>Join party
>"Hey dude got mic?"
>Have crippling social anxiety
Join party
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont have a mic
Just leave it at that.
>muh anxiety
Grow up and face the world, you can't stay comfortable forever
But what if you're too anxious to grow up and face the world
>play for a bit, talk sports and life.
>enemies come
>my newfound bro goes down
>"oh shit, pull back user"
>fuck it, launch rescue mission to get my bro
>downs two enemies, but loses to the third
>"dude u fucking suck"
>he leaves
The main reason to not bother with mics in online games is that most people frankly aren't worth talking to
Mic spam
Retard, anxiety is a state of uncomfortability
Well then I have a cure for you user. be homeless for 2 years, you'll either make friends or die and that's all there is to it silly.
Just reply with "No" and don't say anything else for the rest of the adventure.
>that one spic playing trap house with constant shouting in the background
I used to feel the same way. It's a slow process
>force yourself to maintain eye contact more often (don't look at the ground)
>think up a list of 4 or 5 normie topics you can talk about at an entry level
>realise nobody focuses on your idiosyncrasies or awkward mistakes because they're busy focusing on themselves (like you are)
>use less negative language, don't shit on stuff as often as you do online and hide your power level
>don't say self deprecating shit too often
>get a job
So force yourself to have a larger comfort zone by being temporarily uncomfortable
yeah and its named autism
>They realize you don't have mic or refuse to use it
>votekick started and yes immediately fills up
>"bye :)"
why are micfags so insufferable?
That happens extremely rarely but when it does happen it's for the best for everyone involved. You can find another server with silent autists such as yourself and they can find somebody with a mic
Just stop caring. It's literally that easy.
>bye :)
why do they always do this bros
what is it with people and being cunts and ending it with a :)
Just beeing yourself only works if you're a somewhat decent person at your core. If the average 4channeler acted naturally they would lose their jobs, get shunned by their friends and family, (assuming they had any of those things) and arrested
stop shitting up the forum with your blog posts
Never said to be yourself. I said to stop caring. Stop caring if you're awkward/cringey/weird or whatever just stop caring.
Be yourself is a meme, change your behaviour like suggests
>Someone tells me they like my accent
>Can't speak for shit until they leave the server
Online and offline I am left out. I'm always the unwanted but tolerated outsider who can't break into the group even if I knew how.
Just say ironic meme phrases, that way you don't have to reveal/develop your personality
>used to carry teams on source and GO without a mic
>every game some shitter gets mad for not communicating at all
>end up at the top of scoreboard and got on mic to call them obscenities
Chances are if someone requires you to have a mic, you'll do better without it.
To make you mad like you are now dummy
>join voice
>”whats up guys”
>never say anything again besides some basic call outs
Why do I have to be like this?
A couple shots of vodka
This is shit advice I literally cannot look people in the eye it's impossible
could practice with a therapist/ask your therapist how to practice such a thing, work your way up from eye contact with people you know to people you don't know
>I understand that I have problem (social,depression,etc)
>Do I make steps to combat this problem in a safe and consequence free environment or do I enable this shitty part of myself that I hate and holds me back?
Just turn your mic on you fucking queer, improve yourself instead of hiding all day and watching anime. You don't even need to talk, just chip in when you've got something relevant to say. Goddamn how hard is it. I try to get gaming groups together like I used to have back on mumble and teamspeak and whatever else, where most of the people I played with were funny normal well adjusted people with lives that would hop in at a moments notice and shitpost on a dime. It's not that fucking hard, fuck.
>You don't even need to talk, just chip in when you've got something relevant to say.
I tried this once but then I stuttered and mixed my words up and wet myself.
The hell kind of shitty games do you people play
This is actually a good post. Listen to these advice you autist retards.
>little sister used mic while playing mobage shit
>mom barged in
>"what are you doing? Why are you talking to yourself?"
>dad was like "she's talking over mic just leave her", explained everything but she keeps bitching about that.
I know my mom is the only technology illiterate in the house and has no concept of personal privacy but goddammit. And this is why I will never use mic.
>have mic
>have a shitty accent
Don't you mean..
>hev a mick
>have she T accent
It depends on the game. In one game I became a senior part of a clan (because I was just that damn good at the game), and I talked a lot, lead practice sessions, organized strategy. It judt happened, the game brought it out of me. In other games, I don't say much.
So really it depends on the game. If you can talk irl without being a turbo autist then you will do fine in online games top but the game has to have that depth so people talk in the first place.
Use a voice changer to sound like a girl then ask them to donate to your gamer patreon.
Hah, loser.
Vocaroo your accents pls
Read this
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood
Alcohol. Alcohol never fails except when it does.
Do nofap, faggot.
Top kek
There's only one thing to do user, buy a voice changer and knee high socks and RP girl the whole time until the lie becomes too big and it all comes crashing down. That's the only solution for a sissyboi beta like you.
In all seriousness though I have the same problem, never chatted in teamspeak/ventrilo ever.
>"you accent is so fucking funny"
i can't do anything about it please stop poking me with it
>dude just b a completely different person, lmao
Yea Forums always gives the best advice.
If who you are right now isn't working then yeah why not try to change yourself? It's either that or die sad
>improve yourself is bad advice
kys incel
Is it a zoomer thing to want to talk to every fucking person they meet online?
You will die alone and forever remain a failure you pathetic nigger
People like you give animeposters a bad rep
cut your internet connection so he thinks you dc'ed.
stay offline for a while
log in at night when he sleeps, and delete him.
dont forget to /ignore him so he cant ask you why
>that one american with the sound of his wife getting fucked by a black dude in the background
I usually type in chat "yeah, but I'm not using it" and that's that
That's pretty specific to consoles b cause everyone has open mics
The person you are sucks so yeah, that good advice. Be a better person.
The whole world is kind of mean.
You could at least try to get over your mental illness, my dude.
>expecting quality advice and useful insight from a board full of trogs
And you choose to do nothing to make it a better place
>Join party
>"Hey dude got mic?"
>Have crippling desire to grief and ruin their game
>"Shutup huge faggot"
>Spend match griefing them until they scream in the mic.
whate anime
people like you are too good for this world
mental illnesses are invalid lol
>tfw alpha dawg on mic
I just taunted a streamer on his own channel, feels gud
How do I actually fix social anxiety?
They're still illnesses, and you're very sick
Fight the anxiety.
> I-I can't!
Then you will never use mic in your life, the end.
It's a cause of your actiona, not justification. Right, user?
>Imagine actually having all this go through your head to have a simple conversation
Holy fuck nigga just talk. If they don't like you they don't like you and you never talk to them again. What's the problem?
b.e. urself
I wish that I could say that I hope you will get to experience what true clinical anxiety and panic attacks are like some day so you'd know what it's like, but I honestly don't think anyone dead or alive deserves it.
Having a panic attack from anxiety feels like you're literally dying. You breathe so fast and uncontrollably that you feel like you're about to pass out, your head is rushing with adrenaline sending all kinds of signals that something is really fucking wrong and you feel like you're claustrophobic in a super tight space while simultanuosly feeling like you're drowning in a massive open sea.
Actually, as someone who was really fucking close to actually drowning once it actually is a pretty good comparison. It feels like you're drowning and like your heart is about to explode at the same time.
>don't say self deprecating shit too often
Took me a while to figure that one out. You think to yourself "They'll respect me because I'm being humble and humorous at my own expense," but in reality it's like throwing raw meat in front of wild animals. Everyone's always looking for a way to deflect attention away from their own faults, and if you give them something to bite on to, they'll damn well take it.
>I am autistic
>here are some tips to be less autistic
>wtf i cant b myself
if you have a crap personality then maybe you shouldn't b yourself
I say I don't do multiplayer because my internet is next to unusable and that's partly true but the other reason is being a stuttering autist who can't say hello.
Hello retard I was explaining the methods I used to get over my own social anxieties and awkwardness as someone who was poorly socialised as a child, I don't do this every time
>tfw bullied a friend into getting on mic for about a year now
>finally does and only says about two sentences
I'm eternally grateful, I know how hard it must have been for him to take that step and even if he hasn't gotten back on mic, it's still a nice memory that I'll cherish for a while.
Boku no Ai Mai Mi
Drink half bottle of mead and it's k
Can I add
>Stop talking about yourself
Normies love talking about themselves, once you get them blabbering on about whatever the fuck they like doing, you can sit back and wait for cues to say "uh huh"
grow up and have sex
Did you want advice or did you want a hugbox to make you feel better about being weak and shitty?
Don't listen to Yea Forums
Just bee yourself lmao
I need to tell them I don't have one because gril and they will bombard me with messaages
If anything I'll be the one in the kitchen ;)
This "nobody cares" shit is the biggest meme on the planet.
What do you think cringe is and why is it such a popular thing for normalfags?
post eyes
It's funny because it's true.
My dude. I do that shit even with npcs
Cringe is not popular with normalfags. It's popular among people like us
>I'm shy only when I'm new to people
>when I get comfortable, I become a jackass
>playing PvP in Destiny
>lfg for team mates to make it more fun
>girl joins
>asks who she can join
>we tell her who
>after a few moments of silence she just leaves.
Doesn't work for everyone. Been at university for 5 years and I still want to kys every time I have to do a presentation or whatever.
I don't find it funny
Oh man public speaking is a different beast, my hands shake like Michael J Fox. I think it's because it's such a rare thing to do for most people. If you did it every day you'd be fine in a week
mammaries or leave
>face like a funko pop
I don't have anxiety, I just don't like most other people
What is with this "social anxiety" problem everyone seems to have? Are parents sheltering their children with internet usage to the point that they cannot imagine communicating any other way? Does the world really suck that bad for them to justify this?
Post your voice RIGHT NOW or you'll never break your vicious self destructive cycle
>do well in a game
>teammates add you after the game
>accept and play with them a few more games
>immediately delete everyone the next day when they start inviting you to more games
Why do I do this
helicopter parenting and the internet
I honestly hate using mic. It gets fucking awkward. I'd rather shitpost in chat and to be honest I really hate the way my voice sounds and my thick accent. People also take me less seriously when they hear my voice.
I don’t want to be validated, i want to get help
I got some xanax to try out in case that helps. Not sure how hard it would be to get an actual prescription for it so I just bought it illegally.
>Join party
>"Hey dude got mic?"
>sound like a total faggot
>talk anyways
Man up faggots
My parents fucked up. They would rather let me play video games and go on the internet as long as I wasn't outside where the "danger" is. I've become a recluse and while I'm still in college I don't want to make friends just so they can ditch and abandon me over and over again. I honestly don't even think I can make it through college. I hate my program and I hate going outside.
>Hey bro get on mic
>Dont have mic
what do?
you gave me a boner user
Well how about instead of the usual "no" or leaving why not see what happens if you say "yes but I have crippling social anxiety"
fuck you I won't do what you tell me
Are you autistic? And I don't mean that as a meme, I am genuinely asking if your have been diagnosed with autism.
bend over
What kind of job can a social autist with no education like me can get?
>everyone laughs at you
>"you have been kicked from group"
wtf Yea Forums you told me discord trannies were a myth
Imagine unironically being a Kiwi
I believe its from the internet constantly putting us into contact with one another. We're a communal type of species, but social media, a 24/7 news cycle, and so much online requiring some form of participation have really burnt us out on connecting with others.
Speak in monotone voice and try to use single word answers, which helps you to avoid discussion.
When you have enough courage start using quick three word callouts with 'x in y' pattern ('enemy in vents' for example).
At this point you should have enough courage to accidentally start using long sentences.
Literally fucking how. You put trannies to fucking shame dude.
because i am a tranny and thats my voice after training?
>cringey sissy anime OP
>threat devolves into ERPshit and gay faggotry and normalfaggot voice sharing bullshit
I wish each one of you would be personally gassed.
Do you have a collar? Talk about it anyways if you don't have one
post your voice user!
what you want to talk about then?
Video games?
im really sick at the moment so i cant really record anthing that sounds decent.
No, I'm not your discord sissy faggot e-friend. You will never hear my voice, and this is my last post in this thread. Additionally, I am filtering the OP's MD5 hash.
Fuck you.
You should make some fucking lessons or some shit yo behind a patreon or something. That's some talent you could totally be using to make some cash.
unironically have sex
vaguely related, but i'm kinda retarded when it comes to PS4 voicechat
specifically, i wanna mute myself while also being able to hear people ingame with my headset. problem though is that if i start a party to mute myself then i can't hear shit from people ingame, and if i set it to hear ingame chat audio then it seems to override my selfmute, letting everyone hear me every cough or whatever that i do
am i missing something or is the system just straight fucked
really i just wanna listen to people ingame without annoying them with constant coughing
Stop being a faggot.
Yeah dude, grow up and just talk to them even if you're uncomfortable.
smoking is bad for your health
i do lessons for free for my friends and people on reddit. I live in an all white gated community and my daddy works in the oiil and gas industry I dont need money I just like to help people it makes me smile.
Double digit IQ normalfag subhumans can only virtue signal by dispensing "advice" they deem valuable, in reality, they are incapable of putting themselves into shoes of another because it's not their goal at all, they want to validate themselves and feel better about themselves because they are "good people doing good things". Few of them if any know what it is like to be truly wretched and growing up in a family that used you as a tool to went their frustrations or a bargaining chip in their arguments, or what it's like to be assaulted by groups of other kids as a child yourself and then ending up physically disabled before your mid teens.
The fact that everyone pretty much ignored this simple answer just shows that you're a bunch of attention seeking pityfags.
i almost wish i was a smoker instead
it's just asthma problems
For me, it's less anxiety and more I just don't know how to talk to people and mainly, I don't really care nor want to put any effort to do so.
I don't believe a single word of this
*adjusts fedora*
how about you help me bust a nut with that sexy voice of yours
Said the guy with an anime pic
If you got eyes you can do it. It isn't that you can't, you just won't because you like living in a pity party
No you don't you faggot(appreciate the thought anyways~)
i dont really care if you believe me user I love making people happy.
sorry to say mister as i explaind earlier in the thread and even posted a voice clip for I am very sick right now and my voice sounds hoarse.
It's pretty easy if you practice, looking at my teacher eyes in college helped me a lot.
My voice sounds like I'm making an informational video on youtube
>he fell for the be yourself meme
a hugbox
My favorite normalfag response is: lol you are not starving, stop complaining and get a gf. I think they know it will never happen and just all natural sadistic cunts.
Go to your mother for that. This isn't the place
What does it matter if he does or does not you retard?
How can I get friends on steam?
>"I have no mouth"
but she is at work
now that every fucking online game uses matchmaking instead of community servers, it's very difficult
Yall are fucking pathetic, god I hate this board
surely you can wait. I don't even know why I'm replying at this point, I feel bad for you
link your profile and I may or may not add you ten we can talk until we ghost each other
>Complaining about being pathetic on a website for taiwanese table drawings
If you've had sex, you don't belong here.
Bye bye.
That's enough Multiplayer for the rest of my week
>I feel bad for you
jesus christ user
are you sucking a cock?
That's horrible. I hope you're distracting yourself and numbing the pain somehow. Personally I've had a pretty great life I just developed a slew of underlying mental illnesses during my late teens and now I'm on some pretty heavy anti-psychotics that barely work and I have panic attacks every other day. I started having delusions and fake emotions/memories a few months ago and I feel like there's ice in my chest 24/7 from the anxiety, it's getting pretty hard to keep going. I find distraction while I wait for new meds the best way to cope. I know this doesn't come across as virtue signaling, I sincerely hope we'll both make it.
Don't take it as a compliment, it's more pity than anything. I definitely felt the same as you at one point, but you can't just live in a hugbox forever. Trust me, when you actually go out there and get out of your comfort zone, improve yourself, life gets a lot better. The first step is always the hardest, but you have to take it.
I HOPE this doesn't come across as virtue signaling is what I meant.
I can't even
oh no no no...
You really buttered up my asshole with that one brother.
>Join your guild?
>Heh, no. i prefer to play solo...
You deserve a hearty (You)
fucking kek
Isn't it just funny as hell how we did it in UO and EQ and DAoC without all that?
someone post that screenshot of what i think was The Old Republic forum where the guy says "i'm not comfortable tanking for my mates if i don't know their personal details"
Soliloquy, my dude. just been dramatic and air your kind out in front of a mirror. have fake conversations with people who aren't there. works like a charm and it's actually not a meme
Yeah, but even in the early 2000s, Ventrillo existed.
You have a social anxiety, I have a stutter. Trust me, it's way worse. No matter how polite people try to be, you can almost always feel their irritation.
>don't look at the ground
This is some of the best advice ever, and it's grounded in a real physiological effect.
You know how when people win at something, we tend to throw our hands in the air? Like punching the air in victory, or opening your palms to the sky, or pic related? That behavior isn't learned. It's genetic, a natural response humans do when they feel a rush of success. You can go anywhere in the world where cultures are totally different and people still do this. Even blind people do this, entirely instinctively.
And even though there's small variations from person to person, what we're all doing is making ourselves temporarily bigger. Like standing up to your full height instead of slouching. And this behavior's been bred into humans because it causes a small but measurable change in your brain. It improves your mood, makes you more confident, and so on, generally endowing you with traits we associate with confidence and pride. It's actually a good idea to do this sort of thing for a few minutes prior to doing something stressful, like a job interview, because it WILL give you that mental boost.
I believe that looking forward, instead of down, sparks a similar physiological change. And it doesn't even have to be with people, either - even just looking forward while you're walking somewhere will begin to slowly but surely create those positive changes in your brain and ultimately get rid of your shyness. And it's easy because the whole thing is a positive feedback loop - the more you do it, the more confident you'll become and you'll end up doing it even more.
You can always spot a loser by the fact that they stare at the ground. If you do this and you don't want to be a loser any more, start looking forward.
why do these fucking theads get 500+ replies all the time?
bunch of fucking sissies I wish I could kick your balls right now
god im fucking crying
Mmm, feisty.
Tell me more
I have stutters because of social anxiety
prove to me you're not a normalfag
I'm still amazed how that garbage didn't instantly get laughed off the internet.
Thanks, Kamina
Underrated fucking kek
That's right. We need more fist pumping these days.
>try watching the show because I love degenerate trash
>terrible animation makes my eyes bleed
>quit in under five minutes
no idea how people can stand to watch it
call them fucking niggers.
just join in and say what's up. you don't have to give them your life story, and they're not going to judge you for not speaking that much.
man up faggot
here's what i think about your thread
based af
Most shows, movies and video games are terrible but the grand majority of people consume them anyway.
Luckily we patricians on Yea Forums are above such poor taste.
Maybe he was saying jokingly
I do this to my friends all the time and we laugh it off
So many fucking normalfags
those aren't the kind of jokes you make with someone you've just met. Chances are that was 100% earnest
welcome to post-2013
I know. It's awful, and it won't stop getting worse.
Yeah but he left. I doubt it was jokingly
Practice freeform noose-dangling.
have sex with me
sorry bud, I'm immune to that phrase now. You'll need to put more effort in to try and get under my skin
Your mom is going to die of old age in her sleep.
bumping the everloving shit out of this for massive interest
I don't wanna be a fucking NEET anymore.
walmart greeter
Discord is the next door down, friend
mcdonald's cashier
>voice thread
>hasn't devolved into rampant faggotry and ERP
Nicely done gang, real proud of you, keep it up!
cum sampler
Wanna have ELA(erotic live action)
dick sucker
>activate push to talk
>don't respond further than this
I thought they do it for free
it's a phobia, you can't simply push it aside
inflatable bounce house inspector
that's because you're fucking weak. you're a weak, weak individual.
Don't summon him. I doubt I'll survive that ungodly hilarity again.
sawdust huffer
good input
gout inspector
Spend six months learning to draw adequately enough to take incredibly niche porn commissions from desperate degenerates with too much disposable income. Another six months to a year and you'll be good enough for general audiences and maybe even a modest patreon income.
IF you practice consistently and pay attention to where you need to improve, of course. Don't be Dobson and don't quit.
Stop treating people like other human beings and treat them like dirt and it becomes easier to interact with them.
This, dehumanize everyone and you magically gain a lot of confidence.
You can. That's exactly how you get rid of anxiety and any other phobia, you desensitize through exposure.
also, don't assume everyone else will dwell on an awkward encounter as much as you do. it only stands out to you because your lack of interactions, everyone else will brush it off and not let it keep them up at night.
>My friend is narcissist bastard
>Everyone treats him like a leader in his job
Starting to sound like a good idea
I want to learn how to sound like a girl for totally straight reasons. is there a way I can contact you for lessons? alternatively add me on discord Strain#sevenfive08
You've reminded me that I need to work on anatomy, this here is my goal
Keep in mind Dobson is a joke because he's settled for mediocrity and pandering to the same group, which is how you stop progressing. Do figuredrawing and challenge yourself.
You don't get rid of it, you just learn how to deal with it so it won't impact your life too much.
It's an actual girl dude.
dude if you have a phobia of spiders, just fill a bath with spiders and hop right in! just get over it you weak fag!
My friend has been drawing for 10+ year and he stills sucks, I wanted to learn to help my friend with his rpg but it sounds like it would be impossible to learn so fast.
we knew that already
This unironically works
God I want to fuck an animeposter
Tell me more. I'm probably gonna start living in my car in the next few months.
>get rid of anxiety
I went to a high school with like 1600 people and went to college and working straight after. I talked to people in all of these settings, and I've never gotten rid of it. Every morning I still just want to stay in bed and hide. You can get used to it a good bit, but it never fucking leaves. I envy the normalfags who are ignorant enough to give such worthless, shitty advice.
>have southern accent
>everytime i get on mic i just get made fun of and kicked
I only play with my fellow rednecks now
>"""crippling""" social anxiety
>still plays multiplayer games and joins parties
Go stutter-post for ERP some place else, bitch-ass
Literally just ignore until they kick you or move on
My wife Chino is so cute
>Play mmorpg
>Disconnect every time some stranger starts talking to me or send a guild invite
My social anxiety is worse online than in real life
Everytime someone brings up my southern accent they usually mention that they like it and then we move on. Maybe mine isn't as strong.
>he owns a 500+ gaming machine
>can't afford a $10 mic
I will absolutely roast your ass for not having a Mic either way.
You have 0 excuse.
i know this is probably asking too much from a bunch of low test stutterposting weeaboos on Yea Forums, but literally just get comfortable being uncomfortable and fucking talk to them
Many people have gotten rid of anxiety. You're not the one special snowflake for whom it's an impossible task.
It still requires the correct treatment, which you either haven't received or are unwilling to receive. Based on the defeatist attitude I'm guessing the latter.
You do gradual exposure starting with 1 very small spider, not taking a bath with thousands of them. Don't be obtuse.
I'm not sure if it does.
I've communicated with real autism and they were quite well with maintaining eye contact.
Not looking at eyes seems to be nervousness and anxiety related.
like above user said try. a therapist, or look in your eyes of parents (unless they dead)
not that guy, but as an actual autist i can definitely tell you that eye contact is the easy part
figuring out how social cues work was a fucking struggle and a half and took me years to iron out
Holy shit this happens way too much for me
>You do gradual exposure starting with 1 very small spider, not taking a bath with thousands of them. Don't be obtuse.
i have been trying that since 2006
treatment is "literally just interact with people lol" which is useless advice for me since I go to college and my job every day and I spend most of time interacting with people.
you tried your best that's all that counts seriously it's okay
It's entirely possible to practice incorrectly, which your friend has been doing for ten years.
Practice does require lots of repetition to build up the muscle memory, but you also need to be actively correcting yourself when you make a mistake or you're just training your hand to draw the same shitty art over and over.
just google "art improvement" and you can find many examples of people getting noticeably better in just a few years. You can also see some that barely improve at all and those are the ones who don't practice correctly.
if it's a first or third person game, i immediately go up to the guy asking and physically make my character shake its head
Stop having sexual fantasies of being anxious, weak, or overwhelmed with emotions.
Stop viewing pornography of people who are anxious, weak, or overwhelmed with emotions.
Stop giving the anxiety fuel.
>opening the front door is like facing your execution
games for this feel?
wow the correct answer to every question really is EDF 4.1
That means interacting with people is not the source of your anxiety and whoever prescribed that treatment was just throwing mud at a wall to see what would stick.
>but it never fucking leaves
Why would you expect it to just magically disappear for no reason? You still need to get the right treatment. That you haven't received this yet does not mean your anxiety is incurable.
>guise the treatment is exposure, trust me
>describe being constantly exposed to it for years on end
>n-no you're just doing it wrong, trust me! There's a cure!
Fuck off already. You're more worthless than my ability to maintain a fucking erection.
to no one's surprise Yea Forums is now full of fake ass normals
Respect your mother you goddamn prick
You have to learn to embrace your weirdness.
I don't give a shit anymore about how weird my voice sounds. I stream games for fun now even.
Seriously, listen to your voice recording with a decent microphone. Eventually you'll get over it.
>would use mic but don't want neighbors to know i exist
I relate to this. Do you also get uncomfortable simply being looked at by random people you walk by when you're out because you'd rather nobody knows that you exist and didn't notice you at all?
holy shit
>>trust me
You don't have to take my word for it. Exposure therapy has been a thing for the better part of a century.
>describe being constantly exposed to it for years on end
No, you described being around people for years on end. If you still have anxiety after all that time, then it stands to reason that being around people is not actually the cause of your anxiety. You just believe that it is.
Go get some real help. If your last therapist gave you that "diagnosis", then see a different one.
Not him, but I get teary-eyed whenever someone passes by me or if I can feel someone looking at me.
hah very funny user, now bend over
i think i'm just ashamed of my life, which feeds into more behavior (like avoidance) that makes me more ashamed of my life. i have no right to exist.
yeah i get that too
My normal voice is at the end of the clip. It sounds fine to me now. A little nasally and snooty maybe? But I'm much cooler with it than I used to be.
Its sounds tired and a little deadpan usually. Its probably why people come up to me and ask me if I'm OK. I just got that look and sound of a sad person, even when I'm not.
are you okay
I dunno. Maybe?
Should I be OK friend?
Now I'm scared.
dost thou have need of aid?
>low test weeb basedboys can't even speak on video game voice chat
honestly you should all just commit suicide. if you can't even talk to people over a video game you are obviously a defective, incomplete human being
Yes. Make me movie star.
I be very famous now. Yes?
>you are obviously a defective, incomplete human being
really bringing new insights
then take my advice
Absolutely based JOE is where the real fun is at anyway
>1 off
>le kys xD
14 year old's first internet bantz
See, it's not that being unable to speak in voice chat is a problem, because a complete human being wouldn't even bother with any garbage competitive meme game that requires voice chat in the first place, being ultra-social or anything else won't ever fix your absolute shit taste
I've heard of JOI and CEI, but what's that?
>you have been kicked from this server
>tfw communication disorder
normalfags OUT
u wot
What is communication disorder?
Surprising no one, autistic mongoloids are better off not being autistic mongoloids.
>get to call
>someone is mute
>tease 'em and banter with 'em till they respond
>they answer with smug anime or fire back
>banter with them harder
>become friends
Remember, banter is always the good way
Imagine needing a mic/needing to socialize just to enjoy vidya.
>inb4 silent autistic sperg
Nah, just a quiet cunt who prefers to enjoy the game then talking to faggots through chat. Unless the setting is a serious, competitive game involving an in-game reward or real prize money, or you are playing with your friends in real life, there is zero reason to talk to some ass clown in a casual match of whatever I am playing. 95% of people in-game are usually dudebro-tier retarded, below the age of 16, or foreign. So, no thanks.
remember when people actually drew shit instead of pasting overused templates all over the place?
If it makes you feel better their bodies and the mushroom were drawn, you pseudo-oldfag.
>force yourself to maintain eye contact more often (don't look at the ground)
>realise nobody focuses on your idiosyncrasies or awkward mistakes because they're busy focusing on themselves (like you are)
>use less negative language, don't shit on stuff as often as you do online
>don't say self deprecating shit
>get a job
All good advice
>think up a list of 4 or 5 normie topics you can talk about at an entry level
>hide your power level
Terrible advice for lonely faggots who are ashamed of themselves, their hobbies, and their tastes.
Be proud of who you are and what you like.
Fear of the normalfags' social approval is how you kill yourself before age 40 because you spent so much time wearing the mask of "fitting in" that the mask suffocates you.
I never talk on mic because I sound like a massive faggot.
>"Yo dude, got a mic?"
>"join our discord/skype" etc
>"I don't want to"
>Have crippling social anxiety
>Only answer in "yes", "no", or "I don't know"
You already have a bunch of normie topics to talk about, you just don't realize that you fucking woman.
He's giving advice to potential spergs who might literally not be able to talk about politics without going full /pol/ and who genuinely can't into smalltalk.
It's good advice to be able to start talking without having a business case for it. It can then progress to something more interesting, but you can't start conversations with strangers by telling them about your vidyas and shit.
What I do to look people in the eye is look their nose. Its right right in the same spot and doesn't trigger my response to look away.
>He's giving advice to potential spergs who might literally not be able to talk about politics without going full /pol/ and who genuinely can't into smalltalk.
That is me.
I refuse to be a dishonest coward for the sake of gaining popularity with people whose tastes I don't care for.
>be able to start talking without having a business case for it.
Good advice.
>you can't start conversations with strangers by telling them about your vidyas and shit.
You can if they start talking about their vidyas and shit, or if they ask about what your interests are.
The vast majority of my conversations are about some task, job, or activity that someone is performing, about 50/50 split between my own work and someone else's. It makes for perfectly valid conversation.
If the conversation then moves to your hobbies, values, or beliefs, then lying is incredibly cowardly and you're training yourself to be a spineless and weak person who refuses to stand up for your beliefs.
Make really loud slurping noises on the mic, they'll stop asking you to talk.
And for what it's worth, going full /pol/ seems to make me more friends than enemies.
Tons of people hate being conned into loan repayments, the poor self-control and emotional hygiene of your average entitled thot, or being forced to play make-believe and bury their head in the sand whenever criminals aren't white.
Do I make enemies? Of course I make enemies. But I prefer it that way because I'm not betraying _myself_.
>Get answered with "Can you repeat the question?"
This. Every godamn time someone talks about ‘muh anxiety’ they always post a anime girl and to top it off they then say they’re gay
t. Depressed and have anxiety
I use Mike Stoclaza and Cats in my depression posting
>Fill for team.
>Constantly try to work with team
>Constantly try to save people.
>Dude can you stop throwing pls?
>Maybe he knows something I don't, let's try it his way.
>He keeps dying.
>Can the tank HELP ME?
>But you said-
>JUST REPORT THE TANK, GG, it's over, just let them push in.
>And for what it's worth, going full /pol/ seems to make me more friends than enemies.
Only if you have the local normie ideas about everything.
If you live in a shithole where /pol/tarded beliefs are the norm, you have worse a problem than conversations.
>tfw I live in such a shithole
>crippling social anxiety
quit being a fag
I use whatever I can find, but cuteposting is the light in darkness
how about that I have no reason to own one? I don't play game to talk to people.
god i FUCKING hate faggots like that
Rate my accent
>mfw can depressionpost with cats, anime girls, golden era wojaks, vidya, neckbeards
If G-d didn't want us to post 2D, he'd make our vision volumetric.
You honestly haven't even tried expressing your opinions to a member of the general public, have you.
I could not give a single flying fuck what the "norm" is where I live and it certainly isn't /pol/.
People aren't trained attack dogs ready to pounce on the wrong opinion; they're human beings who are usually willing to listen to your side of the story.
Expressing your power level sometimes gets people agreeing with you, sometimes it gets people offering their side of the story too, sometimes they dismiss you.
It is really fucking rare for me to meet someone who'll attack me as a person for having the "wrong ideas".
Do you know how passive people are on Yea Forums?
The people in real life are even MORE passive than that.
You obviously will make enemies, but it's far, far more likely you'll find common ground with someone.
I try to help often, unless I'm memeing, and even then I might still end up trying to help, most of the time people appreciate the effort, or don't say anything. So, don't get too discouraged, I get that some times it's better to let the team mate go down/respawn, but my default tends to be "Help people.", so unless I'm actively focusing on stuff like that, I'll probably constantly try to save people, I've played games of overwatch in the past where I'd body block as reaper for slept mercies, even if it might get me killed along with her.
hiding your power level is bad, you say? Awesome, time to tell everyone I know about the glory of comic LO.
as someone who likes to use voice chat during gameplay, I'd understand if you'd write "I'm not comfortable using mic, so I'll just type."
Why you'd join a group that specifically asks for people with mics is beyond me, but whatever.
Reminder not to trust lolies.
You have a nice voice
>Just beeing yourself only works if you're a somewhat decent person at your core. If the average 4channeler acted naturally they would lose their jobs, get shunned by their friends and family, (assuming they had any of those things) and arrested
The average 4channer is a decent person at their core who wants the world to be a better place, free of filthy casuals, jewish tricks, censored lolita, and entitled roasties.
If the modern world resists you, it isn't because you aren't decent, it's because the modern world is a crappy place and people have Stockholm syndrome.
>You honestly haven't even tried expressing your opinions to a member of the general public, have you.
I am one of the abrasive autists. I filter people by getting them to express their political beliefs and then calling out the retarded ones.
Seeing someone shy from an argument makes me lose respect for them.
It's just that every single "confirmed" advice on "how to get people not to hate you" advocates doing the opposite.
I don't care about not being hated, I just want to filter out the normies, because those are immensely boring to me.
I know what I want, but I wouldn't advice anyone on doing the same unless they have similar goals to me. It's certainly not a way to stop being an autist.
Not him but shit doesn't work on me either, I've been trying almost daily since 2005, I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying not everybody is receptive to the concept
>all the neet trash claiming to be smart talking shit about "normies" when they can't even speak to a fellow human being properly
kill yourselves
The bane of the advertisers
>tfw I don't own a microphone
>strive to be the ultra-competent mute teammate
>micfag insists on scapegoating me for their own lack of talent
>single them out and start subtly fucking them over at every turn
>team eventually gets sick of them sperging out over """nothing""" and they turn on them
Somehow I don't think you actually interact with anyone. Simply being around people is not the same thing.
$10 also buys you a lot of tampons
gotta have tampons
remember to dilate
>anime character image
>has mental disorder
Have sex, incel.
>being elitist about depression
you fags never cease to amuse me
It is death, then.
>talk sports and life
>What is with this "social anxiety" problem everyone seems to have?
Normal emotional reactions to new situations, cranked up to 11 because they can't stop masturbating to crossdresser pornography.
>""""""""""""depression""""""""" is real
>being a pusheover tank
grow a pair user. Tank is an alpha male job. You need to have confidence and bit of narcissism to be a good tank and lead people
>depression isnt real guis
>people kill themselves for shits and giggles
Then the post isn't for you.
If you have the balls to say "no, I don't want to talk" you're better than all of the babies itt who have to make up excuses about how they're too shy
I did that. People screamed at me.
stop watching basednime, dumb sissy cuck.
What did he mean by this?
Eh, if he's an elitist then it's better than not being an elitist.
Casuals ruin everything they touch and I can understand why, if you're depressed, you wouldn't want casuals representing you.
>>can't afford a $10 mic
sound like shit anyways
A whole lot of fucking faggots ITT. Imagine being anxious over using a microphone on the computer
>casual depression
kek I can actually believe that. These tumblr fucks are clearly doing it for attention
Why are you attached to the "you" that can't even talk to people, look people in the eye, function as a person? That revels in comfortable misery and not changing, not improving, stagnating?
They are, but it doesn't mean they don't have depression.
All the tests for depression say shit like
>did you lately feel worse than usual
So a normaltard who usually spends its days in optimistic haze filled with "winning" and having sex, but suddenly forced to feel like a human, would be classified as depressed.
>getting repairs done at house
>keep mic muted between responses to spare people the noise
Sorry for being considerate you stupid bastard
>It's just that every single "confirmed" advice on "how to get people not to hate you" advocates doing the opposite.
That is because the advice is "how to get people not to hate you".
Not "how to get people to like you"
There are tens of thousands of blades of grass in your lawn. Not one of them has ever been the target of a twitter hate mob. Why? Because the blades of grass are unimportant and beneath notice.
That is what those "how to not be hated" guides teach you to be.
>I just want to filter out the normies, because those are immensely boring to me.
I tried that at first but I find more people have interesting stories than people who are just pure normalfag.
>It's certainly not a way to stop being an autist.
Well yeah. But the guy wasn't asking on how to stop being an autist. He wanted to stop having social anxiety.
To trade his squeaky voiced faggotronics for building a 10,000 block base in Terraria, or inventing an entire fictional universe in his head, or programming Tetris using Redstone blocks, or for making a Moon landing and return in Kerbal Space Program using physics engine glitches instead of rockets.
Autism is powerful force that can be harnessed for all manner of things, not just VRChat roleplaying.
next time he asks do a large braaap
>Want to play game
>Find 1 (one) open room
You think you're being considerate.
You're just being anxious and upset by noise and you're projecting it onto others.
You aren't being considerate at all.
Fuck outta here, you catposting homo.
stop muting and breathe through your teeth like they do in porno movies
They can't force (You) to talk.
Breathing through your teeth is silent. It's placing your tongue near the roof of your mouth and breathing past that which makes the noise.
>don't talk
>get kicked
You have to Face your fears in order to beat them.
Just go on and talk with them.
You'll notice it's not as bad as you think.
>not layering the omnipesent din of power tools over all of the low-tier banter, beer belches and bong rips
Shame on you, user.
Are you saying you're just your social anxiety? You don't need to change your personality completely, you just need to practice being around other people.
Or don't, but in that case, stop pretending you're asking for advice instead of pity.
With all these people whining about being kicked, how is it that I've never once seen it happen?
I've been in plenty of groups and the only time I've seen someone other than myself kicked is for afking or griefing.
And I use my microphone all the time to insult my teammates for being slow lazy stupid faggots so they're not kicking me for being silent.
It's Yea Forums.
He doesn't want advice, he doesn't want pity, he wants attention.
Kicked stories or greentexts?
I have one to share
>Enemy team pretty much quits
>5v1 now. We're just farming bots for points
>Suddenly, team starts talking through mic
>My team mates are literal children screeching and laughing through the mic
>Someone decides to vote kick me just for fun
>Get booted out of the match and miss all those sweet points
>Get a rank down
>Kicked stories or greentexts?
Got kicked a bunch of times.
True story.
Honestly can't figure out any common patterns behind it so I imagine it's just that the normalfags can sense that I am not one of them and are hostile to outsiders.
t. anons mother
You must be a disgusting bottom fragger. There can be no other possible explanation. Unless you made a mistake "that one time" and your team's noisy monkey called for you to get kicked
This. Be homeless for a couple of months. That'll cure everything.
Nah I'm usually the one carrying my team.
Or maybe that's it, people just don't like being exposed as being lazy excuse-making retards.
Now that I think about it, that's probably the common theme. I expose my team as lazy excuse-making retards.
Instead of getting good, they get salty, and it's far easier to votekick than admit that you have the "It's okay to make excuses" scrub mentality.
That situation is even harder when English isn't your first language.
sorry mic broke
Not really the kind of person I'm trying to be, user. Don't wanna be/act overconfident, while I'll try to do something, acting all confident feels "wrong", showoffish, wouldn't say I take issue with people acting like that, that's their choice maybe it works for them but it's not what I want and I don't want to be/act arrogant, like I think I'm hot stuff, or act self important. I prefer trying to be down to earth, self aware, friendly and stuff.
maybe a healslut role is more fitting you
Grownups want DD/lg play too!
>used to talk shit in public lobby VC all the time, made friends and had a lot of fun
>now I can't even VC to people I've known IRL for years
The problem is that while your advice is typically usable there are plenty of shitty people that will rub their socially-inexperienced nose into their mistakes. Giving up is a better solution because it leads to apathy, and that in turn helps pave the way to confidence.
>tfw love speaking to mic and bantering with other people
It's great, and people like my weird accent
>"get on voice dude!"
>make up excuses because I don't want anyone to hear my shitty ESL accent
I hate being an Euroloser.
I have a northern english accent, it's probably worse than yours
Mines from Spain and I have to deal with everyone laughing for 10 minutes whenever I pronounce ANYTHING wrong.
Fuck accents.
Everyone loves all british accents unless you sound like an underaged chav.
>talk sports and life.
oh fuck off with this shit
i wanted to play video games and not listening to your normalfag problems
I don't mind playing support, as I said, I try filling the gap, as long as people don't expect me to be amazing, takes a while to get used to every role.
Funnily enough a lot of people think the same way. A lot of people default to basic shit like sports and weather because of social pressure but pretty much anyone under 30 plays games these days in some form. Start talking about something you care about and you'd be surprised how many are genuinely interested.
Greeting user. You may wish to learn how to hide your accent.It may also be beneficial if you learned how to act like a civilian NPC from Elder Scrolls Oblivion, use this constnatly instead of your actual personality.
>join Discord
>everyone's talking amongst themselves
>say "hi guys"
>everyone stops talking
>no one says anything for about 30 seconds
>"who was that?"
>hey user
>Greetings, citizen. I'm Adamus Phillida, prison administrator and commander of the Imperial Legion forces here in the Imperial City. Have we met? You look familiar.
>you're not supposed to self deprecate
Why? If i don't people are just going to find out that im dumb and autistic on their own. I'd rather expose myself than having normies laughing at me behind my back for being fucked in the head
Thank you kind sir!
It makes the conversation awkward for everyone else. Nobody knows you well enough to banter and shit talk you back, so it's a conversational dead end.
>tfw people sarcastically copy my accent
maybe find friends that aren't assholes?
rent free
>heavy-accented dutch ESL with a soft, snek-like lateral lisp
>regularly play with a yorkie bong, two scots, a BR and a fin without issue
Feelsh gud, men
Text? Fine. In person? So-so. Using a mic or phone is where I falter, I have to work myself up to it just to order goddamn pizza.
posh cunt
You need to keep it low because it quickly gets pathetic.
If you joke once that you're a literal autist, it's OK
If you have a good reason, it's OK too
But if it starts being a part of your personality, it quickly gets loserish in an annoying way.
You don't want to look like you're wallowing in loserdom, it's unpleasant to talk to people who are like that. Pitiful but more importantly annoying.
The best way to learn that would be to meet someone who makes the same errors as you, then you'd quickly notice what you do and stop doing it.
pls no bulli
say mums in bed and i dont want to annoy her. works for me
>Spook Reaper Teleport
>"Uhhh guys there's a spook up there"
>Spread enough to not die
>"Thanks user"
>Invites me to play with his group
>"You have to talk to stay"
>Leaves immediately
AHHHH it's not that I don't want to talk, it gets so awkward and boring trying to make small talk. I'll call out but I don't talk about my fucking day
i'm too autistic to talk to people online
I send a video of me fucking myself with a dildo to my discord bf and he said my moans were cute though, which cheered me up
Wow just end yourself
Not even posh though.
tfw no gf
Post it
Do not "be yourself :)", be the best you that you can be. Are you realy gonna listen to some disgusting normalfaggot telling you to "be yourself" when they aren't even doing that giving you such shit advice? And trust me as soon as you insinuate that their advice is poor, their true colours show and they assume the fucking worst about you.
Same. It's especially bad because it's a slav accent.
Women love European accents.
Bro. Try having a shitty Indian accent.
This is why I refuse to talk on mic. Fuck my shitty accent.
I don't have a mic, so no problems here.
So that's why they praise the sun
>getting invited to a guild is just despairing cause as soon as you join, you'll know you have the same worth to the guild as the members who haven't logged in for 3 years that they haven't removed.
>just stop being a rapist
This. I literally can't stop.
Just say you're deaf or mute.
Always works in my case.
but how can you type if you're mute ?
there's always that one faggot
el classico
>posted 3 months ago
dumb normalfag
Realize life is short and that these guys are just dudes on the internet and join, say hi then chill until I am comfortable enough to join into the conversation.
mute != blind you moron
Just become the gf
back to your discord tranny
worst part about being esl is realizing you spent 15 years learning and speaking a useless language. i legit have no use for the language i learned outside of basic chores and it's just so fucking dumb i don't wanna converse with anyone using this stupid shit.
seriously fuck this shit i wish more countries in eu just used english or at least a major european language like spanish or german
iM nOt saying im 15 btw but it was probably around then i realized how useful english is and started immersing myself into that more than my first language
Traps aren't trannies dumbass
Let me tell you guys
People who refuse to talk are infin8better than people who refuse to use push to talk
post boipussy or fuck off
>meet parent/person after a lot of time
>"What about your girlfriend?"
>tfw khv loser
Every fucking time