Did this game suck?

Did this game suck?

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Honestly? Yes.

The Yea Forums hivemind will try to tell you otherwise, though.

Formally suck

It sucked if you were familiar with GTA prior to playing it or generally disliked the Simpsons. Otherwise, it was good for a licensed game.

I was never able to beat the final mission. Not sure if I'd be able to beat it now that I'm way older, or if it was genuinely hard as fuck and I'd still struggle


Get Gud

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I can't believe Sneed is fucking dead

I remembered living it as a kid but I went back and played it recently and it was absolute trash. It was weird

Everyone sucks but me

thats so bad so janky. and lmao the right side wheel on cars in an america lol.

Sneed is the old man inside the shop.


>tfw I skipped almost every mission

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No one ever talks about this game

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>he doesn't know about the Trinity

because it's just a shitty Crazy Taxi reskin

formerly seeded

Had this person never even seen an analog stick before?

can this game be considered obscure?

Don't fuck with city slickers

That's because it legitimately sucked. The end goal was a literal grind, and you could accomplish it in the first level since there was an alleyway connecting two pickups/dropoffs. The missions were pretty lame, and the whole thing was just overall lazy.

Not at all. Are you retarded?

It's mirrored you literal retard

It was a goof 7/10

The game suffered a lot from being cartoonish and non-violent. The majority of the missions were "ram this car until it blows" or "collect these thingies before the time runs out" or "race these cars"

Race AI cheats like a motherfucker too


Fuck y'all. I can hear it in my head.


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All you gotta do is rip the models from the game, then mod them into Persona 4.





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It was pretty standard of driving games at the time but subpar compared to somethin like Grand Theft Auto. By licensed game standards it's outstanding cause the actual staff wrote all the game's dialogue and the story, combined with plenty of callbacks to old episodes in the billboards, gags, and other places that it felt like a lot of fun. It wouldn't work now cause no one likes or remembers how funny the Simpsons used to be, and it'd be given to EA, who'd fuck it all up.