Redpill me on why Japan is the only non-Western country that makes significant games...

Redpill me on why Japan is the only non-Western country that makes significant games. How come I'm not seeing anything from Hong Kong, Korea, etc.

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kingdom under fire is more significant than at least 99% of all games ever released

Most of the best games ever made are western, weeb.

>Dungeon Fighter Online

less crab people

They weren't nuked then rebuilt better by the world's superpower.


same can be said for inventions, music, art, etc
japan is quite different from its neighbors


Why do weebs act like Japan is some magic utopia when it's just as shitty as a lot of other countries on the planet where people just go around killing each other in the street while people stand around doing nothing as they watch?

Eastern euro jank games are pretty great actually.

Is this supposed to be an argument?

Japan was able to make itself into a world power strong enough to win a real war against a European power in 1905. Those other countries have improved rapidly but they're still bitches that were colonized.

Off-topic politcs.

Your point has absolutely nothing to do with the OP. How do you faggots that get triggered at the mere mention of Japan find your way here?

They allow ~~cunny~~ Lolis. Thus they are much better

Attached: loli.jpg (896x1024, 280K)

I think a big part of the cultural creativity of japan comes from the fact that it was essentially a fairly isolated culture that was able to go from a medieval society to an industrial one in a manner of decades due to it being behind the rest of the world and then just modernizing, which means that it's more romantic/historical trends, ideas, and cuiltural elements are closer to it then for other countries.

Makes you wonder how Mexico, Peru, etc would have turned out if their native civilizations didn't get wiped out by Spain and they were able to modernize instead. The gap isn't really any bigger then it was for Japan: Japan was a medieval society when europe was industrial, whereas The Aztec and such were basically early Classical civilization when europe was a late medieval one.

Instead of being a bastardization of spanish culture and basically being exploitated shitholes, you could still have Aztec and Inca era architecture, temples, etc in towns and cities in those places, much like how there's still traditional japanese archtecture in japanese suburbs and rural communites; you'd still have their history, mythology, and aehsetics used in film, comics, and games the same way japan's is; etc. There's actually still a fair but of Aztec history and culture recorded today, enough that we probably COULD have this done if people cared to make it: Pic related shows surviving Aztec poetry for example; there's hundreds of Spanish and Aztec language documents we have that go in a pretty in depth level of detail about specific parts of their society and history, it's just relatively obscure because nobody alive today really identifies with that culture to care about it.

Attached: aztec poetry.png (612x2286, 777K)

bugmen aren't people and koreans are plastic

>western education

Spent 35 years under Japanese occupation, then had a war fought over it which ended with it being split in half.
Ruled by a strongly authoritarian government which all media must conform with

>Powerful economy (especially in 80s)
>Big and developed home market
>Samurai genes
>Ease access to American and European markets
>Almost no Censorship (unlike China or even Korea)
>Free economy

They're the third largest economy and being creative doesn't get you killed unlike China.

Koreans make a shitload of MMOs.
Chinese mostly make games for themselves.

UK, France, Japan and USA are the countries making games.

The amount of effort put into the response was in proportion to the validity of your initial post.
The west has and will continue to make trash games.

>most of the games on this list are western and are also, objectively, the best games ever
>some weeb will call them shit because they aren't japanese

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clearly getting nuked equals better vidya

Hong Kong has one of the highest GDP per person in the world, the highest IQ in the world, most free economy in the world, one of the highest HDI in the world, and English as an official language and I don't think they've ever made any game. They make films though.

please go shit up a different thread with your nonsense bait and low levels of reading comprehension.

Idk about the rest of the world but i know that in Australia theres simply hardly any one to pay you for your work because barely any infastructre to support it exists, same as film and tv.

Only low budget indie stuff gets made here. Anyone who wants to make a good game/film/TVshow is forced overseas most of the time because they can't get funding anything.

why the fuck would our country invest in digital technologies and entertainment when we have THE MINING INDUSTRY. After all Australia never invented anything useful like Bluetooth, Wifi or Pacemakers did it?

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>The west has and will continue to make trash games.

Just retarded tourists from resetera that are constantly offended by Japanese games.

Honest answer? This. Following WW2, the Japanese economy was essentially just an extension of ours so the rising tide brought them to global prominence in spite of their small size and low population.

We've dominated world media for the past century, so as an extension of our economy Japan has had a major leg up.

Attached: share-of-gdp-history1070.jpg (1070x1044, 726K)

It's mostly because of distribution deals

Because the rest of Asia is either more interested in Cash Shop MMOs and gachashit, or too small/poor/underdeveloped to have a major vidya industry.

Their shit

Culturally they're very insular, and so they will primarily consume things made in their homeland, unlike other parts of Asia that gobble up American/European shit wholesale.

>China bigger than Japan pre-2010
Ive seen sources that say different user. Though it may not have been GDP that was being displayed.

Korea still has PUBG. Doesn't stop being a big deal just because Fortnite is bigger, still one of the most played games in the world. One lone American director doesn't make it American, either. It's developed by a large team of Koreans.

Korea is too busy with their MMO and mobile games.
Hong Kong and Taiwan is too busy to escape from China.
China is too busy being superpower.

Look at a katana and tell me a non-jap could've come up with such an elegant, timeless design.

wow all of those are shit but like 1 game

I grabbed the first image off google as a visual aid. Didn't even look at the source. Take it with a massive grain of salt.

Koreans have the skill to make japan tier games but are forever stuck in their mmo and microtransaction mindset

>Top Tier
USA & Japan
>Comfy jank tier
Slavic Countries
>Low Quality all around
France, South Korea, China

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>low population
Country in TOP 10 by population for 200+ years; in 1950s it was 5th

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You should try being in research. The Australian government actively is trying to kill research in Australia by constantly defunding and arbitrarily changing how grants work.


Most decent vidya that people think comes from america is actually from canada or from the UK (rockstar)

>it's just as shitty as a lot of other countries on the planet where people just go around killing each other in the street while people stand around doing nothing as they watch?
Except Japan is one of the safest. least violent nations on earth.

Disingenuous on multiple levels. Population before the development of video games (i.e. 1958) is utterly irrelevant to our discussion, putting things in order doesn't tell you anything about the actual populations or the ratios between countries, focusing on national boundaries does a poor job of describing how population is distributed, etc.

>bushranger/convict survival rpg never ever

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15 people were just stabbed in tokyo.

And several hundred just got shot in California.

That’s Chicago in an hour

You're illiterate and wrong.

The fact that made news should tell you something

What? We average, like, eight a day.

Why the Oz gov hate their people?

>What? We average, like, eight a day.
No. You don't. That's maybe the rate for a smaller municipality. I think you're forgetting exactly how many people are in that state. 8 people a day sounds about right just for one hospital in LA.

Tokyo is literally one big amusement park. So much to do and see and eat, and everyone is so nice to westerners. Easily my favorite place to travel.

Eight deaths a day, sorry. I don't think there are 292 non-fatal shootings here a day.

Well I can answer your question in the case of Hong Kong. Even though it's considered an economic powerhouse of Asia (like Singapore) have you ever looked at the map and compared it with Japan in terms of physical size and population?
Even though Hong Kong culture underwent a similar evolution as Japan in the '90s we're talking about a country with a 1/17th of the population of Japan and ONLY then because the population exploded post WWII (the population of HK in 1841 was only ~7500 people, ~370,000 in 1900, rose to 1.6 million briefly in 1941 only to go back down to 600,000 post WWII in 1945). If you exclude it from the rest of China the individual country is less than 180 years old, and that's being generous starting from a period when there were only 7500 people living in the area. That makes it younger than the United States. What makes it culturally old is the diaspora from mainland China.
In your map of Japan, Hong Kong would be a literal dot. It's such a small territory with such a recent population explosion it's surprising there's any unique culture there at all.

Because they aren't coal or Rupert Murdoch.

Video games are a Japanese medium

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I'm still fucking mad that KUF is impossible to find locally. I played 3 of the games years ago and wish I knew where my copies went. Think I just rented one of them though.

Ever noticed how most 'western-led' genres are fucking dead?

>I don't think there are 292 non-fatal shootings here a day.
I think you're in a massive amount of denial about it. There's 39 Million people in that state and tons of them are poor and have easy access to guns. You hear people talking about hearing gunfire every night in some of the worst areas. You really think all those shots are missing?

The rate for gun violence and general violent assault in the USA is fucking horrific.

Censorship in other countries and japan being Americanized

Got any statistics, or just feelings?

I don’t believe that for a second

>I think
>You hear people talking
>You really think
Nice work mate!

>Hong Kong

American education

Google crime statistics for Japan and get back to me on that. It is SIGNIFICANTLY less dangerous than just about any western nation.

Japan invest 100,000,000s into its entertainment company.

You think he respects the chinese enough to refer to their effectively autonomous state as "Chinese special administrative region"?

The United States is a more common country of origin for games in my game rankings.
Japan is #2 though.

Some of these good the other would just be PCfag nostalgia shit also your trying to be objective nigga
Also rockstar are hacks
FEAR looks fun but definitely not top tier
Diablo 2 was the birth of looters and Skinner box sims so it’s shit


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Actually true I would put Japan a bit higher but they invented waifu gatcha

How does that refute what he said? You're just mad because Japan is safer than whatever shithol you come from.

yeah i heard about that. A real shame that so many people just believe the first thing they hear on tv. The amount of bogans that think the liberal party will help them is absolutely astounding, and then all the identity politics of the US has leaked here so saying you vote labour makes them think your some kind of uber left radical.

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I think you're confusing Japan for China.

user i dont think you understand scale at all. Japan is not crime free, its significantly safer than the US though.

>12996 murders per 100k
>506 murders per 100k
Seething muttoid
>15 injured in first stabbing attack in nearly three years
meanwhile in burgerclapistan
>120 dead, 387 wounded in 105 mass shootings
And it's only Memorial day, keep up the good work

Attached: Japan vs. Sweden.png (1364x765, 722K)

Okay, REAL answer because I don't see one:

Because from the late 1950s until about 1990, Japan was the largest exporter of consumer electronics in the world, a lot like China is today.
To add to that, Japan was also a huge market for all-in-one PCs, meaning things like the ZX Spectrum or the Commodore 64, which were devices that were extremely open to consumers, and very easy to program for. A lot of these programmers ended up working for software or toy companies that later became prominent video game companies.

A similar "Personal Computer to professional programmer" boom also took place in Europe, which is why a lot of the biggest western studios started there.

The reason you don't see a lot of early stuff from China or Korea is because those countries are relatively late comers. They either didn't have the infrastructure or the culture to support hobbiest programmers or designers until around the 2000s.

>super mario galaxy

based and redpilled

china has a shit ton of acceptable games there is just no translations being done

Got a source for those statistics bud?

Imagine how many more people could have been injured or killed had he had a gun.

Japan is a special country influenced by the dutch at a very early stage in its development. I think possibly because it's isolated and also because its a high northern country it was able to be influenced by western countries more than other asian countries. Even korea is still attached to mainland china and I think that fact makes the entropy of their culture get mixed more with the shitty Asian crap, but because korea is kinda like a dick hanging off china, its still a bit isolated making it more able to be self determinant and take on western culture which is the apex culture.

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user talking about Japan is not the same as being weeb learn your buzzwords you fucking mong.

Hell no, I'm Canadian, I don't keep American Gun Violence stats on hand. I see them on occasion [usually after another spree shooter goes wild] and think to myself "I'm never vacationing there again".

I'm not sure if there were any home computers back then that weren't easily programmable.

>Japan is nice and free from crime!
>Except for the high-level crime that never goes reported, because the Yakuza literally run the entire nation.

Still the best.


>high-level crime
Nobody cares because the Yakuza aren't a threat to public safety.


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>I think you're confusing Japan for China.

There are two types of people who keep parading Japan's crime statistics. One is weebs whose brains have been rotted by anime, the other is racist cunts who think that Japan's crime rate has something to do with keeping black people out.

the police forge the numbers
they simply just don't list every crime committed unless they have solved it

You're right.
I meant, like, computers *expressly designed* for that purpose. As opposed to, like Epson machines, which were mostly for office work.

>the Yakuza aren't a threat to public safety.
Says the Yakuza

>dude politics haha XD
every time

And before you start kvetching about nationmaster, heres the UNDOC site as well where they get their numbers from

The west has basically owned them since after WWII, and historically they were already top-of-the-line at work ethic and honor, so it figures they aren't gutter-oil tier like the rest of Asia.

Everything I've ever heard says that no, they aren't really a threat to public safety.

No. Says good business. The Yakuza don't want police attention. Killing or hurting people is a top way to get attention.

That's actually one of the number one things the real Yakuza have said about the Yakuza games: There's not enough meth and drugs and also they'd NEVER be allowed to just get into brawls all day or basically ever. Hell one of the guys in the interview even said Yakuza has too many guns and that they basically never see or use them because they don't need the risk.

Korea specializes in free-to-play MMOs with microtransactions galore.

I imagine they're as influential as the Mafia is here. Their heyday is gone and they're either drug dealers or corrupt business men.

Waito piggu go home

Man, why can't the west into collectivism for the benefit of all oh yeah niggers and kikes

No, they're WAY THE FUCK more influential than the Mafia. They're basically so intertwined with the government on almost all levels, they're essentially one and the same.
The difference is, the Yakuza had a massive hand in reconstruction efforts after WW2. Organized crime never quite took hold in the US, partly because there's too many gangs all fighting for power, and because you never know when the US will strike another Prohibition, or War on Drugs, making it straight-up unprofitable to settle here.

>niggers and kikes
Early 20th century america proved that whiteoids can't even get along when its just them. The fact that people forget that it used to be possible to be the wrong kind of white in this nation and pretend its always been hunky dory its astounding

>They're basically so intertwined with the government on almost all levels, they're essentially one and the same.
And the only place you'll ever hear this from is Yea Forums, and I bet all these posts are left by the same person.

>I'd get along with everybody, if it wasn't for NIGGERS AND KIKES

Sometimes I wonder if you people ever have to look yourselves in the mirror, and intentionally swallow your self-awareness.

God what a retard

The problem is, we'll never know for sure. All we know is they've got ten times the overreach and had to deal with a fraction of the specialized enforcement as any group in the US. They could be anywhere, and we have no reason to believe they're not.

MapleStory, Ragnarok Online, and Elsword are literally some of the most well known MMOs out there and they're all from Korea.

Just because I'm racist doesn't mean I hate all races.

Go take your pills.

Korea makes a bunch of super grindy MMOs

I like Nakoruru.

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>non Western

Japan is an US colony since 1945

Korean games are out there and are popular, but they're mostly mobile or MMORPGs
Chinese games are mobile or clones of western games

You talk as if kikes and shitskins don't think the same. Japs also fought amongst until they realized they needed unity, but we weren't lucky enough to have our own white ethnostate uncorrupted by the presence of other conniving races.

China actually makes some pretty good games, especially for RPGs, but we'll never see them translated because there's just no infrastructure for it.
Thing is, video games saw their resurgence from Japan in death, so there had to be an active translation business in order to get products to the American market. There's really not anything like that for any other country.


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>Other conniving races
>Blacks brought here against their will
>wtf why don’t they just uproot themselves again for my convenience?

>You talk as if kikes and shitskins don't think the same.
Because that's how you get along with everyone, right?
Assuming they won't get along with you, sight unseen. That's always a great policy

>CoD 4
Contrarian cancer.

Not bad, but best games ever?

work culture

Ass blasted weeb spotted.

F.E.A.R? Fuck yes it is. Are you mad he didn't put shit like Final Fantasy 6 and Persona 4?

Korea makes games, just shitty MMOs and mobile crap tho

The rest of Asia just tries to copy Japan by making waifu gatchashit that's even more soulless than their waifu gatchashit.

^This user let's it.

It's not that Japan is more "capable" than other East Asian countries it's that their government/social situation is different. Ultimately the American occupation of Japan after WW2 allowed them to get a lot of the economic/cultural benefits before others did. The auto industry, computer industry and animation industry all hit their shores first then moved on to other locations.

Despite being the "bad guy", by completely surrendering, turning into a non-offensive military nation and the West's de-facto Asian ally they get to have freedom developing entertainment without the government sperging out on them. Because some of the West's philosophy on free market rubbed off on them.

I mean their royal family who was "big government" previously has pretty much been relegated to British Royal Family tier relevance now.

>against their will
Fellow blacks chose to sell them. Now they are of no use and want to kill us for things we never did.
It's biology. Japs are at ease, able to freely express themselves and work tirelessly surrounded by their own kind. You don't see that in the west because like it or not, the presence of people with different appearances and values puts people under immense stress.


Implying that Japan isn't a backwater culturally where rape is heavily underreported due to shamefur dispray.
Sweden is the rapingist country in the world even though they're all cucks, and it's not because of the Somalis.

>16 stab wounds in Japan

How long before Burgerland performs a "hold my beer" and triples it with gunkata.

This wouldn't even be news in the US

I think part of it is that Japan just has a culture of creation at its roots. There's a kind of general literacy in art there that most societies don't have, and they might have a wider reach in what their traditional culture covers (woodblock painting, puppet shows, theater, elaborate gardening, their traditional music, martial arts) than any country on the planet. So if you're wondering why the Japanese keep creating things, it's because it's simply part of their culture.

It would, but only because we'd be confused why he wasn't shot by a cop or some bystander if he only had a knife.

this, gun boys would be all over it

Not if it was some no gun zone shithole, which is usually is

>Fellow blacks chose to sell them.

Not him but how does change the fact they were brought here against their will? They got backstabbed by their fellow people and abused by their purchasers.

>Now they are of no use and want to kill us for things we never did

They didn't suddenly teleport into the Americas on their own, nor did cut ties to nearly all traditional cuture/ ancestral knowledge on the own either and they certainly didn't manifest 20% European genes in themselves.

>Most of the best games ever made are western, weeb.
15, 20 years ago yes, now no

>Makes you wonder how Mexico, Peru, etc would have turned out if their native civilizations didn't get wiped out by Spain and they were able to modernize instead. The gap isn't really any bigger then it was for Japan: Japan was a medieval society when europe was industrial, whereas The Aztec and such were basically early Classical civilization when europe was a late medieval one.
>Instead of being a bastardization of spanish culture and basically being exploitated shitholes, you could still have Aztec and Inca era architecture, temples, etc in towns and cities in those places, much like how there's still traditional japanese archtecture in japanese suburbs and rural communites;

There's actually a few buildings that use Aztec/maya design influences combined with modern architecture that sort of show what this could be like

Pic related for example is a church in mexico styled after Aztec architecture

Attached: mexico_city_temple_lds.jpg (3840x2400, 3.54M)

>rape is heavily underreported
nice argument, feminazi

They are the only country where people can make and publish loli hentai anime legally.
That says a a lot about their freedom of creation.

lol weebs have sex

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As always the best post is ignored

Japan is comprised of honorary aryans

China is commie retard scum

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Even if any of that were true (most of it isn't), isn't the point of civilization to *rise above* petty biological differences?

The point of civilization is to create a stable future for your family and race by extension.

>anyone who disagree with is a weebs and needs to have sex because no one is allow to have different opinion
Kys tranny

Bro are you telling me you werent blown away when God was revealed as the final boss in tales of X legends of ameranthius XCLIV
The brainlet westerners probably don't even realise that its suppose to symbolise rebeling against authority xD
Lolis and pixel graphics btw.


what about korea

Your fedora you are currently wearing is western.

>Redpill me on why Japan is the only non-Western country that makes significant games.
>non-Western country that makes significant games.

Wouldn't a "stable future" involve doing away with the need to start wars over small things like skin color?

game consoles from japan had like a 500% import tax in korea and people were too poor to have pcs at home so gaming was all done in pc cafes. a room full of other people where you're paying by the hour to be there isn't a good environment for single player games so only multiplayer games took off. now korea makes tons of shitty mmos and phone games.

Doesn't Korea make awful MMO games?

No shit, but a civilization that mixes them all up isn't at all contributing to the prolonging of a person's race nor their health.

Some game design was even impacted directly by this setting. Ragnarok Online was specially designed so you could play it pretty much with one hand, keeping your other free for a smoke. True fact.

Because for all intents and purposes after America raped Japan culturally in WWII, they are a western nation.

Of course so is South Korea. Why they don't make games is anyone's guess.


Oh shut the fuck up you evil anti-racist cunts. How are you not embarrassed by denying that blacks are genetically violent? Says the guy who is in denial that Japan does have low crime rate. Its an objective fact, the fact that a black person is denying Japan crime statistics is telling.

By the way, the answer to this question is always genetic, and the fact that race is real, and that IQ is real.

Fuck anti-racists.

>skin color
i wish that's all race was. diversity hurts countries and communities unfortunately.

And what good does prolonging a person's race do for them? Back when every country was 100% the race native to them they weren't exactly all thriving and in wonderful health. They were always dying from disease, starvation and war.

I'm not saying that there aren't legitimate arguments against race mixing because there definitely are, I've just never heard someone bring the health and well being of the individual into the argument.

Is there even ONE good Korean game?

Another building inspired by Aztec archtecture, this being the hollyhock house in califorinia

Wish there was a good aeral shot of it because there's a lot of aztec architectural motifs beyond just wha'ts seen here that's apparent from other angles. I'll make a few posts

thanks user

>giving a shit about people just because they happen to be related to you

You have no agency over who you are born to or related to, why value it? Meaningful bonds and relationships are those you forge yourself.

Attached: mts_cutsocks-1402964-edited_th_hollyhock_house-0043.jpg (1023x680, 161K)

God I wish I was a chink
Why did I have to roll 21st century white person
If I had to be white, why couldn't it have been 19th century

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The third would be the Japanese themselves. They'll gladly tell you that racial purity is a source of their nation's strengths and why they have such a peaceful healthy nation with high marks on everything from education to infrastructure. Whether you agree with that or not is up to you but calling people racist for parroting their point of view is pretty rich.

Anti-racist retards, you think Japan crime rate WOULDN'T INCREASE if blacks were allowed en masse into the country? What you think blacks aren't genetically violent, and aren't just a bunch of prototype humans even though that's a fair assessment given that black violence is consistent no matter where they are? You think Japan has magic environmental dust that makes black behave differently? Funny, the small amount of Nigerians they have their paints a different story. Just the mere existence of blacks in Costa Rica raises their homocide race. Who would have guess that a bunch of biological creatures who are the product of genetics and proteins, abide to the rules of their genetics!?

God, all anti-racists need to jump off a cliff. Pushing their pseudoscience. Ignorant anti-racists need to keep their fucking mouth shut.

Attached: CostaRica.png (1179x907, 154K)

There is no such thing as "petty" biological differences, civilization are the accidental results of biological differences.

Our politics are completely fucked. Vast majority of the media is owned by Rupert Murdoch who wants the liberals to win always so he gives them free advertising and heavy bias on his sources.
Australia is fucked either way. Doubling down on muh mining industry is a mistake cause when it runs out we'll have nothing.

>You have no agency over who you are born to or related to, why value it?

Because that's a natural instinctual bond and the only one that lasts.

Look at people in their 80s and 90s and show me how many "meaningful bonds and relationships" they still have outside of their family. All friendship and acquaintanceship end at one point or another. Family is forever.

Korea is making a RPG. Is it going to be good? Probably not, but at least we can fap to it

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>Because that's a natural instinctual bond and the only one that lasts.
You know how I know you were abused as a child?

Has more to do with ww2 and Japan not being allowed to build an army. They used that government money for something else instead. If only other nations would do the same.
You're making a zergling army, while I have a protoss city going.
Which game are you talking about again?
>inb4 gay mods ban me for talking about sc2


Based and redpilled.

Op clearly is a disgusting weeb that eats anything japan shits out. Western developers overall produce much better games, they are leaps ahead on story telling and graphics.

>white people and asians create functioning civilization for themselves
>lol the point of that was because the white people wanted everyone to be equal :DD they want us to rise above!! :DDD *honk squeak*
You are fucking braindead

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>The gap isn't really any bigger then it was for Japan
>indios actually believe this
aztecs didn't even have the fucking wheel when the spanish found them.

another angle of the hollyhoick house, this being a roof patio on it

Once i'm finished posting examples of Neo-Aztec archtecture i'll post some actual aztec archtecture to compare it to since not many people actually know what aztec archtectural motifs look like, since it never shows up in fiction or media at all

Pretty much all "Aztec" archtecture in fiction is either a generic mix of a bunch of different mesoamerican civilizations or is actually Maya, so I wouldn't be suprised if people can't tell how any of this is "Aztec"

This has always struck me as a defeatist arguement. I don't think demographic diversity is inherently postive (CULTURAL diversity, in terms of having a greater range of cultural inspirations and works to draw from and consume on the other hand I think is inherently good); but the "people will inevitably draw racial lines so it's better to just have a racially homogenous society" is basically just giving up and accepting humans are shit without working to change it.

I guess you could also argue that some populations are just inherently more violent or stupid or whatever but that's a seperate arguement and not one I have any interest in having beyond noting that if you are gonna go down that route, you need to do it on the basis of ethnic groups, not race; since different ethnic groups inside the same "race" can actually be more genetically distinct then two ethnic groups in two seperate racial categories, due to the fact that races sort of arbitrarily group a ton of different distinct ethnic groups together.

Not sure what you are trying to say here, rephrase?

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It should be ignored for the ridiculous belief that a population with a low IQ would just magically convert to an industrialized society, when not even China and India, which were more advanced then the Aztecs or any Amerindian civilization were, still suffered serious setbacks with industrialization and even if they did, like Korea, there is no evidence they would output cultural things on the level of Japan.

To limit race to "skin color" is to fundamentally misunderstand what race is. Lots of different races of people have the same skin color. It doesn't make them any more alike or in tune with each other.

An example would be pic related. Many people from various parts of Asia have the same color skin as black people from Africa. Go try to tell them they're totally the same race, and make sure to record the reaction so I can laugh at it.

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>western overall make a better game
>been producing shit game for past few years
Fuck off faggot, western had their chance if they didn’t shit up their game this past few years.

like what, muslim wokebat?

japan is a western country

Attached: pa.jpg (301x307, 14K)

Nothing decent, because those people don't have the genetic material to handle industrialization. With Spanish admixture they are barely getting by. Unlike the Japanese, who are intelligent enough to have instantly caught up and in some ways surpass Europe.

They do everything perfect

Attached: image.jpg (1200x565, 129K)

This hasn't been true for nearly a decade and you know it, tranny.

We have a lot of private medical device companies though. If you can get a gig at one of them it's alright. Of course, I'm in Sydney so 40% of my income goes to rent anyway.

The absolute weeb seethe over this post is astonishing.

Yeah, I've looked at a few of those career wise but I am more a material chemist so they aren't really interested at the moment.

Yeah fair enough. You'd probably be looking at QC roles rather than research.

last photo of the hollyhock house I'll post, this one showing an interior courtyard. This is pretty much identical to the sort of shit from noble aztec homes.

>natural instinctual bond
Who gives a shit? Instincts and human nature is based on arbitrary emotion. It's not worth shit beyond the survivial distincts.

>Look at people in their 80s and 90s and show me how many "meaningful bonds and relationships" they still have outside of their family.
Yeah because most of their friends probably fucking died, and the meaningful bonds and relationships they have with family are mostly out of pitty/obligation.

I'll post images and excerpts to back up what i'm saying when i'm done posting images of modern neo-aztec buildings, but both of you are ridiculously wrong.

>didn't have wheels
A quick google search will show you that the Mesoamericans built plenty of toys that have wheels and axels. They also used wheels for pottery production and their entire calendricall system was conceptualized as a series of interlocking concentric wheels. They understood and utlized the mechanica properties of wheels, they just did not use them for transportation speffically because there were no draft animals in their region to attach carts to. I

>b-but wheelbarrows
Weren't invented till 0ad in Eurasia, either. The Sumerians, Babylonians, Ancient and Hellenistic Egypt, Ancient Greece, and Zia, Shou, and Qin dyanstiies all never invented or used wheelbarrows either, and they WERE already acquanted with animal driven carts.

It's impossible to overstate how massive a big a deal the absence of draft animals, along with other differences such as their climate and other factors was to affecting how Mesoamerican civilization developed. As a result, how they handled atgriculture, imperial adminstration and geopolitics, ewarfare, etc all was highly different from how those things functioned in Eurasian civilizations.


Attached: Court___Pool.jpg (2048x1536, 1.14M)

I'm kinda stuck in purgatory as no company will hire a doctorate for a role like that when they can just get a fresh student that just finished their bachelors.
Currently looking at international options if my current grant application fails.

Ah yeah fair enough. I got a bachelors and went straight into industry because fuck doing postgrad with Sydney rent price. Managed to land a research assistant role after getting my foot in as a technician and am now a research associate. Everyone else around me has a PhD or Masters lmao.
The PhD started in the research assistant role I had and was earning less than me. We recently hired a new research assistant who has a masters.
It's fucking brutal the way scientists are treated here.

How can you live when almost half your paycheck goes to rent?
I've never understood this about city living, especially expensive cities. What does it matter if you make 10-20% more than someone in smaller city or a town if you pay twice the rent and other living expenses?

I'm not making 10-20% more than smaller towns. This is Australia, anything other than the capitals is farmland, tourism or wasteland. I'm making 100% more than I would make somewhere else because I wouldn't be able to work anywhere else. I could try another capital city with lower rent but there's less job opportunities and lower wages there as well. Last time I checked the wage difference would leave me with the same net income after rent anyway.

Lobotomy Corp is Korean and has its fanbase of dedicated faggots in their threads. There's some Chinese MMO's out there as well, but for the most part I think it's the rest of Asia playing catch up with Japan

Oh also, hollow knight and it's sequel is made by 2 aussies and a pack of fosters

>and everyone is so nice to westerners
you realize they're only nice to you out of courtesy, right?

>Because for all intents and purposes after America raped Japan culturally in WWII, they are a western nation.
Ok, then why are Americans crying and bitching and screaming 24/7 at Japan for not properly following American values? Why do they keep misunderstanding everything?

the reading comprehension. He typed 2 sentences and you get so hopelessly confused.

Attached: there are no words.gif (220x145, 279K)
according to this they didn't have pottery wheels until the spanish came. they also didn't have mill wheels to make flour. they didn't have seagoing ships or complex writing either. they had advanced understanding of astrology but still thought they had to sacrifice people to make the sun rise.

Hahaha retards btfo, he won't respond to you now

>Americans crying and bitching and screaming 24/7 at Japan for not properly following American values?

Everywhere. Why try to deny it?

Because Japanese keep doing extremely weird shit like jumping into a pool of ramen noodles and leeches too remove dead skin.

Because next to the US it is the only functioning economy that has a non English speaking population large enough to turn a profit.

Attached: gdp.png (6300x3082, 1.93M)

where is "everywhere"? someone made uncomfortable by a VN on kotaku? you realize europeans do the exact same thing right? remember that woman who went to japan to talk about loli shit?

I’ll admit it took me a second reading to figure out what OP was saying, because usually these are Japan vs America threads.

Well, in worst korea, video games are basically illegal, if the political horror stories are to be believed.

Almost anything they do will be complained about.

Everywhere is everywhere. Why are you trying to deny this? It just makes you look more guilty.

Japan successfully westernized very early, avoided colonization, and became a civilized and wealthy country before the rest of the non Western world. Therefore their culture is highly developed and their economy is highly developed as well, leading to large technical and creative sectors. Their economy was also always quite protectionist meaning it was more viable to produce things at home than import. This includes electronics, which they became a leader in during the later part of the 20th century. Actually Japan was feared by many in the US as growing out of control and potentially going to overtake America's economic primacy, kind of like China is seen now. Then the bubble popped and the growth ended. Anyway Japan is basically a western style country since the late 1800s so it can do things only western countries do.

>Everywhere is everywhere
your ass isn't everywhere neither is resetera or kotaku.

They still do their ritual human sacrifices. Look at the cartels.

You mean they got literally nuked by the U.S. and rebuilt from the ground up to be just like us but yes.

It's not just Resetera. It's not just Kotaku. It's also Yea Forums, reddit, Youtube, twitter, MAL, ANN, AniDB, small imageboards... any place. Why deny it?

South Korea has made plenty of MMOs and other online games. Nothing too huge, but I believe they've definitely had an influence on the industry.

>doesn't list examples


Yea Forums is in full support if Japan and attacks america. are you on drugs? most or reddit doesn't give a shit, every video on youtube about japan shows everyone in full support of it in the comments. most weebs on twitter support japan too with the others not caring (see trending topics none of which are about japan). most of MAL is in full support of japan. same for AniDB. small imageboards are irrelevant. might as well say america is in support of the KKK and Nazis because of pol and any other outlets.

Yea Forums is one of the most virulently anti-Japanese sites I've ever visited, and reddit is in 24/7 hysterics over Japan. You are just straight up fucking lying.

Softmod your Xbox and install them to the hard drive

Korea makes a ton of MMOs and china makes a ton of mobile games

Europe makes a lot of janky AA CRPGs

>Europeans have the genetic material to handle industrialization
Do they?

Korea makes DJmax, at least.

Are you delusional?

Attached: auron.jpg (300x200, 39K)

No, I'm just not a liar like you.

>Vagrant Story
>Super Mario Galaxy
>Ninja Gaiden


>The rate for gun violence and general violent assault in the USA is fucking horrific.

With a high pop, high numbers matter less.

300 shootings out of 50,000 people is a nightmare

300 shootings a day out of 30 million people means that you need to live in california for 100,000 days to get shot. (300ish years)

I'm based in Melbourne so rental prices aren't as bad.
Back when I first started the PhD the market was on the rise as there was a lot of research projects cropping up.
Now you're basically shit out of luck in Australia unless you started off in a major research group such as ARC.
It actually kinda sucks as I am working on nanomaterials from natural sources but nobody in Australia seems to care despite the fact it's on the edge of a boom internationally.

Nah, they were westernized much before that. Actually the only reason they were even capable of waging the Pacific war at all was because of their western style, industrialized economy. They undertook a policy of westernization way back during the Meiji Restoration. They copied Britain far more than the United States.

>Yea Forums is one of the most virulently anti-Japanese sites I've ever visited
toppest of fucking lawls.
>insert (why is japan the best at X thread #473543985798)
>insert (if the US was nuked the world would be a better place post #534895834)
You have it backwards, Yea Forums is probably one of the most anti US and pro Japan sites in the world. just because people have arguments on Yea Forums about japan doesn't mean its anti japan. (i.e there are people who reject the idea that insert jap game is the greatest ever but they aren't anti japan)
reddit is a massive website with multiple topics, if you look for something anti japan you'll get it otherwise anime fandoms also exist on reddit in full support of japan.

This post assumes that the natives of South America had the ability or capacity to ever industrialize. It's like asking why sub-saharan Africans never learned how to do many of the things that Europeans could, it's goes deeper than you think.

And last example i'll post. I'm actually not fond of this one because it's so explicitly meant to emulate Aztec architecture, yet it's showing bare masonry; which sort of preys on the perception people that mesoamerican archtecture was just bare stone when they weren't.


In other words, they were fundamentally progressing along a different technological and social path from how eurasian civilizations did, which priroiritized different things. It's a mistaken to hone in on their lack of use of wheels for transportation or how they used stone tools and weapons (they actually did smelt bronze, they just didn't have an incenvtize to use it for tools or weapons given some of these envorimental factors, for reasons I can clarify upon request) as examples of them being "primitive", when both of those are clearly impacted by this.

It also ignores that there were actually technologies and practices that they had that europeans and aisans DIDN'T: For example, the Maya had true suspension bridges with vertical suspenders and level spans, something which europeans didn't invent till the 1800's: I could just as easily point to THAT with "Lmao euros didn't evebn have suspension bridges. Aztec botanical science, and sanitation and medical practices was also stupidly advanced due to the fact that they had to rely purely on crops without domesticated mammals like pigs, cows, etc; and since without those animals creating extra waste, they were able to have far cleaner societies: They had near proto-taxonomic catghorfizaitonal systems for plant life, along with formal bonotanical gardens for academic study; fleets of civil servents would wash all streets and buildings on a daily basis, people would similarly bath often, waste was collected from toilets to be re-used as fertlizier and dyes, even their aquaducts were designed to two pipes so one side could always run while the other was being cleaned


Attached: (1600x1200, 385K)

>Japan is first world coun-

Based Australia.

But they are? I'm certain me showing you videos skid row wouldn't convince you that America is "3rd world."

>insert (why is japan the best at X thread #473543985798)
These are bait threads made to draw out all the anti-Japan nutjobs.

>reddit is a massive website with multiple topics
And consistently anti-Japan.

The fact is that if Japan was as as Americanized you claim it was then Americans wouldn't be constantly bawling their eyes out because Japan isn't American enough.

They were already very westernized pre-ww2.

My theory is that Japan is actually 10-20 years ahead of the US at this point. They had their big crash in the 90s, then a lost decade, and have struggled with flat growth ever since while their population starts to shrink. The US went bust in 2008 and the white population is officially shrinking as of 2018. (absolute, not relative - immigration is where things will diverge, and not likely in a good way for the US) Americans like Japanese cultural stuff for the same reason that everyone else likes American cultural stuff - following the leader.

Nerds shit on weeb stuff because of ironic self loathing. Where the fuck do you think you are, this isn't an Argentinian basketweaving board.

Attached: image.png (392x464, 293K)

You're confusing Japan with a shithole like Thailand. At the most Japan just have shitty traditions that makes their economic norms to be decades behind other 1st world countries.

>Nerds shit on weeb stuff because of ironic self loathing.
Which is the result of intense anti-Japanese sentiment.

>In other words, they were fundamentally progressing along a different technological and social path from how eurasian civilizations did, which priroiritized different things.
pure cope. the aztecs were like a broken ai trying to play civilization and then getting shit on as expected by a human playing normally.

not as if 90% of the population was killed by smallpox and the rest bred as slaves for 500 years

Oh no no no no no

Yes, because they appealed to people who weren't brainlets.

>bait threads made to draw out all the anti-Japan nutjobs.
but they mostly draw in pro japan people, like you and this thread here. look at how many people disagree with, look at how many people agree with Japan's stance on racial ethnic homogeneous values. why do you think Japan is the only country that will
garner no real hate from /int/ or pol or anywhere. why do you think any youtube video about japan is almost entirely positive comments talking about how beautiful it is how good and smart they are and how beautiful their women is. why do you think Hentai is one of the most top searched for porn. hardly anyone in the west is anti-Japan, quite the contrary, its the only coutnry in the world that gets very little negative criticism because they're almost flawless.
>reddit consistently anti-Japan
they aren't, until someone makes a reddit thread asking "what do you think of Japan" and most of the post are negative i don't believe it.
>Americans wouldn't be constantly bawling their eyes out because Japan isn't American enough.
They aren't, americans are bawling their eyes out over Trump and how Hillary should've won because she had more votes with talk shows shitting on america constantly and americans cheering it on whilst wishing they were japanese or anything else. americans are incredibly self-hating.

>why do you think any youtube video about japan is almost entirely positive comments talking about how beautiful it is how good and smart they are and how beautiful their women is
Because they're not.

> hardly anyone in the west is anti-Japan
More people are anti-Japan than pro-Japan.

>its the only coutnry in the world that gets very little negative criticism because they're almost flawless.
Japan is regularly criticized for things that in any other country are considered normal.

>they aren't
They are.

>They aren't
They are.

They absolutely did. Follow along and read the prior posts i've made

And here's some recreations of Aztec noble homes, for comparsion with modern aztec style buildings I posted. Note in particular the similar trapezoidal roofs on the ones to the left; courtyards, etc


I could go on re: botanical science and sanitation/medicine, but this is a good tl;dr paper on it:

Bottom line, due to their isolation and differing environmental conditions, there were both ways they were behind even bronze age societies, as well as ways they were even ahead of 16th century Europe . But, overall, I stand by my "Bronze age to classical anitquity" assessment of them

Their Mathematics, Military complexity, Architecture, Economics, and Metallurgy was definetely Bronze age level: They had no formal currency, but they had long-distance trade, large markets, professional merchant classes, as well as complex economic relationships between cities, such as taxes, with the Aztec having buecractic officies and hierarchies for tax officials, a complex re-disturbition system for tribute back to subservient cities, etc. They had formalized armies that fought in formation, had actual armor, weapons, and signalling devices such as back mounted banners and standards, drums, couches, etc that was kept in armories and garrisons, a spy network, though only siege towers as siege weapons, and no calvary due to no horses, and as with tax insutitions, had a complex bureaucracy for both normal military ranks, command roles, and extra-military martial orders (think knights templar)

They smelted bronze alloys, and I would hope that pic related should make the similarity to bronze age architecture evident, though keep in mind these were just noble homes: large temple complexes and palaces could get huge. Montezuma's palace covered 40k square meters, and the region's largest pyramids dwarfed giza's


Attached: tenochtitlancity36-1079224343_lrg.jpg (1280x720, 250K)

>More people are anti-Japan than pro-Japan.
almost everyone loves Japan user and the ones who don't can at least respect what a high functioning crime-free peaceful productive smart society with no internal bickering. i think you are just focusing on the negative and contrarians who want to shit on Japan just to be agaisnt a highly regarded something.
>Japan is regularly criticized for things that in any other country are considered normal.
That's the thing, they're criticized for being weird, when have you ever heard anyone say Japan is unironically a third world country filled with crime and terrible people. you hear that about america on the daily on american late night talk shows however.
>they are/they are
they aren't/they aren't.

>hong kong
Fucking retard OP

>That's the thing, they're criticized for being weird
Things become "weird" as soon as they happen in Japan. A Japanese story has tropes, like every other story in the world? Fucking japs and their stupid unimaginative conformist society, we should nuke them again.

>when have you ever heard anyone say Japan is unironically a third world country filled with crime and terrible people
It is habitually claimed that Japan is a den of crime and that it's all covered up by the government.

>they aren't/they aren't.
They are and you are a liar.

What the fuck is being nice then? He didnt say they liked him.

>Things become "weird" as soon as they happen in Japan
well of course, you are pro Japan yes? as am i. do you not agree that Japan thinks outside the box in ways no one outside Japan possibly can? then you would agree that they are in fact, weird. its why we like them and why it may raise eyebrows for some.
>we should nuke them again.
these post are being ironic, don't take them seriously.
>It is habitually claimed that Japan is a den of crime
no one thinks Japan is a den of crime but some have reason to believe crime cover ups however, its understandable as no country is perfect or entirely free of corruption.
>They are and you are a liar.
they aren't, Japan is the most highly regarded coutnry in the world by the globe i can assure you.

But Korean dramas and popstars are trend settlers across Asia, their hairstyle is being copied all over even in Japan. Also the best players of LoL and StarCraft are Korean, so I guess they're too busy playing games than developing their own.
It's true with China though, and Taiwan is too much of a Japan's copycat to develop anything on it's own.

It is.
Fuck China.

Anglos are such fucking retards.

Why is X ok when it happens in America but the exact same thing is suddenly not ok when it happens in Japan?

>these post are being ironic, don't take them seriously.
No they are not. You are damage controlling.

>no one thinks Japan is a den of crime
Yes they do.

>they aren't, Japan is the most highly regarded coutnry in the world by the globe i can assure you.
You are a fucking liar and it doesn't matter how long you keep this up, I will not fall for your bullshit.

whatever helps you sleep at night juan de tuachitili. aztecs were still basically savages who stumbled into a few advanced techs.

>Why is X ok when it happens in America but the exact same thing is suddenly not ok when it happens in Japan?
Why is it ok to have an entire, career based around shitting on america in america even as a foreigner but such a career wouldn't be possible in Japan? there are seemingly double standards everywhere. Japan does a lot of stuff that the west does not, as admited by this thread and others saying Japan has expressive freedom whilst the west is limited. you can't say Japan is more creat've but also say the same type of media that happens in Japan also happens in the states.
>No they are not. You are damage controlling.
"Two nukes wasn't enough" is a very common ironic shitpost that no one actually means.
>Yes they do
I've never seen a single person say so that wasn't shitposing to get (You)s, certainly not serious people who write articles for a living.
>You are a fucking liar
i'm not, stop getting your info from people over reacting to others shitposting and isolated groups.

>there are seemingly double standards everywhere
There's a double standard here because people hate Japan.

>"Two nukes wasn't enough" is a very common ironic shitpost that no one actually means.
You are damage controlling.

>I've never seen a single person say so that wasn't shitposing to get (You)s, certainly not serious people who write articles for a living.
More damage controlling.

>i'm not, stop getting your info from people over reacting to others shitposting and isolated groups.
I am not getting my info from any such people. Stop lying.

Actually, the Katana was based on an earlier chink sword called Dandao. China back then was like Rome/Greece which had tons of cultural influence over Korea, Japan (writing, Kanjis are literally chink characters, their female kimonos were an adaptation of the Han dynasty wardrobe, and their male Noble clothing was based on Tang dynasty wardrobes specially due to the distinctive shoulder "peaks")
If the chinks didn't have an authoritarian communist regime, they could have made tons of interesting historical games or mythological games (like the monkey king was literally the inspiration of Goku, with his staff and cloud)

I sincerely believe you are arguing for the sake of arguing. its very clear that Japan is the most highly regarded country on earth with culture envied by almost everyone.

>I sincerely believe you are arguing for the sake of arguing.
You are lying.

>its very clear that Japan is the most highly regarded country on earth with culture envied by almost everyone.
No it isn't.

Which ones, Ithought the chinks only made MMOs and mobile games, since that's were the money's at.

Sorry for the late reply. They did not use potters wheels, but they had their own forms: the article you linked talks about a Zapotec style example, for instance, which gave a rotating potters surface via a spinning top, and the Maya had a similar device called a k’abal. There were also spindle whorls.


To clarify on the pyramid thing, the Great Pyramid of Cholula, while shorter then then the Giza Pyramid, is multiple times ir's volume, being much, much wider; actually being the single most massive human monument ever constructed; while the La Danta complex at the maya city of El Mirador is taller then Giza if you include the man-made platforms it was built on

I talk more about Mesoamerican metallurgy here: and Aztec warfare here: I don't talk about the rank system because it's a fucking complicated mess but some youtube channel did their best to make a video on it here, though as you can see in the pinned comment even they ran into trouble

Anyways, so those are the ways they are comparable to bronze age socities, but in terms of city-sizes, waterworks technology, political systems, and the arts and intellectualism they'd be more comparable to (early) classical anitquoity. Average mesoamerican cities tended to have populations around 10k to 20k, while the largest ones hit 100k to 200k. See pic. Politically, as i've noted, you had huge bureaucratic govermental systems with tax agents, the military, religious officials, along with an entire judiary system with municipial and state courts, judges, magistrates, and politce forces; with some goverments outright being represenative republics with senates (see


Attached: mesoamerican city sizes.jpg (1585x4078, 1.88M)

Embrace that everyone loves Japan user.

Stop lying.

Koreans are too busy being monopolized by Samsung, watching soap operas and listening to Kpop thots.
The chinks got their culture erased during the "cultural revolution" caused by the Communists.
Taiwan (the democratic China) is too much of a copycat of Japan to make anything original.

China and Korea are industrialized leaders in electronics, but they lack creativity. China is so due to their authoritarian government which actively stifles free thought as being a risk to the regime. Korea is more due to their inherent submissiveness and bug-like properties. Korea has never achieved a damn thing throughout its entire existence and only served as China's bitch, so they make the most repetitive dull games possible (MMO/Mobile shit). Japan in comparison is one of the most novelty-seeking and unique cultures on the planet. They always sought out Western curiosities and managed to self-industrialize in the 1800's taking only a few decades, something absolutely unheard of for an Asian country. Combine that with the introduction of proper capitalism after the American occupation post-WW2, and Japan was able to weaponize and export its culture across the globe.

Basically, Nippon stronk and is different from other Asians.

one game from this list came out in the last decade dude.

People hate japan only for what they did in ww2 and nothing else.
The only people hate them are fucking resetera fag who dislike their culture and try to change it because they think they are self important.

This is a complete lie.

most of the indie titles are american

faggots on twitter basically/leftist clickbait sites

>This is a complete lie.
Keep telling yourself that mate

it's in the same realm as the vatican. city-state.

And Yea Forums, and 8_chan, and other imageboards, and reddit, and youtube, and MAL, and ANN, and Anidb...

I am not "telling myself" anything, I am stating a fact.

>top-of-the-line at work ethic and honor
So much honor

Attached: Tsujigiri.png (1280x720, 650K)

>ancient city of Asus.jpg

I'd say it's a combination of somehow managing to make the living situation good enough that average person has time to do creative shit while still retaining the soul crushing oppressive culture that makes people prefer escaping into fictional worlds by creating them or otherwise.

the ones posting it come from there. if you get an actual serious thread most people are pro-japan and hate the shit going on in the states.

thats not how the world works, stop thinking about the world in fucking civilization terms, you dont just
>stumble into a few advanced techs
technological developement requires an advanced society and the more complex the tech the more complex society it needs. For example both greeks and romans understood that steam can move things, they had toys like that, but they never made a steam engine, because metallurgy, industry and overall science wasnt advanced enough.

a bunch of ouga-bouga savages wouldn't just magically learn how to build a suspencion bridge, it shows an overall level of developement.
I dont get why so many people on Yea Forums are so virulently against any notion that Mesoamerican civilizations were anything other that primitives.
I see such opinions in every single thread that mentions them


As far as intellectualism, the Spanish arrived in the middle of an intellectual revolution: Professional philsophers, poets, and theoligans had started to form elite academic circles and also taught in schools for nobility (see image in ), and you were starting to see stuff like political satires being made,you had works on ethical and moral philosophy, and even some metaphysical philsophy that was proto-thermodynamics, like how the greeks sort of had proto-atomic theory., I can, again, talk more about this on request. I can also post excerpts from Spaniards talking about Aztec cities, or their goverments, philsophers, etc; since they talk about them and praise them.

not a spic m8.

>who stumbled into a few advanced techs.
If you know anything about what you were talking about you'd know how silly this is. As i've explained, firstly, it's "more then a few", in nesarly regard they were at LEAST comparable to bronze age civs, mostly to Classical civs, and in some ways even ahead of that. The Aztec were also not an anomaly. They were the most recent major civilization in a region that had been progressing in complexity and had had civilization for over 2000, almost 3000 years already, see pic Relative to when civilization first popped in the region in 1400 BC, them being at roughly Ancient Greece tier complexity fits up perfectly, as that's how long it took for civilization in eurasia to get there. This is why what you, , and don't seem to be getting.

Their path was DIFFERENT, but they were not "behind", at least not relative to when they started.

And if you wanna shit on them for starting late, then you better be shitting on Japan too, since Japan started developing even later: By the time Japan stopped having small tribes and actual cities, Mesoamerica had had them for like 800 years already and already had cities hitting the 100k mark.


Attached: mesoamerican history summary.png (1457x1520, 346K)

>Of course so is South Korea. Why they don't make games is anyone's guess.
Maybe because they have other more profitable entertainment industries such as K-Dramas and K-Pop. They also have the best LoL players in the world and literally win every year (even if they don't, the country that does have korean players anyway).

Japan was basically colonized by the US

China is almost exclusively gacha shit for rich sweat factory owners and Korea just shits out garbage MMOs with pretty graphics.


Attached: 6FC67947-A6A2-4554-BAA1-796CF06C6EFF.jpg (676x658, 101K)

Japan loves video games, the rest are not.

Japan is the only high iq creative non-western country, china and most asian countries are majority 2 digit IQ. Also its probably hard to generate pop culture if most of your people dont engage in it because they're too poor, busy, or one track minded to bother. Xi Ling Pooh wants to be rich look rich wear brand like gucci fancy car mercedes take picture buy mcmansion so much money drink lots of booze die at 60 offspring repeat process.
I really just think certain races don't usually have souls and it's not coincidence every race that does dominates the world stage


based mesoamericaboo autist user

i always enjoy your posts

Based Aztec poster.
One of the great tragedies of history. Fuck the Sp*nairds.

Swede here, it's literally all immigrants. 80%+ of our rapes is done by immigrants or second gen



Imagine being this retarded desu

Because the rest of asia likes mobile games and other forms of digital entertainment more, or doesn't have the resources to make quality videogames. It's harder to make videogames just out of passion in your garage nowadays

>aaaaaa why this girl doesn't wear a bikini

>weebs seething over this post

when the fuck are they gonna abolish the censorship laws?

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Basically just gonna post images backing up/illustrating the shit I said now since I said what I wanted to, unless people have questions/want me to clarify on shit

here's a maya suspension bridge to show what I was saying in thank you user I apperciate it

I just hope people actually try to retain the information I post and take a look at the resources I post with the links to the mega drives and the booklists and shit and make an effort to learn more themelsves, and then spread that knowledge to others

Attached: Yaxchilan Bridge one of if not the first suspension bridges largest for centuaries ACTUALLY MAYA NOT (650x570, 72K)

Post more Aztec poetry

neck yourself

Superbeat Xonic, but that's me really thinking about that answer

that literally happens every day 3 blocks away from me

>i want my games to appeal to my soccer-mom single-mom feminist morals

Should move out of Tokyo then.

Korea’s too busy making shitty mmos, and China doesn’t have rights, so they don’t have any creative thoughts


It wouldn’t be stabbing though, more like shootings

I'm not the one surrounded by violent attacks, what am I coping with?

Nah its china. You are pretty much safe in Japan.

>12996 murders per 100k
>506 murders per 100k
Why do both of those seem off by two magnitudes? Are you sure it's not per million? I mean the gun death statistic I keep seeing is 30,000 total per year in America.

Unfortunately that's all the ones I have access to at the moment.

If you wanna read more yourself, check out the Cantares Mexicanos and the Romances de los señores de Nueva España, Unfortunately I don't know of any good english translations, I know Bierhorst has done some but he makes some interperations from them that a lot of researchers are iffy on, IIRC; but it's better then nothing if you can't read spanish

That being said, the following has some stuff translated from theml but not the whole things

>Pre-Columbian Literatures of Mexico
>Ancient American Poets

Which i've heard good things about. And while I haven't heard anything about these books themselves, there's

>Fifteen Poets of the Aztec World
>Flower, Song, Dance: Aztec and Mayan Poetry

While as I said, I haven't heard speffic praise of these, I HAVE heard good stuff about their authors. The first one is made by Miguel Leon Portilla, who is well known for "Broken Spears", which is a collection of accounts of the spanish conquest from mesoamerican, rather then conquistador sources, as well as "Aztec Thought and Culture", which alongside "Aztec Pihlosphy, Understanding a World in Motion" are considered the two golden modern works on Aztec Philsophy (there's some criticism of Aztec Philsophy (the book)'s assertion of Ōmeteōtl as a diety the aztec actively worshipped, but other then that the book is good and you can look into thqat criticism of it)

Leon Portilla also apparently published a book called "In the Language of Kings: An Anthology of Mesoamerican Literature, Pre-Columbian to the Present" which might be worth looking into.

Finally, you'll want to check out "The Allure of Netahualcoyotl", which is a book about the guy who made the poems in the image in ; and about Aztec intellectualism in general as well as a book breaking down the various biases our sources have, since the book aims to re-examine a lot of our accounts about him from his descedents

You sound like a fatty.

Korea has always been a bitch throughout its history. It has been owned by whoever is the main power in Asia from China, Mongolia back to China, Japan, the US and soon China again. Korea has no basis for its existence any more than Tibet or any province of China. They've never fought and won their freedom like many real Asian countries have. Only a historical accident of the breaking up of the Japanese empire, China being too weak to make a claim and Russia and the US fighting over political ideologies. And their current riches solely due to being between the 2nd and 3rd largest economies in the world.

Because they've been a big part of the industry since the early days.

If you're asking why they were a large part of the industry, I don't know. Guess they had a better economy than other asian countries at the time and therefor were able to spend more on entertainment.

>weebs act like Japan is some magic utopia
It's not
>it's just as shitty as a lot of other countries on the planet where people just go around killing each other in the street while people stand around doing nothing as they watch
It's not this either.

Japan is just another country. It has pros and cons. There's nothing extraordinarily good or bad about it.

At least 3 of those are Japanese, 1 is completely dominated by Koreans and the only one that has came out in the last decade is RDR, and it only meets that mark by less than a year you jackass

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>Organized crime never quite took hold in the US ... because you never know when the US will strike another Prohibition, or War on Drugs, making it straight-up unprofitable to settle here.

Only Korea and China still has a chip on their shoulder for WW2. Victors in a war usually get over it like the US but since Korea and China never actually contributed to WW2 they are eternally butthurt. And mostly used for nationalist bullshit to coverup internal issues. Most other Asian countries like Vietnam, Phillipines and Taiwan don't give a shit and know throughout history that China and its Korean province has done much worse and continue to do so as it grows stronger.

You're so sad, please get out of your mom's basement once in a while

Because Japan became heavily involved with the tech industry after the war, and companies would develop from hardware to software, creating the japanese entertainment industry

What is it with “japan is numbah 1” threads that attracts spics poster do dump their shitty low i.q pasta?

>human sacrifices are bad

Attached: soyboy01.jpg (720x720, 56K)

This, literally the highest grossing game of all time by a surprising margin

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Taiwan do bitch about japan too but not as much as China and Korean, the whole SEA pretty much forgive japan.

I like japan, but I despise weebs/otakus. These cringe lords think that literally anything in japan is like their animes and mangas.

>thread is about Japan
>huuur duuur muh Mesoamerica
Shut the fuck up autist, you do this in every thread, indios are scum.
The Spanish fucked for not totally wiping them out.

fucked up*

Crazy abusive work schedules.


>Japan is just another country.
There's nothing extraordinarily good

>Russia did its best under communism
how do I know a jew made this

>young men
Everyone knows what religion these (((young men))) practice.

They bitch about Japan like the West hates the Nazis. Bad people doing horribly disgusting things. Everyone knows that but they're not gonna blame Japanese people now for their grandparents+ bullshit. Plus those "Taiwanese" are probably Chinese cock suckijg traitors trying to curry favour and sell out their country by creating unrest. China and Korea is a much bigger, relevant and even historical threat to all countries in Asia than 40ish years of imperial Japan.

I would say the size of market is the biggest factor why Japanese sub-culture has flourished like this unlike other asian countries. well, technically Japan is the first asian country that has became "developed countries" so naturally Japan was in the advantageous condition in terms of the cycle of consuming and developing these "luxury" things but its not like other asian do not have a market and people trying to make their anime and games. Korean, taiwanese, hongkongners were all trying to make their equivalents of Japanese ones in 80s/90s but failed. why? its just because their internal domestic markets were not enough to nurture the immature talents and industry. Japan was not like that: They have over 120 million people while while as for other asian, even the biggest one among them korea is under 50 million.

It's the country where video games COME FROM.
Digital entertainment existed prior, but video games didn't become real until Japan started making them.

Even today you can feel it. Japanese games are like timeless masterpieces that just FEELS right to play and everybody knows it. Simply ask around if people have played Contra or E.T. more and they will most likely say "Definitely Contra [because it's Japanese]".

Now, China and Korea have made a lot of games and while they are most notable for their online MMORPGs and cell phone games, there are long-running series such as 仙劍奇俠傳 (Sword and Fairy) and 軒轅劍 (Sword the Yellow Emperor) from Taiwan and stuff like DJMax and Kingdom Under Fire from Korea.

Maybe it's just a culture around video games that makes them more prominent in some regions than others, but if you dig a little bit, you'll find that video games are loved and created all over the world, like Brazil, Africa and Russia.

Attached: Western games2.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

>while the La Danta complex at the maya city of El Mirador is taller then Giza if you include the man-made platforms it was built on
see pic

The thread actually wasn't about japan, speffically, it was about what japan has that other countries don't that leads to it making good vidya. I posited that it was in a relatively unique position in that it was essentially a medivial society that jumped foward to an industrial one which gives it a lot more traditional culture to work with, something which the only comparable potential countries were would have been Mexico and Peru, had history played out differently.

It was an on topic, innocuous post. The ONLY reason it turned into a diatrade about mesoamerican shit is because other anons flipped out much like you are and forced me to correct them, as I am now doing with you, which is how this shit ALWAYS goes in these threads: I never just randomly arbitrarily dump walls of text, it's only ever in response to people posting dumb bullshit.

If you don't want me spamming the threads, maybe people should post less retarded horseshit and factual inaccuracies?

>indios are scum.
Which is why they indepedently invented writing (something niether the japanese nor europeans did) and civilization right? If you and , wanna debate morality rather then complexity; and say that's why they are scum, then i'd point you to Feudal japan's headhunting where they decpitated entire towns to display the heads, or the countless religious purges and wars in europe and the middle east, the pedastry in ancient greece, etc

>low IQ pasta
I gave like 10,000 characters worth of specific replies to the points people brought up. If you think that's "Low IQ", perhaps you should check a mirror out, especially I have already said in this thread i'm not a spic

Did we actually lose any historical stuff due to Mao's cultural revolution? Like were ancient records actually destroyed?

Attached: medidas-danta.jpg (5333x1563, 910K)

>Which is why they indepedently invented writing

Seems like a bit of a fluke if you can only be credited for inventing a single thing in the entire span of human history.


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that wasn't an all inclusive list, user

It's sort of lazily made and I could expand on it now, but I previously made a list of all of the notable things they either indepedently invented, or were the first ones to invent period here

"Bontatincal gardens" here should be "true Bontatincal gardens". Obviously Bontatincal gardens existed in the old world, what with the hanging gardens of babylon and all, but aztec bontatincal gardens were the first ones we know of that were designed not only for recreational viewing but also formal academic study

seething incel

i'd tell you to have sex but you probably would conflate a man having sex with a woman as an act of rape

Japan copied disney for the artstyle you hate so much. You started it.

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the reason why taiwan is not bitching about everything related to japan unlike korea, rather they have a good relation-ship with japan even now is taiwan was colonized again by KMT that was escaped from continent china after end of the WW2, so actually to them there was no need to blame Japan for everything that was caused after the colonization unlike china and korea.

but china and korea, especially korea needed to justify their government's legitimacy thats why they could rule over Korea --- because korean was not a part of Allies who won against Japan --- so they used nationalism and made up the myth that they "won" against Japanese imperialism, which are the biggest reason why korean is still getting butthurt about japan. Its a hatred politically and ideologically generated by the needs of the authorities.

I think China is still somewhat nationalistic against Japan, but actually CCP really knows nationalistic minds of people will go off the track and cause a lot troubles so actually they trying to control and repress it while using a tool to distract internal problems to Japan.

>they aren't, Japan is the most highly regarded coutnry in the world by the globe i can assure you.

Having studied there for a while I do not think so highly of Japan again.
The country is to technology backwards you wouldn't believe, shitty 3G wifi with data caps, people still use cash everywhere it's just a fucking nightmare sometimes.
But the culture is lovely and very close in mannerism to where I'm from, quiet and respectful with no small talk or any of that bullshit and people expect honest service when dealing in business it just makes everything hassle free

Latin americans being mad at spaniards and portuguese is like europeans being mad at romans, holy shit.
USA's victim complex is one hell of a drug

this is the actual answer

>t. seething circumcucked amerifat jealous of superior asian intelligence

>the Japanese economy was essentially just an extension of ours
I am not sure what you are meaning by this

>in spite of their small size and low population.
I dont think having over 100 mill people by one nation is small and low in any sense.

by the way, this is PPP based. if $ based, Japanese economy will be bigger than india.

>Romans spread complex civilization across europe to people who didn't already have it, spreads and builds up infanstructure in the places it colionizes.

>Spainish destroyed existing complex civilization and exploited it's natural resources and population with almost all of the benefit going back to europe

can you really not see the difference between these


Ah, of course, all the gold the romans mined was given to the locals as tribute for peaceful surrender.
Colonialism and imperialism has always been the same. I know self-complacency and blame shifting feels good, but it's kinda pathetic.