Literally counting the days bros.
Are you hyped as fuck like me?

Attached: 1535392717641.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

Other urls found in this thread: one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well/

Sure thing
Hyped for shitty combat, just like tw3

Yeah, we're all hyped.


>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

>in this demo
Whole post discard. It was just a demo thing.
Fuck off back to /pol/ to worship a retarded clown president

they fucking showed that shit but they refuse to fucking show straight male v

>shitty easy mode combat like TW3 that took a step back in every way from TW2
>open world so it's gonna feel lifeless compared to a hub based world
>mmo tier fetch quests like TW3
It's gonna be shit.

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wow literally an assault on gamers, rise up bros this oppression won't go unanswered!

>combat like tw3
nice comparison between a third person RPG vs a first person action RPG
>empty open world
did you even watch the demo when the guy said that this is the most lifelike game ever made?

The main selling point of this game is romance retard.

fook yea

i also cant wait for seething discord trannies like this one who say the exact opposite of everything that is true

>*Footsteps getting closer*
>*Shitpostbots launch their insults but CD-PROJECT-RED only start smiling because it doesent work on him*
>*Footsteps are getting even closer*

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according to whom

>took a step back in every way from TW2
Do anons actually believe this? Even the combat in TW1 felt better

they only fucking showed female v and gay shit they haven't fucking shown straight male v

>you're a discord tranny if you want difficulty in your games and a world with a purpose and not just npcs walking around

>straight romance
Who do you think the target audience is?

They had to make The Witcher 3 braindead to sell well.
Its that easy

You know, I am fully in the "fuck sjws with a sawn-off" camp, but even I can't understand this paranoia about this game not having plenty of straight male heterosexual sex options. I personally am a lot more worried about all the women having terrible "edgy" hairstyles and the combat in the game being full of bullet sponge enemies.

Apparently they will show the same demo we already saw to the public and the new stuff will be show only to youtubers and game journos so don't get excited.

Not really, aesthetically I don't feel like its punk enough, its too PG and not grimdark enough.

Also the devs are shit at combat and everything we've seen shows they still dont know how to do it right.

you said that TW2 has better combat than TW3
you're not entitled to an opinion, you didn't play any of these games

>Apparently they will show the same demo we already saw to the public
That makes zero sense.

>too PG

Attached: chrome is too simple.jpg (1920x1080, 368K)

I played all three witcher games and the two first had fun combat compared to console trash like TW3.

>easy mode good hard mode bad
the absolute state of modern rpgs

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>witcher 1 has better combat than witcher 3
HAHAHAH ok nigger

Hey don't tell me that. Tell it to whomever is responsible for their reveals. Apparently even after people were angry the first time when they didn't show the gameplay to us right away and we had to wait 5 months they still didn't get the message. If every youtuber and game journalist on the planet dies we will be living in a better world.

>t. casual retard who didn't play the first games

>console trash like TW3
But TW2 is the definition of console trash

I've been doing everything I can to scratch the itch before it comes out.

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It is another thread with anons trying to argue with closet gay

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That's what they've said on their discord. You can go and ask them yourself if you don't believe me.

All they said that there will be 2 showings, one public and one like last year, thats all

Yes and all the new stuff will be behind closed doors with no footage allowed.

Jackie has really grown on me. He's going to be your best bro throughout the game that will die tragically from either you killing him or gang violence.

>dude trust me

travesty. im literally seething rite now

Can I play as a total psycho?
I don't want to be forced into a good guy like in the witcher.

Are you dense
Take an air hike

I'm really worried about that slut's hair. They haven't released a single screenshot where she has different hair.

You don't have to trust me, you just have to ask them.

yeah, thats PG for most cyberpunk games, oh noes some tits and a dead person.

cautiously optimistic that it'll be nothing we haven't already seen
i hope it can be modded to remove gay damage numbers and make it play like a real shooter and not a spongefest

Solo's are not known to be the kindest people out there. There are some famous ones with morals, but most of them will kill for a penny.

There's even an upgrade in the 2020 original game that will show off how many kills you have on your arm.

Are you retarded?

There’s full character creation that you go through and it even shows different hair options in the gameplay demo. You’re just as dumb as the user who keeps screeching about how “they’re not gonna allow a straight male V” even though it’s a fucking RPG with character choices

>not having whole enemy lvl system
Based dumbass
At the one minute and ten second part it shows a character creation screen. I expect it to be more diverse than what is shown but what is shown are purely examples.

but this is a shooter

i'd like it to be good. It's been a while since i played a AAA western game(haven't bought one in 4 years,and it was one a sale), but they usually disapoint so let's see

There are already signs of shit combat designed around enemy levels. For example office cunt has bodyguards with ??? sign near their names. I expect it to be their levels

>There are already signs of shit combat
you never played a shooter shut up

wtf is wrong with that ? it's a sign that you should not fuck with them, idiot
>i want to be able to beat everything when i find it

fuck off

It means this guy is way too powerful for you to scan because he's a Corp bodyguard and also a sign to the player that "this guy will fuck you up so shooting at him is your funeral."

I want to shoot without restrictions. I don't want to see this shit when enemy is 5 levels above me and cant do shit to him. But when I have the same level as him using previous low-tier gun somehow I'm able to inflict damage.

Yeah sure
Why craft unique ways of dealing with enemies when you can just make enemy and player level difference and fuck off. Same shit as tw3 again

Attached: sun deadly laser.png (943x514, 330K)

This board will never like this game. It's too hyped and they need to be the contrary opinion. If only it was a pedo weeb game, that would be loved.

>like poetry, it rhymes

Attached: IMG_20190528_200607.jpg (2500x1881, 1M)

>can literally swap out face parts
>decide to go for a hipster dyke look anyway
why do cyberpunk girls always do this?

I think that's most likely centered around the amount of cybernetic modifications that person has.

I mean, it wouldn't make sense for some fleshy streetrat to take down a corp merc who is literally a murder machine.

am I hyped for Gta 2050 that is almost certainly going to let me down like witcher 3? Not really. Might still be fun though

Every single one of these faggots is going to play it, love it, ask for seconds and after a month or so act all tsundere about it.

He doesn't even bother writing new posts he just copypastes responses straight from old ones.

If you gotta be an autistic shitposter at least put some effort into it. Otherwise you'll never reach the level of "I study game design and my group wants to make a cyberpunk smashstyle fighter instead of a superior limb-based fighter" user.

So why haven't you asked them if you don't trust me? Come on faggot go and ask them, ask them on the forum, ask them on their discord wherever you like.

We are not discussing that faggot. we are talking about the way they handle their reveals.

It's kinda silly to have those facial abstractions.
Irl prosthetics are made to look as inconspicuous as possible. Scars are made as invisible as the technology allows.

the fact that a 9mm fired by some punk does 1 damage but a 9mm from the same gun fired by some corporate faggot in a suit does 100
if thats not a problem to you then whew

In that world I don't think anybody gives a shit about a few augmentation scars.

Attached: screen-Cyberpunk2077-Outnumbered_But_Not_Outgunned-RGB-en.jpg (3840x2160, 1.1M)

I love TW1 but the combat was awful. TW3 at least has servicable combat.

I don't fucking care. Just give me the god damn game. I want to play it now.

I am not tranny to have discord, if you would speak the truth, there would be 10 news about it already

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Yeah, shame cp is so unrealistic.

Why would there be news about it? The youtubers and the game journos want it exactly this way so why would they bother mention something that benefits them? It doesn't benefit us that's for sure.

Dude, some people there will cut off their limbs to make a fashion statement.

Attached: Screenshot_26.png (670x903, 284K)

dum dum did nothing worng

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In Cp some cybernetics are fashion, people are proud of theirs and want to show them around. Some however are more subtle, for example no one wants to admit they have mr stud.

>literally just yes, no (yes), fluff question dialogue
jesus christ...

>playing RPGs where you have no choices
No thanks

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Because there is like x1000 more journos that won't be at e3 and they would report on it long time ago you sperg, post pic that they will show the same demo or fuck off.

Absolutely Based and CDpilled.

Yes and? What more do you want?

It's literally "yes (yes)" "no (no)" and "what it is?"

based retard this is the problem! it won't be the same demo as the one they will show the game jurnos behind closed doors

Yeah, im one of those people who watch the gameplay a few times per month.
Gonna preorder the Chrome Pussy Edition no matter what.
And guck shitposters.

How can you be counting the days for a release date you don't even know?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 18K)

It's literally Mass Effect style of "choices"
This is why only the most casual people enjoy rpgs that arent crpgs

Attached: 1552656931942.jpg (512x911, 59K)

The release date is Q4 2019.

>have the chance to save him downloading his brain in a pendrive
>Corpo-bitch destroy it in front of you
>all you can do is scream

based alzheimer poster
>apparently they will show the same demo we already saw to the public

Season 2 fucking WHEN

oh no no no...
>not next generation

They should've just made it hub based holy shit..

>not liying for maximum inpact when the demo shows better and new stuff

Nah, only retards and children "get HYPED".

They've been working on it for 4 years now. For example Witcher 3's development cycle was 3 years.

>four years in development
>hurr ids rush'd oh no no no no durrrr

Attached: (you).gif (383x284, 729K)

Majorly disappointed that they’re not letting you join any factions or become a cop for that matter.

>boobies make the game mature
explain this western people

Deus Ex doesn’t have dead naked hookers in a bathtub.

Is this is the game thats going to break Yea Forums again?
do we have another BotW/Bloodborne in our hands?

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it's targeted mainly for burgers

>4 years for an open world game

She better be fuckable

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Nigger what the fuck are the they doing lol

TW3 did that too, and to a much larger extent
after 4 years people are still mad at its popularity

>nigger what fuck lol
These are made by a russian AI bot right?

They're creating a story like Witcher 3 where you play as a pre-defined character with a story all figured out and the player can only make small changes. Problem is when the source material is an actual RPG the whole thing comes crumbling down.

Imagine being such a fucking dullard that if you encounter someone saying nigger online he must be part of the secret Russian cabal trying to get everyone to vote for mean chester the cheetah.
Also nigger.

Attached: 8DA93CBC-C776-433D-9B48-E1FF8B88D9AF.gif (320x287, 781K)

the burger AKA the muslim fears the nipple

>Imagine having your ass handed to you so bad you're forced to use soul/soulless meme.

Attached: 1547301357760.jpg (767x431, 41K)

>open world to extend playtime
>literally nothing to do other than drive and shoot random people

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>why do you get a game over screen in Fallout when you turn into a super mutant shit """""RPG""""" uninstalled/10

Even if you play as pre-defined characters there are multiple games in which you can radically change the story due to your actions to either major successes or to horrible failures. Players should be allowed to fail and to be aboe to explore the game as much as possible. The fact that CDPR took notes from fucking Fallout 4 in regards to only 4 choices of dialogue at a time is another bad decision.

Attached: 812DA913-1EBD-4956-A769-7623AE34BC6F.jpg (1024x725, 80K)

Whoever is responsible for their publicity is genuinely retarded.
>bring a bunch of retarded youtubers into the showing and half of them complain about having motion sickness and wanting third person
I am not joking this is exactly what the jewtubers said. This is why i am pissed for them again having a behind closed doors showing for those retards who only misrepresent the game and push the public opinion into the most retarded shit. If all youtubers die the world will be a better place.

Showing a lot of skin there. Pretty cringey. Did they hire straight white men to work on this or something? Why would they hire straight white men?

Not a single person has implied this whatsoever and even if Fallout only gave you a game over screen it’s still a fucking new choice or outcome that you can see affect your character. Now that we live in the modern age of gaming we have more options to expand on this, not that developers are, but they should. Cyber psychosis should allow you to do exactly what is stated in the 2020 lorebook.

>The fact that CDPR took notes from fucking Fallout 4 in regards to only 4 choices of dialogue at a time is another bad decision.

>forced to be modded
>aren't allowed to have any skin mods
>aren't allowed to have too many mods
>aren't allowed anything that breaks "the story"
Fuck this story driven trash.

Look throughout the entire gameplay demo and show me one conversation with more than 4 options.


The demo shows V being modded with no way to say no. They said about the skin mods on the forums that allowing the player to have chromed skin would be too much. You can't have too many mods since you would go cyberpsycho.

The problem with Fallout 4's dialogue system is that there were no more than 4 options and no LESS options than 4. It was a hard limit. That's not in Cyberpunk. We don't know if there will be more than 4 options at any given time but there necessarily doesn't need to be, since for example you pick option 1 which then branches into option 2 or 3 and so on.

i read in some other thread that you are forced to be gay in this game and that it’s full of woke sjw shit, any truth to this?

If something is overhyped for years, it will always fail to deliver this is no exception I lost interest in the game after they didnt bother to give out a release date. Dont hype games for 5 years

obviously not so how about you care about the things that i care about this is what you should be worried about about their management fucking up and giving preferential treatment to jewtubers again for them to talk retarded shit about having motion sickness and needing third person

read this


Point of showing stuff to influencers is that you can show stuff that isn't 100% ready yet. Reason they didn't want to show the 48 minute gameplay reveal to public at first was because it still had tons of unfinished assets and reaction was exactly what you expect: oh no no look at that corner hurhurhur no textures.
Can't blame them for playing it save this time.

when are they going to fucking show straight male v

When you stop being a faggot, so probably never.

>defends gay shit
>calls others faggot
fucking retard lmao


I'm not defending you ffs!

>d... don't show straight male v

"most cyberpunk games" nigger there is barely any shocking content in any cyberpunk game.

>hyped for GTA

>Being this obsessed with homos
I'd question your sexual orientation.

cdpr needs to fucking show straight male v they haven't fucking shown straight male v why the fuck are you against that retard

>Still being this obsessed.
Guess i got my answer.

>still defending gay shit
>still arguing against showing straight male v
stupid fucking bitch

Still not defending you.

you fucking retard you're saying they shouldn't show straight male v dumbass






No one really cares anymore, we've kinda gotten used to faggots like you.

Attached: you.gif (180x135, 137K)

Honesty no, I'm not.

have fun with your faggot game dumb fuck you don't want content for straight males you fucking retard

That sucks if it's true, I wanted to play moddless the first time.

If you think it's faggot game then why are you still here... oooh right

What’s skin mod

i'm saying it shouldn't be a faggot game cdpr should fucking show straight male v you're fucking saying they shouldn't show straight male v retard

I'm just saying you're the faggot.

you can gun down pedestrian user

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>people are still assblasted that some people wait for a game


He said shitty combat, not dark souls combat which is also quite shitty.

They all have trash combat just in their unique shitty ways.

I just want to know the release date. One of my friends speculated that it will be released in 2024, I speculate either late this year, or early next year. But since they're crunching now, it either will release this year, or next year, maybe even 2021, but most likely in 2027, just in case.

>mfw I speculate too much

Attached: 00_10_2000096.png (1920x1040, 2.1M)

wtf is up with this shitty meme with people censoring images (poorly) on Yea Forums? have to admit I'm getting trolled pretty hard here

yes i mad

nobody mentioned pol
you chose to bring it up

Missing the point
Gothic did that shit right by making MEANINGFUL differences between different leveled enemies. Even higher level humans would just have better gear and combat maneuvers.

In Witcher 3 you fought all creatures and men from the beginning, only some of them have arbitrarily more health or do more damage. It's fucking retarded.

The old RPG is called Cyberpunk 2020. I think the game will be reelased at the end of next year. Something like you reached the future from now on this is the future.

Blue board friend.

I seriously hope not. I'm 29 next year, after I hit 30 my chances of dying for no logical reason increase exponentially.


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One of the stipulations for CDPR to receive government funding was that it had to release for current gen consoles, i'm going to go out on a limb here and say we might be looking at a later 2019 early 2020 release.

That kinds reminds me of a character from Sleeping Dogs.

wtf are you talking about, don't you have some waifushit gacha to play

Jackie Ma, he was a good friend.
I hope he lives forever, your Mexican bro for life.

Or that you have a sub-machine gun in your arm.

at least waifushit gacha has straight males not this fucking cyberpunk gay shit

Gothic has absolute garbage combat

>Point of showing stuff to influencers is that you can show stuff that isn't 100% ready yet
This is retarded. Everyone is already acclimated to unfinished games with all that early access and beta tests.
>oh no no look at that corner hurhurhur no textures
Nobody but a few retards baiting ever mentioned the missing textures. Everyone with half a brain knew that the game was in development.

Sure it has bad combat compared to action games, but it still has the best static leveling out of any Western ARPG
>in Gothic the wolves are all low level
>In Witcher 3 some wolves are level 5 some are level 20 LMAO

Question to faggots who don't like tw3, what RPG has good combat?

You're not the kind of high class influencer they're looking for. They want someone as sophisticated as Boogie2988.

Attached: CD Projekt Influencer.jpg (1200x900, 188K)

>Nobody but a few retards baiting ever mentioned the missing textures. Everyone with half a brain knew that the game was in development.
Maybe, but 95% cp2077 discussion since gameplay demo has been nothing but that.

May 2020, like Witcha

>shitty jewtubers that know shit about cyberpunk 2020 are getting a special view so they can tell you how they get motion sickness and demand 3rd perspective
yeah whoever is responsible for marketing at CDPR is retarded why give those cretins a special viewing?
>watched all reactions for the gameplay reveal
>all game jurnos are retarded and so are all jewtubers
why give those slimeballs special treatment?

Imagine being a stupid as this person.

>95% cp2077 discussion since gameplay demo has been nothing but that
where? here it has been all sun shitposting so where is that imaginary place you're talking about?

>seething jewtuber

I still havent watched that hour long gameplay demo they put out like a year ago.
I like the Witcher, but Cyperpunk was always the least appealing setting and I can't get interested in it.
Don't most things in this setting bomb? Both Blade Runners, Deus Ex, Syndicate

Why is it a first person shooter if the first person shooter gameplay is going to be shit? Why not just make it a turn based RPG?

are you that faggot who makes cyberpunk videos and shills his jewtube here?

Friendly reminder it's going to be downgraded

Attached: admvLGj.jpg (2000x2226, 776K)

I'm hyped for pic related

Attached: mommy.png (970x541, 251K)

i don't care this is what i care about

Calm down, tough guy.

go back


You said yourself that the game's not finished. If CDPR always works down from their gameplay reveals and trailers, then how shit is this game going to be?

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (2880x1080, 2.1M)

didn't Human Revolution sell pretty well?

I fucking hate consoles so much.

i don't care how glassy it will be retard, i will be playing it on medium on low since my PC is pretty weak
what i care about is them showing separate footage to the faggot game jurmos the retarded jewtubers

It did ok but mankind divided flopped. Probably because of all the real world politics they injected into the game

Are you so new that you don't remember all these fucking threads?

Attached: cp.jpg (1920x1080, 340K)

TW3 was still gorgeous in 2015. Downgrade is a given for a multiplatform due to console bums.

>I don't care how the game looks, insta-buy
Ok retard

>b8 threads are now relevant
consider suicide

Multiplat PC games aren't spared the downgrades, son.

>Our priority is story of course
For what purpose? Why are you making an RPG then? Since when were RPGs about following a story? Stories are fun in tabletop RPGs because it feels like the players are making it themselves, they have all the choice, and the stories are generally pretty vague outlines that can adapt to whatever the players do. That doesn't work in a videogame, a videogame RPG should just be a sandbox.

Have you played any of the Witcher games

They want dragon age inquisition with GTA combat.

i am not a graphics whore faggot

their priority is gay shit

As far as I'm aware they weren't marketed as RPGs in the same way this is.

Obviously, if you don't care about seeing anything over 100 feet from you in-game.


Witcher 3 was marketed as Skyrim 2. That's why it was so successful.

That's the whole fucking point you mouthbreathing moron: showing working progress stuff leads to nothing but endless baitposting.
We haven't had proper cyberpunk thread since the gameplay demo came out.

>no in depth character customization
>no fan-made quests
>no fan-made weapons
>no flying cars
>no white people
>no dark and gritty cyberpunk atmosphere

Attached: 1553019600365.png (256x255, 100K)

Well, you're not very aware then

>unironically defending gay shit

Are you really so much of an attention whore that you have to keep giving yourself (You)s?

>unironically being retarded
non-issue, continue seething

He's right though. If they didn't even bother to animate a cutscene where you're not gay what does that say?

>working progress stuff leads to nothing but endless baitposting
I couldn't care less what retards on 4chins do, i want to see the footage for myself and not listen to the retarded observations of some oily youtuber/journalist.

Too fucking bad. You can thank the ebin trols.

we can have a proper fucking thread when cdpr shows straight male v

Fuck CD Projekt. Isn't a rocket science create a real cyberpunk city.

Attached: Entity-Component-Systems-1.png (826x350, 130K)

No, this has been a long-standing trend with AAA companies for a while now. They don't want people who will talk bad about thier games so what they do is they give some youtubers a bunch of free shit so they feel obligated to at least not shit on the game. That's why nobody pays attention to them anymore as most channels with "exclusive" gameplay are usually paid shills, whether they know it or not.

That just means I can buy my female V a shit ton of high grade lesbian prostitutes. People who want to play muh lawful neutral crusader Judge Dredd cop shit are autistic faggots and should never be serviced in any medium.

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Unless someone is gonna take bad boy points to record and post content from closed screenings there's nothing to anticipate.

>people who want to play straight characters are faggots

Attached: _68407012_anti-gayafp.jpg (800x450, 53K)

they didn't show lesbian v either female v and fag v get porked by a fat ugly mexican

Of course it is, why the fuck would they show shit to us peasants if it only leads to shitposting?

i want this game to look more futuristic but not this kowloon looking shit
thank god

But why do it again when they had extremely positive reactions to the gameplay reveal? EVERYONE loved the reveal! Why make a separate showing for jewtubers/jurnos again?

Isn't one of the core themes of the cyberpunk genre the complete moral degradation of humanity in the face of unprecedented technological advancement? What's the issue?

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I really hope you can eventually fuck her as male V

It says exactly what they explicitly literally said which you can read in the given quote.
>we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

>why the fuck would they show shit to us peasants
That's not the point either, my low IQ friend. They don't want anybody talking about the game until it drops because of course they didn't take charge and make a perfect game, they made another money printer.
>they had extremely positive reactions to the gameplay reveal

The shitposting is only here. On youtube you can look at their 500k likes and positive comments with 20k likes in the comment section.

>We think showing homosexuality is more important than representing our core audience within the game
There's not a problem with them putting politics in the game? Especially politics that have nothing to do with the core audience?

Kowloon was pretty cyberpunk, though

Although is kind of overdoing it

You're not the core audience.

>You can't buy likes on youtube and delete dislikes

Attached: 1541891236991.jpg (621x1000, 172K)

calm your autism, nigger

fuck no their priority is gay shit read this

The core audience isn't straight white men? What's the gay population percentage again? 2%?

Oh wpw, never would have thought Yea Forums would shill literally empty proc gen open worlds.

>What's the issue?
Other than Yea Forumsiggers being retarded? Nothing.

>a videogame RPG should just be a sandbox.
Then go play Skyrim with your awful mongoloid tastes. Story is extremely important in an RPG.

>show different options
>only show the fag option

You buy video games with your white dick? Fucking idpol obsessed loser. What the fuck makes you think any of that shit is relevant to whether or not you're the intended demographic?

Brainlet & Shillpilled

>Then go play Skyrim
Alternatively, the Witcher 3.

>he thinks that was needed when there was half a million people watching the reveal live on twitch
Wait're b8ting. Whoa you got me kid you totally got me!

I heard you can only play a gay male and there is no proof otherwise. Literally dropped

I feel like you've done this bit a million times before. That's some autism.

They're nothing alike.

W3 had great story tho

>What's the issue?
Nothing. It's Yea Forums being either genuinely or ironically retarded just so they can bait others and get a few (You)'s on an anonymous image board.
Just think for yourself instead of listening to a bunch of brainless retards whining over nothing in a pool of liquid shit.

What kind of an argument is that. Are you actually a sub 70 IQ nigger? How is it smart to exclude your core audience

>we were born too late for the cyberpunk worlds where all women undergo extreme bimbofication willingly

We are born to suffer

>You can't bot twitch views
Are you a naive 16 year old or a troll, I can't tell.

They showed only the straight option actually. The faggot option was shown only to the game jurnos. I don't care about the faggot option but do you know what else the jurnos saw? They saw the katana pistol combat behind closed doors in that variation of the gameplay reveal while we only saw the shotgun. That's why i say there should be no behind closed doors. Fuck the game jurnos!

>witcher 3 isn't skyrim 2


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>to exclude your core audience
At no point did any of them say that you're either game or you can't play the game. It's just irrelevant in terms of what the demo wanted to show.

What the fuck are you talking about? Skyrim IS this kind of story based "RPG" that I don't want. Skyrim just has a bunch of linear questlines, including a main quest, that you just do and explore dungeons and that's the game. That's not an RPG. I don't want Cyberpunk 2077 to just be Skyrim but in a cyberpunk setting but that's what it looks like it'll be

>he thinks that it is needed with a 10 hour stream from the devs of the most awarded game of 2015
Wait're b8ting me again, aren't you? Well done. You got me. AGAIN!

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>thing A is not thing B

You are not the core audience.

straight female and fag male they haven't shown straight male v anywhere they still fucking haven't shown straight male v it's so fucking simple

I mean that's about the level of intelligence I'd expect, go on.

I agree. Soulsborne combat is shit and tw3 shouldn't have adopt it.

Looks like absolute shit

>too late

Attached: ..ur doing it wrong.jpg (960x720, 68K)

How fucking retarded can you actually be? Are you underage?

>top priority of demo is showing gay shit

So who's the core audience? Indians? Tell me, where are a majority of videogames sold in the world?


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Skyrim is definitely not story-based. Nobody in the world has anything to say, most conversations end after a few sentences. Skyrim's focus is entirely on exploration, the world and "fun" you create yourself, ie a sandbox.

What I expected
>Blade Runner FPS
What I got
>gay punks soap opera

CDPR is dead to me

>defending skyrim 2: electric boogaloo

That was obviously impossible if the joygirl wasn't encoded for that encounter yet. Considering that what we saw was nowhere near a finished product i understand. Why don't you?

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It certainly worked on you I'd say
You literally can't talk about anything else but how gay Cyberpunk is. If they wanted to further the gay agenda, they succeeded with you beyond words.

you said they showed straight option they only showed straight female not straight male

I think it's in the same places where homosexuality is generally accepted :^)

Hey guys check out this gameplay demo that's meant to be free marketing for us, also here's a t-shirt and a mug. "Wait, why can't you be straight?"

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There's no way cdpr would go for a 2019 release when they could do 2020,the year the original rpg is set in

It's gonna be amazing, but it makes sense Yea Forums hates it. Right leaning people don't like cyberpunk unless you can be a cop and shoot minorities.

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And it’ll cost you 1500 dollars a month for that one room you rent, and you’ll be happy that’s it goy. one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well/

Why are you like this?

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CP2077 is the only videogame I'm actually lookong forward to from E3. The only other thing is cringe and tabbing off when they dont show gameplay or its Ubisoft gameplay so they may as well not be showing gameplay anyways.

>homosexuality is generally accepted
In majority straight white countries? I agree.

Aren't straight females straight?

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why the fuck is straight male v an afterthought they didn't fucking code male v fucking a woman but they prioritized v getting assfucked? they couldn't get off their ass to code a woman? that shows straight male v is their lowest fucking priority in development.


I love everything about it minus the part where they have special showings for the jewtubers and the game jurnos.

Yeah and? Do you think it just won't exist?

user I think you have some legitimate issues you need to work through.

Cyberpunk worlds are shit places to live that’s why. You wouldn’t be the hero cop solving the mystery irl, you’d be the victim of an organ harvesting ring or faulty implants. Or you’d live in a cyber ghetto paying amazon thousands to rent your wagie cage for the night after shift.

My only issues are gay propaganda

I'm hyped as fuck. Been wanting big budget cyberpunk game for ages

So who are they alienating again? Not their core audience.

they haven't fucking shown it exists all i fucking want is for them to fucking show straight male v exists they can't even fucking do that

Straight white people

He can't stop thinking about the gays.
Literally every time the word Cyberpunk appears, his brain just switched to gays.
2077? Gays.
CDPR? Gays.
Every preview? Gays.
Every news article? Gays.
He just can't stop thinking about the gays. The gays are here, the gays are there, the gays are watching, the gays are listening, the gays are all around us.
The gays.

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>game is supposed to depict a dystopian city
>hurr why isn't every character a straight aryan male

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Their target audience was the faggot game jurnos obviously. That's why jewtubers and faggot game jurnos should be removed. they didn't intend to show this to us and only thanks to me and a few other fellows spamming the forums, their twitter and every other place with SHOW US GAMEPLAY gave us the 50 minute gameplay demo.


why would you even assume it won't exist though?

jesus christ how many of these have you made

You're contradicting yourself

just stop

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they refuse to show it exists but showing gay shit is so fucking important to them

No you just refuse to admit that faggots are 2% of the population and aren't the core audience of anything expect aids and domestic abuse.

he is autistic so he is probably making a few every day

>they refuse to show it exists
Again, why would you even assume it doesn't though?

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Holy fuck do you people think Cyberpunk is night time, neon, and strong societal values that ward off deviance in an era of unrivalled corporate power and personal pursuit? Fags and unironic further/transhumanists would be everywhere as a hedonistic moment to escape their shitty life would be ever more common. Last reveal the people whining about gay shit were likely the ones whining about the female lead not being ladylike and mannerly which completely grates against the setting to maintain some purity bullshit.

they are the core of the game jurno/youtube community tho

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>every character
Nope, only the aristocracy caste should be "aryan".

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>they are the core of the game jurno/youtube community
So like, .0001% of the population?

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Man i love this and the fatso in the cart. Makes this feel truly American.

so who wants to bet that all the people in this thread are going to put 100 hours minimum into the game

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cause it's fucking stupid to prioritize gay shit over straight male and fucking worse to ONLY SHOW GAY SHIT AND NOT STRAIGHT MALE

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that's why i keep telling you that we should be working on making sure they don't get special viewings but you retards are too stupid to get it

>people outraged because they showed gay option
are you that unsure of your sexuality that you are afraid that seeing some gay shit will turn you gay?

>people shitting on witcher and cdpr games
wonder what you usually play user, I'm really interested now. Please enlighten me and show me what games should I play. It is clear to see one of my favorite game series belongs in the trash.

>people saying your choices won't matter in the game
can you give me a source on that? I actually felt my choices actually mattered in the witcher series.

don't get me wrong bros, but you are all just trying to shittalk a game that isn't even out yet. Saw OP, I was glad that somebody is actually anticipating an upcoming title and I wanted a comfy thread. I knew there were going to be some people who will think it's going to be mediocre, but fuck...I barely see anything positive in here. I'm disappointed in you bros.

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user, I think you're in the closet, desu

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Easily short of an unpleasant surprise. Give me a shooter with solid gameplay, an interesting world and great writing then you've got Pathologic but with actual gameplay and that's a winner.

Why are you ignoring my outrage on them having special viewing for the game jurnos and the jewtubers?

pls tell me what book this is.

>We need to stop youtuber shills
Gaming journalism as a whole is cancer, this is what gamergate was about. Nothing can be done because the pure nepotism of the industry prevents any balanced people from gaining a foothold. It's Californian politics, it's best to just ignore them. Unless you have like 5 nukes at the ready.

>all these cyberpunk edits making people seethe

>someone doesn't want gay shit
>"lol that means they secretly want gay shit"
fucking retarded propaganda that's your go to

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I'm more interested in just which autist will end up cracking first. Right now we've got sunguy, STRAIGHT MALE V, XV-kun, WRPG-kun, Michael and his DEmake 2, Barry, ACfag. I just want to see an all-out brawl between them, just once.

Imagine unironically seething this fucking hard...

Attached: 1General Purpose Annoyed Cat.jpg (640x427, 90K)

I try not to let myself get too hyped for games. CD Projekt Red does have a good track record, but past results are no guarantee of similar results in the future.

/pol/ does not obsess over fags as hard and that's my main bait board.

That's pretty shit, but unfortunately the norm nowadays.

Nobody that is certain about their heterosexuality talks this much about gay people, relentlessly. There's nothing you can talk about re: CP2077, but gay people. You're hyperfocused on nothing but the gays. Hell, by having the gay v, I'd say they found their target audience just perfectly. It's you, my dude.

>schizo swinging at shadows again

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>Oh you have arachnaphobia?

I just hope for more good cyberpunk meme.

user, you yourself just admitted that their core audience has no problem with gay people. Which you could also logically deduce from the fact that their game contains gay people. Ergo ipso facto you are not the core audience.

>unironically defends gay shit
>claims others are gay

Yeah man, think about it, surely there wouldn't be anyone on this site who just repeatedly posts the same thing over and over and over again, thanks to relentless autism. No way!

That's the whole point. I want for them to show us the exactly same video that they show the game jurnos/jewtubers so i can completely ignore that influencer cancer.

Wow the ol' "if you care about politics you're gay" routine.

They have all the main themes and aesthetics of cyberpunk wrong so nah, its gonna be shit.

game journos and youtubers usually get early copies, it's not a secret. They showed something that's still going to probably change, to start a conversation and get people talking about the game. I don't like it either desu, but hey marketing teams are always up for trying something cheap that gets people talking.

I wasn't even defending it. I don't assume for a second that there's only a gay option. It's so inconsequential that I just don't care. You clearly do, more than anything.

>so i can completely ignore that influencer cancer.
Never going to happen. As it is game devs are already blockading all discussion of their games until release.

I mean, if there's nothing you can talk about than the gays, what am I to assume?

>are you that unsure of your sexuality that you are afraid that seeing some gay shit will turn you gay?
Why do you faggots think this way? Most straights are repulsed by seeing gay shit. Its only natural for us to feel that way. To think we don't want to see gay shit because it will turn us gay is one of the dumbest things I've read. You faggots come up with some real crazy mental gymnastics to try to explain what you don't understand.

>Straight white people are the majority of the consumer base
>straight white people aren't the core audience
Kill yourself nigger

I could not possibly be less hyped for GTA: Tumblr Edition

>"I showed you my cybernetics, now answer me"

So just because gay propaganda is about gays you can't talk about it? How retarded are you?

I would have thought that nobody is dumb enough to, at the same time, assume there's only straight female or gay male options, but then there's this thread, so whatever.

Well what about Divinity: Original Sin 2? The game was open to the public early on since it was kickstarted... so i guess this can't work with Cyberpunk 2077 but i'd really love for them to give us the information instead of us having to listen the regurgitated version from the mouth of a faggot jewtuber who doesn't know shit about Cyberpunk2020, game developement or anything for that matter.

>I'll never eat cyberpussy

There's a gameplay demo with a bunch of different things, and there's stuff coming out. There's the tabletop, the setting, and so on and so on.

All you can focus on are the gays. Everything else is irrelevant to you, but the gays. user, pardon the assumption but it really does end up looking like you've got nothing but cock on your mind.

You're not reading the words that I am putting on your screen. Or even your own words. Straight white people by and large have no problem with gay people. You said this yourself.

Kickstarter games aren't AAA games user. They rely on their core players to be their marketing. The problem with kickstarters is many have realized once they have enough money they can ignore the people who helped them get started and make a casual money printing machine.

While we can all understand why they're upset even if it isnt relatable I think the stronger topic to touch upon is why does it being an option straight people will likely never pick matter so much when it is very much a self-insert title and with worldspace context fits in much better than say a medieval society or another one where gays are established as abhorrent? Why does someone else having the choice mattter so much when they demonstrated a ztraight couole first especially? Is it purely because a man wasnt the player character and they self insert into a fucking E3 demo/trailer they themselves have no agency or interactivity with?

give one better faggots

>Straight white people by and large have no problem with gay people

how much pixels will the put on the feets?

what you can't fucking refute is cdpr still haven't fucking shown straight male v after already showing fucking female v and gay v. straight male v should've been fucking first and they're not showing it at all.

>give one better faggots
Not him but if we are talking about mele combat in the third perspective i'd say that Severance:Blade of Darkness is the best example for how it should be done.

I focus on many things in these threads but it immediately devolves into screeching about gays. I didn't start it.

You. You said this. The countries where this video game is expected to sell are also the countries most accepting of homosexuality.

I'm assuming it's partially to push journos off their backs for a while because of the vultures they are, and because it's just really irrelevant in the end. Character could have awakened snogging a toaster for all I care.

Ok let me also give you a (you). Also you are a closet faggot. I've never seen anyone else that obsessed with faggotry. You gay son.

I never said that, you said it. And I want a source.

the problem is developers showing off lies in their marketing materials retard

Sekiro because while it is also a game of patterns where you're standing and other mechanics coming into play to optimally fight different enemies/sets of patterns it isnt Dark Souls' level "bait attack, roll in an ideal direction towards the enemy, smack them twice' and repeat short of parrying literally everything like you should.

she's the player character, user. you can't fuck her, you can only be fucked as her

Why would I refute something that's already crystal clear? It's completely irrelevant, I just find it hilarious that it's stuck so hard in your mind.

That's why we need to see the footage for ourselves and not listen to second hand version from a game jurno/jewtuber.

Gothic 2

that's corpo mommy actually
look at the hair

then stop fucking arguing like it's not true they haven't shown straight male v fuck you

And you want a source for homosexuality being more accepted in the West than anywhere in the world? Really? Well, I want a source proving straight white men are alienated by the ability to fuck a dude in a video game, then.

I never said it wasn't true. I just kept repeating that it's foolish to assume there won't be any. Well that and the fact that you've got cock on your mind.

>Give me a source for your claims
>no u
I accept your concession


People really don't care dude. Skyrim, one of the most normalfag-friendly games of all time, lets you be in a gay furry relationship and adopt children by vanilla mechanics and no one gives a shit.

you can thank their marketing department that was involved in the creation of the gameplay demo


Why can't you refute Trump's fast food Whitehouse hosting? Is it something to refute or a spectacle to witness rather than the claim CP2077 showing a gay couple pushing an agenda being refuted by them showing a straight couple first and there undoubtably being a straight male option as well? Why are you so offended by gay representation let alone gay representation after straight representation?

>seething this long, this hard
Unironically kill yourself already

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California is not america

Anything is better than this garbage

It's clearly working on you, gayboy.


Your claim came first, retard.
How is that less petty? It's even more of a non-issue.

What if this was made on purpose though. V is customizable, CDPR might have intentionally made the current male V a Geralt look-a-like just to pay homage to their popular title.

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Oh yes it is and the degenerate landscape fits Cyberpunk perfectly.

Did skyrim's gamepaly trailers have you marrying a man and crawling out of bed with him?

Unironically schizo. Thinks the marketing team showing a gay option and a straight option but not the straight male option is an attack rather than basic marketing to two demographics.

>Literally counting the days bros.
How many left?

I was over-exaggerating with that part. I get it you don't want to see it, but you know you can play a straight character right? Since they made that clear I had no problem with them showing gay shit. Once I get my copy I can play however I want and I can enjoy the 3d tits of the hookers or romance options in the game.

I wish they did, maybe you'd have come out of the closet sooner.

>refuse to market to straight male demographic
the demographic that actually fucking plays games how are those thronebreaker sales lmao

Skyrim never showed 50 minutes of gameplay if we have DESU. Also Skyrim is shit.

So that's a no. Skyrim didn't have homosexual propaganda in the gameplay trailers.

fucking backtracking little bitch

Come on, answer seriously.
Gothic 2 was decent game but it's combat was worse than vtmb.

I intend to play straight male V as a straight male. Stop crying like a little faggot and either pretending to be autistic or actually being unironically autistic and an exhibition of autismos getting locked onto semantics while missing the larger argument most normal people needn't put effort into understanding; that there are different options for different orientations of players.

Did the Witcher 3 have homosexual propaganda in the trailers?

It's going to be shit, but I'll see after few years if it has become worth a pirate thanks to mods and patches.
Hard pass until then.

Neither did Cyberpunk 2077. What we saw was straight sex between a man and a woman.

Unironically schizo. What the fuck is Thronebreaker and why do you think it matters to me? What irrational connection did you draw and where did it even come from? Are you assuming I'm a different user and assuming you can tell?

if there are different options then show the fucking straight male option it's so fucking simple


Isn't that boss supposed to summon hounds?

read this you fucking retards fuck you

If i play a Corp I dont have to be a faggot or whore right?

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>it didn't
But it did, and the devs explicitly stated it was homosexual propaganda.

we don't know yet cdpr refuses to fucking show you can be straight male

>straight male v should've been fucking first and they're not showing it at all.
Holy shit the entitlement lol

not getting it and calling me a bitch when I have to explain it to you. in the very same post I asked you to enlighten me with your """superior""" taste in games. Wonder if you took that seriously aswell you faggot.

Why are you so upset they didnt and if you believe there's deeper malicious reasoning could you state it in a way that doesnt assert yourself as a baseless voice of authority to soapbox preach how things should be and why this is bad with no context to previous straight couple options being shown or the common sense there's more options to show and this isnt one relevant to you that a marleter with room temperature IQ could understand gets people talking abouy the game in one manner or another, with the abrasively overreactive willfully ignorant side being the key audience that will keep shilling their game for absolutely free, believing their impotent rage is anything but a harnessable shillforce.

I've never seen it. Did you see it? Care to share a link to the video?

I'm going to assume that if it was a straight male v and a lesbian v, you wouldn't have a single word about the gay agenda. Then again, you literally cannot stop thinking about cock.


Because it's well known there's an active push within the gaming community to force out the core audience and "brainwash" kids with propaganda.

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But they showed him. He was in the trailer.

Do you have any idea how incredibly insecure you look right now?


fuck off retard

Oh yeah, I'm absolutely sure CDPR is very actively working on making sure none of the dirty straight males will want to play their videogame.

>"brainwash" kids with propaganda
The game is aimed at 18+ you based retard or the gore and the tits that were shown in the gameplay reveal weren't enough of a hint for you?

how are those thronebreaker sales you fucking cunt lol

There isnt a problem though aside from the issue people seem to believe after straight representation last year gay representation and showing the male player model off is bad rather than killing two birds with one stone and maintaining a popular face with journalists. Why do you believe there is a problem and do you believe you've done well tjia thread showing people who feel the same as you to be reasonable people who can explain their feelings rather than ride the high on feelings?

Insecure for recognizing a real threat to gaming?

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It's a singleplayer card game you tard.

You will have to be a fucktoy for female superiors.

Not TW3. Fucking Fable 2 is about as complex and challenging as TW3

OH no, they'd never use games to brainwash children.

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Let me guess: you watch futa and live in a closet. Right?

Unironic Schizos who likely leads a very boring life to the point you feel videogames are targetting you in a negative way. I hope you're only pretending to be both retarded and mentally ill or your ability to give yourself reality checks is seriously fucked and you probably shouldnt be on a site where people make a game out of seeing how much insane shit they can say and how much insane shit they can back it up with for shits and giggles.


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What does Thronebreaker have to do with this? How does that even factor in?

I'm sure CDPR is working tirelessly to exclude straight people from their games. Definitely. Absolutely.

>the based retard is still talking about children
You are going off topic based retard. Gotta work on that shitposting more.

it's nu cdpr woke bullshit that fucking destroyed them lmao good work fag cdpr lol they have one chance with cyberpunk

imagine being so mad that you have to type in all caps on Yea Forums


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>I hate gay propaganda!
>saves all the gay propaganda

It's only a threat if you're an insecure little bitch boy

Did DICE ever apologize to their fans for all that stupid political rewriting of history they did after the game bombed?


>CDPR is based they'd never do this
>kids don't play mature games

Attached: 1558360919812.jpg (847x507, 56K)

>it's nu cdpr woke bullshit that fucking destroyed them
What. Where? What are you talking about? You mean the niche singeplayer cardgame didn't sell? What nucdpr, what are you talking about

Attached: Cyberpunk_2077_reveal.gif (500x394, 973K)

This is about building an inclusive game studio culture. It's in the title. I don't think they're going to be hiring children. So everything you just said has nothing to do with your pic whatsoever.

>gay option is political
>this definitely means CDPR wants to exclude straight males
user I think you're starting to spend way too much time here.

You need to go back to pol if you're primarily here for identity politics and secondarily for the games you wrongly interpret them as domineering and thus allow to domineer through your own lens, one unrelatable to other people.

>kids don't play mature games
>the failings of the parents are now the responsibility of developers
Are you insane?

does this bonnie ruberg work at cdpr? because a simple google search told me that she has nothing to do with cdpr, cyberpunk or the witcher games

There are some genuinely broken people on Yea Forums, huh. Wonder if the board caused it or if they were already crazy when they got here.

>I'm retarded
Thanks for letting the class know

Attached: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt.jpg (782x1000, 593K)

The ironic thing about this is that if you look closely, Isaac's vision changes color, which only ever happened in the game whenever he was having a hallucination.

What, you're pro-white supremacist now? And what does this have to do with the conversation at all?

>reminder that the scene plays out the same as when you play as a male protag.

It's going to be hilarious watching people sperg when they see the dude climb out of bed.

Legitimately nobody benefits from spending years and years on this site. There's interesting discussion and things to learn, but unless you're really good at filtering out pure garbage, it eats at you over time.

In the final game you'll have a choice. This is only for the demo since not everything was encoded.

Don't forget that straight white gamers are responsible for the New Zealand shooting.

not exclusively Yea Forums, but other boards aswell. or failures irl.

tw3s combat is the furthest thing from souls

they won't fucking show it cdpr won't fucking show straight male why the fuck not

Don't bother.

I will never get over the fact that the shooter outline word for word that he's doing all of this to sow chaos.

And then everyone did exactly what he wanted. Fucking clown world.

How will they do that?
>finish customizing face
>finish customizing stats
>Did your character fuck a man or a woman last night

At least by the player a drink first, amirite.

Every single time

That slide is completely correct they're just using a different definition of political than you, because clearly when you say political you just mean "opinions that I don't like"

There's an actual push from radical left Discords to identify mentally ill posters and exacerbate their condition in hopes it leads to violence or suicide, and gets pinned on Yea Forums despite people putting time, effort and organization into their sick fuckery.

It was a scene that we didn't get the beginning off. The dude was a joyboy that you can order from your vending machine. You even see him counting his money as he leaves. So this is a scene you get after ordering a joyboy or a joygirl from the vending machine.

off yourself

What conference or show will they show the game on? I would think PC gaming but since epic is sponsoring, I have my doubts.

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>redefining what political means

imagine killing yourself, because you read bad words on Yea Forums. This actually makes me want to kill myself.

when will they fucking show straight male v

This game sounds fun.

Microsoft, like always.

It's not Yea Forums, it's discord. 30 years olds telling youngs boys and girls to expose themselves and take pills

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>being hyped for SJWpunk


It's more that schizophrenics have direct markers and ways you can appeal to drawing nonsensical connections that further detach them from reality and reasoning that aligns to it. They're targeted because they can be and you could of done it when you were 12 alongside the fact those targeting them have unironically painted a site in a broad stroke that labels the users irredeemable and worthy of becoming sacrificial lambs for their agenda.

Yes it does. We had a few anons that had cutouts of all the fun ads that were seen in the gameplay reveal.
>midnight lady sex mod
>DEVON three mouths mod
>the sex ad with the dude sniffing a womans ass
I have very high hopes.
They already shown him in the trailer.

have sex.

it's funny when lefties pull shit like this, they analyze games and apply a political meaning to literally fucking everything, and then use that as justification for just forcing their own opinions into their """"art""""

Witcher 3 had ass creed combat, you retard

stop fucking lying male v in the trailer didn't fuck any women shut the fuck up

>unless you're really good at filtering out pure garbage
It's really not that hard, but I guess it depends on how impressionable you are and what you come to this site for. I think a lot of people come here for a sense of community and all that so they're not going to filter anything out and are going to be influenced by the culture, even all the "ironic" stuff.
But usually it's not hard to tell the difference between a shitpost thread filled with cancerous /pol/ newfags and a nice thread with actual discussion. Most people probably shouldn't come into threads like this that are clearly just shitposting, I only do it because I'm a masochist who enjoys arguing with people on the internet. I mean I probably shouldn't do that, if not for myself then at least for the board, but this board is so far gone that it doesn't really matter anymore

fuck...this is fucked. thanks for informing me bros.

He was still straight.

Aren't XV-kun and Barry the same person? Also why would he be here if this have zero things to do with Square.

Reminder you and I are the bad guys, not them.

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