He's right you know
He's right you know
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Stop making this thread, Eurogamer "journalist." No one is going to your faggot site.
Also, every single journalist needs to be executed.
He's entirely right. I remember being 15 years old and thinking "But where are the puzzles?", "Where's the feeling of dread, and limited resources?" . Are puzzles outdated now though since most people would whip out their phone at the slightest sign of trouble?
Been saying that for years.
it's not RE4's fault the dev's cant make a good game
RE4 singlehandedly revolutionized gaming for the rest of time
>Where's the feeling of dread
You didn't get a feeling of dread in that opening village section?
It's one of the best games of all time and smokes redient evil 5 6 and 7. Resident evil 2 remake was good but mainly because they took so much from 4. Fuck all game journalists and fuck eurogamer. Just a bunch of left wing losers.
RE4 ruined Resident Evil the same way Aliens ruined its franchise.
It’s the Dark Knight of video games. It was so good that it fucked the series so bad because all they tried to do was chase it’s success
How many times do you have to make this shitty thread just so that we can BTFO of you?
It's Capcom's fault for getting lazy and copypasting, especially since RE4 wowed people by being a change of pace in the first place. It has every right to exist and is a great game in its own right.
How did it get to this?
Funny, because 4 has a slider puzzle, which is a guaranteed "check the phone" for me. I hate slider puzzles with an unholy passion. They're the bottom tier of puzzles.
>Marty robinson
Who cares about that fags opinion
>now featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series!
What does "left wing" have to di with anything?
I fucking love sliding puzzles. For years that was the only kind of games I had on my phone along with Sudoku
>good game is why series go bad
What an original thought.
he is right. re4 was an alright game but everything started going downhill after
Resident evil started pandering towards casuals after RE3.
What the fuck is that retarded anime stormtrooper missing at point-blank fight.
it's almost like they want to sell games
But they're such a raw piss easy algorithm, its like a rubicks cube
You mean RE1 DC when they added auto aim.
still more RE than Generic Indie Horror Game 7
I like basic puzzles like Rubick cubes and Picross. Its the only thing I use my 3ds for nowadays.
Its entirely possible that RE4 is one of the best vidya ever made but also set the series on a terrible path. Both are true statements
this, 7 is not an RE game and it's a bad game period.