
Attached: Light up the Night at 4am.png (1051x718, 1.16M)

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Is this the best you've got?



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I work in retail, specifically a grocery store, and I am just so tired of people. Today, had a guy buy $400 worth of groceries, and I told him his total, starts to tell me that's not correct because we have a little monitor that takes forever to update that included the previous customers items, making it look like his total was $700. I explained this to him, and he starts yelling at me about how he shouldn't have to pay $700 for things he's not buying. So I looked him right in the face and said
>You are holding up my line sir, you are not paying $700, you're paying 411 dollars and 53 cents. I need to get you through quickly so I can help other customers.
Guy then looks at me and flips me off. Just leaving his shit on the roller belt. So I had to move it all. Fuck I hate people.

I had to duck into bed since the axiety is kicking in, was playing Rising Storm 2 probably didn't help.

>have entire summer to get started on a game project
>motivation is rock bottom 6/7 days of the week

sounds like my day. Had an old woman get pissed at me because I didn't offer a loyalty card to a hispanic family because she assumed i'm racist and didnt want to bother explaining it to them, so she asked for my name and told me she was going to be calling my boss tomorrow to complain

I hope my life never becomes so devoid of meaning and depth that the highlight of my day is to police retail stores so I can fuel a superiority complex

damn bros, I could never work retail and be an outlet for wagies to rage on

Act 3 never fucking ever, and were better for it

I'll be honest user, I gave up with the loyalty thing with Hispanic customers, not because I'm racist, but because a good majority of the time, they can't understand me, and I can't understand them, and some genius at corporate didn't think to have Spanish loyalty card signs or anything. So I'm just done. I've suggested it, and nothing has happened. So fuck it.

God I'm so fucking glad I'm in a kitchen and not out there dealing with the maniacs

People get angry when they aren't offered loyalty cards? That shit is annoying as fuck, stop asking me and lemme buy my shit.

Video games?

I don't really talk to the kitchen staff much, but don't you guys get a few annoying or insane people?

You should have followed him outside, and asked him what the fuck his problem is. That's all people like him are. A spurt of hot air. The moment you remind him that you leave that name tag at work, and that you are just another guy that will stromp him into the ground if he doesn't conduct himself like an adult interacting with another adult, he'd crumple. The world is absolutely teeming with folks only half prepared for conflict.

It's been a while, old friend.

Shoulda sucked dick better.

I'm fourteen and this comment is so true

Retail sucks ass user but always remember that it is nothing more than a stepping stone in the grander scheme of things. Never get complacent and always look for another place that will pay more for less work. If you need to get clean for a better job then so be it anything is better than serving the scum of society. Don't let cunts like that keep you down. They most likely live a life much more miserable than your own. Keep your head up user your worst days will be behind you :).

>Inb4 we live in a society

I just graduated college. I do interviews but nothing comes from them. Everyone I know has a job and I'm living a NEET life. Also following my gf to texas for her graduate schooling. A little naggy but shes a good person. Hope everything turns out alright...

Dismiss it if you want, man, but that's why this behavior flourishes. This sort of thing is practiced and repeated. The asshole he dealt with has likely gone his entire life without someone telling him to stop acting like a cunt, and we all reap the benefits of still having yet another softjaw thinking he can conduct himself as he pleases. Life is infinitely more fulfilling in speaking out rather than just adding another no body to the list that you grumble about later.

I had a line of 4 people. Even if I somehow got through all of them before he went outside, I would get more people. The grocery store I work at is always busy. No breaks besides bathroom.

Yeah bro I'd like totally wipe the floor with him too.

Word. Promise it would've been worth it just to see the reaction on his face when he realizes his last word got your attention proper. Makes you wonder who is raising these animals.

Good luck, user. I really mean it because texas is a big state and you're going there for one thing really.

No, you more likely would've just mumbled, "t-thanks. You, too" under your breath before stewing about it later that night.

somebody needs to do something about these jews

Attached: 1550855753282.jpg (775x837, 69K)

is this you

Attached: pol.jpg (847x178, 47K)

>le incels

alright, just checking

You'll be fine, Goldstein. Just don't go near any trains for a while.

Kitchen shit is hell, mostly because the co-worker mongs though.

Want to be my girlfriend? Since "roasties" have been "cucked" by "ZOG shills" I'll slap you in some striped thighhighs and impregnate your asshole. What's the twitter handle that you probably have?

I have memory damage
I forget most people

>spent 60usd on a gayme
>suck at it, hate it more and more every minute i play
Currently in an absolute state of seething. Need to keep playing it though so it doesn't feel like a waste of money.

I'm doing virtually fucking nothing. One thing I could kill time with requires inspiration, and I have none at the moment.
I'd play vidya if I didn't get fucking destroyed by one of them to the point of killing my motivation to play any at all.
4 hours until sleep.
Kill me.


Thanks for posting this i haven't caught a 4am thread since i became a wagecuck 6 years ago