Now that the dust has settled

What went wrong?

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I ruined the pic so can someone post the one with zedla and breath of the wild please

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Big empty fields don't make up for lack of dungeons


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It's a good game but the shrines and divine beasts suck dick, major dungeons with items were better

Its ok.

This. Quality over quantity.

>What went wrong?


Instead of playing this pos I spent my $60 on options trading on Robinhood and lost every penny. Still had more fun that ppl who played this game tho

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While it nailed 50% of what makes Zelda good, it absolutely dropped the ball on the other 50%. Feels like they heard the criticism about Skyward Sword and overcorrected, throwing the baby out with the bathwater in the process.
Still a good game but I'm definitely more interested in what comes next, I feel like future Zelda games will outshine BotW as long as Nintendo takes their heads from their asses and learns to keep what works and discard what doesn't, instead of either stubbornly sticking to the formula or throwing out the good alongside the bad.

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