>Be me >Have a very particular taste in games >Tried almost every genre of game >Not satisfied >DS3 is on sale >Give it a try >HORY SHEET >Instantly becomes my favorite game of all time >Beat it multiple times with multiple builds >500 hours total playtime
I have also really enjoyed BloodBorne, Darkest Dungeon, Steamworld Heist, Bayonetta, and Dragon Ball FighterZ. I've tried Sekiro and it's not really clicking but I'm still pushing through. I need help finding games that are truly blessed, difficult, or just damn good
Dragons dogma, dont get ocd about classes though and dont give up on it until you reach the city and it actually opens up. Other then that, lord of the rings on ps2
most of furi is cool... though it's kin nda short. the game is purely a boss rush ordeal
David Bell
Mount and Blade Warband, turn off easy settings. You will love it.
Andrew Baker
have you played ds1?
Tyler Martin
kinda hard to recommend exact settings for warband to start out with... i would suggest tweaking them as you play instead. i feel like starting with too high difficulty will turn people off from it before they can really understand or appreciate it.