May 2019. I am remembered

May 2019. I am remembered.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>page 9 with zero replies

Guess not.

I remember

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It just might be the best RE

Claire saved RE.

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PC wins again

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Too Hispanic for my tastes but I'm sure the modern RE fanbase loves her.

Been thinking about replaying this but I need an outfit mod for Claire to make it interesting.

she's white

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don't worry, how could I ever forget

Best horror game this gen

Have they added an option to turn off the self talking yet?

Literally El Goblina

No. Claire is adorable.

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I haven't played in so long I can't tell if this is a mod or not.

Claire's weird. Sometimes she looks fine and other times she looks like she's literally autistic

can't go wrong with buck nekkid

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She doesn't look it, but at least modders are trying to change that.

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No mods. Claire is just a cutie.

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I wanna play it. I'm getting it as a birthday present.

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Yes Claire is adorable. But the thing you posted is not Claire

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>That unlock DLC
>Running around shooting everything with rockets endlessly
Feels good man.

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>She doesn't look white

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>ywn mating press Claire

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I must've played this a dozen times when it came out.


>100% completion and S+ rank everything in the game
>DLC adds retarded poison zombies, drop it within 30 minutes

was expecting there would be more ghost survivors honestly.
or maybe even some actual fully fledged and fun dlc

this is like most normal girls. totaly cute in some light, and really not in another.

This is why single player games are dying. You people just forget about them a month after release.

I love Claire so much.

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>ctrl + f de-make
>0 results
Thread isn't complete shit so far

i'm surprised they seem to be finished with the game so soon.
but i feel like anything else they would add would still just be inside police station.
if they were to do something crazy like add a dlc that explored more of the town, i'd be happy.

after the police station the game became a chore and I couldn;t get into it again.. am I missing something here?


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REmake 2 was made by the Revelations 2 B-team, so the project never got the kind of support from Capcom that RE7 got for example, or that RE8 is probably getting now. Though that will likely change for RE3 remake, with this game's success

I'm pissed this got cut. I was seriously hoping to seeing this moonlit area remade in RE Engine along with the surroundings of the chemical plant.

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Why is she so sad?

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Marvin said he'd rather fuck Leon then some ugly white girl.

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Claire pantyhose mod is amazing

I want to hug Claire and cheer her up.

I’m upset they never implemented a randomizer dlc or something.

Marvin aint gay nigga

There is a mod

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Leon turns the straight gay.

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Well I'm straight, and I say no way fag!!

he is a good looking man though

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Claire is so cute.

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Can someone 411 me on Cheat Engine?

All I want to do is make my shots have more damage so I don't need to spend 7 shots on headshots on standard zombies.

Open cheat engine while running the game and open the running RE2.exe in it, then load up a RE2 cheat table .CT file that has a "damage multiplier" function, and increase the multiplier.
The game is obviously not balanced around this at all but do what you want

Where would one of these cheat tables be? I could google, but I know some of that shit has hidden gookshit that'll look at my dickpics. So what's a trustworthy one?

Attached: u cheater.jpg (1920x1080, 402K)

Aight. Thanks, and this is the proper download page for cheat engine?

>yet another RE2make thread that inevitably gets spammed with claireposting
>ctrl+f claire
>16 results
actually it's pretty much there already

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this game sucked though

all day there was already thread up arguing over the minute details of the gameplay with some "DEmake" autist:

DMCucks unquestionably BTFO

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Claire is the love of my life

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I love her

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May 2019. I am forgotten.

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welcum 2 the famlysun

How does RE7 stack up to RE2? Is it a solid game in its own right?

If RE2 remake was your first RE game, you'll like 7 as well.

I've played 1-5 (classic 2 and Remake 1)

its better

It's generally a 7/10. The biggest issue was lack of any interesting or varied enemies outside of the family. Lots of people don't like the 2nd half of the game either. Make sure you get the gold edition.

The sheer fuckton of mods she got is easily the best thing to come out of this game.

>ywn be Leon

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Recently played original RE1 and RE2 back to back. I love RE2 but I don't get the reverence for it since it is a step down from RE1 in a few ways.
RE1 isn't a non linear game but you could do a few things in any order you'd like and the levels had a fairly interconnected design. Plus the way the mansion is laid out allowed the devs to come up with arrange/advanced mode since they had the room to play around with item placement. In RE2 you pretty much open up doors and pick up important items in a linear order.
The puzzles aren't brain teasers in RE1 but there was a bit more going on than in RE2. RE1 has the cradle to grave pictures, V-Jolt, using examine for key items, and the picture puzzle for the lab password. Most of the puzzles in RE2 are bring items from point a to b with a few block pushing puzzles thrown in. The only puzzles that have more going on are the library shelves and basement power room which are very straightforward to solve
In terms of resource management, you do get quite a bit more in RE2 so you don't have to make as many opportunity costs as it's predecessor.

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Why was this fight so damn sexy

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because the boss is a big naked woman

How much of the game got cut? I havent got it yet but I am curious

Don't forget about Claire

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Imagine being Chief Irons in this situation

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oh no no no no

It's mostly just clairefags being creepy now

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Do you want the detailed answer or a short, vague answer.

Would he rape Claire if sherry wasn't there?

Claire is the best

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And yet a lot of retards are claiming this is a masterpiece.

The shitpost that saved this thead

there's no reason for me to remember it until goty voting comes around, when it will get my vote

2019... I am all of me...

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how could I forget GOTY?

Probably. He was a freaky pervert into killing girls and stuffing them

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Dammit user now I gotta go listen to it.

nice screens user

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Whats with the shitposts with games not being remembered every day? I still had fun with re2, dmc5, sekiro, and even spider-man and rdr2. Just because im not playing it now doesnt means I didnt have fun then

>10000000 Mod for Claire
>0 Mod for Ada

Why dont we get Katherine's face mod

Will we ever have a video discussion without 99% of the thread being ugly autistic incels fapping over their ugly ass in game waifu?

Outbreak 1/#2 remake when?

Honestly I did really enjoy this game.
Issue is that I already got every single achievement in game and in steam, and I've completed every single campaign/mission.
I'll probably replay it eventually but not for another few months.

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At most we could hope for an outbreak-style online DLC minigame for RE3 remake. Capcom will probably allocate more budget and time to developing RE3 remake than they did for RE2 remake, after RE2R's success

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Ada's a side character so she didn't get a god-tier nude body mod 3 weeks after the game came out (or ever) that has a million other mods based on it, like Claire did

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Modders have shit taste, that's why.

The Ada is an invasive species. Once introduced into a Leon-rich environment, she'll start establishing her romantic territory, depriving native Claires from emotional nutrition.

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We did

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There's one nude mod and it doesn't even work.

why are you not finishing my game instead of just downloading mods and playing in the lobby?

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Yeah, its the scariest RE game to date. It feels like a first person RE1. It also returned RE to its horror roots.

However, its short and it has plenty of unskippable cutscenes.

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It's fucking criminal that she has never cosplayed as Claire

She doesn't even play games

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unironic de-make posting is the sure sign to abandon thread, it's irredeemable at that point

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>Master Chinese nude modder chooses to mod the white girl over the Chinese girl
How based can one man be?

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Claire is warm and soft and is perfect for snuggling..

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Claire is bliss and joy

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where can I buy this game the cheapest?

>Unlock DLC
It's just an unlock user, you remember when games had unlockables right?

>like add a dlc that explored more of the town
Why would they need to do that when that's literally RE3?

I wish you could equip the infinite ammo animal-ears from the DLC in the main game

If you like a "horror" linear tech demo that tries to be condemned, sure give it a try.


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no armored zombies yet though

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Detailed please


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The bit where you take the cable car from the sewers to that linear segment through to the Marshalling Yard got cut. Instead the sewers section is much bigger and now the cable car just goes straight to the lab.

Leon, Ada and Sherry's trip through the chemical plant got cut. Instead the Birkin boss there is moved to a new area under the police station. Sherry got a new location entirely for her segment which is a plus.

The lab feels smaller though it's hard to say how much was cut since it's been re-arranged so much. I figure it's actually got the same amount of content but the scenario B exclusive area in the lab is now part of the linear escape sequence in the remake.

Certain enemies have been cut. Crows, Spiders, that one moth. In return, a certain boss from the original RE2 is now a common enemy and there's some gimmick zombies in an additional mode. The Ivy's have been replaced by plant zombies instead.

Both scenarios having entirely exclusive bosses isn't the case anymore. Leon/Claire share the same bosses except for their respective finales. Zapping system is also gone as well as any attempt at a parallel storyline. While it's true there are 4 scenarios just like the original, the storyline for remake was designed to have only two (Leon A or Claire A) and the 2nd runs/B-scenarios were made far too late in the development process to make many new scenes.

There's some new shit added in remake so it's not all bad. I'd rather leave that for you to find out for yourself.

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Shit waifu

Legit one of the hottest bodies I've ever seen in my life

Claire getting bullied

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Claire deserves love.

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Who here ready for the RE3 E3 announcement?

Maybe we will get an announcement, but dont expect any gameplay or anything. If they are working on it at all yet, then the REmake 2 team just started on it right after they finished with REmake 2. Before January, they didn't even know whether making a REmake 3 would be a solid investment. In the meantime, they have had the RE7 team busy making RE8, so expect some footage of that


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No way fag

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It shouldn't take the as long as REmake 2. They already have most of the things in place and can just reuse like 99% of the assets.

that would be shit, I want them to put actual effort into it

RE7 is legit great for the first two areas in the game, after that its a sharp decline in quality until the very last area literally turns into a linear corridor shooter. Its a great retry for horror and old school design after the shit that was RE6, and I greatly enjoyed it for that, but objectively its only half a good game.

retards have never seen a real white person in their life.

user, RE3 takes place before during and after RE2 in the same location, in some of the same areas. It makes no sense for them to make everthing from scratch, they just need to do the parts specific to RE3.

>tfw no Jordan gf

The original game had no effort put into it

Ahh so it's not anything truly major. I was worried it was completely different story wise but it sounds the same

There are some smaller things that are different but the story is generally the same. Ada's "goal" searching for her boyfriend isn't the case anymore being one example.

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shut up fag
RE3 is pure concentrated soul

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I love how you can trace the shape of the ribcage and the abdominal muscle groups in the reflective skin sheen, and see the diagonal indented lines across her back where her lats end (and also for her shoulderblades). And how the ass cheeks don't need a fold built into the texture because they generate their own fold based on the in-game lighting. I think it uses her default arms and legs but the feet are really good too.
The only thing that is lacking in it are the clavicles, and that's just because of the way Capcom did the neck seams on all the models

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Why was this cover not release to the west

getting pistol whipped in the mouth would really hurt