Gaming mice


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i dont like all those holes

Spoiler that horrifying image user, this is a work safe board

We all know in a month those holes will be clogged with deadskin and cum.

Those holes look nasty

I bet spiders will love laying their eggs in those holes.

Yeah lets make the mouse open, so a whole bunch of dirt, dust and fucking shit falls in there.

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>hexagons look bad

>he doesn't have bees in his mouse to keep it clean

the holes on mine feel weird, but in a good way, i kind of like rubbing them

>implying spiders arent total bros

The aerodynamic properties are worth it

thats why you get the white model and not the black one, both dead skin and dried cum are harder to see on a white mouse

I audibly laughed at this

If that thing had a fan inside and Naga style side button grid it would be perfect.

I just ordered a new Naga after my Cataclysm model from like 2010 started fucking up with the left click and no amount of fiddling I do seems to fix it. This guy had a good run. I think it's time to let it rest.

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congratulations you have trypophobia

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imagine all the dead skin build up and shit falling into those holes.

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Is there even a fan in there to cool your palm or is it just "passive cooling"?

Also, where's the oled screen?

how long did it take yours to ship?

Ordered the matte white, I've waited a week so far, no email.

It's real simple, you take a vaccum hose before it gets too dirty and clean around it.

Hope you use it with clean hands

jfc is Yea Forums this retarded? it's not for aerodynamic properties, its for a light weight meaning as little resistance as possible. the cable is extremely light and flexible for the same reason

i reserved my and got it in 3 days

Reminds me of that pic with all the little cut out holes in the dude's hand

>ywn buy one of these for your gf so it can collect her hand sweat and dead skin particles so you can eat the crust later

Thinking of moving from Razer DA to the new Logi 518. I've looked the Deathadder for a while but when I crouch with M4 and aim down sights with M2 the pressure kinda separates the shell and worries me.

All these people trying to buy the lightest mouse they can get.
How fucking weak are these people playing vidya?

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>All these people trying to buy the fastest car they can get. How fucking weak are their legs?


a lot of clawers and not a lot of palmers
Yea Forums is overrun with handlets

why does every Yea Forumstard who uses analogies in an argument do it so poorly? sad.

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>paying anything more than $5 for a mouse
you gaymers are really pathetic

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So it's a mouse wristlets?

I hope your pants weigh 30 pounds. You're not a WEAKLING, are you?

G Pro Wireless put my g502 to bed. I thought heavy mice were comfort, but I was wrong. Shit is 1 m/s and the battery lasts like 80 fucking hours. I work from home and charge it like once a week on my lunchbreak and then good to go.

Shit is fucking magical.

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lighter mice feel better when you play at a low sensitivity, period
heavy mice are alright and steady your aim at high sensitivity, but if you use high sens you're objectively a casual pleb

The "you're weak xd" argument doesn't even work because low sens players use their whole arm and shoulder when playing, while high sens mouth breathers only use their wrist like a retarded office boomer slave
>cheaping out on the input method
>not atleast having a mouse with a good sensor that has 1:1 input
>being so bad at vidya that you don't notice the acceleration on your shitty 5$ chinkshit

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Imagine all the gamer cheese stuck in this bad boy.
Imagine that the amount of your hand greese and dirt builds up so much that it completely fills up the wholes, making mouse surface smooth again

>acting like you need a light mouse for low sens
fucking wristlet detected

really? I got the 502 Proteus and ordered the model o.

Thats not the G pro wireless

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Go back to r*ddit retard

>175 Canadian cuckbucks

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worth. every. penny. literally the bet gaming thing i ever bought

Are they making any 75g or below mice anymore that aren't just full of holes, ala. the first Abyssus/mirror that came out around the time the 3.5g Deathadder did or that super tiny Zowie mico?

>finally replaced my ancient G5 with a G403
>~30 grams lighter with the extra weight in
>logitech gaming software hard locks my PC when i try to install it
what's an extra heavy mouse with a good sensor?
alternatively how do i fix this shit software

>the bet gaming thing i ever bought
In comparison to what, your gaming mat/chair/table/bib?

>it's fucking real

Attached: glorious gamer bib.png (903x586, 296K)

someone post the webm plz

for me its the nixeus revel

All I can see this mouse doing is giving me blisters and sores on my palm and on the lower parts of my fingers. I'll stick to my G102.

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Does it suffer from eventual double clicking issues like every other Logitech piece of shit I've ever dealt with?
I'm tired of fucking with their microswitches to retension those springs

>muh ugly, expensive gaymen mice
Miss me with that gay shit.

Bought this lil nigga 2-3 years ago for like 30 euros and is still in perfect condition. Also, comfortable as fuck

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Imagine a spider crawls into one of the holes one night and lays eggs which then hatch while you're using it.

I claw my mouse and I personally find overly-light mice offputting
People are just being big babies.

Unfortunately i have pussy over at my place every once in awhile so i need all of my computer accesories to look normal.

>little bead of sweat
>drops into OPEN mouse
>mouse explodes
>it removes hand

What if she's also a gamer.

wtf i love built in positive acceleration like the old adns-9500/9800 had

I dont like fat chicks.

I won't be able to clean all thsoe holes in a year, who thought this was a good idea?
I clean my mouse with 70% alcohol every week and it's dirty. can't imagine what will happen to this in a month.

>"Gamer-holes" filled with sweat and dead skin within a week
>Tacky rainbow RGB strip
>Cringe worthy muh masterrace branding
No wonder redditors are eating this shit up

what do you do when you accidentally get semen or sweat into these holes

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I get that the holes are for reducing weight and all that.
But what kind of absolute fucking manlet benefits from having 12 grams of plastic less?

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Do not open

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Wash your hands before using the mouse instead of cleaning it with alcohol.

it's a "streamer/gamer thing"
it makes their muscle memory LIGHTNING FAST(er)!!!!!!1111!111

I just buy a 8 dollar wired mouse from Walmart and buy a new one when it breaks.

>and shit

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4 months in, not yet. There WAS an issue with the first batch of these I guess, but it was fixed like last November.


A reminder that being GAMURR doesn't magically make a product good, but there's no reason a GAMURR product can't be good by its actual merits.

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okay? It's still one of the best mice available.

They could easily fix the "dust" problem by adding a plastic film(tape) to the inside of the mouse so nothing can just drop in.

mein nigra.

I love the shape so much. I've had g603 for a year now. It's pretty much the same mouse as g502 but the mouse buttons are not seperate from the shell and you have changeable batteries instead of chargeable battery. Good thing the thing last more than 500 hours.

>comfortable as fuck

lolno it's not
maybe if you're 12 with girl hands

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with the holes on this mouse? Is it because they can't get any hole in real life?

I have large hands and the g203 is comfortable for me. Grip style is mostly what matters for mouse size.

>white and holes
Worst idea possible. Just make small mouse like Korean SC pros used G9x

t. The Mad Max ogre

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>Unironically using the pcmr meme as brand logo

I think the real issue with those holes is that over time it is most definintely going to accumilate hand grime. Good luck cleaning that shit up