Post your taunt animation

post your taunt animation

Attached: 1532999840396.webm (832x628, 2.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:!avYW3KKC!FEbbPLy7mfy4wYR_8_K4U4FEAYF6byApI--cUbyECOk

i'm not allowed to post webms/gifs or images. court order.

Attached: 1389923865753.gif (320x240, 53K)

Attached: 1555504745374.gif (500x410, 2.13M)


this show was good

God I fapped to Kitty so much as a kid

girls having a good time dancing.
or they were making a movie for a school project or something, i dont remember.

what show was it. i can't remember the name but i know i"ve seen it before.

XMen Evolution had the best waifus

Attached: STRvsCHA.webm (640x640, 2.76M)

MadThad is that you?

i wanna fug rogue

Attached: theres also a dab emote for the haters.webm (900x506, 2.33M)

Attached: DARKNESS.gif (320x240, 1.07M)

X-men evolution


Attached: 1537663855045.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

This was the best Rogue. She made my pp a biggie

Attached: 44537745.gif (189x189, 55K)


It's where X-23 originated from, my Marvel waifu.

In what kind of dystopic third world country do you live on?

Now that's man in full control of the situation

Attached: 1543644948338.gif (162x227, 566K)

Attached: 1554440432761.gif (320x214, 2.66M)

I'll never understand why he turned like that

Attached: 1551937140867.webm (480x270, 1.67M)

did the porn game of her get finished?

Attached: 1558772984916.gif (365x205, 2.22M)

Attached: 1549315443821.webm (288x360, 672K)

Attached: maduro empanada.gif (320x320, 3.63M)

based dad

Honestly preferred this version of Rogue but original Rogue has a thiccer ass.

Holy fucking based

Well my memory clearly fails me.
I thought it was one of the villains from Captain Planet, but apparently she's a blonde called Doctor Blight.

Attached: 1498805423335.gif (440x240, 15K)

This man is based.

Attached: 55c.gif (270x220, 24K)

Rogue, Kitty and Emma's content is basically done. X-23 is partially functional.

Attached: CCEEB435-D219-4FA8-ADEF-B2B9A3669581.gif (256x263, 1.1M)


loved that show

Attached: 1555701081161.gif (436x436, 3.96M)

Attached: 1546071070697.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

>tfw no Kitty and Rogue gfs

Attached: rogue.png (1300x969, 1.02M)

Attached: 1553210394621.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)

I like original more but both are good.

Attached: 1444155326342.jpg (578x280, 27K)

Attached: elbow.gif (376x320, 451K)

Is this from that new song that everyone in Japan is dancing to?

Are you fucking serious? That's where she came from?

Attached: 1526664479875.gif (200x150, 759K)

His boomer power is so great he fucking made flossing boomercore

>Taking things at face value

What game?

>Lets make an MVC game without Xmen, the most iconic Marvel characters of all
>Good idea!

Attached: 65474.jpg (401x500, 78K)

wouldn't you die if you fucked rogue?

Attached: 1540302217870.jpg (514x685, 31K)

Attached: 1558157327194.gif (288x284, 3.12M)

Unless you had a mutant power that negated other mutant powers.

Attached: brits.webm (720x1280, 2.93M)

Not if you use a condom.

Spider-Man exists lol

is that mcnulty from the wire!avYW3KKC!FEbbPLy7mfy4wYR_8_K4U4FEAYF6byApI--cUbyECOk

But wouldn't she just absorb your power and then nullify your power?

Attached: 1504761335249.webm (404x720, 2.92M)

Attached: 1429115648291.gif (350x280, 2.59M)

lol this was the second to last thing some retarded nigger ever saw before they both blew his head off

basedfags, this is your mindset

>but wouldn't the fire just evaporate the water and dry it out?

Attached: 1485240928411.webm (640x640, 1.55M)

No because your negating powers take precedence over hers.

Attached: 1537114838639.gif (211x250, 945K)

The game had way more crippling problems than just the X-Men.

Attached: flex.jpg (773x960, 87K)

Thank you Brother, I won't waste this chance. Wait a fucking minute did you just give me a tetrabyte of dolphin porn?

Look at the mad zoomer tranny lmao


Attached: 1464743186628.gif (320x240, 2.19M)

Attached: 4chan leaves his bedroom.webm (960x540, 1.82M)

lol based

The X-Men would not have saved this game.

But what if she sneaks up on you?

I busted my first nuts to that rogue

Attached: 19507EC7-9F2A-4517-830E-F5441E173D72.gif (608x640, 393K)

You just embarassed yourself bro, you sound like a fucking monkey.

Who's to say your negating power isn't always on?

What kind of sex do you practice user?


Attached: wryyyyyyy.gif (200x200, 9K)

>you can dodge with taunt animations

Attached: 1540706376326.gif (320x240, 393K)

Attached: 1542846469482.webm (854x480, 571K)

It's a low budget comedy action series that he and his friends made. Doesn't really need to make sense.

How old were you?

Attached: F52F2207-CA68-4965-AD15-ABAB44152E8A.gif (144x203, 8K)

this literally looks like me

Wouldn't matter. Your powers don't need to be activated. It's like a 24/7 shield that makes mutant's abilities fuck off.

Its incredible that even if you put this webm in no context whatsover, you can tell exactly it comes from early 2000s culture. Hell, Rogue's attire and make up alone indicates that.

Okay, I have to know wtf. Is that a tumor or something?


>game has taunt animations
>but the devs are so concerned about toxic players they ban you from using them

Early 2000s were a better time.

Dios mios...

Attached: 1555011983399.png (112x112, 26K)

Attached: mpv.png (495x28, 2K)

>game encourages you to be toxic to other players
God I love GTAO.

If anything you're more retarded then someone making a literal shitpost with just "based." This user is incorrect though because even monkey's sound, and probably are, smarter then you.

Attached: FE2A5B16-E9BC-48F6-8271-8809BDD2CE80.gif (160x120, 700K)

Whenever I go I must also rape.

What if you flick her bean to turn it off?

That kid is gonna take a dicking so hard to get back at his dad for this

>how should we make these girls on a children's show dance?
>like a couple of whores on ecstasy?

go back 2 reddit

Attached: 1535237411903.gif (500x336, 2M)

Attached: YORE.webm (500x640, 336K)

Attached: 1481987904373.gif (142x64, 8K)

Based as fuck

Attached: 29CEDA8B-6EF0-44D7-84FC-6B7D6D92B859.gif (480x270, 897K)

americans are a crazy bunch

This show was such waifu/husbando bait.

Attached: why the heck.gif (640x480, 1.51M)

Attached: Cat Intensifies.gif (400x250, 155K)

Yeah, really miss those old teen rock bands like f-ups, greenday and alikes.

>this is the mindset of a fag that hates sexy women

based Rising Storm 2


>even monkey's sound, and probably are, smarter then you.
amazing grammar

Rogue and Kitty and Jubilee are the holy trifecta
all versions are best X-men


Attached: 1542668118723.webm (640x360, 759K)

Attached: 3464772.gif (320x240, 716K)


Attached: A76B5B55-845C-4242-AF9C-ED51F63F71EE.gif (329x302, 6K)

>got introduced to Jojo by this meme
>just laugh at people pretending to be oldfag Jojo fans shitting on young people for getting into Jojo due to modern memes

Western """"""animation"""""""

I use a taunt every time I get a kill in overwatch just so I can get myself banned and have an excuse to my friends on why I can't play it anymore.

Attached: 1450816904358.gif (280x175, 1.95M)

I dare you to not watch this 3 times in a row

Attached: 1494392968521.gif (320x320, 3.95M)

This manlet is the greatest.

Christ. What is this fucking mess?

How powerful is this fucker


Attached: A3C0269F-EF4E-44D8-9FA7-980BC0993DC8.gif (483x556, 885K)

nice, i might try it again
last time i checked it only had Kitty´s introduction.

how was prison Thad?

Attached: 1558309741612 (1).jpg (305x315, 23K)

how can one girl be so slutty without doing anything slutty?

Attached: 1527578160098.webm (640x640, 2.12M)

Attached: 1471746349303.webm (360x640, 602K)

At least I don't oooo into my microphone like a retarded ape. Not even just an ape, a RETARDED ape.

I lost

Bullshit like this is why I still want to fuck goth girls.

Attached: 1532574211725.jpg (247x228, 45K)

Thanks Doc.

Nigger """"""dancing"""""""


Attached: A554A231-9B6C-4290-AF87-3B2DFFE0E9D8.gif (300x300, 1.36M)



S-strong hands

Attached: 1542395906589.png (150x165, 36K)

i win

i expected cringe but this was pretty based

Good thing I didn't make that vocaroo then. Takes a retarded ape to know a retarded ape, you just played yourself.

Attached: 1542080337345.jpg (352x372, 13K)

It would be extremely painful.

Is she retarded or something?


Attached: 70D9BC31-8C2B-46DB-A17B-5E612E5A1B64.gif (300x350, 262K)

God, I haven't seen this in ages.

have sex

I aim to be a father like this.

I don't dislike it retard-kun, just pointing out how strange it is.

So you admit to being a retarded ape also? Good to know user.

Attached: 1347239215663.gif (163x153, 550K)


Attached: F7A02773-A191-4A5A-B9EB-DED9255F4D25.gif (988x516, 2.25M)

You'd pass out and go into a coma if you tried.

finally used in an applicable manner


join Islam

Please taunt my face


Attached: 0ADA556F-4962-49D6-A34F-2443D9C02679.gif (200x200, 44K)

Sorry, would rather not catch her tardness.

Man I need to rewatch this series

first you gotta aim to be a father

Then you think like a faggot, go see an endocrinologist.

just your average attention whore

Attached: schlop.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

That the best you got?

Attached: bored megatron.jpg (768x576, 61K)

Attached: fuck you.webm (720x540, 965K)

Now this is a classic

ok I give up


Attached: 512B152E-FEED-48CF-8045-70E973D76AD0.gif (350x310, 1.74M)

Attached: 1540458846517.webm (720x404, 248K)

Attached: 1551331871215.gif (349x248, 1.74M)

came for this

Behold, I give thee thine holy grail
make an account its worth it if you are in to western erotic games
I dedicate this to the times I have been spoonfed


Attached: 020CA10D-D5B1-4C48-8963-1672C485A4DE.gif (436x357, 999K)

Attached: r9k girls.gif (350x268, 1.36M)



Attached: 4524524.png (381x354, 251K)



Attached: F1AA3FFF-DCD3-423E-9749-E86F8FFDDB7E.gif (266x148, 1.94M)

>unironically recomending fag95

new borderlands footage

No taunt thread will ever be complete without this masterpiece

Attached: 1477698843727.gif (500x281, 996K)

>as a kid
Step aside zoomie.

Attached: MV5BZGU3NmU0NjYtM2NkZC00ZDZiLWIyMTAtZGNhZjgxZGM1M2FiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjM1NTU3MTA@._V1_UY180_CR30,0,18 (180x180, 10K)

If you're into western erotic games that's pretty much the best place for it. not like you have to post there just get download links from it


Attached: 3F935270-4397-4E06-A892-E2F322315136.gif (400x225, 1.57M)

He had a back injury or something before he got into let's playing.


Attached: 5F1DABC5-9C0B-4FAA-88A2-A729F9008AFD.gif (200x187, 86K)

Attached: he dabbin.webm (640x480, 89K)

tell me someone else remembers this shit
excellent taste

Attached: 1402420009419.webm (852x480, 2.38M)

Attached: 1554617653298.webm (640x360, 1.71M)


then tell me based implying poster, what alternative is superior

The show is almost 20 years old dude. I'm 30 now and I was 11 when it aired.

Attached: boss.webm (480x480, 2.92M)

I feel old


Attached: A3861DDA-C208-4984-9F31-7BA9D2BCAD9C.gif (600x960, 48K)

based chadlet

>monty python fights

Based freelance Home Depot employee

white girls fuck dogs

Attached: 1557776231670.png (1200x566, 966K)

Wolverine and the xme was better


>ttfw i remember seeing this as a kid on one of my dad's friend's cd's that had flash games and whatever


Attached: FF0F9BAA-A18F-45E1-9883-7CC01762E383.gif (640x480, 739K)

dirty tracers

the bughowl

Attached: mPIKFyys.jpg (679x512, 31K)


Attached: 1F6BF223-1565-48DA-84C1-AA6D9501D8DA.gif (400x400, 3.51M)

i miss you

X-Men Evolution came out before zoomer plebs were even born.

Yes it's called rotoscoping it's a common technique in animation you retard

Attached: 1558281397925.gif (203x288, 845K)

>We used to get that quality of OC and content
>Now it's nothing but frogs and feels guys but with new names

Attached: tired (1).jpg (491x750, 185K)

I was going to say naggers mr.owl


Attached: 945359FB-6CFE-4DBC-BBA7-9AB7C4C64FF4.gif (200x234, 1.97M)

no "this content is not allowed" faggotry
no "register to see links"
just inspect site source code and look for the mega link there, no need to click anything

>Tfw built like that (thx fit)
>Still can't get a gf

>All the changes right when the picture flashes, like all the smiling

Attached: 1508299070480.png (520x500, 526K)



Attached: D8B48E5F-F623-4C5C-8A7D-087FB204EA5C.gif (810x747, 2.61M)

Attached: JUST.webm (400x490, 1.75M)

play rogue-like fren

this is cringe

Eye contact


Attached: 5D5927B0-E9B2-407F-AF5D-DD715B25FC91.gif (192x177, 22K)

you just know

while those are certainly pros, it has an ugly site layout
What sort of content isnt allowed on f95?

that's his step dad
my wife's son final form

Attached: yay.webm (1024x768, 1.58M)


Attached: B306A2E1-ABE3-487D-8E55-30B4BF936F6A.gif (250x250, 584K)

white girls like to fuck dogs

Attached: 1536474446387.gif (354x360, 1.57M)

Now Gambit know why so many use this shitty meme so often. Easy bait no?

Attached: Gambit-cartoon.jpg (640x326, 126K)

Attached: 1558821198248.gif (500x376, 575K)

my taunt animation activates as soon as my hands touch my MSIâ„¢ equipment

Attached: 1513044870423.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

>soccer jersey

Lucky guy

To date this has been the only good Rogue redesign, totally enjoyable and memorable on its own without having to hearken back to the original at all.

Yep, it's where she originated. The comics liked it so much they almost immediately added her.


Attached: 4F228B12-A859-4215-B609-4BB4E95F4099.png (444x555, 252K)


Attached: 58676D18-0F78-4CF3-A441-9617CF7DECD1.gif (499x298, 1.75M)

>a common technique
for lazy fucks that cant animate yes

My magnum oppus


Attached: Screenshot.png (1696x885, 102K)

a child can crush a soda can user dont tell me youre actually that weak

Attached: 1549332360119.png (233x221, 123K)

Also this but only because I really want to post Rei.

Attached: 1546233874754.gif (390x290, 169K)

Bestiality and pedophilia. Basically the kind of stuff that deserves the rope.

Proof its all me

Attached: 6D1AC50E-B3E9-4A35-B3FA-DE035F4676DD.jpg (640x832, 464K)

Attached: Admired.webm (1920x1080, 1.42M)

Attached: 1515106134062.webm (500x280, 2.9M)

Attached: zoomer.gif (478x350, 84K)

Attached: 20190402_120806.gif (360x248, 1.82M)

>not the asian text version


Attached: 1549857108102.gif (160x120, 699K)

Proof this is also me

Attached: 91097836-1537-4F83-8868-BDEFBFBB91B9.png (640x1136, 290K)

Attached: SpinzakuSlow.gif (1183x1005, 270K)

Okay but can you prove this post

Further proof

Attached: 97708DA1-17B2-413F-96C6-18BCAC00C56E.png (640x1136, 296K)

there are several games that seem contrary to this that are up on f95
Guess it must be "explicitly stated pedophilia"
pretty based desu

Have fun wasting your money at art school :^)

that's the real magnum opus

Attached: 1370402749928.gif (480x270, 571K)

Literally that one morshu SR 2 video

If I recall correctly, the guy got so fat that it pushed his intestines through the lining of his abdominal cavity, into his genitals

somehow he didn't die from it, but still, he probably wishes he did

watch your diets, kids
"healthy at any size" is bullshit

Your all better than:

Attached: A6AF4FDE-45E1-4C3B-BC77-D7D085590DD8.png (640x1136, 258K)

And that’s a good thing!


Attached: 5C01483A-C7AF-4493-95AF-BDD7F80E03B7.png (640x1136, 248K)

fake post

Attached: 1529200976803.webm (980x720, 2.92M)

I don't know, I'm just assuming. I actually never tried it, don't drink soda

well, time to buy some BenQ stuff.

I remembered this being in a higher framerate... Was that just the intro of the show then?

Attached: 1424231631024.gif (202x175, 1.86M)

If Gambit's supposed to be cajun why the fuck can't he speak english properly?

Jk thsts all im doing now,im getting post time limits now

Attached: 96FD2B22-8A64-4188-96D6-99B22A777248.png (640x1136, 232K)

>zoomer vs boomer

Just kidding, also me.

Is this like some military grade autism or pasta?

Attached: polywhirl.jpg (800x534, 65K)

Attached: '.gif (193x211, 1018K)

Anna speckhart

Games that do this?

Besides possibly tekken 6 Steve Fox + rick astley hair taunt combo.

fucker that did that book straight out says art school is a scam

richard williams btw

Why is that guy flossing on Sessler?

Fuck u

Attached: 25F6E621-6036-4BC9-AF7D-BC5BE76E740B.jpg (640x489, 193K)

Except it was two rednecks having a pissing contest that lead to that guy blasting the other guy away in front of his wife.

Those are fucking bongs you cunt
>inb4 baited
yea you pretending to be retarded really fooled me

What's this from?

it's like a fucking cheech and chong skit

Attached: cowboy cat.jpg (540x540, 61K)

thank you Yea Forums

at least three of those are just straight lifted from WoW's dance emotes

post a link, faggot.

Laziness doesn't really factor into it very much when you've got hard budget limits and time constraints on a network tv run. You cut whatever corners you can. If you're lazy it comes out looking like pure shit but if you're good then it still comes out fine even with the shortcuts you used.

Attached: 1443237756036.png (302x192, 59K)

Please tell me this has a happy ending

Proof its all me

Attached: 6D1AC50E-B3E9-4A35-B3FB-D(...).jpg (431x363, 35K)

I miss the early 2000s when women weren't niggery

Attached: 1550500923085.jpg (640x853, 52K)


Your typical shitposter right there

I thought this was fake and looked it up, first info I found was that he had it surgically removed and is ok, happy with it so not looking further

I've literally cum so much to this game it altered my brain chemistry for a week.
So where are we on that X-23 update?
Who should be next girl?
Gimme Jubilee or Dust

That's not proper english

Dibs on the cutter

I love fat sluts.

How will blackoids ever recover?

Attached: 3172C84C-DD7E-4692-AC43-B4A33DFAC6E5.jpg (773x958, 123K)

Omega Manuever

>literally shits through his balls
Jesus fuck


Attached: onemangif.gif (435x250, 1.58M)

Attached: (You).jpg (512x599, 39K)


Attached: 5381cb2588afd40c3e65ac837e6fddd7.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Who's the one on the right?

Attached: bruce step.webm (640x350, 2.91M)

Based cholo jester.

Attached: 1547776794946.webm (640x640, 1.43M)


>tfw no cute goth gf

Attached: JAAAAAASON.webm (640x358, 580K)

Attached: 1538752276219.gif (208x417, 48K)


Attached: 1439277012810.gif (303x500, 442K)

He got the mass removed and now hes just a normal fat guy who has sex with his fat wife.

>obsessed yuropoor
The weak should fear the strong, Achmed.


I hooked up with a chick that looked like the one on the right.

God damn do I miss her.

>keep on walkin, white boi.

You may look like him, but unless you can do that walk you're nothing but a farce.

Based and redpilled.

I can hear the poverty of that clip. Also based.