So now that the dust has settled, and we've had time to let it sink in, how good was it actually?
So now that the dust has settled, and we've had time to let it sink in, how good was it actually?
Incredibly good.
I liked it.
I liked it.
I liked it.
Bretty gud :DDDD
I liked it.
basically just an ubisoft open world game but with a zelda coat of paint, only remembered because it's used as console war/zelda cycle feuding
solid 7.5/10
It was average
Pretty good. Hopefully the next game has a stronger narrative, ditches the non-gibberish voice acting, and has better dungeon/ruin/temple variety.
last time I played it spent at least 20 minutes walking trying to get out of a canyon without finding anything remotely interesting
I liked it.
replaying it rn and fuck the master trials on expert mode FUCK THAT
this game is better than sex
Mixed. I'm about 60 hours in, I stumbled upon the Master Sword and later the Hylian Shield. Stumbling around and finding cool stuff is nice. But spending 5 minutes climbing to get to a peak, looking around and seeing nothing worthwhile is frustrating.
Also sidequests have tremendously boring stories and you get a few rupees in return. Shrines are too easy. Exploring can be fun but I don't ever find anything worthwhile. The open world kind of hurts the game, would've been better suited if they fleshed out the world and put in some meaningful quests.
I went in wanting a zelda game so I inevitably dropped it partway through when I realized that wasn't what I'd get.
pretty bad/boring
Absolute tripe. This user sums it up well Except 7.5 is way too generous. It's a 6/10 at best, maybe a 5/10
Le Dust Settled meme! xD xD FUN FUN! I enjoyed the game :3 :3
Boy, you guys must be pretty angry that this game was so well-received and everyone loves it, huh?
Not really, people are free to get hyped up over any mediocre game they want.
Yes. I'm angry that Ubisoft-loving zoomers have infested the Zelda fanbase, making it unlikely that Nintendo will ever release something as kino as Twilight Princess again. You sure are preceptive user.
One of the best Nintendo games of all time, but not without its flaws.
Lol, you're so mad. Can't respond to a single post without letting everyone know you hate that it's popular
Stay mad. TP sucked, easily the second worst 3D Zelda.
I-I want the same game over and over, again and again! Don't even dare doing any different! I can't stand to have my limited expectations challenged! Not even when it turns out be one of the most acclaimed games ever made!
A great game on its own right, but the "Zelda" aspects of the game are very rough
People like you will never get it. Probably because you have incurably awful taste. No one wants a carbon copy of old Zeldas. We want a game with the same qualities that made the old Zeldas great. BOTW completely abandoned the franchise and made a Ubisoft style game with a Zelda skin. Imagine if FromSoft made Dark Souls 4 a turn based RPG. That would be completely abandoning and throwing out the excellent combat that made the rest of the series great, right? That's exactly what Nintendo dis with BOTW. They completely threw out the entire formula that made the series good in the first place and replaced it with an uninspired generic open world that is strictly inferior to older Zeldas.
Why are you replying to obvious bait?
very good take on open worlds, but it's barebones. Given more time to add MEAT, it would have been way better.
never played it but it looks like ultraboring shit with unnecessary menial tasks survival bullshit, also zero charm and it has a very dull vibe, not to mention the minimalistic smartphone menus and text, it really looks like some low budget mobile phone
Because people who think BOTW is better than TP piss me off just imagining how utterly godawful their taste must be to think that. Anyone who liked BOTW better than TP should exile themselves to R*ddit and never come back
Meh. The whole giving you everything at the beginning was seriously detrimental to the Zelda style gameplay.
A typical open world game. Fun for the first few hours then it becomes boring. Basically a 7/10 game but adding the Nintendo bonus, most people give it an 8 or 9/10.
It did nothing revolutionary gameplay wise(no, the physics manipulation is not groundbreaking, Nintendo console only kiddies) and the art style looked like washed out shit.
I expected better from Nintendo but why would they do better? Most people will eat up the shit and call it the best game ever because "XDD I'm a real gamer!!1! ZELDA DA BEST!!" That and betasoycucks
As a game? 10/10.
As a Zelda game? 6/10.
Open world is great. But the Sheikah runes shouldn't have been given to you at the start. Each one should've been given from a divine beast, i.e Cryonis from Vah Ruta, Bombs from Vah Rudania, Magnesis from Vah Naboris, Stasis from Vah Medoh. Lacks classic Zelda items that would've been great, like the hookshot, iron boots, magic items, etc. Shrines could've been lumped together into full on dungeons, and given unique aesthetics, with a full heart container/stamina container given at the end. Story is decent, but the ending is lackluster. It would've been improved if for each divine beast you freed, the people of that area would side with you in the final battle. Dark Beast Ganon shouldn't have been a shooting gallery game. You should've been able to storm the castle with an army of Rito, Gerudo, Gorons, and Zora. It's still a good game and a great first attempt from Nintendo for a modern open world game, but the next major Zelda game needs more classic Zelda tropes and progression.
>We want a game with the same qualities that made the old Zeldas great.
BotW has ALL the hallmarks of Zelda - just with a fresh spin. Some of the best Zelda games are the curveball ones - Wind Waker, Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening.
It's fun but incredibly overrated.
>A typical open world game.
>Nintendo bonus,
>It did nothing revolutionary gameplay wise
>I expected better from Nintendo than a 97-rated, award winning GOTY
Fucking kek.
You're most likely balding, wear glasses and have a basedgrin.
I actually like not having any music in the wild while exploring shit. It would drive me fucking insane to hear a overworld theme loop every 3 minutes while exploring for hours.
>Give me ocarina of time copy pastes forever!
I liked it in 1440p on PC and the mods coming out for it now make me want to play it again.
You'r most likely underage and played the game on CEMU.
You're just reinforcing my point that only basedcuckbetas that only buy nintendo cannot find fault in this game.
I'm also most likely older than you, been here longer than you and have been fucking women before your parasitic basedboy lips sucked on your whore of mother's tit.
I don't like it, i find it incredibly boring and tedious. There's really no sense of direction or progression in the game, you just wander around in this boring landscape.
It was okay. Despite making a huge deal about the open world, it really needed more everything.
>enemy variety
>actual dungeons
>quests like Tarrey Town
>minigames/activities (no fishing, really?)
Also the story was whatever and Ganon is a shit finale.
So much better than I expected
I like it but OOT is a far better game
It's a fun sandbox but lacks all the adventure/dungeon stuff I want in a Zelda title. LTTP/Awakening also do this well. Breaking weapons is irritating and makes you avoid combat.
Not perfect but enjoyable. I'm not as sick of open world games as a lot of people here seem to be, but I prefer having followers or companions around to give some direction, point things out and talk about stories or lore. Can make traversing the map a bit more interesting. Was originally surprised they didn't give Link a fairy this time around for that purpose, but functionally I suppose it would have been a bit redundant with the slate.
Also I didn't like how the only ruins in the game were Sheikah. Adding more historical locations for the other races would have helped the world feel more lived in.
Too easy and exploration didn't feel rewarding because anything I found would be gone within a few swings. The final boss might as well have been a cutscene since there was no challenge. This game just reminded me that Nintendo stopped making challenging games after N64
Holy triggered incel. Imagine seething this much about Nintendo.
Good game but could have been better.
It's a fun game but a terrible zelda game and the open world, as is oft the case with open worlds, is mostly devoid of anything you'd want to explore for.
The puzzles are oversimplified and crummy, the "dungeons" are small and empty feeling, the shrines all reuse the same assets while looking like a cheap level maker stamped some blocks in a void and there's no real secrets to find out there.
Oh, and the "music" is lackluster which is a sin for zelda games.
Gliding around is fun though and some of the fights are too.
I agree with this.
I hated being given so many great items at no cost. The paraglider, the runes, the Korok mask, etc. All of these would have beebn great rewards for dungeons, minidungeons, quests, etc.
Amazing game, only missed 2 marks
>3/5 dungeons are mediocre (the 2 good ones being the first divine beast you do because of the honey moon and Hyrule Castle)
>Balance, dungeons, shrines and bosses dont scale with the world creating late game situations where a pack of goblins/lizards can be more challenging then any of the blights as well as lyonels being more challenging then Ganon fight
>So now that the dust has settled, and we've had time to let it sink in, how good was it actually?
Now that a few years have passed, I'd honestly say BotW is one of my favourite games ever. Definitely in my all time Top 10. As an exercise in game design, this should be mandatory teaching for young upcoming devs to study.
>no fishing
Bombs and electric arrows, m8
I feel like it's going to go obsolete once the sequel comes out