would only hit marginally harder, and you'd still be able to heal everyone back to full HP with a single button press, two at most.
They check whether multiple accounts got codes from the very same card, user.
There was a post about that not so long ago since they noticed people were buying stuff on ebay.
Because they like cosplaying
that's for the alliance raid which is basically nothing
sakura looks nice
This looks bad though.
It's reshaded to look "better". Glamour itself has zero color balance and is all over the place, only common theme is "buttons".
>no source
I hate the man who got his haircut the same length around his entire head but pls source or gtfo with something like this
Well, there's still a few final bosses to use
>Ultimecia/Griever (Possible, with GNB getting so much VIII love)
>The Undying
>Shitty XIII stuff
>The other Weapons, as pointed out
And even then everything outside of Sin just can't weigh up to Omega and Shinryu.
Aero 3 is removed. Dia is an upgrade to Aero 2, it's not an AoE.
Take the HRT pill.
>new raid pits you up against OrgXIII members
fund it
LMAO shitter detected
Zenos fused with Shinryu was supposed to be the Undying. Remember how he's the XIIth Legatus?
>Sky looks like a V symbol
>Its 5.0
Dumb weeb.
>Bard and Black Mage swap roles
I would unironically love for Bard to get ley lines
>cunny ads
japan really is in a whole other level
>he doesnt get excited over high potency abilities
I bet it's a greylet
>no one talking about leaks
They just don't give a shit, aren't they?
Metababies go in the cuckshed, Funchads play whatever they enjoy the most and still get to clear whatever they want.
Maybe they don't know or can't read english
>AST solo heal clear the tier day one because every dps and tank job has insane mitigation/their own healing now
That is literally the opposite of how they described it in the live letter. They wanted both tanks to do both. They wanted to avoid tanks being better at one.
Their housing site is pretty cool too.
post the angel/devil lala cunnies screenshot
Which is a reason I hated the omega raids. They made no sense. After defeating omega a scrub like zenos would have just gotten his ass owned.
They're changing how potency works so who cares
hey i just like ivalice
don't judge me
Quit this game last year after playing it since launch.
Good riddance.
Post the imgur to them
nin still #1
>open thread
>no leaks
Good for you, user
Now go have sex and become a functional member of society
Based, we're going home bros.
animation is too big to not be aoe
why not?
That's not Susano.
>>"WTF my opinion matters!!1!!1!!"
>>t. FC grey parser guy
Damn, that's actually really nice
I hope you can do it.
Already done.
Thanks bro.
Ha, never picked up on that.
In all fairness, Exdeath and Kefka wouldn't be easy to fit in XIV, even with the typical fiction bending it pulls off. Chaos would also be hard, considering he's the Big Bad to end all other Big Bads, and outside of Omega he'd be even higher up on the threat scale than CoD.
This stuff is much the same we get here. New players all over right now.
Healsissies don't get to do big dick damage, leave that to the DPS chads.
The WoL didn't fight Omega at full power though, Omega had become corrupted and confused by gender dysphoria and severely weakened.
Leak bros were detained by Yoshi P himself at the order of Mr. Happy, someone needed to protect the ad revenue
>SCH is the DoT healer
>WHM has a better DoT
Explain this
>I hated the omega raids
I feel like every healer got cucked this expansion
>In true Yoshida fashion, the V points to Exit
Please Exit my game.
Compared to all the raids in the past, Omega was pure garbage.
new identity
We didn't fight Zenos after Omega. We fought Elidibus and won, but he's immortal and just got back up. Stop skipping cutscenes.
>Chaos would also be hard, considering he's the Big Bad to end all other Big Bads
I still don't get Chaos.
So Garland died to the WoL and the fiends sent Garland back in time to save his life but also so that he could release them, Garland releases the fiends and sends them forward in time to save his life but who released them in the first place so that they could send him back?
>white mage
Stats for levels so low that theyre never useful.
Had to balance the fact that WHM is literally cuck shit bastard tier compared to SCH and AST
>SCH gets fucking free cost Benediction AoE every 90s
Omega is best raid. Alexander is worst one and has shit story. Coils are horrible.
>moeshit poster can't grasp the concept of a time loop
Yeah, checks out.
>i didn't pay attention to the story at all
those bosses based on legends and fairy tales
lmao dumb fucker
spotted the Stormcuck baby
Coil were perfection, just like Bahamut
>they literally don't even have a parse
>their idea of savage and extreme is doing them unsynced
holy shit the sched dweller is seething so hard lmfao
I thought everything in FF1 was just ripped straight out of the Monster Manual.
The Omega raids were significantly less fun than anything prior. Nothing was original. Everything was easy. The fights started repeating after 55% of the boss health and felt like a really lazy design. I don't know how you can seriously say that.
>Coil were perfection, just like Bahamut
>only 2 bosses matters
Yeah, sure.
find a beautiful wife and procreate
Progressing t9 and t13 were like, a million times more fun and satisfying than anything in Omega.
>comparing a nerfed critlo to benediction
enjoy weaving it in and hardcast adlo lmao
how tasty is krile's tongue
First Coil is balls.
Alexander is easily the best one, you crazy bitch.
I was messing around trying to make a Viera I liked, and only after a while did I realise I had just made Velvet Crowe.
Alexander is uninspired trash.
go home and dilate
>turn 2 had multiple paths that were just ignored everytime to just go left
>turn 3
>turn 4 was just a dps check
this is just binding coil 1 and 5 were great but if you think coil is perfect you are dumb and probably think paladin was fun to play in 2.0
>free Indo crit
>party is fulled
>Earthly Star
>party is fulled
Yeah first coil was garbage. I agree.
But Second and Final coil were great and better than anything in Omega. And same goes for Midas, Creator and almost anything in Gordias.
Any info on double midare yet?
How about third eye? They wouldn't take away my seigan, right?
Post your fflogs and lodestone.
>there will never be a floor like pre-nerf A6S ever again
Enjoy your Alte Roite stormcucks.
>So Garland died to the WoL and the fiends sent Garland back in time to save his life but also so that he could release them, Garland releases the fiends and sends them forward in time to save his life but who released them in the first place so that they could send him back?
Garland doesn't die in the first place, he gets beaten and stays in the Chaos Shrine.
Him being beaten prompts the original WoLs to go on their adventure, eventually killing all for Fiends.
Powers of the Fiends combine at Chaos Shrine, opening a portal to the Old Chaos Shrine. Garland goes in and fucks around in Dissidia for a while before popping back out in Old Chaos Shrine.
Garland becomes Chaos, resurrects the four Fiends, and sends them back to the 'present' (Just before the start of FF1).
WoLs show up and manage to beat the Fiends but can't stop them from returning to the 'present'.
WoLs fight Chaos and beat him, but it doesn't matter since Garland simply jumps back to his 'present' self
Garland proceeds to live forever in an endless cycle of conflict and fighting the WoLs, all meant to represent a new game. Each time you play or replay FF1, it's just another 'cycle' for Garland. A few things change, but the end result remains the same.
I did Bahamut just recently, I was expecting so much more from how people hyped it up.
Alex is an infinitely cooler fight with better mechanics that just "Here fight some dragons, dodge some dragons, woah the music has vocals, okay now kill a dragon."
Even Omega is better to be honest.
>not A3S, the best fight ever created
Midas cuck spotted
It's fucking Meikyo trait man.
It's literally the only shit he used before double midare happened.
>mfw there are people reading this thread that didn't clear bugged a6s on week 1
Looks like a guy I used to know in middle school.
It's not the same when you're not progressing through it and do it with ilvl sync or maximum ilvl. You can't really re-live that experience.
>The Omega raids were significantly less fun than anything prior. Nothing was original.
You can't be more delusional.
gave me a good laugh
k. ill just be afk in savage with my co-healer then, good job in the dps check, user-kun!
Why not? I did Alex synced too and it was still fun.
>Alexander is shit raid with shit story
>Alexander was KINO
Typical. Omega will be KINO after ShB release.
he is right though
only good thing going for omega raids was the extra faust boss with actual mechanics instead of a hard hitting training dummy
wouldn't be surprised if seigan is gone actually
seems like this expac is focusing on removing things that shitters cannot handle or adding things that make shitters wake up and finally use skills that they declared useless
>there are Heavensbabs that nostalgiafag over Creator
yikes, I remember when I thought they couldn't dumb it down any harder but then Stormblood came out to be fair
what the fuck is that abomination?!
How is that delusional? The fights are ALL copy pastes after 50%, and at most feature 4 mechanics. A8 has more mechanics than the entirety of Alphascape or Sigmascape combined, and each of those mechanics are more interesting and intriguing than anything in Sigmascape or Alphascape. And that's just one fight out of a whole tier, that had a bunch of cool and fun stuff, like A6s.
>threat management removed
>stances removed
>pets removed
this game is worse than retail WoW now
>i went through with echo buff and superior equipment to trivialize the fights after already experiencing Nidhogg copying everything Bahamut did and i wasn't impressed? Wtf????
Why does nobody want to do this fight? I just want this shitty meme ridden questline to be over but I'm being cucked by duty finder
I'm concerned as a DPS that my aggro management tools are said to be gone. I'm also curious to see how it works out.
>he is right though
He's not. Everything about Omega is much better than fighting no name coffee machines in Alexander.
the whole third eye package is still in the game according to that one google doc
Anyone else leveling a dps or tank first instead of a healer because of the job changes?
When you post like this please include your dataserver so people can assist.
I dunno. I thought it was a fun fight too bad it was locked behind Hildimeme quests which there are a lot of people who aren't caught up.
It's gated behind super long chain of side quest.
I don't even have it unlocked despite liking Hildi shit. The last one I did is Scholasticate story.
Because you skip most of the mechanics, and most of the fight got nerfed. You're experiencing the visuals rather than the actual challenge - in both coil and in alex.
I kind of like the journey aspect to the coils flawed as it may be, and I'm sure something could be done to improve it. Like, I wish they could take that and make "savage" dungeons that are long and branch off at points for a risk vs reward kind of system.
>Original monsters and designs is uninspired.
>Importing Dissidia NT assets is VERY inspired!
>where are the le references??? I NEED LE REFERENCESSSSS!!!!!
God I want krile to be my teasing senpai and also impregnate her in a love hotel.
>Yoshi-P is secretly killing the game so he can go play WoW Classic
based and homepilled
its so far behind in hildebrand shit that this does not surprise me at all
Sticking with healer through thick and thin, someone has to do it.
>it has to be some nostalgiabait to be a fun fight
our guy?
not entirely. a tank's optimal threat rotation is also their optimal dps rotation, so it will be clear as day if a tank is garbage without even having to parse, but also rewards good tanks by never having to worry about threat
I can't even agree with that. Most of Final is shit, it's really only Bahamut that's worth a damn. Phoenix is a fucking joke.
Yeah man I can't wait for Classic to come back so I can spend a minute hitting the boss while group waits and then lose aggro to Arcane Mage five minutes into the fight.
any of you got pics of the shisui gear on female lalas
Nothing is good about Omega. Like, seriously, those fights are so uninspired and uninteresting except for maybe A3 (which is also gutted down and really straight forward).
I don't really know how you can compare the two raids when you've only done Omega properly. You can't compare a raid to another if you haven't experienced during its initial patch release, so don't try.
>WHMcucks still SEETHING
Nobody is defending
>*touches scar*
blame dps and healers not using their threat tools
I'm on Light
>>threat management removed
It barely existed in the first place
>>stances removed
Tanks only ever used dps stance anyway
There straight up aren't all that many unique mechanics in Omega though.
You can pretty much count them on your fingers, and the ones that are somewhat interesting ontop ontop of that are really just 2 or 3.
The game starting in SB started to become a lot more streamlined with fights consisting to 99% of the same markers you've seen countless times on your way there already. They purposefully designed the encounters to not actually require you to figure any mechanics out, you see them and know instantly what the solution is, which played a big part in how quickly these raids were all cleared. You have almost no situations where you actually need to experiment, think, and problem solve in Omega since ultimately all they use are mechanics you've seen a billion times before that are very clearly communicated to you by familiar markers.
i only wish user. i have a static unfortunately
>WHM's generally excited to see their new lillies and skills
>Other healers constantly talking about how seething they are
Baldesion Arsenal >>> Savage ''''raids''''
But people largely liked Midas and Creator while they were relevant too. Heck, even though Creator was on the easier side at least it had a load of unique stage and boss gimmicks. And the music always got me pumped up.
>Final battle of every tier of Omega
>uninspired bosses copied from other games
>they only have x mechanics that get repeated after you reach 50% hp
>repeat everything after that
W O W really kino I must say
I abandoned healer since SB and won't go back till a new one
Having played through all of Mobius' first story, yes, M!Garland is great.
Soggy, re-chewed potato chips.
If I like lala cunny should I stay here or on /vg/
Turn 2 alone is still more interesting than any Omega fight.
From the mandatory silence rotations and rot, to your path deciding the final boss' abilities and resistances.
It's honestly very unique.
They just didn't have their tuning right yet and didn't realize how easy it would be to deal with the Enrage, causing people to skip all the interesting interactions in their entirety.
>he actually wasted time on Eureka
>he keep parroting 50% hp meme
Wiki easily can proves you wrong about mechanics in Omega and Alex
HW raids were the worst because all you face are big dumb machines with shitty songs.
Wait what trial is this?
Why is this mobile game's lighting better than XIV's?
>making game more simple good
it's metal face
If you believe the datamines the only skills SAM is losing are Hakagure and Ageha. Ageha looks really cool so that's a bit disappointing but whatever. I'm glad they used a light touch with SAM's new skills because the job is very fluid as it is.
Yojimbo trial through the latest Hildibrand quest.
So this the Scion expansion huh. Garlean fanboys BTFO.
>keeping things that serve no purpose good
>Check out 2ch convoluted mess to check if they are talking about the leaks
Maybe they get banned if they do so?
And here we have the custodian of shit taste.
>add a rot
>mechanic is still handled exactly the same way
This really says a lot about the average ffxiv raider.
Turn 4 was one of the hardest DPS checks the game's had at release.
Also since you are acting like there aren't any real mechanics in there, you probably did it way later when it was already nerfed to the ground.
You had enemies that need to be kited around, some that needed to be interrupted and LoS'd, enemies that reflected either physical or magical damage, all at the same time in the later waves.
It's not like you simply stood there and blindly nuked shit down. There was a hell of a lot of optimization and strategy you needed to put in.
And copy pasted mechanics
>blue eyes
WTF i thought cunny- I mean hat in time was /ourgame/? What is with that ugly mutt.
He's not wrong about Final Omega, Hello World 2 starts somewhere around 50% and everything else after it just repeats.
I've tried to have this conversation with people and all the end up replying with is "so you want to reduce my DPS? Fuck you, you just hate fun". This is what XIV players want, user.
Ohashi means big bridge in japanese. It's stormblood Greg
making game more casual is ALWAYS bad even for casual players
you are fucking retard please kill yourself
Are you fucking retarded?
>50% Exdeath
>after Grand Cross Omega he just repeats the mechanics he showed in a different order with a final special enrage
>50% Kefka
>after the 3° Forsaken it's just every mechanic you saw plus another 3° Forsaken and a spam of Ultimas as enrage
>50% Final Omega
>after the 2° HW the mechanics sequence is IDENTICAL to the one after the 1°
No fucking final fight in Alex did this at all, suck my cock idiot
I don't need the wiki, I literally raided every single one of those raids (except Gordias) during its first week of release, and cleared most of them in less than a few days, and I can break down and explain every mechanic at length and compare them. Omega is significantly simpler, less interesting, uninspired and simply uninteresting compared to stuff in Alex or Second Coil. Raids like T7 pre nerf or A8 are simply significantly more unique and interesting than any and all Omega fights.
All the leaks are in english so they probably don't even know and if they did they can't read them.
>losing ageha
Still better than losing seigan but FUCK
Uninformed as fuck. Critlo was nerfed and you can’t spread catalyze. Deployment spread critlo is phenomenally weaker than it was in sb
Rot is a cancer anyways.
Anyone got some good screenshots of the new costume? I want a better look but nobody in town has it.
never thought i could find that sexually arousing
Threat management was made easier not because threat management's currently difficult, it was removed because people couldn't do that and deal damage at the same time. Enmity combos are gone so tanks no longer have an excuse to do shit damage.
>stances removed
They're now active buffs/resources you have to maintain instead something you barely think about.
>pets removed
Mileage may vary if you see this as dumbing down or not but lots of people asked SMN summons to be more like bahamut, a part of your rotation instead of full on pets.
Faggot as fuck.
>what is a critted Indo
>removing the skill that lets us make everything in the game bleed, even machines
I hate this
He's just being pedantic since it's not a 50% health check, it's just a sequence they repeat regardless. Anyone who isn't autistic knows what you mean.
>Mr happy here guys just put the meteors here....
Pet controls removed make SCH strictly worse - being unable to reposition your fairy that is a source of some of your AOE healing and being unable to queue pet abilities while casting are downgrades. I legit don't know why they did that.
Uhhhhhh guys????
If Kefka was at 50 percent after 3rd Forsaken you weren't clearing that shit anyway
When was the last time you even needed to do an interrupt rotation or had to worry about physical/magical reflects on adds?
Like T13 with that add changing resists on Bahamut? There were a couple times you needed to interrupt shit but it was always a one off
Did you skip the whole part where they wasted 40% of the JP fanfest time talking about the movie?
>oh yeah, I pressed Diversion the one time I have to in a fight, I'm so hardcore
>Pet controls removed
how do we make them replace shinten's animation with ageha
>Most people in BA think they are hotshit 2nd week of release from the Aether DC 9th asrsenal circle jerk.
>Start looking at there fflogs
>Bunch of grey parsers that couldnt even clear the tier half the time.
So old content is going to be impossible to complete syncd gotcha
>MCH in 6.0
Lmao did you guys google trans this?
"Chào mấy bạn Mỹ, chơi trong rừng của tôi vui không?"
This is the correct version.
you just have the pet skills
the fairy/smn pets just follow you around now
Those are not removed though. Fairy's specific actions like Embrace and shit are removed from the pet hotbar, which itself will still exist.
>Pet controls removed
You can still place your fairy, they never said they were removing the pet hotbar, just some actions.
See the "Order" tab on the skill list.
but i prefer shinten
the real problem imo is guren getting replaced with that goofy scabbard attack
wanna be my cute viet bf....
>but nobody in town has it.
A new mogshop glamour item just released and the ERP glamour whores aren't showing it off in town? Bullshit.
I'm glad I was able to clear BA several time when we had a nice group and no drama on Primal
I will always remember you, Kermit.
Imagine if that was a weapon from the start instead of a pistol.
It looks cute and stylish but it's not slutty of course they aren't.
They did say that pet actions aren't on the pet hotbar but I don't think they said the pet hotbar is gone completely. They are still probably going to let you place your pet.
pet skills =/= pet controls removed
>Class: Two skills
Holy shit.
they're scared of being offensive because koreans are incredibly assmad about the outfit and threatening to quit and calling anyone wearing it a bigot
There's dozens of people afk'ing with it on in Limsa on my server.
I'd imagine it's the same on any other server that has more than 10 people on it.
I'd put that onus on story mode.
The majority of the mechanics are on display and neutered to be almost unloseable, at most you get the last fight to learn which is one or two mechanics unique to the 2nd part. There's nothing to really learn until then, it's just pattern recognition and minor planning as they throw mechanics in different combinations.
Marker consistency just improved information delivery. Story mode ruined prog.
What the fuck, how do they expect you to level Arcanist now? Just have your pet do everything?
That's going to suck so hard when you get a newbie Arcanist in leveling roulette and they are just a complete waste of a slot.
They are still flipping out about it?
Your language is a poison to my ears.
The fuck? It's just old Japanese schoolgirl outfits.
I found one person wearing it but it's a fucking lala.
It's just for SCH dumbshits. Scholar is effectively being excised from Arcanist for good. See:
Koreans are still mad about the Japanese teaching them to not live in straw huts
>Can't read
That's only for Scholar, which you can't get until you hit 30 anyway.
No one gives a shit about Koreans, especially trannies.
imagine getting a lv 16 dungeon and only have 4 skills avaiable
>Story mode ruined prog.
Thanks god. Raid trannies should go back to WoW.
It's not though, they only share the same recast. Unless you mean using it less in favor of the new one, in which case I agree.
Just right click them and try it on?
SCH only has 8 actions by Haukke Manor, the level you'd unlock it.
I don't know why they're so obsessed with completely neutering the early game as if people don't have enough complaints about the early game experience being boring and slow. Guess they can push those jump potions and you can experience ARR though NG+ instead.
If we don't get shared exp anymore I'll riot.
You can't force me to play SMN.
Yeah, but you can still get sync down to Satasha in levelling roulette.
I know that it's Mr.Faggy, but still.
>he's still assblasted about Coil
>lv 16 dungeon and only have 4 skills avaiable
so nothing changes
An overheal, if you actually do it you are basically a moron. Stop crying when you still have assize.
The early game is tragic and they're only making it worse, but you have 9 SCH skills at level 30, plus probably 2-3 role actions.
I do wish they would rearrange the skills so that you have about 50% of your kit by 30 and 80% of your kit by level 50. There's no reason why we need upgrades every 2 levels after 50 when the early levels are the slowest and most boring part of the game and need it way more.
A. We need shiny new toys to sell the expac.
B. We can't roll the new toys backwards, it'll fuck balance.
Why would you give a shit at this point? Youd just play scholar and never touch smn. So nothing changes for you.
Also thats not happening autist
I honestly never clear any savages in this game. Didn't even try. Omega was more fun
Because I'm a retard and need all my numbers orange.
>I do wish they would rearrange the skills so that you have about 50% of your kit by 30 and 80% of your kit by level 50.
Perhaps you should play World of Warcraft instead. It's literally what you're asking for. 90% of your class is unlocked at level 10, you get the remaining 10% as you level to 110, then you start going backwards to 90% again at level 120.
The fact emergency tactics is still a level 58 ability fucking baffles me, it needs to be pre-50.
I want to shove my tongue down this lala's mouth
Whats wrong with happy? I just got into ff a few weeks ago and like is stuff but alot of people don't for some reason.
Foward and back is a masterpiece
It doesn't fuck balance because jobs are balanced around their complete toolkits. If anything it makes the jobs even worse at earlier levels than they are now because you're removing low level actions to put in the upper levels. Like in Heavensward MNK had their damage cooldown (Blood for Blood) accessible as soon as you unlocked a cross-class slot. Now they don't get their cooldown (Riddle of Fire) until level 68. Monk at 60 in SB is strictly worse than Monk at 60 in SB and that goes for pretty much every job.
I get the whole "shiny new toy" angle, they will never put out an expansion without giving everyone new skills, but there's literally zero reason they need to put all those skills in the upper levels while taking away skills in the low ones. They seem to think people need that extra incentive to reach level cap but they really fucking don't, just being able to access endgame content is good enough for them.
He's an obnoxious prick with a punchable face.
Anti leaks drama.
His guides are bad. Tsukuyomi especially
I'll take some for you bud, give me a couple and ill post next thread
Braindead clickbait garbage.
If you don't get why people like him are a problem, you were either born in virtual friend culture or you're part of the problem.
I'm going to make a copypasta so you newniggers stop asking this shit every fucking thread. Long story short, Happy is an actual literal shill, he makes shitty guides, and his ego is off the fucking charts.
so is the basic boss theme for alexander bosses
WoW isn't fun to play at any level though.
What do the colors on fflogs mean?
Because they did shit like what you propose and ruined any sense of character progression.
I don't have problems with early game desu. It become unbearable after you level up your character to ~60lvl. Pretty okay when you leveling first time
So is Rise and Metal (Brute Justice).
Oh, you sweet summer child.
Anything below a 30 means you are good at the game.
>not even high-detail raidbosses are spared from the paddle feet
This is a travesty
I would be mad if there were 10+ levels with no new skills
>Most popular streamer.
>Rushes content that the rest of community just follows even though its shit strats half the time
>Confirmed greylet
>recently bragged,on a hot mic, about how he blew yoshi to climax when he attacked blufever leaks.
I want the potato cunny!!!
how hard even is BA
i will always see someone in eureka with pentamelded hq 290 accessories as well as an osode, speed belt, optical hat and a cassie earring
it can't be that demanding, right?
I'm not saying give everyone their complete toolkit at level 10 spastic, I'm saying maybe give them a little something more so that the first 100 hours of the game, the ARR story, isn't a fucking miserable nightmare. Paladins in ShB are going to do nothing but spam the Rage of Halone combo until level fucking 54.
This isn't just something that affects the players because people literally quit over this bullshit, the early game is such a fucking bore that they just drop the whole game. It affects SE's bottom line but they still won't do anything about it.
>Most popular streamer
He wishes.
Yes, which is what every new player has to experience now.
ShB SMN ironically has no skills. All those skills are just visual update for Bahamut No new spells for SMN
I don't know what job to take into expac lads. I don't even know what to play right now
anyone else can just never ever make up their mind with this shit?
its cool, they spammed just rage of halone for 2 years without a choice and people still played it more than war
japanese magazines interviewed him for some reason
>I'm not saying they should ruin character progression, I'm just saying they should do this thing that will ruin character progression
Pretty much like any other 24man, so not difficult at all.
you can clear BA without elemental gear or overmelds but dps has to be on point
Important question:
Are Tsukuyomi's buttcheeks different colours?
About as hard as clearing an alliance raid without dying. Not impossible but some dumbass can easily fuck you over
I want to hug Shiva and tell her it'll all be okay.
72 74 and 76 are game changing traits
BA is a retard wrangler check, It's not hard if you have two brain-cells, but there's a high likelihood that someone in your herd of 56 probably doesn't and will waste everyone's time once you get to Ozma.
It's worth noting BA scales to the number of players inside, so it's probably easier the less players you have.
I would make it 1 skill ever 5 levels after 50 and be done with it. One skill at 55, 60, 65, 70, 75 and 80. The rest is all unlocked pre-50. Making going through the higher levels a -bit- less exciting is VERY much worth it to make the low levels not unbearable. You only have to level up a class once but how many times have you signed up for leveling roulette only to get Tamtara and you're forced into 20 minutes of misery because 90% of your kit is locked out?
Lalafell are not for lewd
I heard BA has tons of fail=wipe mechanic and
>56 players max
Scottzone is brand new and he constantly gets more viewers than happy. Larry does as well.
How do I subscribe to this game again? Do I need to buy a time card from like CVS or ???? I haven't had a sub since september and completely forget everything about it.
Who is it then?
His content is largely reading from articles and reddit/discord around events. He rushes low quality guides to get them out day 1 and then never releases a revised version later because he admits it will get 10% of the views, despite the fact it would also clean up PF from his first wave of shit.Sees himself as a big community figure despite his low quality work just because unironic normalfags have limited options for influencers to orbit. Also he's a shill and a trashcan player - carried through the only truly difficult content in the game whilst playing the easiest role poorly.
I know mr happy is a shill but got hes so hot I want to hatefuck him
streamer/youtuber whos a huge shill for S-E rather than just a enjoyable personality.
Has a reputation for rushed/inaccurate videos for all content in the game.
Yes and you can slap each one no more than 4 times in a row or you die
>literally who gives a shit
Why voidsent girls so good.
but it's not lewd
>BA is a retard wrangler check, It's not hard if you have two brain-cells, but there's a high likelihood that someone in your herd of 56 probably doesn't and will waste everyone's time once you get to Ozma.
But this is exactly reason why "old" primitive MMOs were called hard. and still called
t. mr happy looking at a mirror
>Who gives a shit if FFXIV turns into BfA because I keep asking for BfA-like changes?
Best way to play this game is to do the normal content, get gear, level crafting or DoL. The end game raiding is shit and you should play other games instead while waiting for the next patch. YoshiP even said so, he thinks raiders are retarded and gay.
Oh man I hope she's 18 cause this boner is on fire
>I enjoy leveling
I don't mind having WoW refugees in the game just don't fucking suggest anything to the devs. You already ruined one game, if you miss it then please go back.
Yes and I need porn of it bad. FUCK ocfags and their y'sthola fandom. Imagine making love to that sweet black and white butt.
hows this
you sure
ARR leveling was a miserable fucking nightmare even back in 2.0.
Nice thanks.
I probably won't buy it, I like it but not worth the price to me.
>FUCK ocfags and their y'sthola fandom.
I don't know how they do it, I swear there's three different OCs who have 'claimed' Y'shtola by now.
t. shitter that got stuck on brayflox
Sounds like you need to go back faggot i havent even played wow
And it's even worse now.
i genuinely enjoy leveling
i like getting new skills and traits and seeing how they affect my gameplay then working out the best way to use them while going forward into new content
i have zero respect for people that deprive themselves of this experience because they have no respect for themselves or the people they play with
If my main was SAM I'd buy this in a heartbeat
You say this like PLDs now have anything to do other than spam RoH before level 54.
>not picturing the pube colors
I don't want to play WoW, I want to play XIV.
I also don't want people like you to turn XIV into WoW. Just go play WoW.
>echidna (?)
help me out here
right? i want him to rimjob me and then fuck me in all fours
Do you think we will get original raid bosses? Or will it just be an ff8 circlejerk
Sounds like you are the wow refugee shitter. Sorry you got cucked by that game for 1/9th of your life and now you get triggered by anything that reminds you of it
cloud of darkness
for whatever reason things like Ruin, Bio, Bio II and Ruin II are consolidated under Jobs.
It's most likely because those skills have different upgrade paths so they were given specific IDs separate from SMN.
>Ruin upgrades into Broil path
>Bio II upgrades into Biolysis
>Ruin II was seemingly buffed to 200 potency so this may be a trait
>Aetherflow is a SCH specific action now
>Summon 1 and 2 changed to specific fairy summons
I'm annoyed I didn't get cloud
probably never would've gotten penny, who can even see her under the effects from 100 other players busting their loads as hard as possible
I'm retard
I love Brayflox though.
I'm talking about garbage like TamTara and Cutter's Cry.
>n-no u
Why do you get triggered by people not wanting shit changes?
summon icon change was something i wanted for a long time
too bad it doesn't matter now anymore
Point is, it's never going to be bearable. It was always shit, and will always be shit.
>not just made into one button (Summon Fairy)
>Fairy glamours never
she's cute
Not him but wow has the right idea when running older content and it not doing the level sync bs. I avoid half my roulettes because i hate losing half my toolkit because i got a level 50 alliance raid.
I want a thick BD fairy.