ITT: Masochistic tryhards who lord their persistence and taste above random strangers on the internet

ITT: Masochistic tryhards who lord their persistence and taste above random strangers on the internet

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t. underaged zoomer

Have sex

Come on user don't be so hard on yourself, I'm sure you'll find someone that will love you for who you are someday.

OP is, yet again, a faggot.

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I have never understood the term tryhard, why would you bother doing something but not put in any effort?

it's meant to refer to those who try too hard, and diminish the point

"Try harder than me" basically.

diminish the point of what you retard virgin

But this isn't a shmup thread

>wooooooooow you just won because you were trying to win

Dark Souls is a zoomer franchise tho

>Masochistic tryhards
It's just a fun arpg series with nice level design, a non-gaudy aesthetic and lovely atmosphere.

As long as you haven't forgotten the Action Game 101 of "watch enemy for telegraph", it's not there to be a hard series.

It's not even that hard. I'm not saying that like "bro I'm so fucking good you should git gud come on get on my level." I'm genuinely trash at video games of basically all genres. I have never considered myself good at any game aside from something that literally requires zero skills, like a turn-based JRPG. Dark Souls isn't hard. Punishing, but not hard. The things it wants you to execute are simple as fuck, but failing to do so gives you very little leeway before you hit a fail state.

My first playthrough of dark souls was amazing. I felt challenged, and had to use my brain to overcome any obstacles. Any other playthroughs made me realize how boring/tedious the game is. Dying isn't even a punishment, and the only reason to keep playing is pvp bullshit. Dark souls skill levels plateaued so hard, it's not even considered a hard game anymore, just tedious.

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Also, grinding levels is absolutely an option unless you're paying zero attention to what you're doing, and leveling up makes boss fights a lot easier.

I agree somewhat. People here think difficulty is synonymous with quality. That's how bosses are ranked, the most difficult one is automatically the best one somehow.

It's not, though. DS1's most difficult boss is universally considered the worst in the game, because it's shit difficulty. A proper, fair challenge DOES make a boss good, though. And even then, you aren't gonna often see people preferring Manus and Kalameet over Artorius, despite the former two's higher difficulty.

Because Artorias can jump and dash which makes for a fun dynamic fight, Manus and Kalameet are too heavy for that.

I agree. I'm pointing out that "the most difficult one is automatically the best" is a clearly false statement. Artorias is nearly always considered the best DS1 boss, and is certainly not the hardest. BoC, on the other hand, is probably responsible for more deaths than any other, even among veteran DS players, and is often considered the worst. Even "fair" bosses that are more difficult than Arty, like Manus and Kalameet, are usually ranked lower, because their fights are simply less fun.

Proper difficulty is an important factor in fun, but not the only one.

I think it's a problem From is still trying to solve, how do you make big boss fights fun? Yhorm was supposed to be this epic fear inducing undead giant as seen from the trailer but in the end you just exploit his slowness and finish him off, unless Sigmeyer does it first.

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Kalameet's a bitch because you're looking to cut his tail off first and he almost never lowers it. I spent more deaths trying to get the Obsidian Greatsword than I did actually killing him afterwards.

Also interesting thing
>Get Lordvessel
>Complete Painted World
>Leave and rest at the Anor Londo Firekeeper bonfire
>Warp to Painted World
>Dash straight to Priscilla without resting at the bonfire
>Start fight with Priscilla, cut off her tail
>Homeward Bone, warps me back to the Anor Londo bonfire
>Travel to the Undead Parish and get my sins absolved, which turns hostile NPCs neutral again
>Return to the Painted World
>Re-enter the boss chamber
>Priscilla is there with a regrown tail, neutral again, but will no longer speak with the Chosen Undead despite the prompt appearing
So huh

Pretty neat. I guess you can farm up Prissy tails that way?

The problem with dark souls is that there's tons of different stuff that makes the game waaay easier but it generally doesn't tell you about it, it doesn't really even tell you about stuff you need to do or what stuff you might need to get better or how the game in general rpg-terms functions, even if it's pretty basic in general. It's just a big lack of information desu.

I think you can only get one of her knives, since repeating boss fights and cutting off tails again doesn't give you more of that tail weapon. I wasn't gonna try it because I just wanted her knife without killing her.

Masochist if you suck at it I guess, I have a great time with Demons Souls, DS1, DS2, DS3, Bloodborne, Nioh, Sekiro, overall I don't find the games that hard, there's definitly some challenging sections like Isshin The Sword Saint in Sekiro, that took me a few tries, as well Demon of hatred, but overall the games just require patience, skill and good observation really, so I wouldn't say I'm a masochist as I don't find the games THAT punishing.

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souls is a zoomer franchise that gives the illusion of difficulty because you just have to be patient and think about what you are doing

>dude wow this is so hard i walked into a dumb spike trap thing i didnt know was there but now i know its there so i wont do it next time
>wow i was patient enough to rote memory my way through and dying a bunch and beat the game looks like i got gud haha im really skilled

you‘re describing every game. fucking idiot

Nah, first game came out in 2009 (DeS). DS came out in 2011.