I'll hold them back

>I'll hold them back

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playing mankind divided right now. somethings missing and I cant really put my finger on what

the other half of the game

It's pretty obvious that it's the middle game in a trilogy and also rushed.

This was the dumbest shit
>game actually wants you to NOT leave out the window

Its missing soul

The lack of depth the first and second games had. IW was a shallower game than DX1 but it at least had layers of themes. MD and HR are almost solely focused on human augmentation. They shouldn't even be DX games.

The game lets you do both. Helping Paul fight out is only made official by IW.

Jensen is the prequel to everything happening in the very first game though and the focus is on him.

Hipster trash.
Human Revolution at least had memorable characters, they all got sidelined in MD for some mulatto Alyx clone and a bunch of other literal whos.
The level design and difficulty is just way too dumbed down as well. Everything always has 10 solutions and you can murder the fuck out of everybody with very little difficulty.
The story is also just fucking terrible. I hate the racism allegory and leftist undertones to everything, and I hate how far they have gone away from the real world conspiracy shit from the original. HR's story was nothing amazing but it was servicable, it felt "Deus Ex" at least, it had the conspiracy shit and it felt politically ambiguous.

>game is about questioning the narrative and finding your own path

>MD and HR are almost solely focused on human augmentation.
I also had an issue with this. I could deal with it in HR since the game ends at the climax of that issue, it makes sense that the augmentation craze could have died down by the events of DX. But they made Aug's the focus of the next game as well which was a huge mistake. The whole Augmentation thing is much less compelling than an engineered plague.

First time playing that game there is no way you would think "Yeah I'll stick around and walk out the door" when Paul is shouting at you to GTFO.
I think the first time I played DX I helped Paul kill the dudes then I left out the window cos I thought it was over, but he still died because you actually need to walk out the door into a cutscene trigger to save him. Its pretty janky.

MD is setting up the story about how the plague was started but the game was so rushed.

But there's still so many augmented. In DX there's almost none. At most people have a few wires in their heads and some have more obvious augs, but the vast majority of people are just normal.

It's lacking ⅔ of the game, and a lot of the shit that Jensen went through before MD was relegated to novels and comics. I seem to remember them saying that those events will be remade in-game as DLC, but that never happened.

I didn't like how HR and MD forced you into playing a specific way if you wanted the most XP. The games are more like MGS than they are Deus Ex. Deus Ex let you solve problems in a way you wanted, it didn't favorably reward a non-lethal stealth approach like the two new games do.

Yeah that too. I usually play the stealthy non-lethal guy anyway because it makes it more fun, but its gay when you can't play any way you want. Which is what put Deus Ex on the map.

yea its like combat is entirely optional

I'll take the GEP gun.

Attached: gep gun.jpg (1440x900, 146K)

like you have to go out of your way that is.

>Game let's the player identify with the protagonist on an existential level.

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>it didn't favorably reward a non-lethal stealth approach like the two new games do.
Knockouts give you more XP than kills and passing through sections of missions without being detected gives you a massive stealth XP bonus. The one thing that used to be a problem in DXHR and mostly still is in DXMD is that you don't get any extra XP for sneaking past threats entirely without interacting with them even though it's in most cases objectively harder. The only reason it isn't as bad in MD is that you get a disposition bonus in the debate against Rucker if you get all the way to him with zero violence, ie. no kills or knockouts.

>hey you can have this pissy little crossbow (which you can get in about 2 minutes by walking up the steps and shooting a terrorist)
>or you can have this sniper rifle (which you can also get in this level)
>or you can have this super rare turbo powered ROCKET LAUNCHER that can blow open doors and destroy everything in a single hit (of which there are only 3 in the entire game)


>anti-discrimination is leftist
go the fuck outside you stupid /pol/nigger

>I seem to remember them saying that those events will be remade in-game as DLC
Now that I think about it, kidnapped child soldiers won't look good pitted against a cyborg that the Czech Republic classifies as "walkng WMD cleared to use WMDs"

Heavy weapons, bionic legs and heavy into enviromental training was great.

Stealthing in Deus Ex is a meme.

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>my fringe far left politics are mainstream!
Oh go fuck yourself cunt and take your forced "cyber apartheid" and homosexual boss with adopted kid with you.

That's not the real problem. The real one is :
>kill everyone in the building, thus saving him
>if you leave out the window afterwards instead of the front door, the game assumes you let him die

Yeah thats what I meant

Deus ex was always leftist, the first game literally forces you to side with communists.

>Deus ex was always leftist, the first game literally forces you to side with communists.

>here is no way you would think "Yeah I'll stick around and walk out the door" when Paul is shouting at you to GTFO
I agree that the door/window trigger is too binary and simplistic, but why would there be "no way" you would want to try and help your brother just because he's saying he'll be fine and you should leave?

Who were the pinkos though?

Because you killed the enemies and he literally says I'll be fine go out the window?

Despite being 2052, DX felt like it was still in the 90s but with some special super tech here and there. DX felt grounded and real. Its more likely how things are going to be in 2052.

HR implies that in less than 10 years from now, we are going to have these mega duel-tiered cities, people from hobos to the rich and elite are going to be dressing in some goofy looking way and that a huge chuck of the population is going to be willing to get their limbs cut off to replace their limbs. The only people I could realistically see getting augment are military persons and those who lost a limb, eye, or whatever.

HR fucked itself by being a DX game. It should have been its own cyberpunk setting that could have focused more on the ideas of transhumanism. Because that's what the two new games are about. The conspiracies got overshadowed by their racism allegory.

Wait... Is it actually possible to save him?

Yes dingus.

nigga Deus Ex predicted the future

that game is literally the 2010s down to almost the exact detail


that's some bullshit that only basement dwellers think has a chance of happening

I hope Deus Ex is right about Pakistan and India nuking each other into extinction

EndWar also had that. Chinks had to turtle and protect their country due to fallout. Britain jerks themselves off while the rest of the world kill each other with lasers and gigantic metal rods.

Fucking HOW?! If I go out the window it obviously doesn't work, but if I go through the door then there's just a shootout. What the fuck?!

Wait for the enemies to blow down the door and attack, kill them, go out the door and Paul will talk to you.

Giving you a rare end-game weapon in the first level was pretty stupid. They clearly meant to give you one of those disposable rocket launchers instead.


There's two ways to save him actually.

Either killing the enemies or "dying" before he does. They'll capture both you and paul.

Yeah it wasn't their best decision. Especially the part where you can blow up all the doors and just bypass most of the entire game.

How? They have additional rockets to collect through out the level and more so on all the other early levels. The trade off of taking the GEP gun is that you won't have many shots compared to the other weapons and it takes up a fuck load of space.

I hope you faggots use the Shifter mod.

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But then he gets into a gunfight with them anyway.

Yeah you're supposed to die after that point.

Unironically an objective improvement over base game.

Are you actually retarded? Your brother asks you to flee, because he wants to save you. Do you still do it, leaving him to die?

Those unique weapons it adds are fucking awesome. That unique silent pistol and the other dragons tooth prototypes are sick.

>Not hiding in the closet so Big Bro Paul realizes he needs to go full Clutch Mode and massacre everyone to save JC

>blow up all the doors and just bypass most of the entire game
..that's the point of the game, you can explode the doors, or lockpick them, or do a security bypass, or find the key, or look for another route
you're not "bypassing the game", you're playing it
I hate this fucking zoomer view of things where doing anything that isn't strictly instucted by the game is "wrong"

Its okay user, its established as a great game, you dont have to rush to its defense every time someone criticizes a tiny bit of it.

>JC turns on the dragon's tooth when he equips it
>this means when its off, its just a hilt
>despite this, the dragon's tooth takes up 4 squares in the inventory

Way to fuck it up.

The original deus ex had story reasons for rewarding you for taking less violent measures. A fair number of your buddies at UNATCO were either NSF sympathizers or at least had a vision for the coalition being peacekeepers over killers. They would reward you for going out of your way to minimize casualties. Even later on you're given hostage situations to incentivize you toward not just going guns blazing, but otherwise the gloves come off and you're free to do whatever you want against MJ12.

HR/MD, though? You just get bonus experience from nowhere, no matter who you're up against, you're directed to employ the same pacifistic playstyle the whole damn game. Hell, against some enemies the non-lethal weapons are more effective at dropping them than actual guns.

>The lack of depth the first and second games had.
>second game

Attached: 144142-145634.png (300x234, 49K)

>Deus ex was always leftist, the first game literally forces you to side with communists.
Who in original Dues ex are communists you fuck head.

HR pissed me off because busting through walls with my fists of fury would randomly kill people I had no way of seeing.

If you give me the option to punch the enemy, i will punch every enemy in the game, regardless of whether it's a lethal takedown or not. In this case it was not. So when I punch a wall, punching that wall shouldn't fuck up my pacifist run god damn it.


UNATCO hurt my weenie.

If anything the first game is one of the most redpilled right wing games of all time
The best ending is literally totalitarian dictatorship, not to mention all the shit about jewish bankers and the EU trying to destroy culture and identity
That's pretty fucking funny user

Which of these is better:
-Gay boss that fucking tells you right in your face about his gayness as if it's important even though it has no bearing on the story
-Boss who does his job and you can find one photo of him with his husband and adopted kid when you sneak into his house and the matter is mentioned literally never
-Boss who is a character with zero ingame hints regarding any of his private life but the developers have externally revealed that he's gay as if it matters like J.K Rowling's retarded retcons


IW is a deeper game than HR or MD. Those two games are almost entirely racism allegories about augmentation. While IW also includes the augmentation question, false-flag market competition and how we should be ruled. IW is the younger brother that didn't turn out to be a doctor-lawyer and president of the free world, IW is just a store manager at Walmart.

None, the sexual orientation of a character doesn't matter in most video games. It only really matters in porn games.

Middle if you must make him gay. First is tokenism and last is death of the author.

Played with GMDX recently shit was cash.

you didn't have any counter-argument, nice try friend

Fags that "adopt" kids will get the guillotine

I think of this as comparing the idealized 1950's to the dark age of the 1980's. It wasn't that many decades, but things did really downgrade quite severely. The sleek splendor of the 2020's cybernetic craze was suppressed by the Illuminati's influence and by the 2050's almost all of it is gone as planned. Stockpile the advancements for the elite and disempower the plebs.

>mfw saved everyone but Miller
He deserved better

Literally half the game lol, Human Revolution also has that gutted feeling since it has one locale (Detroit).

Fuck you Paul, first you want me to prod with the prod and then because of that I don't even have a GEP gun with me to silently take down everyone in the building.

What about GMDX? Anyone plays this mod?

The problem is, that's not very interesting. It's like fighting a giant robot trashing the city vs watching the evil genius make a robot for half a year, screw some screws, drive to the hardware store to get some more shit, pick paint for three hours since there's a bilion colours etc.


I dont like it, changes the game too much. Shifter just improves the experience of the original without changing any major mechanics or graphics or anything like that.

Reminder, best mod is getting remastered. TNM 2.0 is coming

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this cant be /pol/bros..

Okay, so just leave out any family photos or references to relationships since it's inconsequential?

Fucking this. I killed everything that tried to kill him but since i went out of the window "your brother is dead LMAO"

I really liked ai and stealth changes.

I've seen that before and I can see what he means and I respect that approach to games. Deus Ex is politics done right, its not shilling propaganda to you, its letting you choose your own path and the game doesnt berate you for it. But I think the game is definitley more right leaning than left, or at least Denton is more of a right wing character with the arguments he makes in discussions.

Did you watch the video?

Cool, I liked TNM a lot. The first minutes are kind of cringe but the rest is great. Also has one of the besy evil campaigns ever.

>How about you tell me what you know about the NSF
>By the way, I will take the GEP gun.
>Sorry I didn't heard you, my vision is augmented.

Attached: 1553245459341.jpg (602x602, 51K)

>Human Revolution also has that gutted feeling since it has one locale (Detroit)
Is this bait?

Yep, I replay the mod every year. The initial level is cringe because people wanted to see themselves in the game. Afterwards it got more focused.


>muh /pol/
>and also racism
Shiczo much, shitposter? Are you also the MKXI thread spammer?

Let's try some word association. First word: Nigger

Bitch, I ain't going back to jail

I liked that I was able to enjoy this despite knowing nothing about the community it was all based on.

Or you know, make him a normal heterosexual male just like the other 98% of the population? Homosexuals are so insanely over represented in games and all media its unreal.

It improves some aspects of the game but it is not that good, i would recommend it only if you are playing for the first time

Same, afterwards I joined their forums and learned the history of the place.

It was obviously going to have more than one hub initially.

>what is hengsha

It's a beautifully bizarre slice of very early 2000s insular forum culture.

Deus Ex is literally "Every Libertarian Talking Point Ever: The Game".

The devs have even admitted that they got the idea for the game's story from "rightwing conspiracy theory websites".

>"rightwing conspiracy theory websites".

Do any left-wing conspiracies exist? Are any of them interesting?

Not with my based fashpilled black bro Issac around it isnt

Deus Ex was "what if every conspiracy is real"

How oppressive government is bad plot is exclusively right wing thing?


You would NEVER be allowed to put this in a game today.

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Well now that you mentioned it, the Triads do have a lot of connections in the Chinese government. But the Chinese government is hardly Communist in anything but name.

>Why did you decide to make him gay?
>We fired up an online D&D RPG interface and threw a dice appropriate for the regional demographic of each of our new characters. The 50-sided die with 49 ones and one zero came up with zero on him which determined the unlikely characteristic of this character
There. Explained away with a lie that's improbable but not unbelievable.

>EU are just nazis without the violence
This has been common knowledge since the 60s

>best ending
There is no inherently best ending, the point is that you need to choose which one you prefer.

The game talks a lot about increasing class inequality to maim lower classes and oligarchies growing more powerful than entire governments, which have always been issues discussed in leftist politics. If you just choose to only see the "haha the game said Rockefeller, who happens to be jewish, fuck jews amirite" suit yourself, but the game is a lot more interested in criticizing the opressing oligarchs themselves and how the system allowed them to grow so powerful (that is, capitalism) than to mention their ethnicity, which is ultimately irrelevant. An opressor is an opressor, jewish or not.
It reminds me of that cyberpunk image with that person completely missing the themes of the genre and seeing only the cool cyborg in front of him. Well this is you, but with antisemitism.
The whole thing about EU removing culture, to me it always sounded like irony from the developers because if I remember right, the person saying it in the game is supposed to be chinese.

Attached: 1490585134822.jpg (208x240, 14K)

Wait... so why do we hate the EU then?

>Every Libertarian Talking Point Ever: The Game
Do libertarians ever actually oppose corporations? It is more paleoconservative conspiracies

>EU are nazis
Lol what?

Only right wing people do

Literally the same policies except the racist stuff

The other endings are pretty dumb though. The AI synthesis is the only one that logically makes sense, and if we count the IW Denton's ending as canon then its objectively the best ending.

The character model is the fat Chinese woman model but she has a "french" accent. Models were constantly being reused in places that didn't always make sense. You find the Chinese kid model in the french bunker too, with a "french" accent.

Do I remember correctly, that in IW all religions amalgamated themselves into one single cult? The same religions that have been fighting for millennia now?
I can't believe the same dude wrote that game as Deus Ex 1.

So Israel&CO stuff is considered true irl so they did not mention them in game?

Interesting. List some of these policies user. You seem to know a lot about the Nazis.

The politicians in it are trying to forcefully dissolve all members into a superpower with an extremely centralised government

Don't you know anything you do not like is a nazi
I would really like to examine your mind process that lead you to come to that conclusion

>this pan-national empire trying to eliminate culture is exactly like that totalitarian nationalist state trying to preserve culture!
Makes complete sense I dont know why I didn't see it before!

The only dumb ending is blowing up area 51. It would cripple the elites for like a week, more so since the transition to routing the internet through area 51 was a recent thing. The Illuminati would have the internet up and running again in the major population centers within days and explain the whole thing as a massive global terrorist attack by done by JC Denton.

A Compelling story good gameplay good map design

Much of the left dislikes it too, particularly after the austerity policies (which, big surprise, they didn't work) and the refugee debacle, which is still ongoing. The problem with the EU is that it tries to stand at the center, so neither party is satisfied. Too conservative for leftists, too progressive for right wingers. In fact the far-left wing party from my country didn't even participate in the european elections from a few days ago because they don't believe in it.

Reminder Alex Jones played this game and actually got surprisingly far. Then he started to rant about it being NWO propaganda shit or something

Yeah they did. They hand wave the explanation with "It was hard."

>He probably chose the New Dark Ages

>wipe the slate clean, destroying the tools to control the world by one powerful group
>equivalent of Khrushchev's Thaw and end of gray death
>one in a billion chance that that ai chimera will play fair and somehow save humanity by merging with your brain

The AI is benevolent though, and its using Denton as a proxy to understand Humans. Its not a rogue AI.

Daedalus maybe, but he merged with Icarus and became a wild card.

You mean ambilvalent right? Helios has no motivation and requires JC's mind to receive one.

Not strictly left-wing, but anti-vac and anti-nuclear movements are balanced between wings.
Both have their conspiracy theories regarding why isn't their only true opinion the prevalent one.
Commies had a bunch, but commies have more in common with nationalists than with modern left.

Leftists in general aren't as prone to conspiracy theories.

What I mean is he isnt out to harm anybody, he cant. Because his sole imperative is to do what is best for humanity.

Icarus was more chaotic neutral than anything. He just had a spooky voice.

Ah yes, you're right, I suspected it might be the case as I was writing it. Even then, still not very sure where that came from. I'm no friend of the EU but if there's something good they've done is to fund a fuck ton of restoration projects for ruins, ancient art and create and contribute to all sorts of stuff related to tradition and art like museums and cultural festivals. There are many reasons to criticize the EU but I don't think this one is particularly relevant or even truthful.

Like with many things, maybe the game was just trying to be premonitory about the direction the EU might take in the coming decades, but considering how weakened it already is, it would be their grave.

Then what does it need JC for? When you know everything and have access to all control an communication, you can just naturally make all the objectively correct choices based on having literally all the data to support your decisions and your rule can be absolutely fair, and everyone who disagrees is simply wrong.

To understand the needs of humans like it says. Its not human and it needs to learn more about us. Thats what it says anyway.

Using 23 year old shut in as a model for your perfect world is a great idea

Better than the other options
>destroy the internet and delay the grand plan for like, a month maybe
>side with the illuminati and bring back capitalist liberalism for maybe another 50 or so years until this same shit happens again
>take a gamble and potentially solve all political and social issues for all time ruling as an immortal cyber all-knowing god-king
Choice is pretty obvious to me phamelam

>I'm no friend of the EU but if there's something good they've done is to fund a fuck ton of restoration projects for ruins, ancient art and create and contribute to all sorts of stuff related to tradition and art like museums and cultural festivals.
One of the few good things that they do, and even then you can see that there are projects, for example scientific projects, between countries outside the EU that manage to coordinate even with a bit more of difficulty.
Then you have shit like the mismanagement of common resources,Article 13, the refugee crisis, having an entire parliament filled with bureaucrats that get payed several thousands a month while some countries of the union live like shit,etc... At some point one wonders if all of this is worth it even with the conspirations of homogenization aside

The problem with the EU is it has far too much power and its essentially ran by high finance. They get away with it on technicalities, like TECHNICALLY they cant involve themselves in national laws or elections, but we all know they obviously do. I'm all for a European Union. It was actually originally Oswald Mosley's idea, a British Fascist. But the purpose of that Union was to maintain national identity and culture not blend it together and import millions of third worlders.
There is a lot of good the EU can do but they do a lot of really shitty things on the side as well. And its mostly due to the ideology of the people running the thing.

Worth noting is that it takes like 8 inventory slots and you won't find more ammo for it for half the game.

Paul speaks like an entire army is outside the door and his sacrifice is the only way to escape. It's bullshit that there are only like 4 guys out there.

JC Denton feels way older than 23 when you hear him talk.

Attached: 1529194918397.jpg (692x960, 86K)

And people say Deus Ex wasn't progressive when the literally progressive ending is depicted as the one with the potential for the most good.

Men in black are meant to be scary but they're just regular dudes who explode.

Attached: 20 year old japanese man.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

All characters in Japanese games are on paper 60% of their physical age. Except kids. They are 30000% their age.

It's just the primitive models make him look older. I think he sounds like what a genetically engineered superhuman would sound like.

Based deaf samefag

Just because progress and progressive come from the same word doesn't mean they share their meaning, you cocktail slurping fag

I'm going to watch the coast.

The NSF were patriots


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I thought it had a metal blade as well, but that it had some cyber-magicstuff floating around it that made it special

You're right but that's not what this is about. It's about the principle. Dark Age is giving into fear and shutting it down. Illuminati is preserving things as they are because of a risk assessment. Helios is embracing change. Change doesn't need to be for the good. That's why the term regressive has been often attributed to left-wing progressives these days. They want change. For the worse.

There is no proof that any of your named eventualities will actually eventually happen

But it does if you play IW